0001 July 15, 1932 t' t heir !tet I Ia :the yeie I gn eg!II I ee. )sa ie (0 uvel I feit stop. ! eet I 3 )nt tx, sll Ixe 1 BAND NOTES Owing to s change in the use of the ferry the excursion and picnic to Keats bland has been changed to Sunday, August 14. ~,This will suit many of the par-nts and others better, as many had expressed their desire to ac- company the band, but were un- able to get away on Saturday. All those intending to make the trip should get their tickets early as the number is absolute- limited to 160 passengers and it will also help those in charge to have these tickets sold as soon as possible. Make up your par- ties now and get your tickets. Plans and preparations for the camp are well in hand. Several persons and organizations have already offered assistance and it is hoped to hear from others. The members of the band are looking forward to a pleasant as well as a very profitable time. The regular weekly practice will be held tomorrow at 9:30 and as only one rehearsal 0 week is being held during thc holidays it is essential that everyone turn out. If there are any new pupils intending to join the band it is suggested that they join now and take advantage of the camp and the opportunity to get in- dividual lessons. BIr. Condon will be pleased to meet any parents or new members tomorrow morn- ing st the High School. Too Severe Modern O!Fspring: "All very well saying if I don't do my les- sons I won't have 0 career. What did you do for a career'?" Ma: "Well, my dear, I met ~ your father and married him." Modern Offspring: "Gee, I think I'd sooner ha'one me les- sons." ,R B. C. SALMON I'LENTIFUI. IN 1931 THOUGH PACK FOR YEAR CUT British Columbia's output of canned salmon in 1931 was very much smaller than the 1930 pack but that condition can be blam- ed upon world-wide economic up- sets and was not attributable to any lessening in the available supply of fish. "Had market conditions war- ranted," says a statement in this connection from the Vancouver ofi'ice of the Dominion Depart- ment of Fisheries, "there is no doubt that, with the splendid O supplies of all varieties of sal- mon in practically all fishing areas, a pack could have been produced (in 1931) which would have compared very favorably with the output for the record season of 1930." So far as pack is concerned, the fact is that the canners came ~ into 1931 with a substantial carry-over on hand and with market conditions throughout the world exceedingly unsatis- factory it was inevitable that fishing and canning operations should have been greatly reduc- ed. Some comparative ligures as to plant and equipment in use in 1930 and in 1931 will indicate. he e!lect of adverse world con-litions upon the scale of opera- tions in the salmon industry last year. The number of licenses is- sued in British Columbia for sal- mon purse seines in 19SI wss less than 250, as compared with S50 or so in the year before, The issue of licences for salmon gill-net fishing was under the 6,000 mark, a decrease of more than a thousand. Only 36 can- neries were in operation as a- gainst 69 in 1930. Output in 1931 All told, the 1931 pack of can- ned salmon was a little more than 685,000 cases as compared with over 2,221,700 cases in the preceding year, but, of course, it ls to be remembered that 1930 was a record-making year so far as production of canned salmon in British Columbia is concern- ed. The great decrease in 1931 pack wss in the output of pinks and chums--two varieties of Canned salmon which were af- fected even more than some nthers by the dislocation of the market situation. The year' output, by varieties, was ss fol- lows:-- Cases Sockey'e ........................ 291,464 Springs ......................... 27,147 Cohoes (including blue- backs) .......................... 102,176 Pinks ............... 206,996 Chums .................. 66,997 Steelheads.............. 1,326 'Total ........................ 685,104 Curtailment of operations pull- ed down the canned salmon total but it also had the effect of giv- ing greater opportunity for the fish to get to the spawning grounds in satisfactory numbers and the reports from inspectors of the Department of Fisheries are to the effect that the grounds generally were well seeded dur- ing the year . The benefit from this condition should be harvest- ed in future years when the fish born of 1931 spawning are avail- able for capture as they, in their turn, make their way toward the spawning beds. H9re and there, of course, the runs to the spawning grounds were not quite as satisfactory as had been expected. On the other hand, there were other cases in which the beds seemed to be es- pecially well seeded; for instance --choosing only one or two dis- tricts at random for purposes of illustration--the heaviest run of chums for many seasons occur- red in practically all streams in the Alert Bay ares and practic- ally all of these fish passed safe- ly to the spawning regions; the seed)ng of the beds in the Comox district with spring salmon eggs was the best since 1925; the Coldstream River at the head of Saanich Inlet, showed one of the best runs of cohaes in recent years; conditions on the sockeye spawning areas in the Barclay Sound district were found to be most encouraging; in the Queen Charlottes a larger proportion of the pink runs than usual made their way to the beds. Fur seal captures by British Columbia Inllians in 1931 total- led 1,463, as compared with 2,297 in 1930. Prices were so low that there was much less in- ducement than usual for hunting fur seals, which, under the Pel- agic Sealing Treaty, may be taken by Indians only, so far as British Columbia waters are con- cerned. The small, nervous husband was having an unpleasant inter- view with the large, muscular cook, whom he was reprimand- ing on account of her numerous breakages. "Look 'ere," said she, "you can't frighten me--I'm a dread- nought, that's what I am!" "WelL" replied the other, looking at the broken china, "I would rather say--er--that you are 0 destroyer!" Patient: "The appendix is a useless part of us. We could live quite well without it." Doctor: "You could; but we doctors couldn'." A Catch Just write "Money" on a piece of paper and show it to your friend. Then ask him if he can crass out two of the letters and leave only one. He'l puzzle and puzzle how to do it, and then give it up. Then you must shnw him how simply it is done. MANY FINE RADIO BARGAINS I,OW PRICES EASY TERMS J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD. THE WEST VAN NEWS WELFARE ASSOCIATION NOTES Some people find it dilficult to !ill in the Membership cards so it is perhaps best to explain more fully the purpose of the Organitxttion. When 8 great calamity falls on 8 people, the rescue party, with- out waiting to find out the why snd wherefore of the trouble, gets busy snd uses all means in its power to alleviate suffering and make things easier for those in distress. That is what has happened at the present time. A huge cyclone has struck the business world and thrown every thing into chaos, but like every other cyclone it will blow itself out. In the meantime scarcely a family has escaped its touch, but some have su!fared more than others. West Vancouver homes have felt it too, but its citizens are endeavoring to face it standing shoulder to shoulder in a spirit of co-operation until the cloud passes. Some have gardens with more fruit and vegetables than they will require for their family needs. The Associaton asks for some of the remainder which it will either distribute at once or preserve for the coming winter. Some have clothing for which they have no more use. Sewing parties meet each afternoon to repair or make over. The cloth- ing, too much worn, is cut up and used for quilts and mats. Constantly the need arises for the use of a truck, to fetch wood out of the bush, or to transport furniture or goods too heavy for 0 private car. Some have al- ready been offered, but the As- sociation does not want to call on the same good citizens too often. The convener of the Fuel Committee would be glad to have the ofFer .of 0 truck from the western end of the community, as cutting is starting at that end right away. The use of cars for lighter service is also a very real neces- sity, as those who have already loaned them will prove. Donations are coming in all the time. Sugar has been donat- ed in large and small quantities, showing approval of the jam making department. Some have preferred to send cash, others goads. Some who have nothing tangible to spare are lending equipment, others valuable time, and the benefit of lengthy ex- perience. There is room for all. Mrs. Dodd Allan is lending her home and grounds at Lorna Vista Radcliife Avenue, West Bay, for a Garden Party on Thursday, July 21st„ to help the cause a- long. Among the attractions trill be Bridge, Hindu Fortune Tell- ing, )Vhite Elephant and Home Cooking Stalls. Anyone who knows Mrs. Dodd Allan as 0 hostess will know that they may expect a most enjoyable after- noon, and will tell others. Other entertainments have been offer- ed for future times and will be referred to later. The Editor of the West Van News has very generously given space for Welfare news to the Publicity Convener, so that the public may know exactly what is happening, Some construc- tive criticism has been received by the Association and appreci- ated. It is s new organization, setting out with the best inten- tions in the world, and is bound to make the usual mistakes of infancy, but will grow out of them. A public meeting wbs called at the commencement, but was not well attended. It is hoped to ar- range another shortly, as this is a community jnb, when all interested should try to attend. "Here's something queer," said the dentist who had been drilling and drilling into a tooth. "You said that this tooth had never been filled. but I find fiak- es of gold on the point of my drilL" "I knew it I" moaned the pati- ent, "I knew it! You'e struck my back collar button." O'ANTED -- Coatoticbic Home tct Eidctiy Mxs with pension. West 94R. HOUSE POR RENT, 625--Hci wc(et bested, ccx view, 1260 Clyde Are. Assiy 720 Seymcst Street. FOI!ND--Wrist Watch at Packet Johnson Scbcoi. Owner 9!cccc phase the ptiscipci at Wc&i (69. REWARD--For tciatn of parse, kcyc asd Pcpctc picked up on Marine Drive, )4ib Street ct Dscbccc Atc. Tuesday. Phone West 808. BLACKSMITHING--Rcycitc cxccaicd eiticicxiiy. Hoiiybcts Garage, (608 Marine Drive. POR RENT Ok SAI.E -- Mcdcts Home, 1281 Marin Drive. Phone West 221R. FOR RFNT--Beach Baszciow ciccc io ferry. Every modern ccstcsicscc Phone West 22)X. WANTED--Ford or Chevrolet. Itic model, goad condition, icwccl cash price. No dealers. Bcx 40, Wee( Vcn News. I'kIVATE SCHOOL FOR GikLS- Lady gtxdsxic wiib teaching czpct. icscc in England scd Ccnsdc wishes ic start ccbcci ssd woold msd~t- iicxictc on application. Bcx 87, )Vest Vcn Newt. MAN With 2IHI Tcs Truck, dcxi tires cnd trailer, wants work. Any kind of hauling. Phone North 60)X. WANTED -- Pock!os as gxtdccct, three days 0 week; gtccxbcucc or outside. Apply Boz 80, West Vau News. FUIL(!SHED AND L'NFURNISHED HOuses ic Rent. Houses, lots, cnd acreage for sale. John Lcwccn, 17th cud I(arise. Phone West c6. TO RENT--Four room modern basz- aicw, )9tb cxd Ma(bets, 620. Phone West 17. WILL TRADE--Pour roomed bungc- icw, bath asd icuci, on Hastings Si. Vcnccavct Heights, for 4 similar property at West Vancouver. Write E. A. Yctxics, 4060 Hastings Exci, Vcnccnvct. B. C. FOR SALE or kENT -- Six roomed house, corner 20(b asd Gordon Avc. Sale price 88,000, easy icnxc. Rent 880. Phone West 402L. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Bcc- idcscc Phoae West 241k. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Lssdxcsy(ag snd Lawsc laid. Rock walla, dtsiss, mpt(c.4skc, fesrisg ssd Issd clearin, cbimscyx ssd tstxcclu cicxtcid sad tcyclilaL Phone T. Bstscii, tcsidcscc phoae Wmi 290IL LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Kxscticxccd with xk mskcu "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." Wcci Vssccu- vct Machine Sbcy, 1449 Marian PAINTING, KALSOMLNING, PERING. C. L Kcsisgc. West 894B MARCKLLE SHOP -- Mctcckc, 60 ccxiiti tccci, 86c'isgct wctc, 76c Phoae Mtu King. Wcci 804. TENDERS FOR REPAIRS TO DREINIE P.W.D. No. 805 SEALED TENDFRS, cdtccccd is ibc undersigned xud csdctcni rcu- dct for Repairs io Dredge P.W.D. 'Nc. 806'King Edward)," will be received ci this cgicc uxik (2 o'lock aces (dcykgbi cctiux i(ac). Wcdsccdcy. July 20, (932. for ibc Decking, Cicsu- Isg, Painting ccd Repairing of Dredge P.W.D. "Nc. 805" (Kixg Edward), cow at New Wcxtmiscict, B. C. Spccificciinx snd form of tender ms bc cbnlb&d at tbix Dcpcttmcst ssd at the citicc of ibc District Engineer, New Wceimisxtct B C Tenders will sct be considered un- less made on the printed forms sup- plied by the Department ssd ix ac- cordance with the cond(i)Cue contain- ed therein. Each tender mast be ccccmpssicd by an accepted cbcqse on x cbcttetcd bxsk, payable in the order ct the Misicict ct Public Wct)nx equal ic ia pct cent of the amount ct the icsdct. Bends ot ibc Dcttlnllcs ct Cxscdc cmi bonds at ibc Canadian National Rck- way Company will also be scccptcd as security, or bonds cxd ~ cbcqoc if te- qsitcd io make up an cdd amcusk By order, N. DESJARDINS. Scctctxty. Department ct Public Works, Ottawa, June 29. 1982. "Ab, ic think I once tcdc in my owu catt(age," remarked the tramp, as bc finicbed bic tale of wcc ic c kind-looking woman. "Ycn poor mcn! What x come- down! And pray bow long cgc wcx ibcii" cbc asked as cbc handed him a quarter. Pocketing the ccis bc remarked as bc wc!bed ctt: "Jaci forty years cgc when c baby." Talkative Not: "Sxy. old fruit, does nci the sty!urn look nice from the railway, cb wbxii" Old Gent: "Some dcy you will prob- ably have occasion tc remark bow nice the txkway looks from the acy- iam!" "Ob, mamma! There's x mxu in the nursery kissing the notte." Mamma dtnpscd sewing csd rush- ed for the cicitwcy. "April Fool!" said Bobby gicctuiiy, "Ii'a only Pc." Teacher (ic boy wbc is misbehav- ing)I "James, ck down in front." James: "I can'. I'm sct made (bet wxy." An engineer surve)'ing the right of way for s proposed rail- road in 1870 was talking to a farmer. "Yec," he said, "the line will run right through your ban)- yard." 'HVell," answered the farmer, "ye can do it if ye want, butI'l be jiggered if I'l git up in the night just to open the gate every time a train comes through." Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Mxtisc Drive Phoae West 21 or Scymest !240 Etcuiugx Wcci 204X GORDON ROBSON Banister R Sokcitct WEST VANCOUVER- O(tice Nc. )447, Matins Drive Phone Wcci 4ILL VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite Sisi 610 Haxuxgx Si. W. Pbcuc. Scymcut 4\99. For many years the skipper and chief engineer of an okl coaster had argued regarding the importance of their respec- tive jobs. Finally. the skipper suggested that he shoukl go daunt below for a day, while the chief took charge nf the bridge. This ux)s done, snd all went well for some tin)e. Suddenly, however, the skipper appeared on the bridge and shouted, "Come down below, hlac. The engines are breaking up." "Oh. that's all right," replied the chief. "We'e aground." Campers! Do not let the cold weather discourage you See our stock of Wools and Fancy IVork Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear ilia cxd sistine Drive I'best ucci im Excise(tv Agcsic Ccttkcki Silk Hose sxd Universal Sweaters also Novelties. Toys, Scbcci Supp!ice. Hcmctkcbisg CLASSIFIED ADS Tbe tcic tct Ulcc@Ised Adtctuccacsic 4 2 ccats sct wcnL a(a(asm 25 testa Exccpl 4 the cccc ct ibccc acting tcgcict cccccsic, ck c(acd- scdc are payable clticiiy is sdtascc. Rascabct C!cudficdc is Oic West Vcu Ncrc gci iaaakxa tccsku C MOFFATT EI.F&fkIC RANGE--750 HEADGUARTERS for AB ibc Pos- Watt Beater, 40 tet! of store ccbit, sist Cigarettes, Tcbccccc, csd F)cb- 42 feet of bci4t cubic, 525.00, Passe isg Gcdgcic tct iccsi wsicrc. Am- West !5)RI. bite!dc Tcs Rcomc. I I ~ n'r