0001 July 8, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS E csseo Isf zn uehms whet ls sdf mt 6ss4sn nm ssgsr ssl na each s61 il "she' R t BY g v scs. ,OS 1 iwtSl TAILORING DRY CLEANING a PRESSING M. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L Improve your complexion by having a FREE DRINK AT KEW BEACH MINERAL SPRING For Auto Repairs Gas, Oils, Accessories Scc CHUCK CHAPMAN at MARINE MOTORS DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY HOME - MADE CANDY Icc Cream and Soft Dslnha 26th and Phono Bellevue West 7 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone IVest 340 Evenings, West 143 Hollyburn Public Library The Hollyburn Public Library put 275 new books on their shelves last Wednesday. The fee for subscribers is only 81.00 to the end of the year, and this covers everything, there being no further charge. HORTICUI,TURAL SOCIETY PRIEES I'RESEiVTFD The presentation of prizes to the winners in the recent Floral Festival put on by the West Vancouver Horticultural Society took place last Wednesday even- ing, 29th ultimo, in Dundarave HalL President K. A. Ray ad- dressed the meeting, after which May Queen Jean made the pres- entations. Later she was pre- sented with a bouquet of roses by the president. ALEX. filachULAY WINS IN NORTH VANCOUVER Alex. MacAulay of Hollyburn School, made a great showing in the Native Sons Sports on Dom- inion Dsy at Mahon Park. He won both the 100 yards public school open, and the open public school mile, running away from his competitors in the latter race to a great finish which brought forth the tumultuous applause of the crowd. He also ran last man in the 100 yards'elay for Queen Mary School, who won the race with North Vancouver High School second. Real Estate Finance and Insurance HORSESHOE BAY Fishing, Boating, Lunches, Tees, Dinners, Picnic Grounds Dancing -- Wednesday 2nd Saturday Evenings HOIVARD RODGERS (Established 1914) Phone Long Distance Whyteclig EST +AN MOTORS 1451 Marine Drive 1Vest 2,68 FIRESTONE TIRES, Tubes and Accessories More Miles per Dollar. Scc I)ILL GROUT now about rcconditionln&y youl motol foI'our holiday trips. Raylaestos Lining %Villard Battery Service Shell 3-Energy Gas Shell Oils and Greases General Repairs " IVe Specialize in Pleasinfj the Customer" Lc OGDEN Coc IVest 146 MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY Genuine French Berets,';"„.-",".,„". 49c SEH WINDOW I BOX MODESS I BOX VEMO POWDER bosh sogcdser MIss Phyllis Neale, who has been on her annual vacation, has returned to her duties at the B. C. Telephone Co. here. c c ~ F. J. Lettner, 2130 Argyle Ave., has returned from s short holiday trip to the Peace River country. Rev. and Mrs. Hillis Wright were guests of honor at a recep- tion on Wednesday evening, 29th instant, given by the members of West Vancouver United Church, where Rev. fiir. Wright succeeds Rev. Dr. Henry, who left the same day for his new charge in Victoria. In honor of Mrs. Hillis Wright, who is leaving the district, a garden party was held on Fri- day at the home of Mrs. S. T. Frost, 389 East Forty-fourth, Vancouver, when Mrs. A. D. Brendon, on behalf of the Ladies'id of South Hill United Church, presented Mrs. IVright with a silver sugar bowl and cream jug. The tea table was decorated with pink and mauve sweet peas and Mrs. G. Fleming assisted Mrs. Frost. \ J. W. Logan of Vancouver, is occupying a house at West Bay for the summer ~ ~ ~ A. G. Dewar has moved from Hollyburn to a house at IS48 Argyle Ave. ~ c c G. D. Frost of the city has moved into a house st 2282 Hey- wood Ave. for the summer sea- son. c \ R. L. Watters of Vancouver, is occupying her summer home on Radcliif Ave. for the season. E. L. Kilty of the city has taken a house at 1320 Argyle Ave. and is now occupying same. The name of Oliver Burbridge was inadvertently omitted in our last week's issue from the list of the Pauline Johnson scholars recommended for entrance to the high school. F. Haines of Vancouver, hss rented a suite in the Tristrasn Block at West Bay and has moved in. R. C. Manning of Vancouver. is occupying his summer home at 3150 Travers Ave. for the season. c G. Wilson hss moved from Vancouver and is occupying a house at Cypress Park c o Mrs. E. A. Ford, 1472 Ingle- wood Ave., is spending two or three weeks at 1Vhite Rock. Mrs. O'Hearn, 1523 Esquimalt Ave., and Mrs. Forest, 24th and Heywood Ave., left on Tuesday to spend a few days at newton, B.C. ~ \ Robert Clead, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gleed, 15th and Lawson. Ave., who has been for two years in the solarium at Mill Bay, wrote his entrance exam last week and will be returning home next Sunday. Miss Marjorie Barnott of the local stalf of the B. C. Telephone Co. is on her annual vacation. c John Nyland, 2863 Marine Drive, is spending a few weeks'ohday in Victoria.\ c ~ Miss Norah Stronge, 1507 Duchess Ave., left with s party last Monday for s motor trip up the Carlboo. ~ c ~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grundy have moved from 1870 Marine Drive into a house at 22nd and Bellevue Ave. Mr. McDonald, 23rd and Jef- ferson Ave., has left for a holi- day in the I"raser Valley. Mrs. Hugh Hodgson, Miss Beatrice Hodgson, Miss Maisie Jack, and Miss Betty Savory, left on Saturday for the Old Country. Miss Margaret Nyland, 2863 Marine Drive, returned from a visit of a few days in Victoria and left for Half Moon Bay, where she expects to spend the remainder of the month. ~ ~ c Mrs. R. Hoifman has moved from East Beach into the Strat- ton cottage at 1441 Bellevue Ave. c nor. and Mrs. P. Tennant and family of Armstrong, B.C., were the guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cooper, 25th and Bellevue Ave. \ James and Metford Chapman, Norman Moore, and Douglas Johnson spent the holidays last week in Seattle, going by motor.\ \ Miss Haddie and party of,Van- couver, have moved into a cot- tage on East Beach. Miss Ruby Scott and her mother of Vancouver are occupy- ing a house at 23rd and Belle- vue Ave. for the season. c * Mrs. E. L. Howdle and family, 2046 Esquimalt Ave., left on Tuesday to spend a month's holi- day in Victoria. ~ ~ c Miss V. Cooper, 26th and Bel- levue Ave., had as her guest over the week end Miss Jessie Swee- zey of Grand Forks, B. C. ~ o ~ Mrs. Newman of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 24th and Waterfront. c c ~ The ferries hsd a busy time on Dominion Day, carrying a total of 3700 passengers. c Bert Kendrick has returned from Newgate, B.C., where he has charge of the school, and is spending his holidays with his parents, kir. and Mrs. C. T. Ken- drick, 190 21st Street. J. Wright of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 1479 Gor- don Ave. J. Y. Griffin has moved from the city into a house at 2267 Marine Drive. ~ ~ In honor of Miss Betty Savory who left for England last Satur- day a travel shower and tea was given by Miss Joan Durbin at her home on Wednesday, 29th ultimo. A novel feature of the afternoon's entertainment was the finding in various rooms of the house of the numerous gifts --which represented cities found en route lo Halifax. Among the invited guests were Mrs. and Miss Savory, 5Iisses I'hyllis Bloxham, klarion Blair, Mary Bradshaw, Barbara Allwork, Betty Edwards, fledge Farmer, hVlnnie Dosvhcster, Josie liey- lanil, Jessie Hoyle, Barbara Had- win, Mary O'Donnell, Grace Thompson, Barbara Reid, Iris Smallwood and hiiss Fthel Kitts of Vancouver. 39c. Gemmill'I Drag Store The Stoic of Sccrku 1102 Marino Dslro Wacs gt Hmcsgcacy Phoae West 221 (After 2 p.m.) The BURRARD LAUNDRY Limiter: For People Wbo Are Particular THIRD ST. aad ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Ambleside Sheet MetalW'orks lAURIE SPECX. Psovsfceas 1446 hianne Dnve Phone West 78 FURVACES and SHEET hiETAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBLVG Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES All Kmds of Tea Bread, Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Eccles Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening. Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 kIARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will call. CLIFF HOUSE IYhyteclig I'ark DANCE ROMEO PERRIR'S S la piece Oschmura 2 lo 12 - - Every saeasday Cover Charge, $ 1 Por Couple SPECIAL DANCR SUPPER sec klr. and Mrs. George H. Faulk- ner, 1344 Gordon Avenue, have as their guests their niece, iMiss Eva Herman of Long Beach, Calif., and Miss .'liargaret How- den of Santa Monica. F. H. Pierce of Vancouver, is spending the sumnler at Cypsess Park. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Residents are hereby notified that the practice of stack- ing cord-woad, stove wood, coal, etc., on the boulevards is an infringement of Municipal rights and must be discontinued. %. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. Hollyburn, B. C. 6-7-1932. Local and Personal SPECIAL