0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 21, 1932. e m m' veeet er e svv c~A v e vrevrvrreev rv xr's u swu wc re R vux r '. wx rrr P II« ' cx -ee r'~ ~ rr ~~.vr ev rrvrrrrrrrrevev--rrr«rrrrrr,rrrre vvvrr v J! r ~ rr"r L r Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Why Pay More& JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only I Store ut HOHyburIIT next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER SPECIAL Duiidarave,',""" ""„'„'" Ambleside ts~ 0™M~ " LUMBER, SASH B DOORS, For a 4-Room Cottage LINED INS1DE Price Delivered $ 2 OO.OO SPECIALS: Friday & Satr9 July 22nd & 23rd GRAPE FRUiT--Fancy medium PEART. WHiTE NAi'THA SOAi'ize California fxun. 4 fox 19c 5 bars ......................... isc TEA Ksdxas ser ffx zsc JU5ls~fbvfic Soap, COFFEE Frexh rosxfvd, ib 29c 2 rakes .............................. f Jc VINEGAR~ 1 bte, B Bxh NEiv ROYAL CROWN SOAl'alL zsmx bmfM zzc POWDER--fuse ski... 25c SU(,AR--B. C. Fine Granulated RT VITA FLAKES--'"1'hai New Invigorating Cereal" large BACON--SBced, Ij-lb. ccBoshsse packet sachet .................................. shc Red Jf Whne 1'EANUT BUTi'ER PASTRY FLOUR--7-Tfx xxck 22c Gtms Mrret .........,... isc SLICED BEEfS Hefty zx SERVUS CHEESE-- Hf-Ifx pk isc 2 Uns .....-.........--. -------- 25c Red ft White GOLDEN CORN-- BUTTER--Mcedvvvale, ser ifx zsc 2» - - ...--..., .... 2 Uss 29c 2 lbe ------------. --. 5lc Rcd fb iVhne VEGE1'ABLE SOUl'olden Meadow--Per lb., 23c ........................ 2 tins )9c CREA5TEPi'ES- Rcd a White LiGHT FRUIT 8-ex. packet..... 2 fer 25c Red a »hue PUMi'KIN- COFFEE ROLLS--Fresh msde15c i 2hx ......................................... isc r ~ G ET OUR I'RICES ON I"ENCING Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Dru»ers Everything for the Building und I,umber Products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building Paper lzfmatco, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Elc. gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD Phone )Vest 115 Res Phone Nest JASI 15th snd Murlne AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. "Right Service Right Grades" BASKET PICNIC AT SHERMAN The North Vancouver St An- drew's snd Caledonian Society has accepted the kind invitation of hir. and Mrs. Walter T. Gra- hame to hold a basket picnic on the grounds of their summer home near the beach at Sher- man. It is anticipated that many members of the Society will take advantage of this opportunity of a pleasant outing next Wednes- day. LOST -- Durk Grey Kitten. Phone West 197Y or call at. 1629 Fulton Ave., West Van- couver. Reward. 16th xsd bixrise Drive 1'bene Weal 199 After 6 pm aed holidays axk for W. JENVEY, Phusa West 160R WANTED -- Sulesmnn for radio and electrical appliances to take charge of sales in West Vancouver. Lucrative con- tract snd every assistance given. Phone for appointment North 473.Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE 51AJOR I'IIIRIS I'AVOR NEWSI'APER "ADS" Major industries continue to show 8 preference for newspaper advertising over that of other mediums, the American News- paper Publishers'ssociation re- ported today. The association's bureau of ad- vertising announced the results of a survey showing 436 national advertisers spent 5143,365,000 in newspaper advertising last year. Magazine apace was used by 190 of these firms to the ex- tent of $78,317,815 and 121 used radio broadcasts entailing sn ex- penditure of 621,223,862. The bureau reported that newspapers were the favored medium in 25 of the industrial groups represented. ST. STEI'HEN'S IV.A. TO (II V E ANNUAI. GARDEN I'ARTY The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's will hold their annual garden party on Thursday, July 28, st 2:30 p.m. in the Rectory Grounds. During the afternoon Mrs. Andrew, wife of Rev. George Andrew, a returned missionary, from Kwelteh, Honsn, China, will give an address. Extra Special for No. 1 ALBERTA BUTTER Saturday Only 31bs. - 50c. No phone, C.O.D. or delivery Scdd only with meat orders for this SpeciaL SWAT THE FLYI The days are gone in which the firet housefly of the season was benignly regarded sx the harbinger of spring snd allowed to roam at will. In these enlightened times the up- to.date householder's thought on vex- ing the flrst Ay of the season is ie overhaul the window asd door screens ready for installation, eod in ihix he is very wise although few really know the harm the apparently innocent Ay cse de. Our book of references xisiex that from one single Ay which deposits approximately 120 eggs on April 16, there mxy be developed by Septem- ber 10th 6,690,720,000,000 adult Alex, if none o f them die. It hax also been found that one Ay can have on iix body as many as 8,600,000 bac- teria. It is therefor s simple xum in arithmetic io discover how many bacteria there would be on September 10th. Fortunately, however, com- paratively few of these flies ever reach adult life. From filth to food he busily buzzes, spreading disease. There is an imposing list of diseas- es which can be carried by the bouse- fiy, each with iix latin name, bui those which chielly concern ux are typhoid fever, tuberculosis, dyxeniry sod infantile dfarrhoea, which ix so deadly io young bxbiex in the summer months. The main point appears io be te "swat" every fly that makes itx ap- pearance in the spring, snd io search out asd clean up every likely breed- isx place snd feeding spat. While Ries breed readily in stables they are sot limited io such localities, bui will develop in sfmext any fer- meniixg orsamc substance. They have been bred from manure dirty waste paper, decaying vegetation, decsyisg meat, slaughter house refuse, saw- dust xwcepmgx snd many other sour. cex. A search of your premixex may re- veal some condition as above, il R ix usfy a pile of manure Intended for garden purposes. This should be covered over er dus in without delay. We exsect sgvrd io ric sickness through the presence ol Alex, xo it ix xegzesied that everyone xhouM do choir share io give the fly s harl lime. WEINERS 20c a lb. BOLOGNA 15c a lb. COTTAGE CHEESE 2 lbs. for 25c. BROILERS---Fresh killed from I to 21bs. each - 20c a lb. PICNIC HAMS 11c a lb. BOILED HAM 55c a lb. The young schoolmistress asked if any boy could bring her ~ bunch of Aowerx next morslsg, snd met with e ready cger from little Isaac. "Thank you, Isaac," xhe said, "Have yoe a nice gsrdesT" "No, miss, but I goes around with the mormsg mfik. EGGS--Local fresh, baby extras 16c a dozen 1932, Local No. 1 Steer Beef ~Grain-Fed PORK SPRING LAMB BOII.ING BEEF n LEGS (Fores) f f5f) 1 4C STEtVIVG BEEF ng BUTTS 4 n1 13C i 5»VCED STEAK nl: LO»S 17 lb.......,...... 18C That 8 certain young man is wise beyond his years wss prov- ed when he paused before ans- wering 8 widow who hsd asked him to guess her age. "You must have some ides," she said. "I have several ideas," said the young man with a smile, "The only trouble is that I hesi- tate whether to make you ten years younger on account of your looks or ten years older on account of your intelligence." PO RDAsT 11clb. BLADE RIB ROAST g n I'oUND RIB RoAsT 1 5clb............ .. x RIB RoAsT 16Clb. RUMP ROAST S OI, PRPJIE RIBs 1 9lb...............-"""--------- DEEI'IRLDIN 23clb. slRLolNTII'5 lb. I PGRK sAUBAGFs 2Pclib... CA&IBRIDGE SAUSAGE 25C3 lbs. FRFBH LIYER 25C i 2 lbs......----". ".-"". BEEF DRIPPING 5Clb. BACON By the piece, lb ... 1 6C sAUsAGE RGLLB . 5 I efkch . ......25c STEWING LAMB RIB cHDPs 2PE.......................... C[ LOIN CHOPS Two pickpeckeis hsd been trsilisg an old msn whom they knew hsd ~ large roll of bills with him. Sudden- ly the old msn turned into ~ lawyer's ogive. "What,'9 we do sew T" asked Sneaky Sam. "Wait till ihe lawyer comes oui." replied Slippery Siicic. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE 1'hoax Weel 9 Local Fresh Killed VEAL STEWING VEAL 1 pIb. 25lb. ovEN RoAsT 1 5C IIP Local Fresh Killed Fowl 18 and 20c a lb. I ertillzers, Wood, Coal Builders'uppliesNo. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter 31bs. SSc Roberts'etter Meats MANY FINE RADIO BARGAINS J. W. KELLY PIANO COcy LTD. Phone direst 190 Delivery to all 1%est Vanco55ver Get the habit of Shopping in the "Progressive Block" of West Van All Government Inspected-NO.1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH---NO FROZEN MEATS