0001 July 28, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BL'RNI&VG BUSH By Subadar According to s U.P. despatch many of the great baronial homes of England have been sold by their owners, who could no longer sfFord to keep them up, and they have been turned Into roadside inns. In the bad old days, which we have been taught to despise, the barons kept open house, and any wayfarer wss welcome to partake of food st these same old castles at no charges to himself. Now he csn do the same thing but only on condition that he psy for it. If he hss not the price, he can sleep supperless in a ditch and console himself with the thought of how great snd wonderful a thing is democracy. And, if he is fair, he will have to admit that the rough food and couch among the rushes of the baron's floor were far preferable. ' rain of hay which recently fell in a certain part of an Eng- lish county wss explained as having been caused by a small localized whirlwind having pre- viously swept up the crop of s hay fleld. In these present hard times one can only pray that a very large whirlwind will circle round some of our money centres snd litter the country with bank notes. No more effective method could be devised of relieving the congestion in the cities. MANY FINE RADIO BARGAINS CLASSIFIED ADS LOW PRICES EASY TERMS J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD.)AY 14th and Marine West 37West 37 G. GEMMILL. ASen NORTH SHORF. TFAM IN CANADIAN SOCCER FINAL Will )lee( Scottish in Toronto Tonight iiopes of the West for posses- ion of the English F. A. Trophy epresenting the Dominion soc- er championship, rests on the houlders of North Shore United hampions of British Columbia. orth Shore blasted the hopes of anitobs Telephones, provincial itlists, in Winnipeg, Tuesday night, by defeating them in the second game of the Western Canada finals 2-0. The first game, on Saturday, resulted in 8 ; one-sll tie. The victory placed the Coast province in the cup final for the )t&7 fifth consecutive year. North'hore left today for Toronto, where they will engage Toronto Scottish In the final for the high- est honor in Canadian soccer. e first game is scheduled for tonight snd the second for Sat- urday afternoon. The North Vancouver squad won the toss and took advantage of 8 strong wind, which wss . blowing straight down the field, and scored their two counters in fourteen minutes. McNichol drove in the first tally on s beau- tiful closein play snd Dempsey accounted for the second on 8 pass from Sesrles. Telephones gave an inspired .: exhibition of soccer in the second half in 8 desperate efFort to pull the game out of the fir. To- wards the close of play they hemmed North Shore in their own goal area, snd bombsrded Goalkeeper Lindsay with shots from all angles. Twice his knees deflected what looked like sure goals, while on other occasions the brilliant defense work of Hannah and Gsrriock checked the sgg&essive Phones. At several stages of this half there wss not s player, with the exception of the goalie, in the Manitoba half of the field, so ag- gressive was the Msnitobsn movement. The teams: Telephones-Bodgen; Besmsn, &VIISS IVY lilif.ES WINS A. T. C. M. Miss Ivy Miles, 2311 Bellevue Ave., has just been notifled of her success in passing with hon- ors the vocal examination for Associate of Toronto Conserva- tory of Music. Miss Miles has sung at a number of concerts here, and she is well known in Vancouver as a radio vocalist. She is at present singing over CKMO every Monday st 8 p.m. SIATRICULATION RESULTS / WEST VA&V. HIGH SCHO Senior Matriculation Pass Stalidard: 50% average snd no paper below 40%. Passer, order of merit: Eva Berkenmsier (71.2%), Jack Watt (63.4', Barbers Hadwin (59.8%), Alan Vaughan, Win- gett Irish, Donald Currie. Passed with one or two sup- plementals--Ian Hamilton, Joyce Loutet, Mary O'Donnell, Ken- neth Nash, Leslie Parsons, Har- old Astbury, Thomas Gibson. Passed in all subjects attemp- ted -- James Weir. Granted partial standing-- Eight candidates. N.B.--Partial standing credit is given for all papers on which at least 50 marks were won. Junior Matriculation Pass Standard 60t/s average with no paper below 40%. Passed, in order of merit-- Josephine Leyland (72.8%), Jack Mercer (68.9%), Peter Cad- dy (68.7%), Robert Crawford, Vera Johncox, Rupert Harrison (completed), Passed with supplemental-- Wfllfsm Atwood, Having but one or two papers to write in order to complete Junior Matriculation -- James Brown, John Broderick, Robert Clements, Marjorie Cummings, Allan Dickinson, Douglas For- rester, Constance Page, Betty Savory, Grace Thompson. Granted Partial Standing-- Twenty-three candidates. Granted Marks only -- One candidate. N.B. -- Partial Standing is granted on sll papers where at least 50 marks are won. Josephine Leylsnd with an ag- gregate of 79.6 and an average of 73,3% is entitled to both the Parent-Teacher prize snd the Duncan Lswson Chapter, I.O.D. E. cash prize. The same student is entitled to the Special Prize of?ered for highest marks in French. FOR PLUMBiNG REPAIRS -- Rsa- hiesss Phoae West SCCB. 5'URNCSHKD AND UNFURNCSHED Houses is Rent. Hsossx, isis, ssd ~ttesge 1st &sic. Jobs Lswsss, 17th ssd Marine. phone West 56.)AY c S .;,&N 8) M ~ t FOUNDATION CEMENT %ORK- Landscaping ssd Lawns isid. Rock walls, dtsiss, styik tasks, Csaciag ssd land clsstisg, chimneys ssd Cutsscss cissutd sl&d tsysits&L Phsss T. Bstsstt, tssMsscs Shsss West 2901L WILL TRADE--Fsst tssmtd bssgs- iow, bath ssd Csgsi, on Hastings Si. Vancouver Heights, Cot s simnst property at West Vancouver, Write F., A. Yotstss, 4060 Hsstisgs East, Vsscssvst. B. C. FOR SALE or RK'.(T -- Six tssmtd house, comer 20th ssd Gstdss Ave. Sale price $2,000, easy terms. Rent 580. phone west 462L. LAWN MD)VERS SHARPKNED- Exj&stksssd with sil makes. "WILL CLT LIKE NEW." West Vssssu- vst Machine Sbsy, 1449 Mstiss. (W I.OST -- Wire-haired Terrier, whiis. brown ssd black. Phone West 2441 PA)N&TING, K ALSOM)NING, PA- PERING. C. L Ksnisgs, West 894R C,OST -- Oss Mallard Dtsks ssd Cws ducks Crom 1448 Fsiiss Ave. Phone West 646R. MARCELLE SHOP -- MsttsBs. 60 cssis; reset, zsci Ssgst wave. 754. Phase Mts. King, West 804. ING foot 56019, d& sll WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WRAC( BEST -- Dundstsve. 1'KTURE FRAMING -- Expertly done, at ssssi city ptkss. C. J. Btodsritk, Photo 1'isisbet, 1486 Marine Drive. SEALED TENDERS sddtssssd is the undersigned sud endorsed "Tender 1st new roof, Public BsiMisg. Van- couver, B.C„" will be tstsh&sd usCS 12 s'tisck asss (dsyugbt ssrisg). Thursday, Asgssi 4, 1922, for repairs ssd tssswsi of tsoi sf Cbs Public BuiMing at Vsscsutst, B. C. Sytxiscstiss can be sess ssd Cstms sf tender sbisistd at the o&F&tm sf the Chit( A&eh&&set, Department of Public %stks, Ottawa, the Rssidsst Alchi- Csct, Post (Niits BsBdh&IL Visistis B.C., the Catt&shet Pobim Bu&M&sg, Vssesuvst, B. C., ssd the Building ssd Construction isdositiss Exchange 842 West Pssdst SC., Vsscssvst, ILC. Tenders will sst be considered ss- isss made on the Cones ssyyhsd by the Department ssd ls sttstdsscs with ihs conditions sei forth Chstris. Each Cssdst mast be seesmyssisd by ss accepted cheque on ~ chstistsd bask payable is the order sf Chs Mia- isist of Public Works, squsi Cs 10 yx. SC 'Chs smsssC sf Cbs issdst. Bsudx oi the Dominion of Canada st bsmk s( Cbs Csssdks Nsiisssi Railway Csmyssy will also be accepted as sststity. or bOnds ssd S Chxqss if tt- qsitsd Cs mate sy an sdd smsssi. By stdst, N. DESJARDINS, Secretary. Department of PubBS Works, SEALED TENDERS sddttsstd Co the osdstsigss&L ssd ssdstsed "Tender for Repairs Cs Jetty. S&svsxtsn, B.c.." wli be tsteivsd until 12 s'ristk sess (dsyughl Sxtisg), Friday..CSgsxl CS. 1922, for the rePairs Cs the North Jetty, S&stet&os. at lbx luosih of Ftssvt River, New Wmtmissctt Dis- trict, British Csismbis. Plans ssd Colm of cssitsci ms bs sess ssd systiststiss ssd Cstms sf tender obtained at ch&s Dsystussai, s& the oiiicts of the District Engineer, Post O&Cits Building, New Westmin- ster, B. C.; Vktst&s Benders Kx- thssgt. LM.. 1712 Dssgiss Street, Vie- &eris. B. C.; The Building ssd Css- sttutt&ss Indus&t&m Kxthssgs, 842 Pssdet Street. Vsstsutet, B. C.; silo at the Post ORics, S&stm&sn, R C Tenders will so& be tsssidetwd un- less made on printed (orms supplied by Cbs Dtystimsst smi is accordance w&ib cssdu&oss tss&smsd Chstsm. Ksvh Cssdst s&ssi bs stcmsyssisd by an accepted tbsq&m on ~ chat&elm) husk. Payable Cs the Stdst Of Cbs Mix&sist si pshiic Works, equal Cs 10 yst cent s( the smsss& sr the tender. Bonds sf the Dmshdsn sf Csssds st Bonds s( the Canadian Nslisssi Rail- way Company will also be sccsyiwi as sscsti&y, st bonds ssd ~ chsqss 'IC m- qsitsd ls msks uy an sdd amount NOTE.-- Blue ytis&s can be obis&std ~ & this Department by dsyss&tuut an ~ccspisd tbtqus for the ssm of Ksaeo payable Cs the order of the Misisist of Public %orbs, which will be triutu- sd if the is&ending biddtt submit ~ regular bid. By order, N. DKSJARDINS. SSS&S&sty, Department SC Psbik Works, O&laws. July W 1982. WANTED--Salesman for Radio ssd Kisctticsi Apyiisstes Cs take charge of sales in West Vancouver. Lucra- tive contract ssd every assistance given. Phone for syysisimesi North 47S. hh ns A young Scottish immigrant not long arrived in Canada asked me some years sgo to explain how it was that, having been in- troduced to snd having hsd a long conversation with 8 very wealthy Canadian's wife at a gar- den party, he hsd been cut dead in the street by her three times in the fonowing week. He stat- ed that the oM laird's wife, the old laird, snd all his family al- ways recognized him in his own land, snd he could not under- stand why such 8 humiliation wss put upon him in Canada, where everyone had told him "sll men were equal." I inform- ed him that only the half hsd been told him, snd the smaller half at that, the missing words being "provided they had the money." I always tiunk of him when I hear all the fuss made about the granting of titles, for, if there is one thing that would lessen the snobbery in our land, it would be this same granting of titles. Snobbery always did snd always will exist wherever men gather together, but titles do result in at least some being raised above their fellows for services rendered to mankind. Some months sgo I stated that the Germans hsd not changed since 1914, that Hindenburg was only keeping the seat of govern- ment warm for his old master, snd, being severely criticised for my unforgiving (?) spirit, fur- ther stated that very soon the Kaiser would be back in Berlin. Apparently he will soon be there, snd, strange to relate, we are getting close to the end of July. Rather a favorite time with him, if my memory serves me, for pulling general disturbance par- ties. Lousdale Woodworks ton Phone Nst&h 115 172 Thitd W., Nst&h Vsstosrtt L W. HoohHA.hl. Msssxet idssuisctutisg, Windows, Ftsmss.Sctssss, CsybssldDssts Furniture. Bssdsswisg. Cabinet Work, Detail Millwork, Glass, Glazing, Verandah Estissstss ssd Glass Houses. Buy ditsci. Ysu save. )ER GORDON ROBSON Barrister a Soikiist WEST VANCOUVER- ORice Ns. 1447, histiss Drive Phone %ssi 408. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818& 610 Hastings SC. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. er. Add ll pieces. slice the ya Cook lmmtvca sll p&secs id put 5- Geo. Hay Briscoe; R. Mills, Chem, Hsmill; Lennon, Haig, Rogers, T. Mills and Yellowlees, North Shore United--Lindssy; ~ Hannah, Gsrriock; Reid, Hunter, MscSween; Lanyon, McNichol, Dempsey, Henderson and Sesrles Hiking Hint ff'f the feet sre rubbed with methylsted spirit snd then dust- P'~d with boracic, they will not %tire nearly so quickly. It is a good plan to rub soap inside the stockings in order to keep the feet tender. I'- jcblc NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURAVCE 1405 histiss Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Brtuisgs ivssi 204X A Good Dish The newly-married couyis es toots for Scotland stoPPed st s tet&six hotel Cst lunch where the msssgst wss rather assiduous in his ~Cisniioss. For the tenth time be sailed uy. "Asd what can 1 gti for yso ssw, sit 7" "Some honeymoon salad yisssa" "You have me there, sit," tsyiisd the manager. "Msy I ssk what iC consists of 7" "Just lettuce alone," replied Mr. New!ywsd. The Martyr Anne: "That girl has suffered much for her belief." Ads: "How's thatF'Shebelieves that she can wear size four shoes on a size six foot." Jack: "Did your uncle remem- ber you when he made his will?" Ted: "I expect so. He left me out." The Sexsmith School Band of South Vancouver (35 pieces) are Snnng a Band Concertout-&iliug IVaiiersSlim One: "I dislike to have to wait so long for a seat, don' you lm Fat One: "You'e fortunate. I have to wait for two. He Spoke from Experience "The msn who gives in when he is wrong," said the orator, "is a wise man, but the msn who gives in when he is right is--" "Married," said a weak voice in the audience. A tsd-hsitsd bsy applied Cst s isb is ~ butcher shsy. "Hsw much will you givs msf" "Three dollars s week; but what can you ds &o make youtssH uleisi ~round ~ butcher shop 7" "Anything." "Well, be syscigc. Can ysu dress s thitkss!" "Noc ss $8 a week," said Cbs bsy. esp cctnc made ichts ;,05& clock ,dark ht Ambleside Pier SUNDAY, JULY 31st from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. Time Cs Stop "You can take your Ssgst oil Chs\ leak is the yiys sow, father." "Thank gssdstss! Is the yismbst hstv at ixs&7" "Ns, Chs house ix On Ste." He: Is she ytsgtsssivs or tssmtvs- tivs? Shs: I don't know. Shs wears ~ last year's hsc. drives s chil year's tst, ssd lives on next year's income.;gscd To BE EXACT Milt Fall hsd lust mtstssd Crom s Ckhisg trip in Sssthsts Mstylss&L "Talking of Sshisg." hs would mvst- isbiy bttsk bc st essvstssiisss, "ss my last Cbtssdsy trip 1 caught SSS fish, sii whsyysts. "Colas sow st& hxisigssi it&a&xi sdrimd shy ssi &saks &C s Chsssssd ~sd be doss with ii'1" "Ns," tsyiisd Fall. "I caught SMC 1'm ssi gsmg Cs Csn ~ iis for Cbs saks sf sss Cbdx" UP-TO-DATE FURNISHINGS FOR MEN asweiiasa compie(estockof Dry Goodsfor IVomen Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear Eagle Harbor GOOD Bathing, Boating Fishing and Picnics 14th ssd sist&st Drive. 1'buss 'West 144 Fxtiusivs Agssi ~ Cot&itsiii Silk Hoss ssd Usivetssi Swssists also Nsvsiiies, Toys, School Supplies, Hem&&i&ching The race for ClsssiSsd Advsttksmssm is 2 tests yst wstd, mix&mum 25 tests. Kxtty& In Chs ease of Cbsss hsrisg tsgsist access&s. CR rissri- Sade sts ysysbis sttkc&y is sdtssts.' Rsmsmbst cisssissds is cbs west vss News gsc hsmmiiscs tsssfcs. TU(71OV--Jssist st Stsist Msitks- HEADGUARTRRS 1st AR ihs Psy- 1 ~Ciss, Physics, Mathematics or sist Cigaret&ss. Tobaccos, ssd Fish. Chemktty. Q»sSSsd high sthssi ing Gadgets for istsi wsttts. Am- Teacher. Phone, North 655. bissids Tss Rssms, 1 & IJ,, ~