West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jul 1932, p. 2

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0001 r.re' rrh rv vr .x vwrh Lmii veil ..«'i lrry& vvvv c hxrx 'P wr 44 xr cr i rrv 1 r'vrrrrr 4rrr r r rrr A rr ~'rr rrrrr wrrrV'rr 'rrr rrrrrv.rrrrwrrrr rrrr'rr 'rrvr "rrr rl rvrrrrrrr rvr .rrv.r'vrrrrrrvr rrrrv rvvrrrrvrrrrr r ] I July 8, 1932. I I Dr.Marjory hjccnbbin DENTIST Bours: 9 ~. m. Io 0 p.m. ( Saturdays: 10 s.m. Io I p.m. Eveslsgs sod Saturday After- sooss by sppolatmest only, Royal Rssk BuUdlsg 'I Phono West 44$ Residence Phoae West $9$. DR. G. JJ. Jt. SEALS ~ I Ask About Our Reconditioning Oil Permanent $+OO 11 sctesUy Improves Ibll coll dition of (be hair. If you have bsd your hair weakened by ~ poor permanent, sik about Ibis new rv-wave system wbieb re- stores the hair Io Rs original sheen ssd beauty. CIDeytefolyu Beauty ShopPe 1640 blxrlse Drive Phone hVest 117 Cucumber Pickles Nine green cucumbers and 4 onions chopped finely. Let stand 3 hours in brine. Drain cucum- ber out of brine, add the follow- ing dressing snd boil 2 or 3 n in- utes. Dressing Ii) cup sugar 2 tablespoonfuls mustard A little cayenne pepper I tablespoonful celery seed Pinch of salt Nearly I quart of vinegar. Fruit Salad 2 oranges 3 bsnnsnas I,S lb. mslsga grapes 4 slices pineapple, cubed 12 walnuts hiix fruit and serve salad dres- sing on top, or add fruit salad dressing to moisten. Mix with whipped cream or fruit salad dressing, or salad dressing only. hiay be served in orange cups. Fruit Salad Dressing cup pineapple IS cup lemon juice 2 eggs 1 cup whipped cream I/4 cup sugar Beat 2 eggs, add sugar, pine- double boiler, stirring constsnt- apple and lemon juice. Cook in h until thickened. then set aside to cool. )Vhip the cream snd fold into the mixture just before serving. Very delicious for all fruit salads. CALSE AND EFFECT A daily newspaper Is Nice recent- ly contained Ibe following advertise- ment: "MUUonsire, young, good-looking, wishes to meet, with s view to mar- riage, s girl like the heroine in M--'s novel" Within 24 hours the novel in qses- Ilos wss sokl out. Motberi "Eric. dear, don't go out Ioo fsr in Ibe water." Eric: "But look, daddy's ost a Iong wsy." Ifotberi vi know, dear, but father bss bls life insured." EstabUsbed w North Sbora 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARROid BROS. (k hVILLIAhISON fuueral 9trertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Vars 1Veurs PebBssed Every Friday PsbUsbcr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bwlsew ssd Edhorlsl Odlcei 17th ssd Marine Drive (Next Io HoUybsrs P. O.) Phone West 363 Mall Address: P.O. Box $1, HoUybers, ILC. Forth Vancouver Of(lee: 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1 JM ~ year by carrie: 22.00 ~ year by msIL THE WEST VAN NEWS United ChurCh wEsT YANcoUYER St. Stephen's ChurchRector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T, July 10th -- 3rd Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m -- hiain Department Sunday SchooL 11:16 a.m.--Primary Depart- ment Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--Matins and Ser- mon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. A basket picnic is being ar- ranged for Wednesday, July 20th on the beach at 17th Street to all'ord an opportunity for the Rev. A. H, Priest to meet his friends. He will be here for s few days, snd will take all ser- vices in St. Stephen'0 snd St. Francis'n Sunday, July 24th. Quite 0 fair sized contingent of young people will go to Camp Artaban on Monday morning. About twenty-five are coming from Victoria. The Rev. George and Mrs. Andrews of Honsn, China, The Rev. A. H. Priest, the Rev. )V, H. Adcock of Regina, will be among the campers. The Rector wiII be away st Camp Artsbsn July 11 - 18th, 21 - 26th. Christian Science Society Minister, Rev. Hillis IVright Divine services will be held in IVest Vancouver United Church on 21st Ave and Marine Drive. ss usual next Lord's day in the morning at a quarter past eleven and in the evening at s quarter past seven A very cordial invitation is ex- tended to all strangers and visit- ors resident among us during July and August to come and worship with us during your stay. The church is bright and cool snd a hearty welcome awaits you when you come. Come in the spirit of worship and expectation; come breath- ing a prayer for yourself, for those you call friends snd for all who are in need. For so the whole round world is bound a- round the feet of God. Sunday School meets at 10 o'lock. The morning subject is "Pray- er -- It's Place and Importance." Evening subject -- "A Good Man's Portrait of God." The United Church Congrega- tional and Sunday School picnic will take place on Thursday, 21st July to Second Beach. CHURCH EDIFICE 20th ssd Eseelmall, Houybsrs Tbl~ Society Is s Branch of The Mother Church The First Church ef Christ, Scientist, in Baxtos, Msssscbll4etts Sunday Services 11:$0 s.m. snd Tiso p.m. Sunday, July 10, 1932 Subject:"SACRAMENT'ENTISTIxy Block, 14th ssd Msrlse Dr. "glcsHours 9 Io 0 T.m.Even(age by sppobiusesk Phono West 72 NURSING HOME ISunday Scbool at 10:00 s.m.Testimony Meeting Wednesday st si16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Sunday, July 10th, 1932 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 s.m.--Morning worship. Topic, "The Silver Cloud." 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "The Msn with An Un- used Bible." If you are not attending else- where we cordially invite you to meet with us. We preach Christ and Him crucified, risen and glorified. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer meeting snd Bible study. Msdonsei "I consider, Reginald that sheep are the most stupid crea- tures living'" Reginald absentmind- edly: "Yes, my lamb." SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES ROYAL SCHOOLS OI'lUSIC,LONDON, ENG. The following West Vancou- ver students were successful in the exams of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, which took place last month, the name of the teacher being also given in each ease: Subject, Piano, unless other- whse stated Advanced Grade--Elliott, Betty, Mrs. Knight-Hodge. Intermediate Grade -- Nash, Gertrude, AIrs. Knight-Hodge; Hodgson, Beatrice, Miss M. Mc- Intyre. Higher Division -- Babcock, Bernice, Mrs. Knight-Hodge. Lower Division -- Addy, Dor- een, i)irs. J. E. Durbin; McMillsn, Margaret, Mrs. J. E. Durbin; Kinlock, Jean, hire. F. Knight- Hodge; Grandi, George (Violin), Mrs. F. Knight Hodge; Barbour, Bonnibel L., Mrs. F. Knight- Hodge; Murray, Mary (Violin), Miss M. McIntyre; Wicking Brenda, Miss M. McIntyre. Elementary Division -- Dis- tinction: Device, Jessie (Violin) Miss M. McIntyre. Honorable Mention -- Gem- mill, Nsdine, Mrs. F. Knight- Hodge. Pass -- McCullough, Muriel, Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge. Primary Division --Honorable Mention -- Colpitts, Ella, Mrs. F. Kn(ght Hodge. Pass -- Nash, Gertrude (Vio- lin), Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge; O'rady, Ronald, Mrs. F. Knight Hodge; Weeden, Patricia (Vio- lin), Miss hf. McIntyre. Preliminary Division -- Wil- son Jocelyn Mary Mrs J E Durbin; Howieson, Donald, Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge; Dsvies, Ksth- leen, Mrs. F Knight-Hodge. Rudiments of Music -- Bab- cock, Bernice, Mrs, F. Knight- Hodge; Cross, Msdeline, Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge; Nash, Gertrude, Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge. IN MEMORIAM In laving memory of Robert Bell, xos of Mr. ssd Mrs. John Bell, 1176 Duchess Ave., kuled on Marine Drive, West Vancou- ver, July lstb, 1920. (Mrs. bf. E. Lsobssce, R.N.) 2$4 - 241k Street Eax( Nor(b Vsscosvm Rvsldssce I'boom North 1$6$R I HOLLYBURN t x Barber Shop ! 16th & Marine EXPERT SERVICE E, bIARSH, Proprleton +p Tbe Winner A minister accepted s call Io s new church In s town where many of the members bred horses an d sometimes raced them. A few weeks later be wa 4 asked Io mvlte Ibe prayers of the congrega- tion for Lucy Grey. Willingly snd gladly be did xo for Ibree Sundays. On Ibc fourth one of the deacons told the minister be need not do II any more. "Wbyfv asked the goad mse, with an anxious sir. "Is sbe desdjv "Ob, nmv said the deacon; "she' woe the steeplechase." l. L. P. NOTES Henceforth the party hither- to known as the Independent Ixibor Party will be known ss "The Socfshst Party of Canada.'he last Whist Drive and Soc- ial was, as usual, a very enjoy- able affair snd wss well attend- ed. P. R. Bengough, general sec- retary of the Vancouver snd New )Vestminster Trades and Labor Council addressed the last regular meeting on June 22nd in the Legion Hall. Having just returned from Geneva as one of the Canadian delegates he was able to give interesting snd auth- entic information in regard to the world depresston snd em- phatically repudiated much of the misinformation read in the press as to improvement in Brit- ain snd other countries. The meeting was very well attended snd Mr. Bengough's address re- ceived with profound Interest. The next entertainment will take the form of s Benefit Dance for the orchestra who so con- ststently gave of thehr servhces during the winter months and will be held on Friday, July 16th, at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall, hsvhng been postponed In def- erence to the Welfare Associa- tion's Dance this week Watch out for announcement of Annual Picnic snd also visit of Angus McInnes M P Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall hIinister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist--Mrs. Holden Choir Leader--Mrs. h'Isrtyn Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. Adult Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Church worship. Sermon subject: "Life's Des- tiny. IVhat It Is, snd How At- tained." HOLLYBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY St. Anthony's Church 276 New Books placed on shelves last Wed- nesday. Fee 61.00 Only to 81st December. Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 256S Marine Dr. Summer Schedule SUiNDAY-- 8:30 s.m.--Holy Mass, In- struction. 10:00 s.m.--Holy Mass, Sermon 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School. 3:00p.m.--Afternoon Devo- tions. WEEK DAYS-- 7 30 s m --Holy Mass FRIDAY-- 7:30 p.m.--Devotions, Confes- sions. SATURDAY-- 7 180 p.m.--Confessions. I.O.D.E. BRIDGE LUNCHEON hirs. A. E. Young, 14th and Kings, is arranging what prom- ises to be s very delightful lunch- eon and bridge to be held in her lovely garden, on Tuesday, July 12th, the proceeds of which are to be used for the Welfare Work of the Duncan Lswson Chapter, I.O.D.E. Luncheon will be served at 1130 p.m, with bridge following immediately. This will doubtless be one of the most unique enter- tainments of the summer so make your reservations early by phoning Mrs. Gordon Gray, West 92R2. Those not able to attend the luncheon bridge msy drop in for tes later, when 0 special tea prize will be given. VANCOUVER SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION Mrs. J. P. I"ergusson, F.T.C.L., gold medalist announces that sll her students passed successfully the recent Trinity College Lon- don, England. Elocution examin- ations held in Vancouver. The examiner wss Ronald Chamber- lain, M.A., Mus.Bac., F.R.C.O.A. R.A.M. High honors were taken by four students: Hsttie Young, senior elocution, West Vancou- ver; Mary Bradshaw, West Van- couver; Mary Neil snd Betty Blakeley of Vancouver, B.C. No further charge. ONSDAL ! NOW PLAVINO Warner Baxter 'AMATEUR DADDY' NR'IVS-- osnrooN ODMEDY g i I S rn'OO wiww worl elle Cowlse Next Wmk: -- hfw., Txie„Wed.-- Nvwxa Shearer xxd Ibibrrt htwtsomrry "PRIVATE LIVES" TbemrFil.-sxi, "Tl.(E Rl(SI ARE ALIVAYS WITH US" Dundsrsve Ladies'hoir Garden Party FRIDAY 15th JULY commencing at 2 p.m. st the home of hIRS. HAhIPSON Cor 20th and Fulton Ave Inclusive charge 26c v mur(xx Ruth ckxtivrivx Real Radio Value ROGERS MANTEL RADIOS Q Ready For immediaie deliv andusin Ihe New Pereode ube-. 9 Ihe latest development in radio. Priced web Rogers OwrxsIssd Tubes rsfRI SSdswL SS 2 Eestk $4+DO Nese ysw Tubes Tei(ed Free on "A(8EMETEIr J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD. West 37 G. GEMM)LL. Agent 14th snd Marine West 37 24