0001 flI' 7103 lsiics 9ssd 5wiR Eieit riiixk sthh 'mner- lousc. Iuntfi the ptcm aEx. ige4 valent fort&- 134c- Iietlsg iirhii- August Senior Mheld. oetthe 'agcast, 5tbme Racing, sdessd willes- 444who ofBrit- dow. s)agio I fxsces- eekssd xrosder. periid. sewon belucky TripA- AN)is Tripte ISUI ili iol yi SIgo ( jn IT Iov Julv 21, 1932 Wo Lo OGDEN COo West h1EN'8 AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCI USIVELY Polo Shirts - Sweaters - Overalls and a full line of Furnishings for Men and Boys Not To Be liiisled Small boy (to shop assistant) "I want a collar for my father.o Assistant (pointing to his own collar): "One like mine?" Small boy: oNo, a elean one." Eagle Harbor Cottages for rent. Rooms with or without board, by the day, week or month. For Auto Repairs Gas, Oils, Accessories Soo CHUCK CHAPMAN oi MARINE MOTORS DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY HOME - MADE CANDY Ioo Cream oad So(i Drinks Rath ood Phone Bellevue West 1 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone 1Vest 340 Evenings, 1Vest 143 SLIGHT FARTH()UAKE SHOCK OiN SUNDAY An earthquake tremor was felt at 10 p.m. last Sunday in )Vest Vancouver and the North Shore, although it wss so slight that very few people noticed it. The shock was more pronounced in Seattle, where it is reported to have rattled dishes. It is un- derstood that the centre of the disturbance was about fifty miles away in the Pacific. LIFE-SAVING API'ARATUS FOR NORTH SHORE 1VHARF Life-saving equipment, includ- ing a step ladder, pike pole and buoy, will be installed at the ferry wharf, it was decided at a North Vancouver City Council meeting Monday night. Resignation of H. W. Taylor as a member of the Town Plan- ning Commission was accepted. Aid. Alfred Huggett wss ap- pointed to take Mayor E. H. Bridgman's place on the com- mission. Mayor Bridgman and Alder- men G. H. Page, H. C. E. Ander- son and W. I. )Vilson will repre- sent the council at a meeting of 51ayors'nd Reeves'ssociation July 21, to discuss a uniform direct relief policy. Place of con- ference has not yet been ar- ranged. John McPherson, secretary of the School Board, informed the council that there are 455 pupils attending North V a n c o u v e r High School who are in their fifteenth year or older. Real Estate Finance and Insurance HORSESHOE BAY Fishing, Boating, Lunches, Tees, Dinners, Picnic Grounds Dancing -- Wednesday and Saturday Evenings HO)YARD RODGERS (Established 1914) Phone Long Distance 1Vhyteclilf Home Of Languid Ll)tl g f oed)ers B etter Unusus) Rhythm Nk Pavilion Always Varied I. Latest Interesting Offerings N. f-). Drive Over and Drop in Every SATURDAY Nite The Dance with the Party Atmosphere SIVIV KAYl L'S ORCHESTRA Bring Your Friends You'l I Jke lt BARGAIN I'RICES FOR LADIF.S Up io 9 p.m.--25e TAILORING DRY CLEANING 4(te CARESSING M. WILLIAMS 1668 Marine Drive Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L THE WEST VAN NEWS v Local and Personal A Surprise for you when you taste your favorite soft drink from our Kelvinator. A. Peterson, 1065 Duchess Avenue, has sold the south half of District Lot 805, comprising 40 acres, to the British-Pacific Properties Ltd ~ ~ o Alias Blair of the staff of the B. C. Electric Railway Co.'s store here, is spending her annual va- cation on Lummi Island. ~ ~ Dr. and Mrs. Stainsby, 19th and kiarine Drive, are spending a few days at Bowen Island. o ~ o The house that D. Device is building at 15th and Heywood Avenue is nearing completion. ~ ~ o Mrs. E. A. Goddard of Van- couver, entertained recently at a chins shower at the summer home of her mother, kirs. Joseph Sheasgreen, 23rd and Bellevue Ave., in honor of Miss Elsie Mills of Vancouver, whose mar- riage to Mr. Harry C. Buckner of Edmonton, takes place short- ly. The china shower was pres- ented by Joan and Betty IIIar- entette, nieces of the hostess. Mrs. Frederick M. Mi)ls poured tea at a table decorated with Van F)eet roses and pink tapers.\ ~ ~ It is interesting to note that at the Annual Exhibition of the Royal Drawing Sodety, held in the Guild hall Art Gallery, Lon- don, England, several drawings and one pastel, the work of Ivy Cowley, were shown and com- mended. This young exhibitor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cowley 2312 Marine Drive Mr. Rnd Nrs. Elias Ray anJ family of Vancouver, are spend- ing the season st their summer home at 21st snd Argyle Ave. Miss N. B. Almss, who has been spending a week at Camp Artaban, returned on Monday to her home at 1243 Marine Drive. ~ o o Dr, R. II. Dyble and hire. E. Dyble of Cleveland, Ohio, are spending a short vacation with the former's parents st 2318 Bellevue Avenue, Hollyburn. o ~ ~ Mrs. G. Whitelsw is a patient, in St. Paul's hospital where she is undergoing a slight operation. Miss Olive Childs, 17th and Argyle Avenue, is spending s holiday at Sechelt. o Mr. Forrar is having a house erected at 15th and Esqulinalt Avenue. ~ ~ William Gunn is building a new house at 23rd and Fulton Avenue. o ~ Mrs. A. H. Tiderington and baby daughter of Vancouver, spent a week with her mother, Mrs. F. Johnston, 17th and Bel- levue Avenue. o ~ J. McMillan of North Vancou- ver, moved into the Dewar house at 24th and Bellevue Avenue. o o ~ Miss A. J. Dauphinee was elec- ted to the presidency of the Can- adian Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs at the third annual session held last week in Vancouver. Miss Dauphinee acted as convener of the present convention and is s past president of the Van'couver Club. ~ o Father Carey of St. Anthony' Church, has returned from a two weeks'oliday at Half Moon Bay. ~ ~ ~ Councillor and Nrs. G. D. El- gar and family, 1566 Gordon Avenue, are spending a vacation at Selma Park, Adjutant M. Stratton of Mixme Jaw, is spending her annual va- cation with her parents, Mr. and Nrs. J. N. Stratton, 1467 Marine Drive. She is now in charge of the Salvation Army in that city. Nrs. A. C. Nash, 2206 Marine Drive, hss left to spend a holi- day on Salt Spring Island. 51r. Cornish has returned from bVinnipeg, and is spending his vacation at his home at 1713 Gordon Avenue. o o o Nrs. A. Spencer has arrived here from Toronto snd is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Nrs. A. Webb, 25th and Marine Drive. She expects to stay for two months. ~ ~ P. C. Chapman, who has been ill for two or three weeks, is still confined to his home on King' Avenue. ~ o ~ Mrs. Archibald and son of Grand Forks, and L. Wells of Golden, are thc guests of Mr. and iMrs. J. )V. Cooper, 25th and Be))evue Avenue. Mr. and Nrs. J. C. Rollston and their daughter, Miss Roll- ston, and Miss Sharps have taken Mrs. Erickson's home on Travers Ave. for the summer. ~ ~ The many friends of Bill Blair of Blair's )Vood and Coal, will be glad to hear that he has suifici- ently recovered from his opera- tion to be able to return from the hospital to his home in North Vancouver ~ v ~ N. D. Ross, 14th and Blurine Drive who has been sway in the Peace River District since the spring, is expecteit home this week. Gemmill'I Drag Store Tho Store or Sovvka. Ixeg Movteo Dvtvo Wooi TI Emovgooey Phoae VIoot SSI (Anov 9 p.m.) The BURRARD LAUNDRY Llmlmo; For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. ooa ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Reprceeniatlve F. RIVERS Phono West 410L Amblesiiie SheetMetalWorks IAURIE SPECK. Propiiotm 1446 Marine Drive Phone %est 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL LVSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBLNG ROCK THROWN FROM V. I. AT KEW BEACH There is to be seen on the shore line of Kew Beach, about 20 feet above the water, a rock which figures in ono of the legends of the Squamish In- dians. According to a story pass- ed down from the early days of the tribe, a great gathering was once being held on the east coast of Vancouver Island, dur- ing which one of the Tyees, or grand chiefs, stated he would show his strength by throwing a rock on to Mount Garibaldi. He picked up a rock twelve feet in diameter snd hurled it in the air, but it landed at what is now known as Kew Beach instead of on the mountain. This is the rock in question, and doubtless the fact that it is of a different kind to any in the vicinity gave rise to the legend. Siration'S BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Bread Asoorted Pastries Almond Varieiies Banbury or Eccles Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Chrmtenmg, Birthday and Vveddmg Cakes made at 1468 5IARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Dehvery will calL CLIFF HOUSE )Vhytecliif Park DANCE ROMEO PERRHTS Simpivvo Ovchvoivo 9 to IS - - Every Sotovdoy Cover Charge, $1 Pov Coepto SPECIAL DANCE SUPPER sev Hollyburn Public Library 1800 books to choose from. New books bought every month. 81.00 subscription to end of BAND CONCFRT LAST SUNDAY WELL ATTENDED There vvas a large attendance at the band concert given last Sunday on Dundsrave Pier by the Salvation Army Citadel Band. The program was a vvell- chosen one and the various num- bers were greatly enjoyed. Judg- ing by the comments heard on the pier and around the muni- cipality these Sunday band con- certs are very popular, and it is hoped that it «dll be possible to continue them during the re- mainder of the summer season. Reeve Leyland made a brief ad- dress between numbers. It is un- derstood that the response was entirely satisfactory. CORI'ORATION Ol'HE DISTRICT OF WEST VAiNCOUVER W, HERRliN. Municipal Clerk. Hollyburn B C 6-7-1982. Residents are hereby notified that the practice of stack- ing cord-wood, stove wood, coal, etc., on the boulevards is an infringement of Municipal rights and must be discontinued. v ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ v» v 'e A e m vv *