0001 1032 July 28, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS bbin SL ( I Afb 1)L ( (LE Nothing v 1 .Nothiog r. . of :.....3 30 'e....12 illsr .20 Ik.... nler .07 for .12 shag .10 7 ......31.31 fstwc uar o policy at- ghaa, ass ao cceccim aiitasgii m lcr iio auac ilG" ( phKK (nil iaaf ()518 Dry Cleaniag at Reduced Prices personal R'« Nipples Local andSuit Cleaned and Pressed .................... Overcoat, Lqeaned and Pressed Plain Dresses, Cleaned and Pressed .. Fancy Dresses, Cleaned and Pressed White Pants, Cleaned and Pressecl ......... Suits Sponged and Pressed Overcoats, Sponged and Pressed CASH AND CARRY Suits, Cleaned and Pressed ............ Overcoats, Cleaned and Pressed Plain Dresses, Cleaned and Pressed .... Silk Dresses 90c 90c ... 01.00 up 65c E. Pollos has rented the Phil- lips'ottage at 26th and Nelson Avenue. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. R. Johnston has moved from Vancouver into a house at 1337 Clyde Ave. ~ o ~ John Yates is confined to his home at 15th and Marine Drive through sickness. ~ o ~ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hill snd family of Port Townsend, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marsh. 1478 Gordan Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are well known here, having resided in West Vancouver for a number of years before moving to Washington. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. S. E. Romans, 16th and Marine Drive, has as her guest Mrs. B. Greaves of Oakland, Cal- iforniaa. ~ o o Mr, Badminton, a former West Vancouver resident but now of Victoria, is spending a holiday here. o Miss M. Somerville chief oper- ator at the local exchange of the B. C. Telephone Co., is on her annual vacation. o o ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Brewis have rented the property of the late Mr. Rodgers at 29th and Queen's Avenue. ~ o o Norman Cox, the Olympic swimming coach, has arranged to hold classes here on the fore- noons and afternoons of Thurs- day to accommodate those who are working in retail stores. These will be in addition to his regular classes on Friday and Saturday. Disk Wyntham of the V.A.S.C., a pupil of his who recently broke the B. C. record for breast stroke, left last week for the Olympic races in Los An- geles. ~ o The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., are entertaining the sick and wounded soldiers in Shaughnessy Military Hospital by taking them next Friday to Horseshoe Bay. They will be transported from Vancouver to Whytecliif by one of the munici- pal ferries by kind permission of the council snd will return by bus to Vancouver. Mrs. Frederick Buscombe ent- ertained recently at luncheon and bridge st her home in Csul- feild in honor of Mrs. C. A. Boult of St. Paul, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sam Magoifin. Covers were laid aiso for Mrs. Stuart Cameron, Mrs. J. L. Dav- idson, Mrs. John Redden, Mrs. Donald hfacdonald, Mrs. Mac- kenzie Matheson, Mrs. Edward Carter, Mrs. J. D. Bell, Mrs. T. A. Spencer, Mrs. Blake Manning Wilson and Mrs. C. E. Thomas. ~ ~ o Mrs. Taylor Wood, of Vancou- ver, is the guest of Mrs. Hen- shaw at Caulfeild. ~ ~ The many friends of V. V. Vin- son will regret to hear that he has been ill at his home on Gor- don Ave. for the past two or three weeks. ~ ~ ~ Mr and Mrs. Harold Crump, of Vancouver, with their daugh- ters, Miss Constance and Miss Margaret Crump, have taken a home for the summer on the waterfront near Dundarave. They have as their guests Mr. and Mrs, T. Chisholm, Mr. Wil- liam and Master Tom Chisholm, and Miss Jessie Arnold. Mrs. Sarah Case of Belling- ham, is the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Case, 1361 Marine Drive. ' \ Mr. and Mrs. R. Solloway of Vancouver, have taken the Wal- lace house at Cypress Park for the summer. ~ ~ Mr, and Mrs. Laird of Vancou- ver, are spending a holiday at Cypress Park Mrs. M. Morrow of Long Beach, California, Mrs. E. Kemp, and Mrs. E. Leery are the guests of Reeve snd Mrs. J. B. Leyland, 2848 Waterfront. They motored up from Long Beach, where Mrs. Morrow is in charge of the social service department of that city. She is much impressed with West Vancouver. On their re- turn they will be accompanied by Miss Josie Leyland, who will visit friends in Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, and San Diego. o ~ The Misses Ola hfcLean, Clara Wilson, Katherine Wilson, and Jean McLaren motored to Har- rison Hot Springs for the week end. Rodney Poisson, 2994 Bellevue Avenue, passed his senior mat- riculation exams with 74th per cent from the King Edward High SchooL o Mr. and Mrs. Weir have taken Mrs. Lloyd's house at Sherman and are moving in on August 1st. o o ~ Miss Winnie Brealey, 1497 Fulton Ave., has returned from a holiday at Kest's Island, ~ ~ ~ The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals applied to the council for a grant. They were informed that this request could not be granted, as no funds had been set aside for this pur- pose. ILed Band snd Plain 3 for 25c. Gemmill'I Drug Store Ths Sisco ut Socvfcu tgox Sfsctss Dcfvo West $7 Rmocgoncy Pbuuo Woua Zxi (After 9 P.m.) .. 01.00 up M. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Phone: West 20 Phone West 20 The BURRARD LAUNDRY Wo Lo OGDEN COo (vest 14(a 51EN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY See Our ) 98+ ~agueS OR MEN AN For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. smi ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. WEST VANCOUVER UNESIPLOYED ~N. The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Unemployed Association was held on Tues- day evening, July 26th, at 8 p.m. in the Legion Hall, Several new members were admitted and the growing interest in this Associ- ation was evidenced by the in- creased attendance which taxed the seating capacity of the halL Much interesting business was discussed, and three delegates from the North Vancouver and District N.U.W.A. attended and gave short interesting addresses on the work of their organiza- tion. They invited our co-opera- tion in unemployment matters and suggested that we partici- pate in the Anti-War Demon- stration to be held in North Van- couver on August 1st, next. A majority of those present signi- fied their intention to attend and a speaker volunteered to rep- resent West Vancouver. It is hoped to secure one or two trucks to take in those unable to walk; final arrangements will be put up in the Post Office. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 9th, and it is hoped that a number of ladies will come so that an hour's danc- ing may be enjoyed after busi- ness. Good music for this is as- sured and all unemployed and sympathizers are welcome to these meetings which are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in the Legion halL Eagle Harbor Cottages for rent. Rooms with or without board, by the day, week or month. West Van. Representaovu F. RIVERS Phone West 410L AmblesiEIe Sheet MetalWorks 1AURig SPECK. Prspcacboc 1446 Manne Drive Phone West 78 FURiNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Bread, Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Eccks Cakes, hachet& of Butter Icang Cakes Christening, Birthday snd Wedding Cakes made at 1468 hIARLVE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will ealL DANCING TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC PIANOFORTE EXASHNATIOiV RESULTS AT Hollybaaa II Pavilion Saturday Evenings SWIN KAYLL Dr. F. Lewis snd Dr. Hunter both of Edmonton University, with Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Hun- ter, are spending the summer here and have rented a house at Hollyburn. Pupds of NIrs. Charles Bur- bridge: Primary -- Joyce Burbridge, First Class Honors; Barbara Sparrowe, Honors. Theory of Music, Primary-- Ralph Burbridge, Honors. It should be noted that Joyce Burbridge and Barbara Spar- rowe are very young to have ob- tained these honors. CLIFF HOUSE IVhytechg Park DANCE RO)1EO PBRRIR'S Sis-pioco Orchestra 9 tn 1$ - - Every Saturday Cover Charge. $ 1 Pcv Coupio SPECIAL DANCB SUPPER Soc HORSESHOE BAY Fishing, Boating, I.unches, Tees, Dinners, Picnic Grounds Dancing -- Wednesday and Saturday Evenings AND HIS ORCHESTRA 8:30 P.M. Iiargaln Price for Ladies before 9 p.m.--25e. Let's Go 3IUSIC SUCCESS DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERYAt the examination of the Tor- onto Conservatory of Music held last month at the local centre, Dorothy Messinger, who is s pupil of Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge, won first class honors in Intro- ductory Grade Piano. It will be remembered that s large number of Mrs. Knight- Hodge's pupils were successful in the exams this summer of the Royal Academy of kiusic, Lon- don, England. HO)YARD RODGERS (Established 1914) Phone Long Distance Whytecliif HOSE . SfADE CANDY 1cs Cavsm uud Sofa Dcbabs zgth snd Phone Bellevue Wast 7 %VEST VAN DAIRY "'"P.„',"„,,d,~ JERSEY MILK PRODUCTS Naming the Robics hqsuov; Ss yon halos hrifdocs si your bouse. Hss your tuibsc names tov them ystl" Willie: "Yss, but I don't think nny minisisv would bnpiiao them abs names that father caus them." B hND CONCERT WELL ATTENDED In spite of the lack of sun snd occasional showers s large num- ber of people attended the very fine concert given last Sunday afternoon by the Vancouver legion Band on Ambleside Pier. In addition many listened to the music from the new East Beach, while others stayed around the pier in boats. These Sunday band concerts have proved very popular, and it is to be hoped that it will be found possible to arrange for their continuance during the remainder of the summer season. PHONE WEST 80 HOME COOKING AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET Try our Tarte and Cookies, Jelly-Rolls, Cakes and Pica. Also our Home-Made Bread, which a lot of people buys And who-so wishes to recall mother ss a cook Is welcome to board in the Cookery Vooli. DUNDARAVE COOKSHOP West 68 247ii klsrlne Drive West 68 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCHo Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh Slvuis, Smoked and Cooked Meats. P HONE WEST 303