0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 80, 1932. vw iw rvrv x rirt~ cE v" 4 - vr .w wvw w eeiv4 r Iw'a ~: *' r '- r+Sir W '~ ;i v' awe i :rw rrrv rC% i'r'e ' ' "rwr'r '4 'vmr-rr m r ~':r : ~ *1 r r vv r-" rv vvrv ~ sv~rr. vvvwvr v vvvvr A vv r ~vv rvvrrv p v Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Duudarave,","-'„',w"„'.,',„", Ambleside „„" Why Pay More? SPECIAL JEFFERlES'UPERlOR MEATS LUMBER, SASH & DOORS, For ~ 4-Roam Cottage LINED 1NslDB Price Delivered 0 200.00. SPECIALS: Thur., June 30 & Satrp July 2nd Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETC. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN il {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AilIBLESIDE STORE West 3 West 303 BUTfER-- hleadewvale, lb. 20e: 3 )tm 5)c lieldea illeadew, Bx 2Se i 3 lbs. 65e GRAI'ENUTS, pkg................. 15e For centinaed healthl (Limit 2) sERYUs cHEEsE, )I lb. pkga. 11e kvd iiwhite SPAGHETTI Tall tins ....................... 9e BACI( BACON. beat eaality lb. Cello pkg..................... 15e lied & While Cleanser, tia... sv Yeu will like itl LUNCH TONGUE, Device II lb. tin .......................... 2$e Red & White 1.)GHT FRUIT CAKE Fresh 'Made ....................... 49e RED AllROW Soi)AS, large 1 Itx package ....................... 1Tc (Limit 2) CHRISTlE'S Fl(: Roi.(,S. t)x 20e An appatixiag Fig Bar Biacait 2 lbs. Sse Kadaea t)etch COCOA, 1 )tx bags hlakee delightful chocolate cakes .................. ...................... ....... 1 9c SUNK)ST ORANGES-- hlvdiem axe....... dmen She 2 doves 49e Large cise, .............dexea 36c Red & White GREEN BEANS Sa, tla...................... 15e Red & White PEAS, Fancy 4a 2 for 25e PORK & BEANS Aylmer Sa, tia ...-.................. 8c CORN, Ay)mar, la ....... 3 tins ise Red Jt White PEACHES Tall tins .............. 15e NUGGEl'HOE POLISH, tin.. 10c KADANA TEA, lb ................... Sse (Save the Coupons) Freshly Ground COFFEE, lb... 29e Red & White TOSTATO JU(CE Tall tins .................... 3 for 26» BAKED HAhi. )b....... 40e Unexcelled for Quality and 1'lavor AUSTRALIAN PTNEAI'I'LE- Crushed aad Sliced. Large 1 t)x tins .............................. 1$e PASTRY FLOUR. T lb. sack. 25c Red & White BREAD FLOUR T Bx sack ........................... 23e NElV PL RE STRAWBERRY JAM Nabob ................4 lb. tins 49e NABOB TBA, per lb .............. 25e IL C. GRAN. SUGAIL..10 lbs. 4Sc (Limit 20 pounds) ~ ~ ~ GET OUR I'RICES ON FENCING Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drawers Everything for the Building LU BER and Lumber Products -- qash, Doors, Roofing. Building Paper IJtmatco, Gypl'oc, Beaver Bnard, Shingles, Etc.AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD16th and Marine Drive Phone West 199. After 6 p.m. and holidays aak for W. JENVEY, Phone Weal 160R Res. I'hone West 3(isL Marine Right Grades" I members of the Church of Eng- land This is not so Full particulars of any of the x)p camps as well as registration m forms may be had from the rec- tor of any parish. Over the Odds Lady (at fruit stand); "Yee, bet aren't these strawberries rather dirty)" Merchant (sarcastically): "Dirty. Think a person can wash 'em and part their hair in the middle for ten vents a box these bawl timeaT" Nine Poiata in Her Favor The lovely g)rl, having hngered a minute ln her room to adjust ber transformation, change the angle of her Grecian band and make sure that her skirt iitted like the peeling ef a plum, descended ie the parlor te i)ad I'1'hefamily pet eacenced upon the linea of the yeeag-man caller, her curly head nestled comfortably against his shoulder. "Why hiabel'" tbe young lady ex- claimed; "aren't yee ashamed of . & yourself 1 Get right down." "I got here first." "When I got home last night,";'aidthe Londoner, "I found that burglars had been in my place." Really!" exclaimed his friend. g'. "What happened? Did they take ~'.5f I i"; anything r'They searched through every drawer in thcefiat and then left (five shillings on my desk." During a discourse in a color- ed church in Harlem recently, the Minister discoursed on drink. I er, "is the greatest curse of ~ country. It makes you quarrel I,':" with your neighbors, it makes you shoot at your landlord, and it makes you miss him." Of Sceltiab Exlraction "Yes, I'm ~ eeamopolltan. My fa- ther waa English, my mother wax French I waa born ia an American ship elf Naples, and MePherson' my dentist." "What's hlePheraon the dentist get te de with itT" "Why, natorally that makes me of Scottish extractlen." Tactless Larry: "They tell me Pat got smashed up at Jim Fegan's funeral. What happened him I" Mick: "He told the wlddy that Jim had gone to a happier home." I Phone Went 116 16th and "Right Service-- Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE THE STORE WITH THE NEON SIGN CAMP ARTABAN Camp l --' wonder what thoughts that magic word will bring to the minds of those who read this article. To those who have been to Camp Artaban will fiock pleasant recollections of happy, care free days in the great oubof-doors with swim- ming, boating, hiking, badmin- ton, and other sports. They will remember quieter moments in the little open air chapel in the trees where they have been drawn together in worship as the soft strains of the organ as- cended in the clear air and the warm rays of the morning sun stole to the altar through a rift in the leafy vault above. In such a spot nature speaks in her own way as the calm soft. words of the leader blend in with the voice of the whispering trees. They will remember the camp fire which marks the close of each day at camp and the beauti- ful ceremonies connected with it. They will remember dreamless nights in the open air of little shake huts tucked sway in the trees, under the kindly guardi- anship 'of nearby mountains, where only the rustle of leaves, and the soft, measured wash of waves on the beach break the stillness of the night. To those who have never been to camp and who are planning to go this summer will come the thrill of anticipation and that they will not be disappointed is well shown by the fact that one of the directors said recently that he had never known anyone come home from Camp Artaban not fully resolved to go back next year. The directors of the various camps are preparing varied pro- grams of sports, etc., each div- ision to be under the direction of 3 capable leader. An active sea- son on the part of the leaders of the Girls'amps was brought to 6 close on June 23rd by the last meeting before the opening of camp, held at the home of the director of the Junior Girls'amp Mrs Jack Noel Several improvements and ad- ditions will be enjoyed at Camp Artaban this year among which is the furnishing of the big liv- ing room of the camp house, for which the leaders of the girls'amps are responsible. Special orders are being issued to the leaders of the boys'amps that these furnishings sre not to be used for door mats, hand towels, masquerade costumes, stage ef- fects, step ladders, etc, The Junior Girls go into camp on July 18 and the Senior Girls on August 16. There is a com- mon misunderstanding that Cnmp Artabsn is restricted to Phone West 1. 9 p Local SPRING LAMB BACON (by the piece) g 6lb..... I C DRY SALT PORK CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGE 253 lbs. PoRK SAUsAGEs 352 lbs. LIYER 25C KIDNEY 25C2 lbs. No. 1 Steer Beef BOILING BEEF 1 Plb.. STEADYING BEEF 252 lbs. for ...................... MINcED sTEAK 252 lbs. for............................. PDT RoAsT 1 1 Clb. ................................,.. .... BLADE RIB ROAST 1 JI 11 """"""'"" 15lb. ................ ...... ..... ..... X RIB ROAST lb. ........................... RUSIP ROAST g Ill P M MBS 19lb. ........................................ DEEP sIRI,oiiv 23Clb. SHOULDER 15lb. 25c I O™ No. I Alberta Butter 31bs. 55cGrain-Fed PORK LEGS (Fores)m........... Sc 11lb.... .. . .. I C 15 ..R..-AK 252 lbs. Local Fresh Killed VEAL STEWING 1 4I1 RGA~sT, lb. 1 5, 1 8, 20C CoTTAGE CHEEsh 252 lbs................„, ............... Extra Special NO. 1 ALBERTA BUTTER 3lbs - SQcSaturcfay Only No phone or C.O.D. Ior lhls Special. Roberts'etter Meats VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SFMRLE 1'bone West 0 I'ertlilsera, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies Phone %Fest 190 Delivery to all I%est Vancouver All Government InspecteII-NO.1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH--NO FROZEN 1(IEATS YOUNG LOCAL MUTTON Shoulders, lie Ib Ribs, breast on, 11c lb. Legs, 17c lb. Loin, 18c lb. One year old BOILING FOWL 45c, 50c and 55c each COTTAGE ROLLS N'. "m BOLOGNA 13c lb. 15c a lb. Boiled Ham - 35c lb Jellied Tongue - 35c lb.