West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Aug 1932, p. 3

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0001 August 4, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS Ifow ohv I, Itn st) Il "j (I o silver jIwood oid goop 'ot io '"-- Siopoh nwj loooo god Iowo hig two go PI oooogh hme i,',", ii hoiog i iioohio, f ioob'og dwwo io I I lloiood of 'hop iooih & " i I pivohiog wioigo or HE'l Pi' Ibio Wwo o, ISSI ul 0I(o IOI Iii ogpi 4ibo iSIE" I xq ( i Dry Cleaning at Reduced Prices Suit Cleaned and Pressed ....,............... Overcoat, Cleaned and Pressed Plain Dresses, Cleaned and Pressed ..... Fancy Dresses, Cleaned and Pressed White Pants, Cleaned and Pressed .. Suits Sponged and Pressed ........ Overcoats, Sponged and Pressed .... CASH AND CARRY Suits, Cleaned and Pressed .........................,....-.-- Overcoats, Cleaned and Pressed ................ 75c Plain Dresses, Cleaned and Pressed ................ 76c Silk Dresses ................................,..... 61.00 up M. 1VILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Phone; West 20 Phone )Vest 20 90c 90c 90c 61.00 up 60c %V. L. OGDEN CO. W;"st"I'45 MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY NEW LINES OF FANCY SUMMER SOX 25c pair The Centenarian To what do you attribute your longevity? To the fact that I was born in 1832. Eagle Harbor Cottages for rent. Rooms with or without board, by the day, week or month. EXPERT SA)V FILING Cross-cut Saws 10c foot Grinding Knives, Scissors, Lawn-mowers Gvround, all makes N. R. ELLIS, 1427 Marine Res. Phone, West 184R1 BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant $2$ - gvd SL E. Phooo North 42$ Hollyburn Pavilion Whoopee! Another Big Moment Wednesday, Aug. 10 9 TO??? SURPRISES, PEP and PRIZES Admission 50c. Lodieo 25c uniil 9.30 p.m. only Swin Kayll'I Orchestra Let's Go IrREE FERRY TRANSPORTATION Oificers and other ranks of H.M.S. Delhi who visit the North Shore Wednesday, August 17, to participate in a cricket week pro- gram at Boulevard Park will be granted free transportation on North Vancouver city ferries, de- cided City Council Monday night Members of the Kitsilano Boys'and, who will be in attendance on that occasion, will also have the same privilege. GORDON KEITH WINS WRESTLING MATCH Gordon Keith, of the Keith Block, 15th and Marine Drive, was the victor last Friday over Joe )Vingrove of Coquitlam, in a wrestling match staged at the Auditorium in New Westmin- ster. The match was scheduled to go eight rounds, but Keith, who is a welterweight, secured two falls and the decision in the ()rst two rounds. He is a wrest- ler of considerable promise, hav- ing already won in several rec- ent matches. An expert, who watched the struggle in New Westminster, stated that Keith was one of the cleanest wrestlers he had ever seen perform. SENIOR MATRICULATION The West Vancouver Board of School Trustees suggest that students who propose to avail themselves of the 1932 - 1933 Senior Matriculation Class noti- fy the secretary of the school board by Monday, August 15th, if possible. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. HORSESHOE BAY I'ishing, Boating, I,unches, Tees, Dinners, Picnic Grounds Dancing -- Wednesday snd Saturday Evenings HOWARD RODGERS (Established 1914) Phone IAong Distance Whytecliif WEST VAN DAIRY JERSEY MILK PRODUCTSPsoiewized and PHONE WEST 80 AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH, Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh hteatib 'Smoked and fooked hieats P HONE WEST 303 Local and Personal Eig Milk 'Dc Shake Mr., Mrs. and Miss Durbm sre leaving at the end of the week on s visit to the Old Couutry'. ~ ~ ~ hire. Cromar Bruce and hfrs. W. E. Hswkes are spending s few days in Victoria. ~ ~ ~ The West Vancouver Bowling Club held a very successful pic- nic to Bowen Island on Saturday. ~ o \ Mrs. and Mr. David Suttie, St. Andrew's by the Ses, (Scritch Gulch), Sherman, entertained the members of the Scottish Country Dance Society on Sat-. urday, July 23rd. Swiinming was enjoyed by some, by others in wandering around the beauti- ful garden. At 5130 a sumptu- ous tea was served in the cosy home, after which the members resumed their various amuse- ments until forced by the gath- ering darkness to bring to an end what had proved to everyone a perfect day. A hearty vote of thanks was awarded the genial host and hostess. ~ ~ Mrs. A. Taylor is spending s few days with her daughter, Mrs. K. B. Forster oi West Van- couver, at Kew Beach. ~ \ The following summer guests are staying at Iilrs. C. Read's cottage, Horseshoe Bsy: Mr. and Mrs. J. CcColl and son, My. and Mrs. Atkinson and family, Mr. and Mrs. O'Flarity and family, hir. and Mrs. Brown and family, Mrs. Deacon and family, Mrs. Gavin and family, Mr. snd Mrs. McGraw and son. o Colonel K. W. Savory, 27th and Ottawa Ave., has returned from a holiday motor trip up the Cariboo. \ o o hire. D. MacN. Thomson and her daughter Jean, 1142 Esqui- malt Ave., are spending a holi- day at Galianu Island.\ The economy iloor employees of the Hudson Bay Store, num- bering 150, had a picnic yester- day afternoon in Lawson's orch- ard at 17th Street, followed by a dance at the Hollyburn Pavil- ion in the evening. o o Everett Davis of Trail, B.C., is spending his vacation with his parentsi Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis 2455 King's Ave. \ Miss Joan Norris returned on Monday evening from Camp Art- aban, Gambier Island, where she has spent the past two weeks as s leader at the Junior Girls'amps. She reports a very suc- cessful session despite the un- settled weather. Owing to the times the camps are all smaller this year but the leaders were able to carry out the full pro- gram which includes various sports, boating, swimming snd life-saving instruction, and also hikes snd boat trips to various parts of the island. hire. Jack Noel who has been associated with Camp Artaban for the last seven years, was director of the Junior Girls'ession. Fgvim Thursday of the lirst week till hionday, they enjoyed s visit from Rev. Ramsey who gave some very interesting addresses and discussions. The cup for the best all-round girl in camp went this year to Miss Margery )Vest- wood of Vancouver. Phyllis Glacd wss a member of the camp. Margaret Harrison of Caul- feild, won honors inthe element- ary grade at the recent examin- ations of the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music. She is a pupil of Mise Margaret McIntyre. ~ ~ o Mrs. L. McDougall and her daughter, Miss McDougsll, 1?tn and Marine Drive, left here on Monday to visit in Victoria. o o Mrs. E. A. Cole of North Van- couver, has rented a suite st the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ o ~ Miss Mildied Somervllle, chief operator at the local udice of the B. C. Telephone Co. here, has returned from her annual vaca- tion. ~ o The Misses Grace and Dora Wilcox of Swift Current, Sask- atchewan, are spending a month's holiday with Mrs. D. A. Keith, 16th snd Marine Drive. ~ ~ Miss Marion Blair, 1527 Gor- don Ave., has returned from a holiday at Lummi Island. o o Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenwood of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tite, 16th and Marine Drive. ~ I Mr. and Mrs. Steele of Vancou- ver, are occupying a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ ~ ~ The Misses Doris and Evelyn Cullin, 1541 Esquimalt Avenue, are holidaying at Sechelt, B. C. * Mr. and Mrs. J. )V. Cooper and Veeda Cooper, 25th and Bellevue Ave., are leaving for Kelowna, where they expect to reside in future. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Watson, who have been living for some time in Denver, Colorado, have taken up residence again st their home at 25th and King's Ave. C. Messinger, 16th and hiarine Drive, left here on Monday for the Annapolis Valley, Nova Sco- tia, where he will visit his moth- er. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs, Curston have ar- rived here from California, and sre renting a suite at the For- tune Cup Inn. Miss Elsie Harrison of the B. C. Telephone Co.'s stat? here, is spending her annual vacation at HaITIson Hot Spnngs. Mr. and hIrs. E. A. Jamieson of Vancouver, are occupying a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn. o ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Savage, 17th and Bellevue, and Mr. and Mrs. hlackensie Grieve, left here on Saturday by motor for a trip to Innisfsil, Alberta. They were accompanied by G. Bryan, who was returning to his home in In- nisfail after an extended visit to his daughter, hire. Savage. o o ~ Bill Grout of the West Vsn. Garage, end Lee Hstfield of Lynn Valley, spent three days of last week on a ilshing trip to Jones Lake, B. C., where they enjoyed good sport. ~ ~ Mr. and hIrs. MacKurdy and family, who have been occupy- ing the Watson house at 25th and King's Ave., have returned io Vancouver. ~ ~ hir. and Mrs. Call of Vancou- ver, have rented s suite at the Fortune Cup Inn. o ~ Mrs. E. W. Weeden snd her daughters, Ernestine and Patty, of West Bay, are holidaying for a couple of weeks at White Rock. ~ ~ ~ John Nyland, 2863 Marine Drive, hss returned from s visit to Victoria. Gemmill's Drug Store Tim Sgovo of Sovvtca 14$2 Morioo Drive West g! Emorgoaoy Phoae Woog $21 (Afior S p.m.) The BURRARD LAUNDRY goouwoe For People Who Are Parlicular THIRD gr. ood ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Yan. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Ambleside Sheet MetalVVorks IAURrd SPECK, pvopvloiov 1446 hfarine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET hiETAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBIiNG Siratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Bread, Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Eecies Cakes, Vanety of Butter Iemg Cakes Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 hlARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will calL CLIFF HOUSE Whyteeliif Park DANCE Rohlgo PERRIWS Six-piovo Ovobooiro 2 io 12 - - Every Saturday Cover Charge, $ 1 Pvv Cowpio SPECIAL DANCE SUPPER sec DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY HohIB - MADE CANDY Ioo Cvvom oad Sotl Drioho gsih ood Phoae Boiiovwo Woog 2 Friend: "I hear you are selling on the instalment plan now. Why is that'" Tailor: '11 is bette~ for my Mients to owe me an instalment than the whole amount." WEST fI2 HOME COOKING DUNDARAVE COOKSHOP ggre Morioo Iioivo Apoiogioiog for ooy ioooavooioooo oomwd by owr odvorgiohwg last wook ibo wrong ioiophooo wumbov, we bvg io info»a oor patrons that the B. C. T. C boo registered uo iw iboir dlrooiory oo The COok ShOP ipo obon be glad io goi your orders ood always feel happy whoa wo oow oorvo you wiib any kind of meals from ofiovoooo imo wp io diwwovo omi