0001 vv* rr. vv C BUTPER- Mondowvnle............. 2 lbs. S9c Golden biendow ..., ....2 Ibn, 4$e SHREDDED WHEAT. pkg 1st (Lieut $ ) Rvd R 'White KETCHUP Iz on. bottle .......-.......... 14» Elnpvvnu Nkzr STRAzVBERRY J A M ................. .....2 nt tin S2e 4 IL tin 624 KRI.I.OGG'8 ALL BRAN 2 Pnckngou ............ 25c Rvd Jt %hite BAI(ING POVIDEk I 2 on tin ... .... ....... ........ 19e kod R %hite Toh(ATOES Large 2)1 ttim............... 2 fov zze AUSTRAIJAN PINEAPPLE Crashed nnd Sliced...i Itu tin ISc I BACON, Cello pkg.. )9 lb. 9o SALT. ueunvo pkg........ 24 oz. Se COSIBINATHZN 5 lbs. Ik C. Gran. Sugar...... Izc with 2 lbs. Nivo Fresh Dates......... 45c (Limit 2 Deals) VINEG Ak--Grimblo'u English Mall, luvgc, IS on. bottle........ Ize SAI.AD DRESSING--Ihwt Foudu IS on. Inv...,............. 1st BERIIY SUGAR, 2 lb. pk. (5c DR. BAI.LAltD'S IZOG FOUI) "Hiu Master's ('hoivo" tin.... Izv PILCHAkus--Nabob or Snowvnp Tall tins................. 2 for I6c FAULTLESS COIIN, Su Real vuiuo ......... Iin Iec I'OFFER, I'vvuh Dviivuto Finvor. Ik .............. 294 TFA--Kndonn, I lb. pbg..... 29c IIEIIBA--Zinke Jnmu und Jvkieu the new, uvientiiit wny, pkg. 14e Ik tb Shrimp--Wvt ur Dry pack 19c Rod zk %hite 5IADElkA CAI(E Freshly made.......... 2$c Rvd k 'W'hite I'EANUT BUTPER Ginun barrels............ IS oz. I9v PUFFED WHFrAT .......2 pkgu. 25e kvd R %hite GRAPEFRUIT N o. 2 tin . ..... .............. 22e COOK EII HAS(, MI lb..--..- ..... Iso ponlui ...............--............... Sze Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHLTE STORES Dundarave,", "..,"'"„'„',", Atubleside„"'PECIALS: Friday & Sat., July 8th and 9th THE WEST VAN NEWS Why Pay More? SPEC1AL LUMBER, SASH R DOORS For ~ 4-Room Cottage LINBD INSHIE Price Deliveged S 2,00.00 GET OUR PRICES ON FENCING Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drawers Everything for the Building AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD 16th nnd Marine Drive Phone West 199. After 6 p.m. nnd hoiiduyz nuk for W. JENVEY, Phone West 169R July 8, 1932. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORI4)„VEAL, ETC. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN r (Two Stores for your service) HOLI.YBURN STORE Ak)BI.ESIDE STORE W 1Vest 3 We t 3O3 ) LU SEE and Lumber products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building Paper Lama(co, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles. Etc. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD )'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 368). Inh and Marine "Iught Service -- Right Gradesw rv ..r'v4 vvsh pwi rr 'v.i',v Vir v v u cocciI rvr tvv ~ r k ciiv '.. vvv'p r'= v ~ vr vv ". rv rv r%rv r "rvv I ' rv. ~ ' vrrr rrrwv-'- rrrr v rr 5 rrr rrrrrrVrr. rrr r Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE THE STORE WITH THE NEON SIGN Phone %Vest 1 90 P. E. I. EXPERIEN(.'E SNOWS FISHERY CON- SERVATION PAYS Fisheries operations in Prince Edward Island in 1931 were featured by increased returns from the lobster fishery, which were sll the more noteworthy since they were recorded in a year when fisheries returns gen- erally were diminished every- where. Incidentally, but a point of importance, the improvement in the lobster fishery of the prov- ince is attributed, in part st least, to the fact that in recent preceding seasons most of the lobstermen had loyally respected the regulation requiring that any spawn lobsters found in the traps must be liberated immedi- ately. The purpose of regulations of this kind, of course, is to con- serve the fish stocks and Prince Edward Island'6 experience of 1931 indicates how successful they may be. Despite the improved showing of the lobster fishery, Prince Ed- ward Island's total fisheries pro- duction last year, as shown by information supplied the Domin- ion Department of Fisheries by its island officers, was smaller than in 1930, both in point of catch and amount of marketed value. No one will be surprised by that; the state of world af- fairs, economically, was so dis- turbed in 1931 that the market for fish products was unsatisfac- tory and, naturally, there was slackening of fisheries operations everywhere. Under all the cir- cumstances, there might have been no surprise if Prince Ed- ward Island's production figures for the year had shown a greater decrease than actually took place. The island's total commercial catch of fish during the year was approximately 23,460,000 lbs., which hsd a landed value to the fishermen of a little more than 3764,000, Final revision of the year's statistics of course may change some of these figures but it is not likely that any very substantial changes will be made. Using the unrevised figures for the year in making comparisons with 1930 results, 1931 saw a decrease of about 2,086,000 lbs. in the total catch for the prov- ince for the twelve months and a drop of something more than 679,000 in landed value. Ups and Downs So fsr as catches were con- cerned, last year brought in- creased quantities of alewives, csplin, tomcods, oysters and lobsters but there were decrees. es in the landings from the other island flsherles, such as the cod, hake, herring, mackerel, smelt and clam and quahaug lisheries. All Government Inspected-NO.1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH--NO FROZEN MEATS Extra Special No. 1 ALBERTA BUTTER for 3 lbs. ~ SO c. Sat~rpay Only No phone, C.O.D. or deliveryfor this SpeciaL Local Fresh Killed VEAL 1VING No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter 31bs. SSc 19C 2)b .... 25C 23C RGAsT )b 15 )8 20C Combination Specials I Combination Specials b. Butter..............zoc I lb. Iiologna..............20c Combination Specials I lb. Butter .........20c, r I lb. Cheese..............25cI fur I lb. Bae ...„....20cI 55 I I I lb. pork Sausage...20c fOr I/I lb. Boiled Ham..... 20c fur I lb. Bacon..................20c & ~ I lb. Welners ..........25c Soc . Ssc C Roberts'etter Meats Phone Vlyest 190 Delivery to all 1%est Vancouver EGGS--Local fresh, baby extras COTTAGE CHEESE 2 dozen for 33c 2 lbs. for 25c. COTTAGE ROLLS--No bone, no waste BOILED HAM 13' lb. 35c a lb. YOUNG BOILING FOVVL YOUNG LOCAL MUTTON 16c and Isc a)b. 'houlders 11'/zc lb. Ribs, Breast on, 11 I/zc lb I Legs 17'/ic lb. Loin ISI/zc lb. No. 1 Steer Beef l Local 1932 'i Gram-Fed PORK SPRlNG LaMB ""'""' Bou.iNG BEEF lb....... .................. ... C lb.............----.-------- RIB, Breast on ~ C lb............................ l I2C STE1YINc B«F 25C )b....................................l&C PoRK sTEAK $95 LOIN 62C CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGE gkr BLADE RIB ROAST $ 2 I C lb............................,....:.. 25C 3 lbs............,......... CslC Ib- . ---------------- ROLLED SHOULDER 22 PORK SAUSAGES 35 2 ROUND BONE ROAST ) 5C lb., „, ...„........ C 2 lbs....................... C lb FRESH LIVER X RIB ROAST ) 6C ' lbs...................................25c lb. RU51P ROAST $ OI C In most cases, and perhaps in all cases, where decreases occurred they were due chiefly to 9 les- sening in the intensity of fishing effort because of unfavorable market conditions. On the "gain" side of the ac- count for the year, the lobster and oyster increases were the most noteworthy. Oyster catch, 6,326 barrels, was 438 barrels greater than it had been in 1930, notwithstanding that an amend- ment to the fisheries regulations which became operative last Oc- tober raised the size limit for marketable oysters. Interest, in this fishery in Prince Edward Is- land has been stimulated in the past two or three years by steps which the Department of Fisher- ies has taken to encourage oyster farming and further expansion of production in the next few years seems likely. As a result of successful expenments by the department in oyster culture in the province, applications for leases of suitable areas have been made by a number of citi- zens desirous of undertaking oyster farming in Prince Edward Island waters. The increase in lobster catch during 1931 totalled more than 1,500,000 pounds. In 1930 the landings amounted all told, to about 8,082,000 lbs. and last year they rose to 9,677m 000 lbs. The landed value of the 1931 catch also showed a gain, totalling nearly 6572,000 as 9- ~ gainst 6539,730 in 1930. Thi~ output of canned lobsters in- creased to 37,718 cases, as com- pared with 31,935 cases in the previous year, and the Depart- ment of Fisheries'upervisor for Prince Edward Island reports that the packers, who included several fishermen'6 associations operating canneries for their members, were successful In dis- posing of their entire production quite early Mrs. E. Page of Vancouver, ln occupying a house at 1584 Argyle Avenue. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgv. Iiiotinvtivv Funeral Service Lady Assistant $29- Svd SL E Phone Novih 626 VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phoae West 9 Fertilizers, Wood, Con) Builders'upplies