0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 15. 1932. rrr tk ~ Hr * ~ rrr tr. rtr~ trr v. ~rh t' t r vr c -rr x tumt tp'cl 'ti~" ~ i 'tworx ttit '~ 4 .~ i-t pc t trr r ryan cr't'w ~ x t- tx t'nr t'r t t" r rt ~ rrt rYri'%rrr t t wrt&r ~r xh rex rr t ~'rtrrrr rrrre»~r trrr rt t rrrrt 'rt crt t rerrr r ~ 'rrrr r rett rrwrrr BE GAY hVith a JIFFY BOB Ycu are here at the resort fcr ~ gxy, carefree time-- yct yce most look smart as ycu lounge on the beach oc attend ~ bridge or dance, xo wc design for you this JIFFY iniik It is a abort bob with one wave around the head xed ihc ends in ~ iieif of curls. The Price is 55.00--Shampoo, Haircut and Finger trave included. Gffoendojyu Beauty Shoppe 1540 Mxciec Drive Phone West 117 Toms(o Relish (Not Cooked) One peck ripe tomatoes chop- ped finely and drained overnight, 2 cups chopped celery, 4 large onions, 2 peppers cut finely, 3 cups sugar, 2 ounces white mus- tard seed, I quart good vinegar. Put in sealers without cooking. Lemon Snaps Juice of 2 lemons and grated rind of 1 1 cup sugar 4/4 cup sugar tt(f cup butter I egg 3 teaspoons milk 4/2 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar Flour to make rather stiiF. Roll out thin and cut. Bake in fairly hot oven. Canned Cherries Wash; cherries should be pit- ted before being canned in order to conserve space. Can sweet cherries as berries. Blanch sour cherries tt minute in boiling water. Dip in cold water; drain and pack closely into hot steril- ized jars. Cover with boiling water or boiling medium syrup. Loosely seal. Sterilize.16 min- utes in boiling water bath. Re- move jars at once, tighten cov-'rs, invert to test seal and cover. Nasturtium Sandwiches Wash the fresh flowers and lay the petals in ice water for a few minutes. Spread the bread with mayonnaise and place on a thick layer of the petals, or omit the dressing and spread the petals on buttered slices. If possible, serve these sandwiches with a few of the fresh blossoms and leaves scattered loosely over the plate. "Miss Antique is to be mar- ried. "Indeed: who is the happy man?" "Her father, I think." Bclxbiixhcd on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Axxixixnt) HARRON BROS. 8( WILLIAMSON funeral 9irert()rs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Nexus Pebiixkcd Every Pridxy Pebiixbcc F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bwxieccx aed Ediierixi Ogkci 17th xed Mxriee Drire (Next io Heiiybora P. O.) Phone West 363 Hall Address i P.O. Bex Si, HeSybscs, IL C. North Vancouver Olf lee: 123 Lonsdale Ave. Si.oo ~ ycxc by carrier i 02.00 ~ year by mail. United Church Minister, ltev. Hifils Wright For the next three Sabbaths the Rev. Ilillis Wright will teach the lesson in the senior division of the Sunday School. This is so that the regular teachers may have a well-earned vacation. Interested congregations have been out each Sabbath to hear and greet the new minister in West Vancouver United Church, who has been preaching interest- ing and timely messages. Next Sabbath he will have as his subject the question "Should We Expect Pintecost to Repeat Itself?" In the evening he will preach on "How to Create a New Social Order on the Earth." A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all strangers and visitors among us for their summer va- cation to come and worship with us. Come with us to Gixl's house on God's day in the spirit of wor- ship and prayer, and God will surely meet you and bless you and make you a blessing. "They that loved the Lord spoke often one to another and the Lord heard and a book of re- membrance was written." The garden of Mrs. A. D. Chis holm's home on Inglewood Ave- nue was looking at its best for the United Church Garden Party last week, and a large number of people availed themselves of the opportunity of meeting in such pleasant surroundings. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHU((CH EDIFICE 20th xsd Bxqeimxii. Heiiybecs This Society ix ~ Branch of The 5(other Church The Ficxi Church of Chcixi, ScientixL ia Boston, hixcxxchucctts Sunday Services tiiso ~ .m. asd 7izo P.m. Sunday, July 17, 1932 Subject 4 "I.IFE" Sunday School at 10:00 ~.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 0:16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Hsywood Ave. qundny July 17 1932 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class. 11 a.m,--Morning worship. Topic: "laborers Together with God." 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic: "The Father's Will" A cordial invitation to all. Wednesday 8 pm.--Prayer and praise with Bible study. I.UNCHEON BRIDGE AT 51RS. A. F.. YOUNG'iS Presbyterian Mission The delightful home of Mrs. A, E. Young, 14th and Kings, was en fete Tuesday afternoon, when friends of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., gath- ered for a Luncheon Bridge ar- ranged through the kindness of Mrs. Young, Mrs. P. C. Chapman and Mrs. Gordon Gray, as- sisted by other members of the Chapter. This was originally planned to be a Garden Bridge but the weather man unkindly willed it otherwise However, Mrs. Young'0 spacious rooms provided ample accommodation for the seventy-five or more guests who accepted her hospi- tality. After a delightful luncheon served at the card-tables, Bridge was enjoyed. The prizes which were drawn by Mrs. J. B. Ley- land, and presented by Mrs. Bernard Hayes. were won by Mrs. Hobbs, Miss Riddell and Mrs. Brown of Vancouver, and Miss Gertrude Lawson of West Vancouver. Before the serving of tea, by the hostess, the guests had the pleasure of hear- ing Mrs. Stainsby and Mrs. Fer- guson in a short program of songs and readings. The proceeds from this unique and most enjoyable afternoon will help to swell the funds of the Duncan Lawson Chapter. Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist--Mrs. Holden Choir Leader--Mrs. Martyn Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School, Adult Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Church worship. Sermon subject: "Standing Up to Life--Courage." St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. Summer Schedule SUNDAY-- 8:30 a.m.--Holy Mass, In- struction. 10:00 a.m.--Holy Mass, Sermon 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School. 3:00 p.m.--Afternoon Devo- tions. WEEK DAYS-- 7:30 a.m,--Holy Mass. FRIDAY-- 7:30 p.m.--Devotions, Confes- sions. SATURDAY-- 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. Whole Wheal I'udding i/4 cup butter 4/zcup molasses i/2 cup milk I egg I'/2 cups whole wheat flour i/2 teaspoon soda I teaspoon salt I cup raisins (stoned and chopped) Melt butter, add molasses, milk and well beaten egg. Add dry inbtredients mixed and sift, ed. Add raisins. Steam in but- tered mould 24/2 hours. Serve with any pudding sauce. At the I.incoln County picnic at Vineland, the rolling-pin throwing contest was won by Mrs. W. H. Upsall, who threw the rolling-pin 67 feet. Mr. Up- sall won the 100-yard dash for married men. i)lore I.ikely Sonis'What a shy man your brother is. I was standing right under the mistletoe, and he had not the face to kiss me." Sophia: "Say rather, my dear, that you hsdn't the face to tempt him." Her Father: "I doubt very much whether you would be able to support my daughter. I can hardly do it myself." The Suitor (brightly): "Let' pool our resources." PAULINE JOHNSON SCBOOL At the closing exercises of the Pauline Johnson School, Trustee W. N. McDonald presented the Rolls of Honor and special prizes to the assembled pupils. A num- ber of interested parents were on the grounds to witness the presentation. In his address to the children Mr. McDonald stressed the necessity of not be- ing satisfied with a mere pass, but rather an earnest endeavor to gain the first place in the term or grade, and also called their at- tention to the difference between a "reason" and an "excuse" for absence from school. Trustee T. E. Russell and ex-Trustee W. C. Thompson gave brief addresses. A rousing cheer was given to the school trustees and another to the stafF of the school. Elsie Partridge and Fred Fennings were presented with the cups gained for obtaining highest individual marks at the sports held earlier in the month. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev F A Ramsey L S T July 17th, -- 8th Sunday a(ter Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Main Sunday School. 11:15 a,m.--Primary Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--Matins and ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. Rev. W. S. Wiley will be in charge of all services on Sunday. A basket picnic to afford an opportunity for all to meet Rev. A. H. Priest will bo held on the Beach at 17th Strcqit on Wed- nesday, July 20th, from 3 p.m. onwards. St. Francis, Caulfeild -- Ser- vice, 3 p.m., Sunday. ST. STEI'HEN'S (.HOIR ItILibl(. St. Stephen's choir picnic wss held last Saturday at Whytimlifl'ark. Everybody joined in two softball games and races were run later in the afternoon. Be- fore supper those who wished, went swimming. Although it was a cloudy day it didn't rain, and everybody had a good time. The following is the result of the competitions: Boys, 12 and under, 60 yard dash-- I, Walter Parker; 2, Ross Gleam. Junior Girls, 60 yard dash-- I, Dorothy Sayers; 2, Joan Par- ker. Boys, 16 and under, 76 yard dash -- I, Ross Gleam; 2, Wal- ter Parker. Senior Girls, 75 yard dash-- I, Gwen Lightly; 2, Eileen Dent. Men's 100 yard dash -- I, Bert Kendrick; 2, Mr. Whitelaw. Ladies'0 yard dash -- I, Miss Millard; 2, Mrs. Hardy. Boys'rab Walk -- 1, Jack Wrisberg. Girls'tepping Stones -- 1, Mrs. Powell; 2, Joyce Dickinson. Junior Girls'iving -- 1, Isa- bel Hodgson. Ball Throwing, Men -- 1, Bert Kendrick; 2, T. B. Turner. Ball Throwing, Jr. Boys -- I, Eileen Dent; 2, Gwen Lightly. Bayy Throwing, Jr. Boys -- I, Walter Parker; 2, Ralph Bur bridge. Ball Throwing, Jr. Girls -- 1, Pat Albin; 2, Helen Edwards Df. Marjory MCCubbin DENTIST Hearn i 0 x. m. to 0 p. m. &tuidxyx: io ~ . m. io 1 p. m. Ercbibgx xed Skiqcdxy Atter- ncoex by xyyoiximcot only. Royal Sank Duiidiog I hone Wcci 440 RexMcece Phoae Wcxi 002. DR C D /t Sk,ALE, DENTIST flay Block, i4ih xed Mxclec Dc Office Hours 0 io S p m Evenings by xppcieiincei. Phobe Weal ri NURSING HOME (Mtx. M. E LcCbxxce, IL)4.) 204 ~ 24ih Siccci Saxi North Yxecoutcc iiccidcecc Phoae: Nccib iszen iiDLLYBUiiN Barber Shop 16th a Marine ExPEKT BERvicE E. MARSH, Proprietor. The chemist had left his coun- ter in charge of a youthful as- sistant. This young man being of a highly ingenious turn of mind, it was not without some inward trepidation that the chemist learned upon his return that the assistant had been con- fronted in the interval with the case of s man who hsd failed to get the better of an argument with a steam-roller. "What on earth did you do?" gasped the chemist "Gave him nerve tonic?" was the reply. "Nerve tonic! Why that, in the name of goodness?" "Run down and depressed," was the reply. "When we nest gct married my wife aed I quarrelled for x year about whether wc should bey an auto. mobile or x horse xnd buggy" "Hcw did you xciuc it 7" "We compromised on x baby cxt- riage," Pick cei husbands like canixioupcx, With care your choice decide; It is ooi wise tc choose the ones That are tcc smooth outside. Lo iiiiiist E NOW PLAYiNO RUTH GHATTERTON THE RICH ARE AIAVAYS WITH US" -- NEWS- DARTY)DN Oob(EDY nctxfxs Next Week bien. Marion Daviex Tccx, lx wtd Polly of ihe Circus SPECIAL IN NEWS BEELi OPENiNO OF BURRARD BniDOE--Ycc Mxy Bc Is Tkl ~ picture, Coat xxs Scc. Also KiNO'0 BIRTHDAY CELE- BRATioN--Loxdcx Tbxtx. Ftttaxx JOE E. BROWN ic "Tiin TIixflgnyocrt"'eturn fare by ferry 30 cents Children not members of the school, 20 cents Cypress I"alla You are invited to join THE UNITED CHURCH Congregational 8 Sunday School Ficnic nt I.Ui&IHER5IEN'8 AR(.'H. STANLEY PARK NEXT THURSDAY, JUI.Y 21st,