West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jul 1932, p. 4

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0001 pe&« KK ~e«~ e,ver KK er W « * ~9's i ' ~ .~e& ' F F' F r&es'& 'r&RV'e'W'e ~ T&e«.peep eeo &rrrrpw v rp rr-. r r p v«repr «h'rr ~'Vy- rrv"rrr «v-p rrrrVrr &Prrrrrep rre evrrvp rvre p rrrrr rrrr~rp« 'rr vrrrrrrrr rprp v rrrrrwl~rrP.vrwvr pw&«pr rrr vip '&VEST VANCOUVElt HIGH SCHOOL The folio&ring students made perfect attendance during the year 1931N2: Grade XII, Sr. histric--Tom, Gibson, &Vingett Irish, Grace Tho&npson, Alan Vaughan, Jack \Vatt. Grade XI, Jr. Matric--1Villiam Atwoad. Robert Crawford, Nary Fraser, hiax Lennox, Alice Over- ington, Paul Thackeray, George 1Vatt. Grade X--Ida Allan, Elmore Humphries, Douglas McNair. Grade IX A--Frank Beamish, Harry Phillips, Robert Ward. Grade IX B--Betty Bolebec, Dick Timbrell. Grade X Commercial -- hiar- jorie Vernon. Special Commercial -- Robert Reid. Grade IX Commercial -- Mary Gibson, Evelyn hIeuse. It is worthy of note that Win- gett Irish and Tom Gibson have had perfect attendance for the five years that they have been enrolled in the High SchooL while Robert Reid has had per- fect attendance for the four years that he has been enrolled in the school. Promotion List Promoted to Grade XI, Junior hiatriculation. Honor Promotion: Beverley Barr, David Gray, Marjorie Hill, Harry Jones, John Kendrick, Gerald Mason, Walter McLin- tock, Margaret Saunders. Passed: Margaret Allison, Ida Boshier, Frank Downey, Elean- or Eager, Thomas Grieve, Laur- ence Lefeaux, Jessie hfacRae, Effie Postlethwaite, Ruth Pos- tlethwaite, Richard Wheeler. Granted Supplementals: Met- ford Chapman, SIsrjorie Craw- ford, Eileen Dent, Evelyn Dick- inson, Philip Farmer, Kathleen Hodgson, Elmore Humphries, Irene Shirlaw, Iris Smallwood, Ursula Smallwood, Muriel Stone- man, Eifie Vickery. Prepared for Grade XI of the four-year term: Ida Allan, Ali- son Beaty, Eileen Body, Dorothy Boshier, hiary Bradshaw, Bar- bara Gamsge, Thelma Gri&fiths, Frances Johncox, Mildred Let- tner, Eugene Lopatecki, Carolyn Marsh, Douglas hfcNair, hfarj- orie Paton, SIabel Phillips. Promoted on trial: Betty El- liott, Dorothy Dickinson, John Banty, Virginia Gamsge, Frank Hodgson, Dick Laster, Charles Miles, Lenna Simpson, Betty Vickery. Promoted in certain subjects: Ronald Irish, Margaret Wris- berg. Promoted to Grade X. Honor Promotion: Donnie Barr, Enid Clemente, Jean Dun- can, Alton Grafton, Jim Murray. Passed: David Brown, John Fiddes, William Hawkes, Suea Furukawa, Fred Mclntosh, Harry Phillips, Ted Russell, Frank Smith, Wilfred Thomson, James Watson, Edith White. Granted Supplementals: Mad- eline Cross, Jack Edwards, Flor- ence Gracey, Geraldine Johnson, Fred Masterman (aegrotat standing), Powell Shiells, Pearl Robertson, Jean Thomson, Rich- ard Timbrell, Robert Ward, Ern- estine Weeden. Promoted to Grade XII Com- mercial, in order of merit: May Cripps, Agnes King, Hazel Brealey, Lulu Ray, Ella Rox- burgh. Granted Supplementsls: Julie Pyne, Muriel Howdle. Promoted to Grade Xl Com- mercial. Honor Promotion: Jean Cur- rie, Norah Strong. Passed: Frances Grant, Helen Ritz, Lucy Smith, Marjorie Ver- non, hIaisie Busst, Doris Cullin, Mary Edington. Granted Supplementals: hlaur- ice Anderson, Wylms Donaldson. Promoted to Grade X Com- mercial. Honor Promotion: Morva Batchelor, Olive Childs, Mary Gibson, Joan Gourlay, Evelyn Neuse, Jack Schuberg. Granted Supplementals: John Clegg, Patricia Davidson, Florrie Corbett, Helen Clement, Joyce Dickinson, Jean Kinlock, Sadie Lehtinen, Nuriel NcLeod, Jack Ray. Completed one-year special commericsl course: Elizabeth FNIwards, ltobert Reid, Jessie Hoyle. BOLL YBURiN SCIIOOL List of Honor Roll pupils and Class lwaders. Division I.--Grade 8 Honor Roll Proficiency: Ruth Williams. Deportment: Doreen Elgar& Regularity and Punctuality: Mary Burns, Anne Clegg, Gor- don Gibson, Hertha Lath-Paul- sen, Albert hiacLeod, Ray Schu- berg. Class Leaders: 1, Ruth Wil- liams; 2, Anne Clegg; 3, Kath- leen Love. D&v&s&on H. Honor Roll Proficiency: Agnes Gray. Deportment: Peggy Davies. Regularity and Punctuality: Jean Hill, Harold Johnson, Ian Rush, Margaret Fence, Alan Fraser, Aileen hfeuse, Douglas Watt. Regularity: Agnes Colpitts, Victor Stevens. Class Leaders--Grade SB: 1, Agnes Gray, 82%; 2, Jack hlc- Lead, 800& & 3, Harold Johnson, 76%&. Grade 7A: 1, Freds Rush, 79%; 2, Alan Fraser, 77%; 3, Elaine Kissick, 77%. Diviaion IH Grade VB--1, Lila Reynolds, 76'7& 1 2, Audrey Richardson, 75%; 3, Winnie Gibson, 74'7o. Grade 6A--1, Alistair Grigor, 74 "&' 2, Muriel McCulloch, 70%; 3, Bevan McNeil, 70%. Honor Rolls Proficiency:: Lila Reynolds. Deportment: Kathleen Ogden. Regularity and Punctuality: Victor Johnson, Jack Kearns, Jim MacDonald. Division IV Class Leaders Grade 6B--1, Susan McLin- tock, 88.70/; 2, Donald Howie- son, 84'/» 1 3, Cli&ford Tearoe, 82.9%. Grade SA--Div. 4 - 5--I, Hel- ena Clegg, 84.7%%uo, 2, Alice Nel- son, 81.6%& ', 3, Hiroshi Kataoka, 81 &/0. Honor Roll Proficiency: Susan McLintock. Deportment: Alice Nelson. Regularity and Punctuality: Eric Schuberg, Clifford Hill, Ksthleen Davies, Hiroshi Kata- oka, Kenneth McNair, Billy Dic- kinson, Audrey Burkhart. Division V. Class Leaders Grade SB--1, Ruth MacLeod, 80.6'7o ., 2, Michael Parson, 80.8% 3& Beatrice Sparks, 79.6'7o. Rolls of Honor Proficiency: Ruth MacLeod. Deportment: Muriel Pick. Regularity and Punctuality: Margaret Bill, Beatrice Sparks, Claire Richardson, Dorothy Say- ers, hiichael Costello, Teddy Clegg. Division VI. Honor Roll Pupils Proficiency: Dorothy Messin- ger. Deportment: hIerle Spanks Punctuality and Regularity: Kesy Homme. Class Leaders Grade 4A--1, Dorothy Mes- singer, 87.5'/o; 2, Douglas Mc- Cartney, 85.8/013, Ross Rathie, 80'/0. Grade 4B-- I, Patrick Je&?erie 78'/; 2, George 1Villoughby, 77.2'/& 1 3, Moira McLeod, 77.1'/& . Division VII. Class Leaders Grade SA -- 1, Phyllis Ney, 91.8'7& 1 2, Norms Minions, 90.2'!0 1 3, Harriott Msgoun, 87.4%o. Grade 3B -- I, Mary Wilson, 89.7»/& 1 2, Catherine Lowden, 86,1/0, 3, Takeshi Katooka, 85.4'70. Honor Rolls Proficiency: Phyllis Ney. Department: George Sakuari. Regularity 2nd Punctuality: Roy Knight, Bobble Corbett, Fred Smithers. D&v&sion VHI. Grade 2A-- I, Dorothy Nelson; I, Louise Messinger; 3, Betty Copeland. Grade 2B -- 1, Jacqueline Vance; 2, David Nagoun; 3, Ruby Bourgeois. Honor Rolls Proficiency: Dorothy Nelson. Deportment:Louise Nessinger Punctuality and Regularity: Hourie Nakoshims. Division IX. Class Leaders Grade 1A--1, Eula Paterson; 2, William Hartley; 3, Gladys Wilson. Grade 1B--I, George Pitts; 2, Peter Clark; 3, Frank Corbett. DUNDARAVE SCHOOI. June Rankings Grade 4A--I, Mila Roth; 2, Olive Robbins. Grade 4B--1, Alma Skerton; 2, Raymond Lycett. Grade 3A--1, Yoshiko Hosh- ino 2 Dick Beard Grade 3B--I, Teddy Climie; 2, Bert Jordan. Grade 2A--I, Betty Brewis; 2, Joyce Coney. Grade 2B--1, Marion Dundas; Grade 1A--1, Donald Robert- son; 2, Peter Ajello. Grade 1B--1, Dallas Ingram. CLOSING EXERCISES OF ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL The closing exercises of St. Patricia School under the direc- tion of Miss Joan Durbin, were held on Tuesday last when the pupils entertained their parents and friends at a badminton tour- nament and tea. Following the tournament reports and school prizes were presented by Mrs. Bernard Hayes, regent of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., to whom a bouquet of roses was presented by Peggy Mar- shall. The prizes awarded were as follows: General Eificiency~udy Good Order snd Neatness -- Bunty MarshalL Politeness--June Eastman. Highest Mark--Judy Good. Greatest Improvement--Mary Lang. The afternoon closed with the serving of dainty refreshments by the pupils thus giving evid- ence of the course introduced this year in social training. Christian Science Society. The subject of the Lesson-Ser- mon in West Vancouver Christi- an Science Society on Sunday will be "SACRAMENT." One of the Scriptural texts will be from Luke 23: 34: "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them for they know not what they d( et The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 571 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "At all times and under all circum- stances, overcome evil with goad. A certain Parish Minister not- orious for his dry discourse got the name of emptying three churches in succession. The Presbytery took his case into consideration and settled him as Chaplain to s Prison. Two Scots were havmg a drmk in a bar. Said one, seriously: "What's your great ambition, Jock? Is there sny one thing in the world you'd like better than another?" "No," said Jock, hopefully, "another would suit me flne." Sah yo station am comin'p next. Shall ah brush yo oit'? Thank you but I prefer to walk oif. EEFERT SSW FILING Crosscut Saws 10c foot Grinding Knives, Scissors, Lawn-mowers Ground, sll ! makes N. R. ELLIS, 1427 Marine Res Phone West 184R1 4 THE IVEST VAN NEWS GI,OIIIOUS TWEI.FTH TO BE CEl,FBRATED IN NoltTH Y AivLOUVER Next Tuesday all the L.O.L. lodges of the Lower Mainland will assemble ln North Vancou- ver to celebrate the 242nd an- niversary of the battle of the Boyne. Special arrangements have been made with the North Vancouver Ferry Co. to run special boats at 9, 9:10, and 9:20 a.m. with bande and banners. The parade with seven bands will assemble east from Lons- dale Ave. at 9:30 and parade vis Lonsdale Ave., starting at 10 a. m. Lunch will be served in the drill hall from 12 to 1:30 p.m. The afternoon'2 program will be- gin at I p.m. with speeches in hiahon Yerk to be followed by sports including tug-of-wsr and fleld and track races for old and young. There vali be a number of open events and five silver cups to be competed for. An Orange dance will be held in the drill hall in the evening, also s dance in Vancouver st the I.O. O.F. hall. All the proceeds of the day will go to the Loyal Protestant Home for children. Altogether it promises to be one of the biggest gala days in North Vancouver in recent years Next Sunday the order will hold its annual church parade from the Orange Hall, Gore Avenue and Hastings Street, to St. Andrew's Church. Rev. And- rew Roddan will preach the ser- mon. Members will meet in the hall, Gore Avenue, at 2:15 p.m. Next Tuesday, 12th instant, the West Vancouver Lodge will meet at 7:30 a.m. in the Orange Hall, when a short meeting will be held. About 7:45 a.m. the members w&ll parade to 14th St. headed by the West Vancouver Boys Band, and a wreath will be placed on the Memorial Arch en route. C. J. Overinltton PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine |'. ,',j ( da July 8, 1932 HOLLYSURN THEATRE FR&DAY aad SATVRDAV July Sth aad Sth "Ladies of The Jury" with EDNA NAY D&.lVER &do&(DAY aad TVESDAY 11th aad 12th &NA ('&,A&RE "REBOUND" s) r,j,j Firewood Largest o rating mill on the orth Shore. Slabs and Edgings per cord ................ 84.25 Slabs (extra heavy) per cord ................ 84 50 Ins&de F&r per cord 8600 PACIFIC GATEWAY &pi ! I.USIBFR CO. North 525 Foot of Bowser Avenue, North Vancouver Among those spending 1st of July at Kew Beach are: Mr. snd Nrs. J. Ure, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ajello, Miss E. Morgan, Miss A. Savsree, Miss E. Newton, Miss N. Doheney, Miss N Blakely, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McAithur, Mr. and Mrs G P Draper Mr and Mrs. M. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leggatt Miss Diana Chapman, all of West Vancou- ver. Mr. snd Nrs. G. Buckridge, M&ss J. Lambert, Mr. J. Buck- ridge, Mr. L. Buckridge, Mr. and H. F. Longley, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stevenson, Nr. snd Mrs. H. Ryan sll of North Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. F. Boldney, Miss hlarguer- ite Adams, Mrs. hi. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. hicLeod, Miss Laura hfowst Mr D M Gorman Miss Dorothy Clay, Mr. and Mrs. H H Clay Miss Louise Swsrtz Mr. E. Clay, Mr. snd Mrs. J. Buchanan, Mr. Jas. Buchanan, sll of Vancouver. IH |:AlRHESS YO ALL WHEN you use little current this summer you may wonder why yoa sre charged a minimum amount. 'The reason is that certain "overhead" costs go on whether you use cur&eat or not. 'Se meter must be read, the books kept, the bills delivered, the power plant kept in readiness, the lines maintained... sll of which costs go on iriespectwe of the current yau uae. a& 'The minimum charge is the 4irest way to charge each user the cost of his service. lf no minimum charge were made, someone else would be paying for the cost of serving those who did nat pay the minimum. (lief fff&,~fi; aetw a&a&aE&A»:1mq»gge&rn&a 2 Yawasnfi?a: