0001 tQ 1,,'1 ) lit of I j 1.uud :izi A, ,Miss lakely, ir,Mr, r.uud dMru. Diana uncuu- Imdgu, Buck- ilri. A. I,Ryan flr.uud sigucr- iu, Mr. d,Mhs Gunuuu uudMil. ,Bozitz, Mri, I. lucbzous, LL l,doe ' Julv S. ISSK here are the gardening wood- cuts in the volumes of Harper'6 Magazine which came out in the eighties and early nineties. There is a fine series of Italian gardens; and Alfred Parsons hsd a Japanese series which wac marked by all his dainty execu- tion. Some of the cuts which were most marked by delicacy of line were illustrations to art- Icles by Rev. E. P. Roe on the growing of small fruits. I do not know if that writer is still worth reading for practical in- formation; but he could certain- ly teach appreciation of things which live and grow. I have only a tempered appreciation of such things myself, for I do not like to watch them dying. But when reading Roe we forget about the dying. "L'qually fine in description, though In another vein, snd with still more beautiful illustrations, are the articles of W. Hamilton Gibson, some of whose vigncttes are as delicate and artistic as anything in their kind that I have seen anywhere. I hope nobody will ever make me a birthday present of 8 silver button-hole liower holder. I do not like a iiower in my coat any more than 3 vase of flowers on my desk. In the latter case there is the certainty of its getting upset and ruining an immortal sonnet. In the case af the but- ton-hole flower there is the in- congruity if one fsiM to live up to it. I object to living up to anything whatever; so I forego the flower. I wonder if Tenny- son ever ware a flower in the lapel of his coat. Perhaps he did; for he wrote of Henry;Hal- lam "wearing all that weight Of learning lightly like a flower". But some other lines of his seem to be more appropriate to his case:-- "I watch the twilight falling brown All round a careless-ordered garden Close to the ridge of a noble down. One critic fell foul of him be- cause of that "careless-ordered garden;" but the line was allow- ed to stand. A colleague of mine once set out to make me a gardener. He was himself an enthusiast. He gave a lantern lecture here on Flower Gardens to a crowded and keenly appreciative audience at a time when nothing else could draw a crowd except 6 battle between Ambleside and Dundarave for possession of the ferry wharf. My friend should have taken my interest in books about gardening for a danger- signal; but he treated it instead as a signal to come on. At the end of two years I wss still standing pat; but his own inter- est in the subject had vanished so completely that I could not even induce him to revise his lecture for delivery elsewhere. Balak had succeeded in convert- mg Balsam The practice of gardening is gaining rapidly in eugenic im- portance. Now that the autos have made the roads too danger- ous for rambling, we are all in the way of dying of fatty de- generation. Angling and garden- ing seem to be the only pursuits which have a fighting chance to combat the evil. I began with Bacon; and I may as well end with him. He advises in his Essay that things should be planted whose frag- rance can be enjoyed as we walk or tread. I noticed recently that the pleasure was mine when I went to read the rain-gauge. I ventured to speak of it to a gardening friend. But heaven help me--I only called forth a furious denuncintion of the mint whose fragrance I had noticed. I was emphatically told that mint wos 8 curse in gardens, Where does Bacon get oi?? J. PORTER. Woman in s Derbyshiie court: I did not swear, I simply made some illuminating remarks. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCF. 1405 Mcrisc Drive Phcoc Wcci 21 or Scymoov 1280 Evcaisgc Wcoi 204X i OF GARDEN9 I take the title of this article from an essay of Sir Francis Bacon which I once had to study for an examination. Not that I learned much from it. I learned more about the subject from les- ser men. I have quite 6 liking for gar- dening in its proper place. I like to read gardening books which are not too'technical; for the amiable enthusiasm .of their writers is thoroughly enjoyable, even when they are read in an ormchair on a sunny afternoon~Ir at the seaside. If I take upone of Dean Hole's books, I fin myself imagining that the smell of the fresh earth is in my nos- trils, snd its grubbiness on the ungloved fingers with which I fancy myself crumbling it. But one has to draw the line some- where. The sentiment slops over in the "Secret Garden" of Frances Hodgson Burnett to such an extent that one is as much ashamed of being caught with the book as a sophisticated youngster of the present gener- ation would be if seen with "Little Lord Fountleroy." I can enjoy a talk with an amateur gardener, though of aurse the advantage is all on iny side. It is interesting to hear how he solves such little practic- al problems as are within my grasp. I shall doubtless be told that I am wasting my time;;but our time-saving devices have be- come so perfect now that we have to study the time-wasting ones instead, and I question if one can waste time to greater advantage than in listening to the genial discourse of a man whose hobby has no money in it. He does not tell me too much about the drawbacks and disap- pointments of gardening; but their inevitable discussion is probably kept for the Horticul- tural Society and the govern- ment experts. An interesting picture of the attitude of the gardener towards the friendly listener is to be found in "Christowell," a novel of Blackmore's which is not so well known as it should be. Black- more abandoned law for horti- culture, and did not live to regret it. He put a good deal of him- self into the character of Cap- tain Larks, a Peninsular veteran who ekes out his allowance by the growing of small fruits in a sheltered valley on the fringe oi Dartmoar, and who thoroughly enjoys his days of quiet industry snd his seasons of ordered rout- ine. If the gardening interest is not enough of itself to hold the reader's attention, there is an admirable portrait of a wise and witty little vicar, which 6- lone would make a success of the 0book. Dartmoor Itself is pictur-ed not less successfully, if more quaintly, than in the pages of Eden Phillpotts or Beatrice Chase. As regards landscape, in- deed, "Christoweli" is far ahead of the better-known "Lorna Doone." Fortune has been rather kind to me by throwing In my way a good many artistic illustrations of gardening at s cheap rate. The illustrations that one gets for nothing in the gardening cat- alogues are disappointing. I suppose the color is necessary in order to draw the eye of the casual reader; and the coarse- ness of grain in the photo- graphic reproductions is part of~lhe cheapness. There are manyfine photographs to be found in the issues of the "Studio" which describe the "Gardens of Eng- land." Best of all, however, a- mong those which are available THE WFAT VAN NEWS THE BURNiiNGi BUSH By Subadar The acrimonious discussions which rage from time to time in the press between native born (mnadlans and Old Countrymen are to be regretted. They servo no purpose but to raise bad blood and are often based on the fal- lacy that a man's nationahty is determined by the place of his birth, which, as Euclid would say, "is absurd." According to such a theory a man born in a dog kennel would be 6 pup. He often is, but that is another story. It is the blood which counts, for what would be the standing and it won't be long be- fore we have them--of a man with three generations of Japan- see forbears behind him, sll resi- dent in Canada? He would be a Canadian and a British subject legally, but certainly still a Jap- anese and not British. Let us all pull together in Canada and forget all about where we were born. We had nothing to do with it anyway so why rage together about it? Let's thank our stars instead that we did not come to light in an uncomfortable igloo among the Eskimos. Quite recently I read in the press a poem on Vancouver writ ten by a man with a poet's soul and no education, for the spell- ing, printed just as written, was something to wonder at. Yet, it was worth while reading, which is more than can be said for a great deal of what goes down as poetry nowadays, besides provid- ing another proof of the saying that poets are born, not made. A number of the latest ones should be most decidedly un- made. We hear a good deal about Communism these days, and most people consign it to perdi- tion with great fervor. Person- ally, I have no objection to it in Russia. The Russians have 6 perfect right to run their coun- try any old way they like, and it's none of our business what they do. It is our business, how- ever, when they try to introduce their ideas into Canada and de- stroy our government. This they have no right to do, just as we Canadians would not be justified in trying to preach capitalism in Russia. And I should like to see what would happen to any of us who tried to do so in that land about which so many rave in ad- oration. I hear the nearest cheery old commisar saying "oh, yeah." as he reached for his gun. Economy is the present great watchword and catchword. The idea seems to be when in doubt about anything to scrap it or drown it, this latter in the case of the household cat, if she eats too much. Some people seem to regard the governor general and the senate as expensive hobbies, and some even include in this category our parliaments, filled to the brim as they are with politicians. Now considering that no one in the land has talked more about economy for years than these gentlemen, of course when in oppositon, this latter idea is perfectly delightful. It pleases me mightily, but then, if we are going to make such a clean sweep, why not throw in the courts and the police forces, the Militia and last but not least the Royal Canadian Navy, in fact everybody and everything that has the faintest tinge of author- ity. Splendid It won't hurt me, because I om only s struggling journalist, and you can't rob the poor. I must admit, however, that it would be pretty tough on those who had anything, a honie for instance, or a prize dog or 8 g5 bill or what have you. I can only hope that, should this wholesale scrapping take place, my debts will be washed out with everything else. The Lynnmour and iDstrlct Sports Association are staging their third annual games on Cut- ter Island Park tomorrow. CLASSIFIED ADS 1 mcsm hl 2 coom pcv «ocd, mhomsm iolvhlg tcgsisr sccooslo, OR ciolmiThc vcic Iov Cisociscd Advcciim 25 ccsic. Except is the coco oi ibooc scdc ovc pcysbic civicii h odvsoca Romcmbcr Occcis Io the West Vss Ncoo gci Islslcdicio tomlno. SPRING CHIN(FVS Iov Roociios oc Flyiog. also choice boSiog fowl. Phoae West 24. PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR GIRIJI- Lady grsdosic iciih icschiog cxpcv- icscc io England sod Csosdo wishes io start school omi wooid mod iicoisrc on sppiicstios. Box 37, cci VSO NCSC. HEADGUARTERS Iis AB the P oisr Cigarettes, Tobcccoo, ssd Fic- iog Gcdgcic for iocsi woiovc. Am- biccidc Tco Rcomx.GIRL WANTS WORK Wiih Chiidlcs, dcy or hoor. Phooc West 699X3. WANTED--Lighi hooccimid douce by young girL Phooc North 370. 5IAN With '2Ml Tos Tvoch, doci iivcc sod ironer, wants work. Aoy kiod of hauling. Phone North 561X. WANTED--Young Girl Iov MS(her'c Help, wcgcc 56 pcr mouth. Phage West 36?X. &a I IVSIDE FIR 864is pcv Cord Also goad OLbc aod mill nm. Fol ~ ibolioi ihso oso cold of vvood will be gives Iree io the pcvcoa comBog is arnot oldcxo. Phone BIsir'c, West 298. FOR PLUMBL(G REPAIRS -- BOO- (douce Phone Wart 841R. JAPANESE GIRL Wsaic Housework. PhOae Irvxo HoxhioO, Weet 439RI. WANTED -- POCIIUS as sex desex, three days ~ meet; grccshoocc or ooicidc. Apply Box 86, Wcct Vso VOWS. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Hooccc io Rent. Houses, lots, sod scvcogc for sale. John Lswcoo, 17th sod bier(ac, Phone West 66. TO RENT--Four room modcca bang- cicw, 19th sod Msihcrx, 520. Phone West 17. )VILL TRADE--Four roomed bosgs. iow bath sod toilet on Hoctiogv Si. Vcocoovcr Heights, Ior s similar property si West Vancouver. Wnio E. A. Yovcioo 4050 Hastings East, Vsocoovcr, B. C. FOR SAI E oc RENT -- Siz momcd house. corner 20th ssd Cordon Avc. Sale price 53,000, easy terms. Rent 530. Phone Wcct 462L FOR SALE--25 R.I.R. Poncic, ILO.P. sbcoi 4 ibc. For Sale--MOGccgov Scw. For Rent or Sale--Rodgers Ranch. Appiy N. Rodgcrx, 2391 Marine Drive. BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 15ih sod Bcncvoc, near terry. Bates at- trsciivc. Phooc West 468L POR RENT -- Furnished Hcsco or Cottage. Phone West 490. PHOTO FINISHING--Export Wort. Speedy Scrvicc. Oor pisoi I~ iocsi- cd right io ivcci Vancouver. C. J. Brodcrick, 1436 Marine Drive. WILL GIVE High School Girl Room cod Board in home on beach in ex- change for light services Apply Box 37 West Vxo Ncwx, GORDON ROBSON Bcvricicr R Sonciiov '\VEST VANCOUVER- Ogicc No 1447 bisrioc Drive Phone West 408. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818l 610 Hcciiogc St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199, FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Loodccspiog osd Lowsx laid. Rock walla, droiox, mpuc tanks, fcmdsg ~sd land ctosviog, chimocyc ood Iovocccc cicsnod sod vcpoirmk Phoae T. Bcrsoii, vcoidcocc phoae West 290R LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Kx 'ced with OR makca "WILL C T LIKE NEW." West Vcooos- vcr Modiioc Shop, 1449 Mcvioc. PAL(TING, KALSOMINING, PA PERING. C. I Kosmgx. West 894R MARCELLB SHOP -- bislccna cents; reset, ssc; Sager wove, 75c. Phooc Iirx. King, West 304. TENDERS FOR REPAIRS TO DREDGE P.WJ), Na 305 SEALED TENDERS, oddvccscd io the undersigned sod endorsed feu- der for Repairs io Dredge P.W.D. 'No. 306'Kiog Edward)," will be vcccivcd at tbic ogive Soil 12 o'ciock oooo (dcynghi ccvisg i(sic), Wcdsccdsy, July 20, 1932. for the Doc)Cog, Clean- iog, Painting sod Rcpoiriog of Dredge P.W.D. "Nc. 306" (Km g Kdvvsvd), sow at New Westminster, IL C. Spccilcstioo sod Iono CI tender can be obicmcd at ihm Dcpslimcoi osd at tho oirico of ibc Dhxnrt Engineer, New Westminster, B.C. Tenders will oci be coscidcvod oo- less made oa the printed forte Sup- plied by ibc Department ssd in oc- coldcoco with the coodiiiooc cosisis- cd therein. Koch tender mast be oceompsaicd by an ccccpicd chcqsc cs ~ cboticvc bank, payable io the order of the Mioicicr of Pobiic )Vorkx. Oqosi io 10 pcr cent of the amount CI ibc isodcr, Bands of ibc Domioioo CI Coocdo sod bonds of the Csosdiso National Rail- vmy Cosipczy wlii oho bc sccopicd sc xccsviiy, or bonds sod ~ chcqoc if vc- qoircd tc make op an cdd omoosi. By order, N. DKSJARDINS, Sccvcory. Department of Psbiic Works, Oncicc, June 29, 1932. Yojj Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 1Sth of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY