0001 t trfi rn. 3+I Iulsr, ': !I' for fety,/ Ig it. lts to ousd zi on have with i. If an :e, if I fol- luste it be tf night n the mat- 6'i~ ssible aking s. At I I af s Itept in if the If the iently ssght I OVSl round pense track more Ilg off trk for which means mc in ld mat p li Pi Css; g the Ez-', , tbss tbeti",'ig 3eves"."* I Vsscau apclstiss~ mucus . te spec+~ btaaers unities, iwsuet N RE I', wwt I Vol.'11 SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P,O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, AUG. 4. 1932 No. 11 KITSILANO BAND TO PLAY HERE SUNDAY The reeve and council have arranged for the Kitsilano Boys'and of thirty-two pieces under Director A. W. Dela- mont to give a concert next Sunday from 2:80 to 4:80 p.m. on Ambleside Pier. This band need no introduction to the public of West Vancouver, for ss the junior champions of Canada last year and the B. C. champions for 1931 and 1932 their name is a household word in Canada. They are leaving here on 19th instant to represent this province and to defend their Canadian title st the Toronto Exhibition, where the competiion for he junior championship takes place. While en route they will give concerts at Kamloops, Calgary, Swift Current, Moose Jaw, Brandon, Winnipeg, Fort William, Port Arthur and Sudbury, from which they hope to defray their travelling expenses. As the collection to be taken up next Sunday will also go to these expenses, it is hoped that there will be a generous re- sponse. Next Sunday they are giving a particularly fine pro- gram, many of the numbers being the same as those they played at a recent concert in the Capitol Theatre. Particulars are as follows: PROGRAM 0 Canada MARCH--"La Marche del Soldadesca Espanol"..J. DeSmetsky SELECTION--Victor Herbert Favorites........ Victor Herbert Excerpt from First Movement Unfmished Symphony..Schubert INTERMEZZO SCENE--In a Persian Market..A. W. Ketelbey SELECTION--Songs of Scotland.......................J. B. Immpe Intermission MARCH--The Spanish Chant............................... F. G. Hawkes CONCERT WAI.TZ--Wedding of the Winds................J. T. Hall OVERTURE--Twilight ........................................ E. Newton TROMBONE NOVELTY--Teddy Trombone ...........H. Fillmore CONCERT WALTZ--Pansies for Thought .................Lou Blyn MARCH--Washington Post......................................J. P. Souse God Save the King. SEXShHTH SCHOOL BAND HERE WEDNESDAY Owing to the rain on Sunday it was impossible to hold the band concert which had been arranged by the reeve and council to be given by the Sexsmith School band. This fine aggregation of players will now give two concerts here next Wednesday. 10th instant. The first, which will be sponsored by the West Vancouver Swimming Club, will t'ake place from 2;30 to 4:30 on Dundarave Pier, while the second will be held on Ambleside Pier from 7:80 to 9:30 p.m. SCHOOL BOARD NOTES g ed and seconded that the Secre- tary be instructed to draw up a C. Dickens attended and ra- suitable letter for submission to ported that he had taken up with the next Board meeting. the Board of Fire Underwriters Mr. Condon attended snd re- the matter of the rate charged ported that he had made ar- on school buildings and contents, rangements for the School Band and the Board had offered to re- to camp at Keats Island. Mr. duce the rate from $1.6235 for Condon asked for authority for three year term to $ 1.88, contin- the Band to enter the Junior gent upon insurance being car- Bands Competition at the Vsn- ried to 90/n of total values, and couver Exhibition. This was that sll insurance be with Board granted. companies. It was decided to Trustee Mr. Jackson reported leave this question in the hands that N. Vickery had given him of the Finance Committee with an estimate of $1.50 per clock for a view to securing sn appraisal overhauling a number of clocks of the value of all school build- in the schools which janitors had~ ings. t ~ reported as needing attention. It A letter was read from Dr. If. was decided that he be instruct- E. Young recommending Miss ed to carry out this work at a Ethel L, Elliott for appointment cost not to exceed $ 13.00. as School Nurse. It was resolved A representative of the Gyp- that recommendation of Dr. sum, Lime Jt Alabastine Co., at- Young be followed, and Miss E. tended and submitted proposal L. Elliott appointed School to insulate ceiling of the Holly- Nurse for one year, ss from burn School with a view to sav- September 1st, 1932, at salary ing in heating cost--the cost of of $1,500 per annum. the material was $35.00 per ton, Report wss read from Princi- (Continued on Page 6) pal Mr. Davidson and dealt with as follows: Tank in boys'asement: this had already been repaired. Wainscotting in lunch room and re-slating of blackboards t left in hands of Building Com- mittee. Piano to be tuned and repairs: Left with Chairman to arrange for all school pianos to be tuned and repairs made where neces- sary, Requisition for music readers: laid over. Report was read from Princi- pal Mr. Patterson: the Secretary was directed to order the chemi- cals required in September, to the amount of $18.00. Mr. Patterson reported that Wlngett Irish and Tom Gibson had made perfect attendance for the live years they have been en- rolled in the High School, snd that Robert Reid had a perfect attendance of four years. Mov- BEACH NAMING CONTEST That very considerable inter- est has been taken in the con- test to provide a name for the new beach at Ambleside was shown by the number who ent- ered the contest. Altogether, when the competition closed at 5 p.m. on Saturday, we found that thirty-one West Vancouver resi- dents had put in for the competi- tion. Their letters have been handed to the municipal hall to be forwarded to the adjudicating committee, and we hope to be able to publish the name of the winner together with the win- ning article in our next issue. A51BLESIDF. FISHING COhlPETITION The Ambleside Tea Rooms are putting on their annual Amble- side Salmon Pishing Competi- tion, the dates of which are from 1st August to 15th October. Salmon must be taken on the West Vancouver side of the bay between Dundarsve pier and Capilano Lighthouse, the meth- ods used being either casting or trolling. Fish must be weighed in on the scales of the Ambleside Tea Rooms, snd the dedsion then given will be final. As in previous years, there will be two prizes, the first being a $5 gold piece and the second a $2.50 gold piece. There is no entrance fee. LEGION NOTES The West. Vanclviver branch of the Canadian Legion at their meeting on Monday evening, passed the following resolution: "Resolved that, On this day, August 1st, 1932, when a mem- orial is being dedicated to 73,000 soldiers who fell in the Somme offensive and have no known grave, that the West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Legion goes on record as protesting a- gainst the prevailing system, which compels thousands of sur- vivers to wander homeless and hungry in the country for which they sacrificed some of the best years of their hves. Application of B. C. Mountain- eering Club for permission to pass through Lynn Valley wat- ershed three or four times a year on week-end mountain climbs, was not granted by North Van- couver City Council Monday night, following receipt of a re- port from Dr. G. F. Amyot, medical health officer. The date of the picnic of the West Vancouver Schools Band to Keats Island has been changed from Sunday, 14th, instant to Wednesday, 17th instant. DUNCAN LAWSON I.HAPTER GARDEN I'ARTY For eleven years the Duncan Lawson Chapter has entertained at a Garden Party--until sum- mer would scarcely seem sum- mer if the residents could not look forward to this delightful afternoon of pleasure. Every eiFort is being put forth to have the 12th year, the very best of any, and judging from reports received from commit- tees, this will be readily achiev- ed. The usual booths of Home Cooking, Candy, and Ice Cream, which by the way, are being decked in quite new and delight- ful forms, are in the capable hands of Mrs. Chapman, hIrs. Jackson snd Mrs. Hirst, while Mrs. Young has charge of the afternoon tea. Mrs. Victor Johncox is plan- ning some very new and jolly forms of fun, for the old and young, and those who love to take s chance or delve into the future, will have ample oppor- tunity as lucky dips and fortune telling will abound. All these attractions combined with the fact that this Pete will be held on Saturday, August 13, in the delightful beach garden of Reeve and hfrs. J. B. Leyland with its gorgeous setting, the brilliant lighting and usual huge bon-fire at night, will certainly combine to make this an afi'air no one can afford to miss. Not least among the attrac- tions'vill be the playing of the IVest Vancouver School Band and the entertainment, afternoon and evening, which is being ar- ranged by Mrs. Eastman. Rehearsals for the above ent- ertainment are running along in good style, snd giving every in- dication of the performance be- ing a huge success. Both Miss and Mr. Dawson have expressed themselves as more than pleased with the way in which the West Vancouver performers have ent- ered into the spirit of the scenes and grasped the stage directions. "Songs of Old Landon" is a period story in song, dance and time in five episodes. While the various songs are being sung a story is enacted depicting typi- cal episodes of the times. The following players will be seen in the leading roles: Lady Betty--Miss Hatty Young Her Mother--Mrs. Gleam Her Father--Mr. J. Holt. Her Fiance--Mr. Murray Watson The Strawberry Seller -- Miss Ethel Roberts. The Lamp Lighter) An Inebriate IMr. Jim Weir High lights of the perform- ance ate the singing of Miss Lena Krasnoif, soprano; 51iss L ,1 g KiTSILANO BOYS'AND HIGH SCHOOL STLDEN'IB OVER 17 TO PAY $5.00 hIONTHLY With the commencement of the fall term in September next, all students attending the High School who have passed their seventeenth birthday will be re- quired to psy a monthly tuition fee of $5.00. This is afiowing a year's grace over the age limit stipulated in the Schools Act, which sets 16 as the maximum age to which free education will be provided. This decision was reached at the last meeting of the School Board after a lengthy discussion in an eifort to take some further steps to meet the steadily rising cost of school operation. The Board also de- cided to place the same age limit on pupiLv attending the Vancou- ver Technical Schaol, but it is understood that provision has been made for exceptions in cas- es where the student's school record warrants special consid- eration. The Board decided also to take what measures were pos- sible in c~ration with the High School and Pubhc School principals, to accelerate the pro- gress of pupils throughout the whole school system: a pupil entering public scchaol at the sge of six, the customary age of admission, ordinarily spends eight years in the public schools, taking the entrance examina- tion st the age of fourteen. This 'ouldallow three years high school tuition to graduate at the age ot seveuteea. The Board is of the opinion, however, that many students, if not the major- ity of those who intend and are equipped to carry through their school work to junior matricula- tion, could save a year in their public school work, in fact many West Vancouver pupils have graduated from high school at, the sge of sixteen, and even fif- teen with excellent passing marks. Betty hlunrtx mesxo soprano; and hir. Stan Lettner. baritone. All the singers are from hfiss Dawson's studio, snd Mr. Lett- ner is a %Vest Vancouver msident snd makes his first public ap- pearance in his own O.wn. Supporting the principals is a big cast of Beau~ Befies Coun try Dancers and Tiny Tots, to- gether with a Minuet performed by sixteen of the Beaux and Belles. Altogether about sixty performers will appear in this production. A great deal of credit is due to 51rs. SheiField as accompanist. her sympathetic playmg having added to the smoothness of re- hearsals in no small degree. z s IIr m wsz A Weekly Newspaper Circulatiyfgiyf the Disty'Jcf of West VancouFJgr--Amblcsidg, Hollyburyf, Winston, DfyyfdaraZIc $ 1.00 per year. cyPrgss Park, caulfeild, whyfeclifj", Efc. 5c per copy st newsstsnds.