0001 " xe7/Iy -:S" Vjg!L.be .be -:3lj(S A Weekly Newspaper CJ'rculatiyygiyJ thd District of West Vancouver-Ambi@side, Holi@burn, Winston, DfgygdayrJvg 3L00 per year. CyPress Park, Caulfeild, Whytec'liff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstands. Vol. VII SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 15. 1932 a all vied 4. bing ubla i e ac- baier the aicb, riola 1930, lend- tiona t Oc- t for ut in cd Is- o the steps aber. lyutct illa&on t iew result by the uic in n for bave I of &i&i- &aking } Mwanl & catch u tbaa un&at&4 Oi Ibe. 9,97i; ,of the a gaia ) ae a.nv ',Tb ece bo is con ih fia flcpa&e- teoc for bxbdsl ciaticse ei be &bo oducfioo l ouvir s it IQ SUNDAY BAND CONCERTS AIODEL Pi.ANE MEET PLANNED British Columbia model air- craft champions, who will be eligible to compete in the Domin- ion contests at Winnipeg in Aug- ust, will be chosen next week in Vancouver. The outdoor contest will be held at Connaught Park, Tenth Avenue and Larch Street, at 1 p.m. on Thursday with the in- door events scheduled for Satur- day, July 23, at the horseshow building, Hastings Park, at 8 p.m. Two Vancouver builders-- Marshall Sharp, who won the Wakefield event, snd Victor Stev- ens, winners of the Mulvihill fly- ing stick--are already qualified to go to Winnipeg if finances can be arranged. Two others will be selected as the result of next week's contests. Major D. R. MacLaren, D.S.O.; Squadron Leader A. B. Shearer and Mr. E. F. Elderton have been invited to act as judges with Vesney Ritchie, Leigh Begg and Ralph McConnachie ss time- keepers. Other oil'icials will be named later. The outdoor events on Thurs- day will be junior R. O. G. (rise oif the ground), junior flying stick, senior twin pusher and senior flying scale. For the indobr meet on Sat- urday there will be four events, Junior R. O. G., Junior Fuselage, Senior Flyirig Stick and Senior Fuselage. In the new Canadian rules it is stated that indoor fuselage models must, have double surfac- ed wings and this ruling will apply to the contests here, Non-flying scale models for the Canadian contest may be for- warded to Winnipeg by individu- al entrants. 1. O. D. E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter held its last regular meeting of the season on June 13th at the home of Mrs. A. E. Young. After the regular business was attended to the summer pro- gram was arranged. The Chapter is to be the host- ess of the patients of Shaugh- neusy Hospital at Whytecliff Park in July. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses and after the closing ceremony the meet- ing adjourned for two months. The council ordered that the sums of $ 1;500 and $1,000 be transferred from the Ferry Ac- count to the General Savings Ac- count. The reeve snd council have arranged for the Salvation Army Citadel Ban&I to give s concert next Sunday from 2:15 to 4:15 on Dundarave Pier. This band is one of the finest on the Pacific slope, snd their concert last summer at Dundsrave was greatly enjoyed by the many who attended. Arrangements have also been made to have the Legion Bend from Vancouver under Bandmaster Cox give a concert on the following Sunday on Ambleside Pier, and Mr. Cox is prepared to bring his ban&1 over every other Sunday there- after providing there is a sufficient attendance. At both these concerts there will be s silver collection, and, while it is hoped that there will be a generous response, it is not intended that those stay away who feel they cannot give. The concerts have been arranged for the benefit of all our residents, and the idea behind them is to help people generally to forget their troubles, at least for a time, in listen- ing to the music. This was the purpose of the day of music recently heM in Vancouver,and its promoters there felt entirely satisfied with the results obtained in that direction. In addition to the above, arrangements are being made to have the Kitsilano Boys'and, who are the champions of Canada, give s concert here at an early date before they leave for Toronto. It will be noted that the second concert is to take place on Ambleside Pier. This hss been rendered possible as s result of the work which has been done in the way of replanking, extra bracing, etc., this year on the structure, making it an ideal location for the purpose. Considerable credit is due the reeve and council for having the pier put in good shape, as well as for the general renovation of the transportation build- ings, and the clearing of the east beach, which is possibly the most important work of all. The beach has already become quite popular for bathing and picnics among our residents, and, as it becomes known in Vancouver, will prove a consider- able source of revenue to our ferries. WEST VAN NEWS TO BE PUBLISHED ON THURSDAYSIq FUTURE The West Van News will, starting next week, be pub- bshed every Thursday aft- ernoon instead of every I'ri- day, as has been the case ever since it began publica- tion. We feel that our read- ers will find this to be an Improvement, and it will also benefit our advertisers, more especially those who are running Friday and Sat- urday speciale. Organizations and others who have articles or notes for our columns are re- quested to in future kindly hand them in to us by tVed- nesday noon instead of Thursday noon as hereto- fore. F. FRANCIS I.OVEGROVE Editor BAGLEY ON NORTH SHORE? Provincial police are checking a report that a man resembling Wflliam Bagley, escaped Okalla convict, was seen at Squamish a week sgo by a prospector, The, man supposed to be Bag- ley. snd a companion sre report- ed to have remained at the Mer- rill-Ring Lumber Company camp until three days ago and then headed for Indian River. This information was given to a party of civic oificials and guests while they were visiting Seymour intake on the North Shore, Thursday afternoon by W. J. Blundell, ranger for the Greater Vancouver Water Board. Blundell stated that he saw men heading from Squamish while he was up on a vantage point at Loch Lomond. A pros- pector named Harris told him he had seen a man he identified as Bagley arrive one week ago at Squamish on a boat from Van- couver, he said. J. hIURCH I'URCHASES AhlBLESIDE MEAT leIARKET It is understood that the Ambleside Meat hfarket, 1406 Marine Drive, has been purchas- ed by Joe Murch, who will oper- ate the business in future. hlr. Murch has been conducting the business there for some years. and is well known in West Van- couver. The cutting of trees and brush on the upper level route was re- ferred by the council to the eng- ineer with power to act. COBMil NOteS The Greater Vancouver Water Board extended sn invitation to the council and staff to visit the Seymour Water Intakes on 14th July. The council thanked the board for their invitation, and advised them that as many of the council and staff as possible would be present. The council approved of the arrangements being made by the reeve in regard to Sunday band concerts. The place at which the concerts would be held was left for the attention of the reeve .and the chairman of the parks committee. The matter of naming East Beach was left by the council to the attention of the reeve with a request that he arrange with the editor of the West Van iNews to invite suggestions through the medium of the paper. The council ordered that the agreement between the Corpora- tion and the National Associa- tion of i&ferine Engineers of Canada, period 1932-1933, be signed by the reeve and clerk and returned to the Association. The engineer reported to the council on: * 1. J. Lowden's application. That the work required would cost approximately $210. Laid over untd the next regu- UNITED CHURCH PICNIC A congregational snd Sunday School picnic will take place next Thursday, Jubv 21st, when No. 6 ferry will leave for Stanley Park from Ambleside dock at I p.m., proceeding to Lumbermen's Arch where facilities for picnics are provided. All friends of the congregation sre specially invit- ed to take part in the rally with the new minister, Rev. Hillis IVright and Mrs. Wright. Bring your provisions. Tea will be pro- vided. Tickets can be had from the children of the Sunday School or on the boat. lar meeting for consideration by the council on the ground 2. C. L Hilborn's application. Opening of west half of Lawson Avenue between 26th and 27th Streets. That the estimated cost of opening road is 3400 or alter natively a twelve foot trail 3210. Laid over. 3. K. W. Savory's application. Opening of Ottawa Avenue be- tween 26th and 27th Streets. That this request would be at- tended to in a few days. Approv- 4. Chatterton and hfessinger easements. Drainage right of way Block I, North of P. G. E. right of way, District Lot 237. Referred to the clerk's depart- ment for attention to reghetra- tion. 5. W, L Hunt's application. June 28th. Ditch in front of Lot 15-1411. That a foot crossing over the road gutter is a matter for the attention of the appli- cant. The clerk to reply accordingly. 6. IVm. J. Gale, July 2nd. Trail from Marine Drive oppos- ite Kew Beach to the P.G.E. track, and a portion of the Keith Road traiL That this application couM be dealt with in two ways. the first at s cost of 3360 and the second at a cost of 3630. Laid over. TO NAhlE THE iVEW EAST BEAPH As the council is considering giving a name to the new east beach which has been recently reared adjoinmg the ferry wharf, the IVest Van News is staging a competition for a new name for the beach, to be open to West Vancouver residents only. Those wishing to take part in the competition are asked to send in their'choice of a name accompanied by an article not to exceed fifty words, giving the reasons for their selection. These must be enclosed in an envelope marked "BEACH NAhlLNG CONTEST" c'o West Van News, Hollyburn, B. C. snd must be received by us not later than 6 p.in. Saturday, 30th July. A committee wfll be appointed who will adjudicate, and a prixe vrill be given for the best artide accompanying the name which the committee select, this artide being afterwards published in our columns. LEGION NOTES The next general meeting of the Canadian Legion West Van- couver branch, will take place on IVednesday, 20th instant. at 8 p.m. in the Legion hfemorial HalL Every member is asked to be present. hir. and Mrs. Jas. McMurray and family of Vancouver, have taken a cottage at Kew for the month of July. RE &vsse I II r e ,g... I'anoramlc View of Whytecliiy I'ark, One of the hlost lh lightful Resorts In Canada