0001 r. r A a r99~ ~ 9.(r 9 p r 9 9 9 9 a Var 999 9' w Va ~ .9'99 9( 9 tax ~ 1&% 9 lrrm Va9V9(.9 ravv ( 9 ~ Va ~: ':rr rv 9r~ "' V9 VVV ' 'r vrrrv«rr vr 9vv rrrrr 'rrr ~ rrrrav 9V VV V9 vr 9V'- VVVvrvrv'rvrrvVVvrrvvv rrvrv v The Mingle Swirl A new ssd p(ac(ical Summer Coi(fels lor the medium-short bdb. Ydo msy have your hair perm- 'eniiy laavdd, ao timt it will stay in place snd wi(h our new oil sya(em your hair wip have mom gloss after the wave than before. GIUendolyn Befyfdry ShoPPe 18(0 Mar(so Li(ivd Phone West 117 Scalloped Eggs with Ham 4 hard-boiled eggs 2 cups cold boiled hsm, chop- ped flne 1 cup cream sauce 2 cups bread crumbs 2 tablespoons milk. Cut eggs into slices; cover bottom of greased baking dish with one-third of bread crumbs: then add in layers eggs, ham, cream sauce, crumbs, being sure to save bread crumbs to cover top. Add milk and bake in mod- erate oven 20 minutes. Caraway Cookies 2 cups (small) sugar 1 cup butter 9. cup milk I egg 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon caraway seed Flour to make soft dough. Mix very soft, roll out, sprinkle with sugar on top. Cut in shapes, bake in quick oven. The caraway seed may be left out, 8ubstttuting with 2 tea- spoons vanilla. Canned Beets Boil the beets till tender, drop in cold water, remove and skin. If too large for jars, cut length- wise in halves or quarters. Warm the jar and, as fast as the beets are skinned, drop them in until the jar is nearly full. T o I pint vinegar add 2 cups sugar, set on stove and let come to a boiL Whi)e boiling, pour over the beets until the jar is running over. Drop in a few cloves and allspice, then seaL His Improvement He had a big handicap and he had not played on the course for a long time. After playing two or three holes he turned to his caddie: "Well," he said, "do you notice any improvement in me 7" "Yes, sir," replied the caddie. "you'e been buying a new jumper, haven't you 1m Established on Ndr(h Shme 20 Years. (lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON gu))eral 9irertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair, 134 THE West Van 1Vezvs Psbiiahad Every Thursday Psbiishcr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssisdad smi Ednorlsi Oil(cd( 12(h ssd Marine Drive (Next Ia Hopyburn P.O.) Phone West 363 Mall Address( P.O. Bds 81, HoRybs(s, IL C. North Vancouver Otf«e( 123 Lonsda)e Ave. 2L00 8 year by carrier( 22.00 ~ yds by eudL THE WEST VAN NEWS United Church wEET v~~coUYER St. Stephen's Church ster, Rev. Hillis Wr ght Chri8ban SCIenCe R . F. A. ~r., L.S.T. August 7th -- 11th Sunday after Trinity. 10 and 11:15 a.m. -- Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. The minister will occupy the ulpit of West Vancouver United hurch at both morning and CHURCH EUIPICE evening services liext Sabbath. 20,h asd Eassim+JL HdpyIn the morning he will have as his subject, "some of those This socle(y ia ~ Branch of things that hinder the work of The bio(her Church the Church, and b[OCk the Pro. They(ra(Churchdl Chris(, gress of the kingdom of God on earth." In the evening he will speak Sunday Sdrridm 11(80 8'm'd The preacher at both serv[ces to the question, VIVhy did Jesus will be the Rev. D. R. Watney, Condemn the Rich Nsn in the Sunday, August 7, 1932 h[.A., of the Anglican Theologi- parable of Dives and Lazarus'[" q bj cal College.Subject: "9 )'IR)T" There will be NO 8 a.m. ser-At a meeting held in the vice this Sunday.church last Sabbath evening it was decided to organize a senior sunday school at Ip:00 ~.m. Service at St. Francis, Caul- young people's bible class. This TesMmosy biaetisg Wddsaadsy feild, 3 p.m. c)a(m will hold its flrst meeting st 8(10 p.m, WEDDING OF 51[SS nded tp )l y~pu g p ppi BaptiSt ChurCh 5[ ARGARET ARS[sTRGNG of the community to come and Pastor: join this class. Rev. H. P. Humphreys, West Vancouver U n I t e d Residence: 134$ Haywood Ave. Church was the scene of 8 very During the month of August pretty wedding when Margaretthe pulpit of West Vancouver Sunday, August 7th, Ann, elder dsu hter of Mr. andChurch will be supplied by visit- 10 a.m.sunday School and ing ministers. Fuller announce- Adult Class. Mrs. T. S. Armstrong, 2331 Be)- ments will appear in the News 11 s.m.--Morning worship. levue Avenue, became the br[do later. Topic "A Matchless Mystes- of Mr Morris Reid Whitaker Solo. son of Mr. Ernest Whitaker, The ordinance of the Lord'8 Wimbledon, Eng., and the lateSt.~ithOny S ChurCh( Su er wifl be observed at the "Irs tvh'taker snd nephew pf pastor: Rev. Father Carey c)ose of the morning service. Mr. and Mrs. G. Whitsker, Low- Res. 2658 Marine Dr. 7.3P p.m. -- Evening worship er Keith Road, North Vancouver. Topic, "Christian Evidences." Rev. David Long o[ficiated at Sum(ner Schedule the ceremony, assisted by Rev. SUNDAY- A reminder of the sure evid- Hillis Wright. 8:30 a.m.--Holy Mass In- ence of the things not seen. The church was very prettily struction. A hearty invitation to sll. decorated with pink sweet peas 10:00 a.m.--Holy Mass, Sermon and blue hydrangea, carrying 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School. D L 0 "ut the color scheme of the 3;pp p.m.--Afternoon Devo- Presbyterian MISS)Oil b idesmai48'rocks. Nuptis) tions. Orange Hall music was played by Miss Beth WEEK DAYS- Ninister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Emery and to the strains of 7:30 s.m.--Holy Mass. Organist--Nrs. Holden Lohengrin wedding march the FRIDAY-- Choir Leader--Mrs. Martyn petite bride entered the church 7:30 p.m.--Devotions, Confes- on the arm of her father preced- sions. Services: ed by her two bridesmaids. The SATURDAY-- 2 p.m.--All departments of the groom was supported by his7:30 p.m.--Confessions. Sabbath School: Supt. Mr. W. brother, Mr. Vivlan Whitaker. Loucks. Adult Bible Class. Mr. Archie Walker and Mr. Nrs. T. G. McClellan, North 3:15 p.m.--Church Service, Harry Smith were the ushers. Lonsdale, was hostess to the The bride looked lovely in sScottish ladies of North Vancou- DEATH OF ver, on August 1st at her sum- mer home in Horseshoe Bay. The guests included Nrs. Hsmmell, 51rs. Hsnah E[fie Currie, wi cap fashion and held in placeNrL Mitchell, Nrs. J. Elliott. of W. D. Currie, 1755 Esqu[m(4 with 8 circlet of orange blossoms3[re. Elliott, sr., Mrs. Herin, Mrs. Ave., passed away last Thursd y She carried a shower bouquet ofFlemming, Mrs. Bulls l. Mrs. in her 59th ye~, at the North Ophelia maes and maiden hairMcKinnon, Nrs. J. P. Young Vancouver General Hospital aft- 5[rs. J. Shea, Mrs. H. Jack, Mrs. er an illness of several weeks. C. Read, Mrs. J. Ralston, Mrs She leaves to mourn her loss her The two bridesmaids, Miss Kennedy, Mrs. Payne, Nrs. Foi- husband, one daughter, and th b 'de and ' Je n Cadeson. Nrs. Livingstone, Mrs. brother in Saskatchewan. The Vsncp v cpmBundy, 5[m. Ne)son, M'. Tor- funeral services took place at 9 '"bluver ".P".'k 'hd'b rance,'Mm. T. Cummings, Mrs. a,m. Saturday from St. Anth- .« """Bg pm". '",semble, wearin ink and blue N. NcLeod, Nrs. NOKe[th, Mrs. ony's Church, Rev. Father Csrey EmPire frmks of Point d'sPrit Ye[(eh, Nrs. G. Jack. Nrs. Read o[f[c[at[ng, and interment was over satin with navy blue mohair of Horseshoe Bay read the tea- made in Capilano View Ceme- cups. te~. Harron Bros. and Wifliam- carried bouquets of pink and son had charge of the funeral ar- Visitors at Kew Beach rangements. During the signing of the (ag- ister Mrs. F. X. Hodgson gave a Mr. and Mrs. L. Ajello and beautiful rendering of "All Love family, Mr. and Mrs. John Ajello Shower and family, Miss B. H. Balfour, Miss Mons Sentence, 1342 'I Th ~ ft Mm. J. Balfour, M . snd mrs. Duchess Ave., entertained at 8 to the bride was 8 set of sil»8 NONOITay, Miss Mam[a Mc- delightful misccellsneous shower I IhMurray, Miss Dorieene McMur- at her home on Tuesday evening to the mppmsmsn, 8 silver cig- ray, Miss Bunnie Woods, Miss the2nd instant,inhonorof Miss Margaret Parks, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorothy E. Corbett, whose mar- Woods. all of Vancuover; Mr. riage takes place this month. [ h [4 at the hpine pfand Nrs. J. Webb, Central Park; The rooms were charmingly dec- Mr. Veri) Heibein, Mr. Ed. Scriv- orated in pink and white bios- t pn and N(s G )Vh[mmker 8ener, Mr. Leo Tribe, Mr. and soma, making 8 Perfect setting 1 4 [vin the uesMrs. Stanley Stanton, Mr. and for the occasion. The evening "'" fNrs. Gordon Watson, Mr. snd commenced wtihbridgeandMiss 1 4 w~[th ~u~~~„ flpwers H. Bro n, Mr. Snd Mrs. J. H. Score, carried home the prize. nh'f'upiv'and"'rMcs '"The Sparrow, Mr. snd Mrs. J. SPar- Following the bridge the bride b 4 table made 8 b~p~ut[furow, Mr. W. Hsstie, all of Van- unpacked he™ny lovely gifts 'ure covered with ac)uny)mecouver; Mr. J. W. Alder, West from s beautifully decorated Vancouver; Mrs. A. DemPsey pink snd white basket covered t.o ddin cake Tdl whiteSan Francisco. miniature bride exquisite)y dree taPers in silver sconces an vases Brmvned Parsnlps n e ra i ion w 's 'n t'resNing at the urnsed i th t d't'l hite [I pt Pink sweet peas were the dec-I quart psrsnips I teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or bacon true bu[ret style with Nm. Sent- cga I t'd b 'M[8~8'Helendrippings ance pouring tea from the din- S&ven~n, Audrey Rutherford, I/8 teasp n pepp r. Ing table which carried out the H )v' I itts and Evelyn Cg-Wash, pare and cu[, parsnips pink an4 white color scheme, into I/2 inch slices. Cover with with roses in silver bud vases P boiling wat r and boll until t n- snd pink t pers in silver sconces. The young COUPle left by mot- der 25 to 30 minutes, drain. The guests were: The Misses or fora three weeks 1 Brown on g essed g dd[e or fry Dorothy E. Corbett, Gwen Clay, the bride chop ing for tm(ve[)[ng ing pan. Season with salt and phoebe pescod, Gladys snd Vio. a green suit with fawn accessor- let McNslr, Nay Harrison, Ver- ies. Her hst of green was 8 chic na Bstchelor, Ruth Jm:kaon, Parle modeL A miesud( mya it La the Idwdr part Ruth Hill, Florence corbett, After the[r return Mr. and Mons Sentsnce, Mrs. Harold Nrs M. R. Whitsker wfl[res[48 Woo)stone, Mrs F G Corbett at 255 East 23rd Street North Vancouver. August I, Ii(32 DI.MRrjory MCCubb[n DENTIST Hours: 0 ~ . m. td 0 p. m. Ssisrdsyd: 10 ~. m. to I p. (s. Evdsisga and Saisrdsy After- j ndosa by sppols(mant only Royal Beak Building qI'hose Wdai Iis nmidesad I'hase Wadi ssa ( DR. G. LL H. SEALS DENTIST Hsy Bleak. Id(h asd Marine Or. pince Mourn 0 (o 0 p, m. Evdsisgd by spp(dn(ment. Phoae Wda( 22 I' nuasmo RoM8 .' I (Mrd. M. E Laphss(e, R.N.) 28( - 2((h S(999( Esa( Nar(h Ysscosad( Raaldds(e Passel North 1268R HOI.I.YBURN Barber Shop 16th O Marine EKPERT BERvicE E. MARSH, Propria(dr LIFE'S THORNS The trouble with 8 Iot of sa id that we want (d aceomppah many (hinga, bsi alen'I willing id pay ihe price. If lifo were 8 game in which the rewards were haadad dui on a apver piai(ar (o anyone who happened id sak for (hem, iuia of folks wus(d sleep in rose beds. But, unfed(u(m(ely, yuu've gdt io reckon with the thorns. "He whu wduld climb a tree," said Thackeray, "must grasp ita branched --not the blossoms." Which means that you'e got (o pull yourself up over the rough places and sdt expect simply (d cdaai down hill sli (hd time. We get pretty much what we go af(er--if we gd alter it hard enough and para(atently enough. About the only thing (hat haa evlr come Inta my life without bdisg worked lor or sought alter id trOuble. And 8 io( of that could be traced back (it I were is the habit of looking back, which I sm no(i) id 8 desire (o take hold ol the blossoms ma(dad dl grasping ibe branches. Thorns serve s psrpoad. They taa(h ud the lesson that, even is plucking roses, one must go about it with ca(e and skip snd prsaRds( knowledge or get stuck.--Lipey Light. A Md(or[age I'(eyer " Teach ua io drive throughout life without skidding into other people' business. Preserve ou( brake linings iha( we msy stop before we go too far. Help ua (o hear the knocks is our dwn mo(ora asd close oer ears Io the clashing ot other people's gasra. Keep alcohol is our radiators ssd ou( of our e(omacha. Absolve ua fram ibe I j1 su((lad Illaam 9( Thrnia aad Bn(aaa(9 -- NEWB ('A I('I'(8 lx-- I'.(O(KI (Y ~ (yR.OO slm a ~ Tv ~ a. )99S m( 999 aaaaa l'sa LADIES I FREE skimp(ad nad» (uvaa 89(a( Tl Kv ly lady Anamnad SATURDAY (d(OHT Mom Taaa. Wdd. Neat Waaa n(lniiu'I'l(IXTO( (MKRY ~ 811 1 l l8 N ( 8 (A rv F( )nil Ia "LETTY LYNTON" ~ (xr .99 elves awav adds 99 aal. 1(99(9 Tea(a.-pl(..aai. (daai SYI VIA (ad(99 sii &ay Y bl «I lb»nid Hoax( "SUNSHINE SUSIE" 15 - 10 ~ 17 mania of trying to pass the other as(omobBe on a narrow road. Open I „ dur eyes td the i(sgic signs snd keep osr fest on the brakaa" I ~ l [O'- I jediI NOW PLAY(NO 'TT PARK LANE') I