West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Jul 1932, p. 6

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0001 e . etv re ree I ~ .ee vvmm ver e «,ter v ~ u. w r Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,',""",.,"'„"„',.", Ambleside„„"'cd a lvhiio CLEANSEk. iin sc LlrNN VAI.LEl'EARS, Nin 2 Squat iin ........... 2 tine 25c ROYAL CROWN SOAP, buc shic (Limit S bars) CRO'lVN OLIVE TOH.ET SOAI'. Coho .................................. $ Vcc (Limit 6 cakes) Rcd 41 Whiic COFFEE I lb. rncuum iiau ............ $94 Delicious Aroma nnd Flavor BUTFER- Meudowcnlo ............... II@ 20c Golden hiondow ......... 2 Ibu. 4$c Rcd (0 white Sl'AGHETTI Tall tins, with Cheese und Tomato Sauce ................ Icc Rcd R White QUEFN OLIVES 6 on bottle .. 2 for asc SWEET MIXED PICKLES. Viciocy 12 oc. bottle............ 2$c Rcd e White MALTED hIILK CAK E ..... ....... ............. ... 2$c RAISIN BLNS Fetch made ............. 6 for isc Bkah D--"Soccuu" The Ikig 24~ Loaf! BABY BEEI'S, Nabob cu, 24 io $0 small baby beets ...... iin 22c MAZOLA Oil Nen I ..... (in 2%: ....Nn 2, un ....................... . ...... 554 SAI.hiON--Fuulilccc kcd Sockcyc I'1st tins ................ 2 for 29c Rcd a White (IRERN BEANS 2u ................................ (in 15c kcd a Whiic Fancy I'EAS 4'o . ............... 2 tins 25c GRAI'EFIIUI'I'niifocnin........ 4 for 1st OkANGES--Medium nice Juicy, docen................. 25c Rananun, lemons. Ripe Tomaioco Lettuce, Cucumbccu, Carrots. tie. O'CEDAR Oii,..... 4 oc. bui. 2$c 12 uc................ 44c QUAI(Ek CRACKELS..2 page. 2$c I'uuiiicuo PINEAI'PI.E Sketch iin . ..., . ........ I ec Lurgc No. 2 iin, Rcd a White T(ill.ET TISSUE I.urge SuS'y rolls ....2 co!in 19c HEDLUND'S QUICK DINNER I Ih iin ................................. 24c SPECIALS: Friday & Sates July 15th & 16th THE WEST VAN NEWS Why Pay More? SPECIAL I.UIIBER, SASH de DOORS, For n 4-Room Cottage LINED INSIDE Pg ice Delivered $ ZOO.OO ~ ~ o GET OUR PRICES ON FENCING Septic Tunks Cupboard Hours and Drawers Everything for the Building AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th nnd Merino Drive I'hone 'ivcct 199. After 6 p.m. nnd hoiidnyc nck for lv. JENVEY, Phone West 160R 'l July 15, 1932. f JEFFERlES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Onbe LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DKI.ICATESSENQ'Two Stores for your service) HOI.I.YBURN STORE ASIBLESIDE STORE )vest 3 West 303 2 LU 8ER and Lumber I'roducts -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building I'aper Lamatcu, Gyyroc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc. gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone lVest 3681. 15th snd Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" e pt e e ~ e -'. ~ W e e e 4 oweu e' ~ry-etude'tre e 'tt r eee ~e Mete' 0'r'ue e'Fr ~ . ~ 'cr te%*i AYr- ef 1 i v t» C r err r e rc ~'r ' e «ecvt-. «r ere reetvrv tet' veretiro 'r etr'er e eev'rrr- vre e.r r FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE A bitterly critical meeting con-cerning the delay in repairing Second Narrows bridge wss fol- lowed in City Hall Tuesday morning by an announcement from Mayor Louis D. Taylor that he o«ould not rest until the whole thing has been cleared up. "I sm going to know the whole history of this thing," he declar- ed. "It is time the directors of the bridge company took action snd did something. The ship- ping interests might not be pleased but they are not the only ones." As an outcome of Tuesday morning's meeting, which wss held in initiative of the Lynn- mour Progressive Ratepsyers'ssociation, it was decided to call a conference between the directors of the Burrsrd Inlet Bridge snd Tunnel Co., Mayor E. H. Bridgman of North Van- couver, snd Mayor Louis D. Tay- lor and Aid. W. H. Lembke, rep- resenting the City of Vancouver. "It is not necessary to wait until they have enough money to build the lift span," said his worship. "But the people should have 6 temporary bridge erected for automobiles, and the con- tracting company will do this if they are wise. Plenty of piles snd materials srv available." The coming conference, Mayor Taylor declared, will probe sll negotiations which have been carried on for replacement of the span. Charges of olymgu snd "bick- ering" were hurled at this morn- ing's meeting between the bridg- es snd railways committee snd s large group of representatives of the Lynnmour Ratepsyers'ssociation from the North Shore. That he had made a cash offer to repair the bridge in return for a new issue of the bridge com- pany'6 securities, wss the state- ment of Mr. P. O. Seffern, presi- dent of the Pscfflc Steel Co. of Vancouver. "I made the o!Ter snd I hsd the cash, but it wss not even entertained,o he assert- ed. "It is no great problem to re- place th s sysn, Everything we need is here and we do not need to send uwsy for anything." A list of Questions put to Mayor Bridgmsn by the Associ- ation wss read to the meeting. It was stated by the mayor that "inability to finance" thu under- taking wan the cause of the de- lay. "Will yuu always love me2" he murmured, clasping s jewel- !cd bracelet on her wrist. "I love you for the present," she sighed. Get the habit of Shopping in the "Progressive Block" of West Van All Government Inspected-NO.1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.OAK Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH---NO FROZEN MEATS Extra Special for No. I ALBERTA BUTTER Saturday Only &lSS . &DC. No phone, C.O.D. or delivet'y Sold only with meat orders for this Special. BROILERS---Fresh killed from I to 2 lbs. each - 20c a lb BOILED HAM 35c a lb. BOLOGNA 15c a lb. COTTAGE CHEESE 2 lbs. for 25c. YOUNG LOCAL MUTTON Shoulders, 1lc lb. Loin, 18c lb. Ribs, Breast on, 1lc lb. Legs, 18c lb. COTTAGE ROLLS--No bone, no waste 13', c lb. WEINERS 20c a lb. i 1932, Local SPRING LAMB EGGS--Local fresh, baby extras 16c a dozen Grain-Feel PORK I EGS (Fores) nil 11'i,c LoINs 1 5C ~ PoRK sTEAK 252 lbs................................... No. 1 Steer Beef BOILING BEEF 9lb................---.---------- I'OT ROAST lb...........................-------- BLADE RIB ROAST $ 6I li RoUND 80NE ROAsT 1 5Clb...................----------- lb. RUMI'OAST 1SI~ Clb................---...---------- PRIME RIBB 1 9Clb. DFFP sIRLUIN 23Clb. slRLDIN Tll'5 lb.. sHoULDER 1 5Clb. RIB, Breast on 1 5lb. ....25c LEGS 25C I ROLI.ED SHOULDER """ ..... 252 Ibs ........ PORK SAUsAGEs . 352 lbs. .......,......,................ CASIBRIDGE SAUSAGE 253 lbs. FREHH LlvER 252 lbs......... DRY sAI.T PoRK 15lb. BACON By the piece, lh .......... 1 5C Local Fresh Killed VEAL STEWING 2 lbs.. RGAsT, lb.159 18, 2PC RU51P ROAST 2plb. LEGs-- '--- 22C FILI,ETfs 3P Local Fresh Killed Fowl 18 and 20c a lb. No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter 3lbs. SSc Roberts'etter Meats Roberts'etter Meats ""'"-'"'"-'-- '. Fruit lVhip4 tablespoons fruit pulpWhite of I egg 2 tablespoons powdered sugar !amon Juice to taste Beat white uf egg until stilT, add yulp, sugar and lemon juice to taste. Best until stiff. Serve with boiled custard ll!isinfonned Brown was s very light sleep- er, snd took n long time getting to sleep. One night he wss obliged to stay st 6 hotel, and after much tossing about finally succeeded in getting to sleep. Two hours later came 6 loud knocking on his door. "What's wanted?" he asked sleepily. "Package downstairs for you, sir," came the bellboy's voice. "Well, 1st it stay there. It can wait until morning, I sup- pose 2" The boy shuffled down the cor- ridor snd after 6 long time Brown fell asleep again. Then came another knocking at the door. . 'eil, what's up now 2" Brown qer d. "It sin't for you, that pack- age." Welf! I Am Dune Up! A good old Parish minister who had been out visiting his congregation, on his return to the Manse: "Week I am done up. I have made nineteen visits put up nineteen prayers, an drank nineteen glasses whisky." His Kid "What is this leathery stu(1"r'sked the customer oi'he wait- er. "That, sir, ls fillet of sole." oTske it sway, 'aid the diner, wand see if you can't get me 6 nice tender piece from the upper part of the boot, with the but- tons removed." WANTED -- Saleumnn for radio and electrical appliances to take charge of sales in West Vancouver. Lucrative con- tract and every aqsfstal given. Phone for appointmL North 473. VERNON FEED STORE A. ('. SEA((LE I'hone Weel 9 Fertlllgers, hVood, Coal Builders'upplies