0001 i Iggg ~ August 4, 1982 i THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar We have H. G. Wells lecturing his King for his part in the form- ation of the NationalGovernment in England, Considering that since the formation of that gov- ernment things have begun to ick up in Britain, this criticism s indeed strange. I will pass over any questions of impertin- ence that might well be raised to remark that, while Wells may rather fancy himself in the rok of king, no nation would trust a college professor with any such position after the mess in which President Wilson landed the world with his idealistic and col- Iegewlassroom outlook on life. Every man of the world knows that a well-meaning idealist, and practically all professors are in that category, will bring the af- fairs of everyday life to nought quicker than the worst knave who ever corrupted mankind with his presence. CLASSIFIED ADSMANY FINE RADIO BARGAINS J. W. KELLY PIANO COmp LTD. Tbo voto for C)oom(sod Advor14oacoao 4 2 coute yor oonL aisiaoa 26 rara, Eumopa ba abe oooo ot abooo boviog rogokr oaeuuis, ok doraL finto oro poyob)o oar)ma)y ao edv~ ~ Remember Ctomigodll bl Um Wma Vos Novo got Iaaorkoao rauka TUITIOV-Juolor or gooier Metric- FOR RFVT--FuBy aodoro five.naa )utioo, Physics, Motboomt)co or buosulow at Duodorovo, nro lots, Chemi~try, Guokfiod blgb scbool trout nruom. gun)co. $80 ao Teocber. Phone, No*a 61m. Ruble yoray. Phone West 280X2. 14th and Marine West 37West 37 G. GEMMILL, Agena IAI, !r 'UNIOII OLYMPIC ATHLETFS TRAINING L+ AT AhiBI,ESIDE I'ARK ust the Ambleside Park at West Vancouver will be the ground. The week following it will be Mehon Park, North Vancouver. Some arrangements will doubt- less be made for transportation which will be announced later. Membership tickets are svail- ablc for adults who wish to help in this splendid work. Particu- lars from A. hiacAulay, 15th St. and Esquimelt Ave, West 408R. Captain F. F. I.ovegrove, 17th St. and ihIarine, West Van News ed- itor, J. T. Watt, 1744 Marine Drive, Hollyburn, West 141. It might be pointed out that girls sre also eligible to enter the competitions and as many as pos- sible of the fair sex should come down to the Park and see what they can do in the way of ath- letics. FOR SALB Girl'o Bkyo4 Pbone West 7. FUI(NISHED AND UNFUkNISHED Houses to Raut. Houaoo, lots, oud ~aeoge tor sale. John Looaou, )7(b ood Marine, Phone West 66. The West Vancouver snd iVorth Vuncouver members of the Three Canyon City Junior Olympic Club had their first workout in West Vancouver last Monday evening on the new Tr track just constructed in Amble- side Park. Quite a number of those interested in athletics turned out to watch the practice, which was held under the watch- ful eyes of Coach C. BL Stewart and President Jack Wardlsw. There sre some very promising young athletes among them, who should make an excellent show- ing st the Junior Olympic Prov- incial Meet, which will be the feature attraction on the open- ing day of the Canada Pacific Ex- hibition in Hastings Park this year. The following are the names of those who took part in Monday night'» practice: One mile -- Alex MacAeulay and G. Weldey, both of West Q ~ ~Vancouver, and G. (Vatson of ~ ~orth Vancouver. 880 yards -- H. Hampton, R. 1)f ) ) o 'mr.r.m„,r'mr ..ri i North Vancouver. Pole Vault -- P. Masterman of West Vancouver, and B. Bur- rows, C. Wright, and T. Harvey, all of North Vancouver. Broad Jump -- J. Young and C. Stevenson, both of North Van- couver. High Jump -- J. Watt and A. Shepherd, both of West Vancou- ver, and R. Fleming, C. Steven- son, and C. Wright, sll of North Vancouver. 100 yards and 220 yards -- J. Watt of West Vancouver snd G. Watson, T. Bullmen, and R. Spencer, sll of North Vancouver. Weight Putting end Throwing the Discus -- Jim Murray of West Vancouver. Girls'aces -- E. Stewart, P. Toddun, P. Brown, snd J. Bull- msn, sll of North Vancouver. A practice was again held in Ambleside Park last night snd there will be another one at 7 p.m. Friday evening in the same place. A hearty invitation is ex- tended to any boys or girls inter- ested to join the club. The following boys have hand- ed in their names to become act- ive in the Junior Olympic Assoc- iation (Three Canyon City) and will take part in the training now under way in North snd West Vancouver. Wilfred Thomson, Norman Willington, Tom Lsrnie, John Fiddes, John Harper, Ted Elf- strom, Harold Johnson, Albert 4cLeod, Harry Aldred, Les Wil-igton. Dates for training are Mon- days, Wednesdays, end Fridays of each week until the end of August. Week-ending 6th Aug- ) I PHOTO FILM S)RV1CE -- Prompt ~ud og44ot because our fia44)ug pkoa I ~ o Weoa Vollooever nmeeah. C. J. Bcodoriok, Pboao P'm(obor, 1486 M arise Drive. WILL TRADE--Four roomed buogo- iow, bath sud togot, uu Hastings St. Vancouver Heigbta, tor o oimkor Y" royeray at West Vancouver. Write . A. Yorstou, 4060 Hastings Eon, Vouoouver. B. C. (VERB'8 SHOR kEPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duodorove. FOR SALE or RENT -- Siu roomed bosom, corner 20th ood Gordou hve. Sale price $8+00, easy terms. Rent gak Pbooo West 462L HRADGUARTERS for hk abo Poy- ulsr Cigarettes, Tobaccos, oud Fiab- iug Gadgets for loni) ootas. Am- bloaido Too Rooms)y)a OR ER )CAD)OS REPAakED, Tabes Tested. Snaps in used sets. Wiring, Lumps ood Repairs. Plugs iuoaonod. North Shore Eloctrk, 1429 Marina Drive, Waa e). FOR PLUMB1NG RBPAIRS -- Rmo- ttcoco Pboao Weoa 241B. FOUNDATION CEMENT WOBK- Landscaping oml Ioooo laid. Bach walls, drains, sopt4 toute, tcaiug olid )oud climrblg obbalouys oud eieoont aud repoirnt Phoae T. Borsott. no)douce ybeoo Wooa 29014 While pose)bly we here are not in a position to know all the facts of the case, it does not seem quite right that such very dras- tic measures should have been used for the expulsion of the bonus-seeking veterans from Washington. It may safely be taken as true that the great ma- jority of these men were veter- ans of the Great War, and they are loyal to their country. Very few of them indeed from lack of financial experience would real- ize the absurdity of their de- mands apart from the fact that hunger will more often'han not take away all reason from thc wisest of men. Being weapon- less, charges with truncheons should have been ample to meet the case. WELFARE NOTES Just about the busiest tele- phone in West Vancouver must be that of the local Welfare As- sociation. During the hours that the ofl'ice is open daily the in- strument is seldom silent, proof at once that the Association is already s live factor in the com- munity snd that the public are behind it. Members of the public are responding well to the ap- peal for cast-otf clothing, surplus fruits and vegetables, and other articles which the Association flnds calls for, but much more fruit end vegetables could be ad- vantageously used. At the close of its first month the Association is able to report that cash received totsLq 3247.26, made up as follows: proceeds of Nick Williamson's dance at Hol- lyburn Pavilion, 3186.61; garden party at the home of Mrs. Dodd Allan, 60.50; minor donations, 311.25. Clothing hss been received from the following: Mrs. Chat- win, Nrs. P. C. Chapman, Mrrb A. R. Garthorne, Mrs. J. C. Young, Mrs. Smallwood, Mrs. Ec- cleston, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. Burbridge, Mrs. L. Ajello, Mrs. A. U. Ure, Mrs. Garrsrd, Mrs. J. F. Jack- son, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. R. H. May- er, Nrs. Kendrick, Mrs. Davis, Mr. J. Tite, Mrs. Caddy, Mrs. Lewson, Mrs. Leckie, Mrs. Waits Mr. Chilton, Sister Philip, hfrs. Howard, Miss Gillman, Mrs. R. Holden, Mrs. H. Beaumont, Col. Savory, Mrs. Small, Mrs. Nash, Nrs. Stitt and Mrs. Breckenridge snd others which bore no name. The first month has been spent chielly in collecting, but a few parcels have been distributed. A distribution committee hes now been formed consisting of Mrs. G. N. Cave, West Bey; Mrs. W. T. Device, 860 17th St.; Mrs. W. F. Men ink, 2103 Bellevue Ave.; Mrs. C. W. Stevenson, 19th snd Bellevue. It is requested that inquiries be made at the olfice in the Or- ange Building, between 10 and 12 in the mornings. LOnSdale WoodWorkS Phone Naris 116 172 Third %., North Vouroura L. W. HOOKHAM, Manager Mouutocturiog, W iud owe, Frames,Screens, Cupboard Doors Furniture, Boudaowlog. Cob)out Wort, Detail MS)oak, Giooa, Glosiog, Verandah Eucloouros oud Glass Houooo. Buy direct. You oove LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Exper4uad witt ok Iookeo. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." Wart Voonm- vor Moebiue Stop, 144$ Marine. PAINTING, KALSOMINING, PA- PERING. C L Koaiogs. Wast 804k MARCELLE SHOP -- ttorooge. coute: reset, 86ei finger wave, 764. Phoae Mrs Kieg, West $04. GORDON ROBSON Borne(a h So)rater WEST VANCOUVER- Ogico No. 1447, Muriue Driv Phone West 402. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Soite 818i 610 Hastings SL W. Phone, Seymour 4199. TENDERS WANTED 'C I y TENDERS are hereby baked tor abe tokoomg work, vis.i Ro-SbiogBog tbo Root of West Voonmva L oiamd Cberut, 21st ood Eoquiaook Avo. Porticeloro moy be obtained from JAMES BISSET, 2809 )do(bors hve. AB Teudero abok be dokvorud ao F Iriob, 1461 Hoymmd hveuoe oa or before 8 P.aL on Moudoy, 8th August, 1982. oud morted "Tender for Cbureb Roof." Lowest or any tender uot onoeeorfiy oaopaorL A Vancouver Island farmer hss written hir. Pooley about 8 herd of elk who persist in din- ing off his crops. He says he likes the animals, but as steady visitors he can't stand the strain. A msn who from force of cir- cumstances cannot go gun in hend and rid his property of wild animals which are destroy- ing his crops, is in evil case. A friend of mine who was pestered with a neighbor's goats threw fireworks amongst them. Natur- ally I wss present. and em here to state that in 8 long and wick- ed life I never saw such high jumping as when those fireworks landed. One old billy who hsd got his beard singed jumped two fences before you could ssy mscat," snd I can still see him and the rest of the fiock legging it across country. The Gadarene swine were simply not in it. te Rd Geo. Hay l e iNOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE A!VD INSURANCE 1466 nturluo Dr(vo Phoae Woot 21 or Seymoor 1260 Evenings Wnra 204K)aen at 4 Glngoo. as telling nd qneri- te all ever 7kd, I SLY SEALED TENDERS uddrooonl to the undersigned, ood eodoraod "Tender tor Repairs to Jetty, Sieveotoo, B.C " will be received outi) 12 oklort oooo (doyngba saving), Friday, hugest 10. 1982, tor the repairs to the North Jetty, Stevootoro at the Moutb of Froaor River, New Woaamiosaer tno- arict, British Coiomb(o. Plans oud form of coutroca coo be seen oud opockkotiou oud forms of tender obtained at this Doporimeut, ~1 the og)eoa of the Ikotrioa Engineer. Post O(tice Bui4bug, New taonodo- ster B. C, Victoria Bondno Es- cbouge, Lad„1712 Douglas Street, V)e- torio, Rod The Befidiog aed Cca- stroctiou 1uduotrioo Exchange, Poodor Street. Vooeoavor, B. C.; o)so ~1 abe Post Oirrce, Stereo(so, IL C. Tenders will oot be considered us- less made on printed tonus ooypnod by the Department ood in oeeordomo with eouditiooo coom(ood tboroie. Bomb acuder moot be oaompooied b)r oil oaopmd cboqoo nl o cboraerod bout, payable to the ader ot the atioioaor ot PubSc Works, equal ao 10 per cent of the amount of the tender. Bouda ot abo Doullllloll ot Cooodo or Bonds of the Caoodioo National Rog- ooy Comparer will also bo accepted oo oocorky. or boedo aod ~ cboquu if re- quital to make up an odd oaouoa. NOTE.--B)uo prints ooo be obtained at this Doportaout by doyoakiog oo ocvopaod cboquo for the omo at gktee yoyob)e to the order ot abo Mioistor of Publk Works, obkb will be roaoru- Ioi it tbo (otoodlllg bidder aubolia regular bad. By order, N. DESJARDINS. Secretary. Duper(meat ot Public Works, Ottawa, July 22. Ung. LONG DISTANCE It seems that the lady and her colored maid were in adjoining rooms. The telephone rang. The mistress heard the maid say, "Yes'm, yes'm, it sho's," and hang up. The telephone rang a- gain end once more the maid answered in the same way. Curi- ous, the mistress asked who call- ed, snd the maid answered: "I don't rightly know. It was a woman and she say 'Is this Nrs. Smith's house7'nd I said 'Yes'm,'hen she say, 'ihIrs. Ed- ward Smith'sF snd then I say 'Yes'm', and she say, 'Long Dis- tance from Washington,'nd I say 'Sho is," and hang upim I(i !! I 1IIy If it goes on raining much longer, we shall be reading some- thing like the following in Can- adian tourist guide books: "The people of British Columbia sre remarkable in that they are born webfooted. Their skins, when tanned, also produce 8 very fine kind of rubber much in vogue in the manufacture of rain proof cloth. On high days snd holi- days it is their habit to stand on the tops of their mountains and croak, end their women sii'ect 8 fish scale wave in their hair which is phosphorescent at night. They live on fish, and their normal dress is a bathing suit, while the most popular song among them is that with a rous- ing chorus which goes as fol- lows: "Cheer, boys, Cheer I and three more cheersl We haven't seen the sun for forty years lm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in West Vancouver Christian Science Society on Sunday will be "SPIRIT." One of the Scriptural texts will be from Psalms 46:6: "The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: He uttered His voice. the earth melted." Selections will aLmo be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,m by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being from page 97: " 'He uttered His voice, the earth melted.'his Scripture indicates that all mat- ter will disappear before the supremacy of Spirit." Eagle Harbor Minister (to girl strumming o ukulele): mDo you know the Teo Com- maodmeuto 7" Medora Young lodyi mNo but if you coo whistle o tow bars I'l try to follow you." GOOD Bathing, Boating Fishing and Picnics SHIP-TO SHORE EXTENSION Four more liners, plying the Atlantic were brought within the scope of the ship-teehore tele- hone service within the past ew month)4 Servke was extend- ed to the Deutschland on Msy 7. to the Bremen on June 14, to the Hamburg on June 24. and the New York on July 8. All of these steamships can be reached by telephone froan points served by the long-distance system of the B. C. Telephone Company. Years ago I knew a dear old Victorian lady. She was like the Duke in the Forest of Arden. qhe found Tongues In the trees, books in the running brooks Sermons in stones and good in everything. One day I said to her, mi be- lieve you would find something good ln the Devil himself lm "Of course, my dear, of course," she said, "just think of his energy and perseverance." are givmg a i Band Concert w A Narrow Escape The explorer was describing one of his narrow escapes to a crowd of people. "I grabbed hold of the lion' neck, rolled over and over, and r Voice: "And fell out of bed!" ht Ambleslde Pier SUNDAY, AUG. 7411 from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. a~alas J.L7(L I . I '~ Kitsilano Boys'and (DOMIINIOiN CHAMPIONS)