0001 r .~rle h Vvo A roar rr r ..Arv rorvr 'orr I'rrr rvrrvrr ~ r ~ ~ R I'~&rl r 'o r' 0 ~ r'o I r m all ' I' „' r "Vru4ARO... ~r ' r,' . ~ r ~ r :V.r ~ . ~ vx&r'\'V 'r V o%'r I r olr .I:v'iv r'" r'r r~ 'r V ~ r vrv o H vvrv r ' 'rrrrrrvv-r- vrovr-rrrr«r wrr rrvvrrrr r vvrvvrrrr rr rvrrr rr" 4 r r r r rrr rrvrrr'rrrv rrr r ~ WW July 15, 19:12. THEATRE BOLLYBURN By bubadar Ramsey MRCDonsld is receiv- ing 0 great deal of credit for the success attained at Iutusanne, which he undoubtedly deserves. At the same time I believe the trick was really turned by that 200 mile line of fortifications on the Franco-German frontihr. This defence line has made it as easy for France to invade Germany as it has rendered it very difficult for Germany to In- vade France, and Germany does not like French armies on her soiL Considering what she did to I'rance in the late unpleasant- ness, you can hardly blame her. Rockefeller, in celebrating his 93rd birthday, hss issued s statement in which he observes that "those are days when many are discouraged. "You'l bet they'e discouraged, in fact the balance in my bank book makes me feel absolutely seasick. I expect I must look pretty bilious, too. The old millionaire is also reported to have said that he has seen many depressions, that they abvsys go, and that prosperity will return What is worrying me, however, is whether I shall not be depressed fla before that time arrives, and so won't be able to meet it--just round the corner. SUNDAY July 17th Special to Horseshoe The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in West Vancouver Christian Science Society on Sunday wfll be "LIFFl." One of the Scriptural texts will be from Psalms 86:9: "For with thee is the fountain of life: In thy light shafl we see light." Selections will also be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being from page 289: VBecsuse Life is God, Life must be eternal, self- existent, Life is the everlasting I ASI, the Being who was and is and shall be, whom nothing can erase." VSIDAY umi SATUI&DAY July 16th eud 10th CHARLEY'S AUNT with CIIARI.IS It& «.'i.)Lat MONDAY sud TUESDAY July 10th uud 10th &IAIIIIO - NOVAIIIIO Iu "MATA HARI" RETURN 75c FROM CITY RETURNtralr cur I'I oooo Lea e weal vae less Leave Releasee I S.el 60c I uou Wuer Vau. WEST VANCOUVER OLYSII'IC SWISISIING TRIALS JULY 16 KITSILANO POOL MUNICIPAL FERRIES Mr. snd Sire. L., with their little flve-year-old daughter, were to take an early train to Chksgo. The previous night the good little girl ended her prayers thus: "Good bye, God I I am go- Ing to Chicago In the morninglu NORTH VANCOUVER CITY AIVD DISTRICT TAXES Taxes, arrears and current, water rates collections in the city and district in the first six months of this year amounted to 8146,345, according to reports of municipal tretsurer. In taxes, 812S,863 was collected snd water rates payments accounted for 822,482. In the city, the six months'ollectionsof taxes, current and arrears, totaled 8101,646 an&I 814,934 was realized in water rates. District tax receipts tot- aled 822,217 and water rates brought in 87,548. GUARANTEE FOR NARROWS SPAN City Informed that Ottawa Wifl Furnieh Security Mayor Louis D. Taylor took steps LVednesday to "Clear the air" on Second Narrows bridge reconstruction delay, and to find out from the Federal Govern- ment its stand on guaranteeing the 8780,000 bond issue. He was assured Wednesday morning st a conference of bridge interests that the con- tracting company was ready to go ahead, and would do so as soon as the bond issue was guar- anteed by an Ottawa order-in- council. The order-in-council, he was told, is expected to be passed within the next week or so. The bond issue is to financ construc- tion of a lift span. The mayor announced that he would send 0 telegram to Hon. H. H. Stevens, federal minister of trade and commerce, asking him what the probabilities are for early yassage of the propos- ed order-in-council. The bridge span, he declared, could be com- pleted in four months'ime. The meeting, culled by Mayor Taylor to implement his promise of Tuesday that he would find out the history of negotiations for the span replacement, was attended by Mayor E. H. Bridg- man of North Vancouver; Knox Walkem, solicitor for bondhold- ers of the Burrard Inlet Tunnel fit Bridge Co.; Stuart Cameron and Aldermen George C. Mifler and W. H. Lembke. "We want to get out of the woods, to get something done," said hIayor Taylor. "If the money can not be obtained for 0 lift span, then we should go a- head and replace the old one. It is obvious that money is exceed- ingly difficult to obtain for any undertaking today without some such guarantee as that by the Federal Government." For the first time in history, Vancouver will have the honor of staging a series of Canadian Olympic team trials and cham- pionships. Canada's Olympic Swimming Team will be chosen right here in Vancouver, after the trials at the giant Kitsilsno Swimming Pool. Winners of these triaLs will make the trip to Los Angeles to represent Canada against the world's best swimmers. This great swimming gala will bring together the cream of Canada'0 swimmers and divers from as far east as Quebec and right through to Victoria. Sat- urday, July 16, is the date, and through the co-operation of the Parks Board, the Council, the Swimming Association and the Sieraloma Club a spectacular day is assured. Mayor Taylor will de clare the event officiafly open at 2:SO p.m., July 16. One of the many thrifling fea- tures will be the plain and fancy high diving from the new Olym- pic Tower just completed at the Pool The contestants who com- pete in this spectacular event wiH flash from a height of 10 metres (over 33 feet) into a specially dredged section of the yool. Here is the program of events commencing at 2:30 p.m.: 100 meter free style for men --Canadian Championship. 440 yards free style for men --Canadian Championship. 1 mile free style for men- Canadian Championship. 10 metre high diving for men, plain and facy, 83 feet. 10 metre high div(ng for ladies plain and fancy, 33 feet. (Both diving events are Can- adian Championships) . 100 metre backstroke for women -- Canadian Champion- ship. 220 breast stroke for women --Canadian Championship. Water Polo match between Vancouver and Easter's AH- Stars. An exhibition of life saving and novelty swimming. A story of an attempted es- cape during the war which hss been recently told In print is to the effect that a German naval offlcer whose complexion was fair and his English good was stoy- ped at the dock by a policeman who asked his nationality. "Eng- lishman," he answered. ALVhere are you from7" He named 0 place in Scotland, and was promptly arrested. He did not know that no Scotsman would call himself an Englishman.Hiu Start Maid: "The furniture man is here, mum." 51istress: "I'l see him in a minute. Tell him to take s chair." Maid& AI did, mum, but he' started with the piano." Cheaper Wife: oOh, John, I'e just dis- covered that the woman next door has a new hat exactly like mine." Husband: 'Now, I suppose you'l want me to buy you 0 new one." Wife'. "Well, dear, that would be cheaper than moving." "Darling," she said breathless- ly, "one feels as we speed along that life is really snd truly worth living." "Yes,u he replied, wand, judg- ing from the way the pedestri- ans dodge us, they feel that wsy, too.u The other day a mother skunk and her brood of five leisurely walked across a busy Ontario highway, thereby holding up two long lines of motor traffic. The superiority of the skunk over the human being thus revealed is deserving of particular note. You know, brother, that not one of those motorists would have stalled his engine and brought up afl standing if an army of mothers and their children had elected to block the highway. This brings to my mind the case of a commercial traveller I knew who found himself on a hot sum- mer day in a crowded train in IVew York State. There wss no room for him or his satchels on the railway car, and nobody cared. Remembering s small bottle of a very noisy snd well known disinfectant which he hsd in his bag, he went out to the corridor, sprinkled it on his clothes, and returned to the car. He assured me on afl his gods that in five minutes he had the choice of six seats in the vicinity and finished the journey in com- fort apart from undergoing quite an intensive questioning from the conductor egged on by a perspiring and panic stricken crowd of passengers. I recom- mend this recipe to holiday-mak- ers with my profoundest salaams The Vancouver City council is reported to be concerned as to what action they ought to take regarding the issuing of licensee to palmists. Most people like to have their characters and especially their futures read. I know I do, indeed the more the merrier, and the things I have been told have been most aston- ishing, though not quite as bsd as s friend of mine, who was in- formed he would marry early and often. He told the palmist that any intentions he might have had of going to Utah were wash- ed out absolutely. So far by the various methods, Palmistry, physiognomy, handwmting, tea- cups, or what have you, I have been informed among other things, that I would be hanged for murder, die 0 millionaire-- I have never yet heard of a mil- lionaire being hanged, but no matter--travel round the world, stay where I wss born, marry when I was young, marry when I was old, and never marry at afl. Further to this I was to be- come a minister, s hobo, s suc- cessful confidenc msn, and 0 cabinet minister. There were also other occupations, but none ever guessed a journalist. It' site sn inspiring list, and how sm going to get through afl of it in the few years that will Hke- ly be left to me, is 0 conundrum. I Xl KRI SA)V Fli ING Cross-cut Saws 10c foot Grinding Knives, Scissors, Lawn-mowers Ground, all makes N. R. ELLIS, 1427 Marine Res. Phone, West 184R1 BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEI. B. D. WHITE, Msr. Distinctive Vuuersi Service Lady Assistant 320- 3rd St. S.. Vhoue North 020 C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 uo'0 R.C. ELECTRIC IE AIOIN6 CANAOA'0 RECOVERT S. C BcuoA aopporl of )seal maeuframers is of I moat pncocd mu B. C. ELECTRIC BUYS AII in hahhir aod solder, ALL in brass aod iron cudoga ALL in Iuick, ALI. in hcooma aud huuhca, ALL iu ccmem, ALL iu coal, ALL in disiefccouus, ALL iu anal& gaa meters ALL ka glova, ALL in sails, ALL iu pavieg blacks, ALL iu priuiiog, ALL in poua hsucria, ALL iu Ioofieg paper, ALL iu wipe, ALL iu mhhcr mau, ALL iu shovds, ALL iu soap, ALL in ccuu sed mrpautuu, ALL ln unform chuh, ALL iu wauu ~od ali of suey ocher uemu hom Slit&ah Cohuehla ulsoufmuuela HEAVY RALVFALL HERE OVER WEEK KND Between midnight of Satur- day, July 9th, and 9 a.m. Sunday, 1.4S inches of rain fell in Holly- burn. As half an inch is reckon- ed 0 heavy fall for that length of time, the intensity of the downpour of Saturday night will be obvious. The next 24 hours up till Monday morning had 0.76 inch; the next till Tuesday morn- ing had 0.32 inch; and the next till Wednesday morning 0.79 inch, making a total for 80 hours of 3.3 inches of rain. Sounded Good Ellen: " 'Ow do you think you will like your new place?" Maud (very rsw maid): "AH right. I'e seen one o'he lady' cards. She's only at home every second Tuesday." KEW BEACH Furnished Bathjug Cottages Fishing Boats for Hire Wf itkersf Spring Hollyburn Garage Autu Repairs and Servicing Home Gss and Oils 1303 Marine phone Drive West 100 py pa cnu, of ail ILC Scenic pm&sacs arc muh m CanaL aml I& pcr ccor. Im made in Ihicish Columbia Thc S. C Bccalic is s Slims Columbia touimikm aod hc. Iicvcs in givieg Buiish Coiumhh~ SffncocuWEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSOCIATIONInvites You to a GARDEN PARTY BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED W. G. MUREIN, p)rakkm at I.OMA VISTA, RADCLIFFE AVENUE (By kind invitation of Mrs. Dodd Allan) THURSDAY, JULY 21, at 2 I'.M. Admission 25c. Bridge 35c. THE WEST VAN NEWS THF BURNiiVG BUSH CHIIISTIAN SCIENT CF. SOCIETY