West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Aug 1932, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 4 19'42 '4 a 4N. nv ICIAdl ru 4 ~rI, AV rt» v u 444r I~ ~ u VV ~ ru4 rI u I Itr rr W'4 cu *'pon4 ~hr ILs"Kr Irrr\ 4 4 4 ~ 4 4"wrt-5 Is \I sr ~ 4'" ~4 Vrcj%'KeA I IV VV ~ ~ 'rrrrr ~ V ;rtr Vrrrrrrv rrr*ro' rrvLv rv ' 'r«pre rr rvr v rr'r& jr rcvu " Vrr. Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES WIIy Pay More? JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only SPECIAL Dundarave,","" "'"„'„',.". Ambleside„" SPECIAL SALE--Fri. & Satrp Aug. 5th & 6th 1 Store at Hollyburn next Theatre LUhfBFR, SASH th DOORS, For a 4-Roots Coffage LiNED iNSiDB Price Delivered $ ZOO.OO PHONE WEST 3 IBACON. Sliced Side,1'l tts Cello packets 2 for idc BoiLED iiAM, Fins Flsvutcd Skccd .... l'l Ita tsc SARDINES, Nabob Nutwcgians Ma ---- --..-..-........... 2 tins gdc Rcd jh White TohiATOES Large 2 Mt tin. 2 tins 22c llUitkAY'S MAkhtALADE, Special pack--Delicious Sweet Fiavot ........40 on glass 1st Vfc 4 tta tin ..... 45c LOGANBEkRY JAtli, Nabob Pure ..............4 lb. tin hec KADANA TEA, pct ib .......... 29c Save the coupons. COFFEE 1'tcshiy ground, ib .. '29c Kellogg's ALL BRAN istgs packet..... 79c Rcd Jt tthitc iltALTED hiiLK Caho. fresh made ............ 22c AttSTRALIAN Louis hiuscatcikAiSiNS.... 2 iba 25c kcd S White LOBSTER Naw Pack, Mjs..................... idc CORN. Ayiwet, No. 7 tin..4 ties 25c TohiATOES, Ayltnct, Mjs, Fiat tins .............. 5 ties sdc ked Jt White SPAGHETTI wnh Chasse ia Towato Sauce. tall tins .................... 2 tins t9c Bovtii Brand CORNED BEEF '2 tins sdc Rcdiand' MEAT BALLS. 7 ib tin ORANGES--htcdiujn siss pct dascn ................................ 25c GRAPEFRUIT--California Seed. less, good siss........... 4 fot t9c kicdcn'a ALBEkTA HONEY 2M tta tin ................... Ssc WAX PAPER--Presto pack 1st siss, 40 sheet envelopes.. 2 fot i 5c SUGAR--ILC. Granulated sutta dno ............... 70 lbs. 47c CAKB FLOUtb-Swans Down Large packet ..................... 27c Rcd dt White FLOUtL7 ib sack 22c 24 tta sack 65c SOCKETS SALhtON, Faultless, Re4 sat tins ................ 14c LU BER~ c ~ GET OUR PRICES ON FENCING Septic Tanks ('.upboard Doors and Drawers Everything for the Building and Lumber Products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building Paper Lamaico, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 368L 15th and Marine AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. "Right Service -- Right Grndesw CORRESPONDENCE Editor West Vsn News Dear Sir:--The rainfall meas- ured st Rock Ledge, West Bay, during the past month amount- ed to 5.27 inches. Being the first year for obser- vations at this station there a+ no iigures to quote by way o comparison; the information, however, may interest other ob- servers in the district. Total precipitation for the year, to 31st July, amounted to 43.61 inches. My gauge is situated st sn ele- vation of approximately 260 feet above low-water level, on lot 4 of Block 22, Ett(t D.L. 558. Yours faithfully H. T. CURTIS. CORRESPONDENCE To the Editor Dear Sir:--Following the un- satisfactory results of the "Juni- or Matriculation Exam," which appeared in your issue of last week, I am sure every sane mind- ed parent in West Vancouver must be aware of the fact, that something is wrong with the system of education in our High School at the present time. On entering the High School three years ago, the pupils of this year's Junior Matric. class were faced with the new four year course. They continued their studies for nearly two years on the assumption that this would be the case until 1930, when the Hon. Hinchcliifs, Min- ister of Education, issued his ult- imatum which made the course an optional one. The West Van- couver School Board, presumably for economic reasons, decided to accept the "four year in three system," with the result that the curriculum had to be rushed through and the two latter grades covered in one year. Many of the students became discouraged and could not do their best work. Others plodded on in the vain hope that they would get through somehow. I ask is it right that such 0 condi- tion should prevail. Only five out of 0 class of thirty-two (32) made a complete pass. A few passed with one or two supple- mentals while twenty-three (23) got partial standing only, and that after 0 year of hard work such as no other Junior Matric class has ever put in with the added disadvantage that owing to the new four ) ear course the average was raised from fifty to sixty per cent. These latter would require another year to complete the course Granted that it can be done by a few exceptionally bright students, is it fair to sacrific eighty-flvs per cent of the class for these 7 I trust that the fore- going statement of facts will a- rouse the parents of West Van- couver to see to it that our School Board be compelled to fall in line with sll the other schools of Greater Vancouver snd adopt 0 straight four year course thus giving 0 square deal not only to our students but to the principal and teachers who srs attempting sn almost impossible task S. M. BALDWIN. HOLI.YBURN RAINFALL A total of 6.11 inches fell at Duchess Road during July. There were only thirteen dry days in the month. The totals for the same month in previous years were:-- 1926.................11 inch 1927................ 1.05 inches 1928................73 Inch 1929........ 1.89 inches 1930 24 loch 1931 37 Inch It was noted ln s previous M- sue that 1.4S inches of rain fell between ml&lnight of July 9th snd 9 s.m, July 10th. No such downpour occurred in July dur- ing the six previous years. 15th and Matiae Drive t'hone West i99. After 6 p.m. and holidays ask fot W. JENVEY, Phone West ideR rd Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE Extra special for No. 1 ALBERTA BUTTER Saturday Only 31bs. - 57c. No phone, C.O.D. or delivery Scdd only with meat orders for this Special. CHURCH PARADE Next Sunday, August 7th, the West Vancouver L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold its annual Church Par- ade to the Presbyterian service in the Orange Hall. Members will meet at 14th Street st 2745 p.m. and parade to the Hall. The service will begin st 3:15 and special music has been arranged. A good turn out of the members and friends is expected. The col- lection will be in aid of the Loyal Protestant Home for Children. Everyone welcome. WEINERS 20c B lb. BROILERS---Fresh killed from I to 2 lbs. each - 20c B lb. PICNIC HAMS llc B lb. BOILED HAM 35c a lb. BOLOGNA 15c a lb. COTTAGE CHEESE 2 lbs. for 25c. SCHOOL BOARD NOTES (Continued from Page 1) and it was proposed to accept payment of an amount each year equivalent to the estimated sav- ing in fuel. It was decided to ask the opinion of Mr. H. A. Hodg- son in regard to this. Medical Officers'eport for the year ended June 30th was read Received and filed. Reports were read covering ry'Ja suits of the Junior and Sena+ Matriculation examinations. 26 pupils writing the Junior Matriculation examination in sll subjects, five passed in all sub- jects, and one with one supple- mental. Of twenty-one students writing the Senior Matriculation examination, six passed in afi subjects, three with one supple- tf: b mental, snd four with two. grass. Carried, Trustee Mr. Rus- sell dissenting. A letter was read from the Portage ls Prairie Mutual Fire Insurance Co., quoting 0 further rate on tire insurance covering school property. It was decided that this matter be laid over to the next meeting. . The mots a tsan really knows, ths more wilting hs is to be tsugh\ some- thing else. EGGS--Local fresh, baby extras 16c R dozen Grain-Fed PORK LEGS (Fores) PoRK sTEAK 252 lbs .........................---. Local Fresh Killed VEAL STEWING VEAL ) Plb. ...... RIB cHoPs 25Clb. OVEN ROAsT ) 5Clb....... No. 1 Steer Beef BOILING BEEF lb.......,.........., . uSC sTEwiNG BEEF 252 lbs........................„........ 'ulNccc STEAK t 2 lbs. POT ROAST lb. BLADE RIB ROAST 4 5S lt c ROUND BONE ROAST ) 5C 1932, Local PoRK sAUsAGEB .... 2pc „sPRING LAMBlb...-------------------- cAMBRIDGE sAUsAGE 25C [ x RIB RGAsT 6 du I I,"'"L""......,........,... 14clb..............--...----------.- RIB, Breast on FRESH I.IVER 25C RUMP ROAST S 01 lb.2 ibs...........----------- I lb................. I 0 2C STFWING LAMB BEEF DRIPPL&G 5C I PRIMP. RIBS d db lb.---------------------lb. ------------------- lb...., ......, ...,.„...... I ulc I.OIN .................23c ) -Gs 25C I ROLLED sHOULDER lb..........---" -----------. Ili................................---- No hone, lb................. C By the piece, lb.........--- SAUSAGE ROLLS ra each ......-----------"--- u Local Fresh Killed Fowl 18 and 20c a lb. No. 1 Alberta phone Creamery Butter 31bs. 60c WeSt 190 VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARi.k Phono Weal 9 Roberts'etter Meats Fertilixers, Woad CoalBuilders'upplies Phone %Vest 190 Delivery to all 1%est Vancouver Get the habit of Shopping in the "Progressive Block" of West Van All Government Inspected-NO.1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH---No FROZEN MEATS