0001 S '..'.xe ]l ='S'.'jd!&.l:0I - Il(S A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingin the District of West Vancouecr-AntbicsiCh, Hollyburn, Wcston, DundaraYJc 81.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeilds Whytccitffs Etc.. 6c per copy at newsstands. siten. aS hh Vsn Wint slants tiseot 'ABS" ills to simper other iVeex. ioh re. of ad. vsolfs i'lioszl 65,000 I hst tused he ex- Iusnl ss ex- that hvoied sstfkd uimi if sash of ist m'th e ssM, ad with illsll hi s prov- fs luu. I aslinl i" said i amies i I bsd. fou un tost oi oMer ta ,xte." s usxnz sw hsf ~ Xsffm i hefsr' Sushi nss mt gS ping'ol. VII fs SIX PAGES post notice for removal of the tree in question in accordance with by-law No. 73. 3. Left hand turn Piccsdilly and Marine Drive. Referred to the chief of police for his report. 4. Bituminous work on the following roads: Estimate 1. Mathers between 3rd and 9th .................... 8 45 2. Keith Road ................. 620 3. 14th and Ferry, etc.... 38S 4. 14th snd 17th Streets .. 260 6. 2Sth and shoulders .. 145 61~ The work suggested under headings I, 3 and 4 only was ap- proved. S. F. W. Rudolph, small loop road at Gleneagles -- brushing, etc. The chairman of the board of works and engineer with power to act. 6. M. Bulkley, sidewalk lead- ing from Marine Drive to Belle- vue Avenue off 25th Street. Referred to the engineer with power to act. 7. Miss Muriel Brown, wood on right-of-wsy Palmerston be- tween 25th and 26th Streets. Already attended to. The tenders for insurance on ferry No. 6 were opened by the council. Particulars are ss fol- lowe: Boat No. 6 Valuation 836,000.00. Insurance required 832,500.00. Franchise 6100.00. Territory--To west coast of Howe Sound. Macaulay, Nicolls fk Maitlsnd, Ltd, rate 400. Dale dt Co. Ltd.. rate 4'A. Bell-Irving Insurance Agencies, Ltd., rate 4%. The matter was inferred to the reeve and chairman of fin- ance with power to act. Council Notes J. T. Watt and J. A. MacAulsy were present at the council meeting in regard to improve- ments to Ambleside Park to fit it for track purposes. The matter was left for the attention of the chairman of the Board of Works; the chairman of the Parks and the engineer with power to act. L. C. Stevens wrote the council re access to Lot 7, Block I, D. L. 771, Gleneagles. The clerk was directed 1. To inform applicant that this this request had been refer- red to the town planning board of appeal, who would advise him of their decision. 2. To advise the board of ap- peal the council is not in a position to spend any money for a fill snd they would a- bide by the board's recom- mendation. A. J. Martyn wrote the coun- cil enclosing some photos of the new east beach and suggesting that enlargements of the same be placed in a frame on the ferry boats. The council thanked the writer for his suggestion and the photos enclosed. The matter of the proposed prohibition of hard tired trucks was referred by the council to the engineer in order that he might obtain information snd bring in a report at the next meeting. Mrs Edith Sheppard wrote the council re opening 25th St. from Palmerston to Queen' Ave. The matter was referred to the engineer for his report. The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Pilot House Road. That three arbutus trees should be re- moved. The clerk was instructed to obtain censensus of opinion from residents in Pilot House Road. 2. Dangerous tree D. I 1493 Block 8, Lot 8. The clerk was instructed to notify the owner of said lot or BAND CONCERT NEXT SUNDAY WEST VAN NEWS PUBI.ISHED ON THUR9DAYS Owing to the popularity of the recent Sunday band con- certs the reeve and council have arranged for another concert next Sunday. 0» this occasion it will be given by the Sexsmith School Band of South Vancouver under Conductor J. Ohson, a very fine aggregation of young players numbering thirty- five pieces. They will play from 2:30 to 4;30 on Ambleside Pier. The following is the program: 0 Canada MARCH--The Flyer „.....,.............................,.........E, Weber OVERTURE--The Belle ........................................... Berry CORNET SOLO--Silver Threads .................H. P. Danke Fred Turner OVERTURE--Operatic Mingle .....................---..... Be«y WALTZ--Blue Moon ...........................................M. H. Ribble MARCH--Keep the Home Fires Burning..........J. Novello OVERTURE--Neptune .............................,...... R. B. Eisenburg WALTZ--Mellow Moon.......................................Ed. Chenette OVERTURE--Musical Gems ................„,.....,.. Geo. Southwell ANDANTE--Springtime ............................Chas. Southwell WALTZ--Over the Waves.................... Arr. by Geo. Southwell MARCH--Vanguard ................................ M. W'. Hollingsworth WALTZ--Let Me Call You Sweetheart...................L. Friedman OVERTURE--Inola ..................................... Geo. Southwell lsIARCH--Under the Double Eagle .......................... Wagner God Save the King The West Van News is now being published every Thursday afternoon instead of every Friday, ss has been the case since it began pub- lication. We feel that our readers will find this to be an improvement, and it will also benefit our advertisers, nsore especially those who are running Friday and Sat- urday speciale. Organizations and others who have articles or notes for our columns are re- quested to kindly hand them in to us by Wednes- day noon instead of Thurs- day noon as heretofore. F. FILAiNCIS LOVEGROVE Editor THE I.O.D.E. GARDEN PARTY MISS HII.DA WILSON QUALIFIES FOR A.T.C.M. Plans for the Annual Garden Miss Hilda Wilson, 2367 Mar- Party of the Duncan Lawson ine Drive, who is well known as Chapter, I.O.D.E., which is being a concert pianist and teacher, held this year on Saturday, Aug- here and in Vancouver, has qual- ust 13th, in the beautiful garden ified with honors for the degree of Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, of Associate of Toronto Conser- re nearing completion, and vatory of Music. She is leaving how promise of this Garden shortly for Seattle, where she ete surpassing all others in will spend the month of August auty, entertainment and gen- studying with the eminent Pol- eral attractiveness. Each corn- ish master, Sigismond Stojowski mittee is straining to make their of New York. BEACH NAMING CONTEST The contest staged by the News to give s name to the new east beach closes at 6 p.m. next Saturday, July 30. A number have already entered the contest which is ol.en to West Van- couver residents only, who sre asked to send in their choice of a name accompanied by an art- icle not to exceed fifty words, giving the reason for their choice. These must be enclosed in an envelope marked: "Beach Naming Contest," care of West Van News, Hollyburn, B. C. A prize will be given for the best article accompanying the name which the committee sel- ect, this article being afterwards published in our columns. The three School Principals, F. J. Patterson, G. E. Brealey, snd D. Davidson have been asked to act as an adjudicating com- mittee. a F be part of the Fete as pleasurable and profitable to the guests of the afternoon and evening as possible. At present, great interest is being shown in the rehearsals of some forty children under the direction of Gus Dawson, for a delightful scene of singing and dancing under the name of "Songs of Old Londop.o Asked how the rehearsals were pro- gressing, Mr. Dawson said, "Coming on like a bush flre!" and Mr. Dawson should know, as he has been training danoers for the past twelve years and his travels have taken him through ( England and the Continent toAustralia and New Zealand. Mr. 3Q Dawson is directing the dancing and staging and his sister, Miss R. H. Dawson, is in charge of the vocalizing of Herbert Oliv- er's delightful songs. Miss Daw- son is s singer and teacher of world-wide repute and is thor- oughly conversant with singing and musical productions of all kinds, having had extensive ex- perience in Grand Opera, Ora- torio, Musical Opera snd Concert work. Miss Dawson has per- formed with some of the leading artists of the world, and West Vancouver is indeed fortunate in having such a talented and well known artist to assist in this production. This entertainment will beD given afternoon and evening and will be just too delightful for any one to miss. So be sure to remember the date, August the 13th, Saturday. Owing to the magnitude of this effort, and the short time left for preparation, the commit- tee requests that no one, other than the members of the com- mittee in charge, snd the moth- ers of the small children taking"- -.ss part, attend any of the rehears- als. TORONTO CONSERVATORY EXAM RESULTS Pupils of Mrs. Clara Wilson. Intermediate Grade, Honors-- Marjorie Hill. Junior Grade, First Class Hon- ors--Margaret Dickinson. Honors--Frances Webb (pupil of Hilda Wilson). Primary School Grade, Pass-- Josephine Allan. Elementary Theory, Honors- Ian Rush. DUNDAIL4VE COOK SHOP The Dundarave Cook Shop, 2476 Marine Drive, has been taken over by P. P. Van Bosse. Lunches and teas are now served on the premises, and home cook- ed meats as well as home-made bread and confectionery are on sale daily. WEST VAN. DAIRY E. Lauder and E. Sisson, both of West Vancouver, are shirting the West Van. Dairy. They will deal in pasteurized snd Jersey milk products. Milk will be de- livered at night. Phone West 80. The new home which Mr. Rim- mer is having erected at Caul- feild is nearing completion. Mrs. Mary Stearns of Toronto, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Stevenson, 1919 Bel- levue, for the summer. I s ~ mse s ~ v i/ /- HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JUI,Y 28, 1932 ~ No. 10 ~sst II Short dresses make men muss poiite; you ssidom oee ~ man on a street eas ahead uf one! Sexsmlth School Band of South gancouver