0001 V e e vr e VV V neVV nrr V~ Vevvnver ee v e' ~r p ' - ~ v'erm loire 'e' .r r,.eo e 'e o efVrreseWW'e" e" re Neer.e 'v: el 'vxv e ~ rr v vere""ivf ew'e'v fee rv vrrfr v Vfrveder re'v"rev v& 'n'-rr rrvvvVvr Vrrrvrrrrr rre VV vvv vrn rre r r/r rn n rvr v rvvnrrrvvrnvvvrr wrvvrr'vv Julv 21. 19)i2THF. IVFST VAN NEWS UIIIteg QIIrdt wEsT vANcoUYER St. Stephen s ChurchBE GAY Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, I S,T. July 24 -- 9th Sunday after Trinity, 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11:16 a.m.-- Primary SchooL 11:16 a.m.--Blstins snd ser- mon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright Services will be held as usual in \Vest Vancouver United Church next Sabbath morning st a quarter past eleven and at a quarter past seven in the evening. Large and deeply Interested cong)wgations were present last Sabbath at both times of wor- ship. hiany strangers were made welcome amongst us and we re- joice at their presence snd trust that they will continue to wor- ship with us during their stay in our midst. The minister would take the privilege oifered to him by the )Vest Van News to extend to all niembers and adherents of our Church to remind them of our services and to ask each one to be in God's house at least once each Lord's day. No man liveth to himself. Each one of us exerts an influ- ence. We cannot help it. Then let us determine that our influ- ence will ever be for those things that are highest and best. "Do right though the very heavens fall," was the old Greek philoso- pher's dictum. bVIth R Christian Science SocietyJIFFY BOB Too are here oi the resort for goy vovofloo tim1 yo'4 yoa mooi iooh smart ox you lounge on the beach or attend ~ brides or donee. oo we design for you this JIFFY BOK It io a short bob with one wave oroood the bead ood iho oodo is o golf of curls. The pvivo io $5.00--Shampoo, Haircut ood Finger Wave ioeiodod. CHURCii EDIFICE 20th osd Eoqoimoii, Houybovo This Society is a Branch of The Iioibor Chsvch The First Church of Chvioi, Soiooiioi, ia Boston, Ifosxachoxoits Sunday Sovvicoo ii:$0 a.m. asd in$0 p.m. Sunday, July 24, 1932 Subject: VTIH!TH" lVe are pleased to welcome the Rev. A. H. and Mrs, Priest back to the Parish for a short visit. Mr. Priest will have charge of all services on Sunday, the Rec- tor being at Camp Artaban. GfJ)eyfdoly7J Beauty Shoppe f540 Moriso Drive Phone bVest I II A garden party is being held on the Church grounds on Thurs- day, July 28th, 2:30 to 5 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. Mrs. Geo. Andrew of Kwelteh, Honan, China, who has been on furlough for 0 year in Canada will give a short ad- dress on China at 4 p.m. The Rev. G. snd Mrs. Andrew spent last week at the Leader Camp at Artsban snd their presence was much appreciated. Service at St. Francis, Caul- feild 9.45 am on Sunday QUEEN'S PRIER WINNER RESIDENT IN WEST VAN. Among those visiting Kew Beach last Sunday were: hire, E. J. Child, Miss Peggy Child, 5'Ir. and Mrs. E. A. Gerrard, all of West Vancouver;; Mr. and Birs. Jas. McMurray, bliss Msmie Mc- Murray, Miss Domnie McMur- ray, Miss Bunnie Wood Verle Hybine, Mr. and Mril G. Watson and son, E. Steede, buss H. Higgs, A. Myers, L. B. Code, C. Code, A. A. Taylor, Sir. and Mrs. H. Ford and family, Miss H. B. Balfour, all of Vancouver. Sunday School at ie:00 o.m. Testimony Mooiiog Wednesday at 6.16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1S43 Heywood Ave Sunday, July 24th, 1932. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult class. 11 n.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach at both ser- vices, topic, "An Abiding Faith." 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "Resurrection Power." 8 p.m., Wednesday -- Prayer Praise nnd Bible study. A cordial invitation to all. TELEPHONE A NECESSITY The minister's subject at the morning service will be Paul's testimony concerning Jesus Christ to the Romans, In the evening he will have as his sub- ject, "Young People's Age old or Eternal Problem." The Sabbath School meets at 10 o'lock Sunday morning. At 10 a.m. boys and girls come along to Sunday School, you will feel better satisfied with yourself all through the week. For 0 Sunday well spent brings a week of con- tent. Because of the general depres- sion and the pressure of hard times, many folks are endeavor- ing to cut down expenses, and about the first thing that comes to mind is the discontinuing of telephonic service. It seems rea- sonable to them that the tele- phone is one thing that they can easily do without. On the con- trary, it is one of the greatest 'ecessities of the dsy. In case of distress, nothing beats a tele- phone to summon assistance, whether it is the fireman or the physician. To be suddenly awakened in the middle of the night, 1'acing the emergency of relief for a~ir shod, or thief fire„ many valuable moments are sav- ed by turning to the telephone to call for help. In the time it takes to dress and go to a neigh- bor's home or to a public phone, a life may be lost or 0 home burned to the ground. The writer knows of an instance in Parker where the telephone was removed in a home to curtail ex- penses and two days after the telephone was taken out sick- ness came into the home. It be- came an inconvenience, which was not long tolerated, and the telephone was replaced in a few days. A telephone is not a luxury, it is 0 protection.--Editorial, Parker, S.Dr New Era. 1t mny be of interest to know that lVest Vancouver contains two residents who were mem- bers of Artillery Units which successfully competed for the Queen's Prize and other honors in connection with the competi- tion held st Shoeburyness-- (the School of Gunnery for the Royal Artillery) in 1895, C. J. Archer, who was one of the team select- ed from the Essex Artillery (Eastern Division) which won the Queen's Cup and one hundred pounds, and R. Ford, of the team selected from the Devon Artil- lery (Western Division) which won third prize in the 9-inch R.M.L. gun competition and also third place for general elficiency amongst, Units comprising three thousand men from all parts of the Empire. The target (mov- ing) fired at over 0 range of three thousand yards, looks mighty small seen through the gun sights. The Western team sent from Devonport comprised enough men to 'man a battery of 4 nine- inch guns. It is s singular co- incidence that two men taking part in the same competition should after a space of 87 years be residing on the same street in another part of the world. NORTH SHORE SOCCER l TEAbl I'OR lVETERN FI~ North Shore United qualified to meet Manitoba Telephones in the western final of the Domin- ion soccer championship series by defeating Edmonton Cana- dian Legion, Alberta champions, in the second game of the inter- provincial playdowns at Athletic Park last night before 0 crowd eoff800 people b)4 a S-l, score, thereby! winning the sound 4-2. The B. C. representatives left for the Manitoba capital on Wednesday and are scheduled to play the first game there on Saturday afternoon. The rRedsr were full value for their victory, being decidedly the better team in the first half and in the last twenty minutes. Edmonton came to life early in the second period, and after equalizing North Shore's first- half goal, looked like making 5 real fight of it, but after United had regained the lead, the visi- tora wilted badly. Maxie Reid returned to his position at right-half for North Shore, and his presence made a big difference to the team, his heady passing being very notice- able. Hannah again played a great game at right back, while Garriock showed a big improve- ment over Saturday. McSween and Hunter were great break- ers-up, but passed wildly to their forwards, snd the front rank was not up to its usual standard, Lanyon's form being far below that of the first game. Todd wss the pick of the line because of his readiness to get the ball across into the middle without any delay. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall %inist(vr--'Rev. J. Wl Cudddforfl Organist--Mrs. Holden Choir Leader--Mrs. Martyn Services: Services: 2:00 p.m.--All de- partments of the S a b b 5 t h SchooL Also the Bible Class, under leadership of Supt. Mr. Loucks. 3:15 p.m.--Church worship. Sermon subject: "The Present Grave Peril to Civilization and the Solution by Jesus." St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2668 Marine Dr. Summer Schedule SUNDAY-- 8:30 a.m.--Holy Mass, In- struction. 10:00 a.m.--Holy Mass, Sermon 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School. 3:00 p.m.--Afternoon Devo- tions. 'IVEEK DAYS-- 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. FRIDAY-- 7:30 p.m.--Devotions, Confes. sions. SATURDAY-- 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. Established on North Shore 20 Yoxra (Lady Aooixisnt) HARRON BROS. St WILLIAMSON j'uneral Brrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 DUNDARAVE SCHOOL ROLLS OF HONOR Division I. Proiiciency--Grade 4 -- Olive Robbins; Grade 3--Teddy Climie Deportment--Yoshiko Hoshi- no. Punctuality and Regularity-- Teddy Allen. Division H. Proficiency -- Marion Dundas. Deportment -- Akio Hoshino Punctuality and Regulsrity- Donald Robertson. SL'Rl'RISE PARTY A very delightful surprise party was given by the young friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillmore at 2S28 Bellevue Ave., on Friday last, the occasion be- ing Mr. Gillmore'0 birthday. The evening was spent in playing numerous games and of course the refreshments accounted for a generous portion of the enter- tainment. Those present were the Misses Peggy Barker, Elsie Partridge, Betty Hodgson, Bet- ty Gourlay, Joan Gourlay, Con- stance Paige, Madge Frsser snd Elsie Swann; Messrs. Fred Fen- nings, Paul Thackery, Jake Ed- wards, Brian Creer, Frank Hodgson and Jack Gillmore. THB West Van Nems Psbiioaod Evory FvMoy Psbiishor F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bosisooo ood Fxntovtot Ogiooi if'ib ssd Morhm Drive (Noxt to HoUybsvn P.O.) Phone West 363 Mall Addveooi P.O. Box Si, HoUybevs, ILC. North Vancouver Oifice: 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 ~ year by osnieri $2.00 ~ yost by maiL v 0 QQ He: "People living together get to look alike." She: "Here's your ring. I dare not risk it!" Eagle Harbour Df. Marjory hicctfbbln DENTIST Hours: 0 ~ . m. io 0 p. m. Soionioyo: io ~.m. io I D.m. Evosiogo ood Sototdoy Afior- soooo by appoisimoot oaiy. Royal Rook BoUdiog I hose West 440 Rooldoovo i'hoss West $0$. Dk. G. l). fl. SI'Al-F. DENTIST Hoy Birch, 14th sod hiovioo Dv. Ogtew Hours 0 io 0 p. m Evooiogo by oppoisimosi. Phone Wool 22 NURSING HOME (Mro. M. E. I.oChosco, R.N.) $54 - 24th Siroei Eooi North Vosvouvov lifo(draco Phone: North )$55(4 UOLLVBURN iE Barber Shop isth 41 Marine ExPERT BERvicE I E. 51ARSii, Proprioion CANADA I'ACIFIC EXHIBITION The Canada Pacilic Exhibition st Hastings Park August 29 and continuing to September 5 will be without a doubt the greatest Exhibition ever held in British Columbia. From the moment his Excellency the Governor Gener- al, Lord Bessborough, pronounc- es the fair oificislly opened until the last person leaves the grounds on the night of Septem- ber 5, all departments of the Ex- hibition will unite to stage a supreme show. Despite conditions prevalent in British Columbia over forty- five sections of exhibits ln gll de- partments will be on display. From the standpoint of attrac- tions the Exhibitions is oifering a program unique in their his- tory. On the opening dsy, August 29 a gigantic Junior and Senior Post-Olympic Meet w)II be held. The other days throughout the week, 0 spectacular Air Pageant, Championship Wrestling, three days of thrilling Horse Racing, 5 million dollar Stock Parade and countless other features will en- tertain the many thousands who pass through the gates of Brit- ish Columbia'0 show window. Many people are planning to spend their vacation in Vancou- ver during Exhibition week snd to take advantage of the wonder- ful activities during that period. Exhibition tickets are now on sale and the winners of the lucky numbers will receve 0 Trip A- round the lVorld or $2,000 ln cash, 0 Motor Car and a Trip to Hollywood or it's equivalent in cash. Lo ii'iiiigt E NOW PLAVINO JOE E. BROWN io TENDERFOOT NEWS OAR'N)ON COMEDY ComioS Novi Wooa: Moq I'llq 'ni)& nerrxe ilidrey ood 4!boviie Motfoy io (()III.XS and kFLI,YS IN I IOI.I.YWOOI) Tiii'RH.. i"iii.. NA'r. Wonev iivelro omi J eo iillviow io TIIE ill(AST OF TIIE CITY