0001 '1E [Ef f 4.50 I.C) lse, to nn ynus, ales to inch t have ig1 csp loo kfd lnC oa lsl? )OC tfifip+ V Junc 30, [932. THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar CLASSIFIED ADS Rifgley's g Q E PRIOR For Delivery Service P Phone the Plant, Marine Motors Bui)d[na 2153 Marine Drive Phone West 4 6 6 I'AULINE JOHNSON SC[IOOI. The following 46 pupils of I?le Pauline Johnson School were re- commended to High School and it is expected that about 40 will en rol Josephine Allan, Peggy Bar- ker, Lenore Rcattie, Doreen Ber- nard. Patricia Bibbs, James Bloxham, Geo[frey Bradley, John Bradley, Ivan Brown, Kenneth Bruce, Stella Bruce, Ralph Bur- bridge, Nore Dent, Jack Dor- chester, Jack Eager, Fred Fen- nings, Hilary Finnerty, Betty Gourlay, Wendc[[ Hayes, Betty Hpdgson, Phyllis Howard, Gwcn Lightly, Betty Moulton, Mary Murray, Pat Mackenzie, Jean 16IacKnight, Jack NcLeod, Bill QICM[j[an, Alex MCRse, Angus . [cTavish, Pixie Reid, Gordon Ritz, Marjorie Rivers, Bob Rob- son, Donald Sherman, John Shef- field, Aubrey She[lard, Douglas She[lard, Eileen Smallwopd, Mar jorie Tepee, Audrey Todd, Dor- een Todd, Eunice Turvey, Pat Wallace, Eileen Ware. The following pupils were a- warded Rolls of Honor Division 1 Deportment, Stella Bruce. Regularity and Punctuality: Irene Edmondson, Nora Dent, Phyllis Howard, Douglas Shel- lard, Ivan Broom, John, Brad- ley. Division 2 Deportment: Betty Hodgson. Punctuality and Regularity: Geoffrey Bradley, Angus Nc- Tavish, Gordon Ritz. Donald Sharman, Aubrey She[lard, Dor- een Todd. Division 3 Proficiency: Kathlcen Jagger. Deportment: Barbara Wyatt. Regularity and Punctuality: Norman Patterson, Thomas Rob- son, Hugh Farmer, Mj[tpn Ward, Jack Ritz, Kenneth Davison, Patricia A[bin, John Wright, Evelyn McGowan. Division 4 Proficiency: Brenda Wicking. Deportment: Harry Parker. Regularity and Punctuality: Peggy Anderson, Bonnibel Bar- bour, Jean MacTavish, Kenneth Vernon, Alex. Weir, Laurie Pat- terson. Division 6 Proficiency: Paul Jagger. Deportment: Audrey Davey. Regularity and Punctuality: y Binning, John Davey, Joan cleston, John Parker, May y, Dorothy Sherman, Betty eeden. Division 6 Proficicncy: Allan Forster. Deportment: Joan Ajello. Regularity and Punctuality: Joan Allen, Eileen Lovitt, Dun- can fisiscTavjsh, Joan Sherman, Bobby Kendrick, Cynthia Has- )am, Toshi Kobayakawa. Division 7 Proficiency: Jack MacDonald. Deportment: Maisie Grieve. Regularity and Punctuality: Robert She[field, Evelyn Turvey, )V "'.". SWIMMING 8t DIVING CLASSES in Elementary and Advanced Technique for beginners or improvers, competitive swimmers and Life Saving candillates are being held by Norman CoxIkfic (University and Olympic Conch) at [[0[.I.YBURN and WEST BAY Intending pupils please place names on lists at iiossonberry'9 Boathouse at Hollyburn wharf, Smith'9 Grocery at 2477 Mar- ine Drive, West Bay P.O., pr Forbes'oathouse. The poor p[d Union Jack is Thc rile foc Cjsccjacd Adcertjccmcs»» 2 om» per omfiL mhnmsm hav[ng rather n tpugh time 9 cmW Except » ~ mm ef t~ hsvmz fi~»r ~O~ a cs elm». s'he Id~'hese days, for the Scottish Na- tionabsts a few days sgo hauled it down st Stirling Castle, sub- Hilin SCI stituting the Scottish standard Phone West 224. Bcy)~ice rorno fsraisbed colisso However, the Argyle and Suth- at sandy haec» A deli ifsl sr[and High[andem, whp hap RADiO SERVICE MAN --Felly essii- 910 pcc week whh foci. phoae B R. pened to be away at the tim, Vcncoovcr sod district state terms soon put it back again, snd they br zones cr pm cali ced Slee qssh- pAINT1NG sad DECORATIN Do 4 Mitt, T hlkp Okado. are among those who have the muses nd I ~ ~ u, Nmk M Division 8 job of keeping it flying amid the proficiency: paulene Greer. bulletS, SO haVe a PriOr right. TO RFVT-Medefie SCC room hecse,All Scotland is laughing, but I ocsriy sew. ccnveajcnur jommd R i '1 d p 1 lit: dpn't think thc Jocks [aughed. 929 ee p cric icsm. John Lsw m '0 G d B d[ N F R 'ucky for the Nationalists they es, Laureen Jones, George Aai Wore aWay, fOr it ia high)y dang- TO RENT Four room house sccci son, hiargnret Hi[ orn, ()ioria erous to interfere with Highland new on wc»rfccsh Sso pcr Iifi Stamatis, regiments in matters of that on s peer'c lease. John Lsfi»fim A co seed c»bs esd mill con. For kind. West SS, ' limited lime oae card ef weed ivis on mjj be el~ free to the ~ Proficiency: Dorcen Thompson LOS'r--Perse -- Ejcvcs o'c»ch he Deportment: Ruth Psrnum. The thing which is probably between west scp sed F R B»ir'c, west 299. Regularity and punctuality: bothering Von papen these days werfij. phone wcfii sisV. Mrs. patricia stainsby Ro aid B ji not Lausanne G neve, b t Prsr"cc, 9277 Marin Drive. oR PLUMBLNG RgpAIRs -- Rie- n one, or e, u idcnce Phone West 2411L David, Bisect. that 200 mile line of French pluvATE scnooi. FoR Gni.s- Divjajpn 10 IOrtlfieatlOnS On the German . Ledr Z Cdusle mth leCChiex CXPC - FOR SAL~xse.eo Hfizh C»CC 8» Proficiency: Marion parker border, hence his conference 'c"cc m Esz»d aod Caesdc wishes room hcssc. Large»L Deportment: Kathleen Bsc- with France. You know Verdun» x» ficbcoj snd woeM medlar- iy seed view. Jobe Lswfix~m, cash. ry b«[y burnt into the v Ns ca spp icencs Sox 97 rity and Punctunity 1 ( erman consciousness. The '",Iles David McLelland. French know all about Von Pap. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE -- Ia ihc Jest right for s caperioc home wnb en, however, besides being the Cjtp cccy 9 room boeeslow (vcisc s Cour toom hence that cfixdd The following pupils ranked hardest-headed people in Europe. S~ s"mmc»eufic. gscsgc, fruit seed in tbc mcsaumc, Sxdeoee. first in their respective grades In the meantime a devil's brew jccatjc» phone Wcm ss and terms at the final examine- is being concocted in Holland by FOUNDATION CIHIIUCT WORK-- tions which took place last, wcejl ~ the Kaiser and his junkers, »kc Ccnfiesjc's cdrice ssd Ber Division 10 which, being distinguished by ~z'" 1 isce with ~ fats». wsi». dmins, scPuc isnhs, fcacjag Grade IB I Patsy S Rahy unanimity, will likely hold more op. Appl 2 Margaret E Cave 3 Eleanor for the world m the matter of fersscm cjcaacd ssd repshed. M. Murray. tangible results than any of the Gr«e IA--I, Lorena Lauder gatherings of the world's states- BR[DGF ROC[ AIR 2, Kathleen Baccash; 3, Rose- lnen. The Kaiser has such a lik- LAWN MOvl'ERS SHARPENED marie Forrost. ing for Potsdam that hc should Experienced with sli mckea WILL Grade 2B I Marion L perl long ago have been sent to st. m rs of North Vancouver GUT LIKE NEW." wefii vsscos er; 2, John H il t ~ 3, N Helena. City R tepayers nnd Residents vcr M bios sh.p.'449 M . er;, o n sis one;, ar- Association Thursda ni ht crit- guerite Logan. u day night crit- PAIN TLNG KALSOMLNING PA. Division 9 A Dr Pa[the at the Hague has to Second Narrows brid Grade 2A--I, Ruth Parnum; invented an instrument for de- action was taken, however, pend- MARCELLE SHOP -- Mscccna SS ona ~ c an ary c- ec ing w en a person is drunk. ing an anticipated announce- cents; reset, SSc; Sneer warn, fac. Leod; 3, Isobel Edwards. IIe states that alcohol absorbed ment by the City Cpunco. Grade SB--I, Dorccn Thomp- in any quantity a[facts the A letter will be sent to the son; 2, Allan Ritz; 3, Dorothy musries of the eye so that they counci[ seeking informat BOARD AND ~tDENCE -- ialh Harvey-Smith. cannot be brought into line. Ap- tp wh n th ' f jjftO W en e neW iSSue Of flft 1 'v Grade SA--1. Dona[ Moo Division 8 propos of this I once saw an old commu tion auto tickets for ra e -- . ona d oore; major stagger down the back of 67.00 will bs avai)able. WR HAVB TEN OP THB CHEAP- 2, Eric Ajello; S, Barbara Ed- a row of tents in a certain camp EST LOTS in )Vest Vsaccfifiver-- Wal'i[8. and mise all the guy ropes, Fmh Salad Some close in. Sore money-makers Grade 4B--I, Paulene Greer; which I could hardly have done ocupsshredded lettuce in near future. John Lawcoa, Wefii 2, Joan Luke; 3, Lorraine Vann. stone sober. Now I know he was I can tuna fish or Division 7 drunk, but the instrument would 11A lbs. any cpld boiled jjsh Grade 4A--I, Jack MacDonald have said otherwise, so where 1+ cup Fren h dcup enc ressing ber . , Jim Anderson; 3, Jess Wris- are we. The editor knows of an erg. accredited case where a member Vx cup mayonnaise eazpoon onion juice fi I fic--l»MNI;11»B'I'fifi I" fi 1111 I QeO.Hay Beatt . 2,Lillian Ridneli; 3, Delwyn woke. up from a bad binge to I t asppp h j fiy. nd a frightful headache and one I ine dish with lettuce; pince NOTARY PUBLIC Djvjsjpn 6 of the highest decorations a- fish in center; pour over French 6A--I Alia F t; warded him, concerning thc wm- d . 1 2, Eisie Robins; 3, Alastair Nc- ning of which he had not the has been added and cover with INSURANCE faintest memory. So where are celery; put mayonnaise on top. Divivsion 6 we again? On Op. 14OS Mm~ Drive Sprinkle With ChOpped para!ay. Phase \Vest 21 or Seymour 1249 Evcaiasc Weel 294X 2, Martha Von Zuben; S, Peter This question of education, Fruit Snaps concerning which the following Q cup milk Grade 6A--I, Paul Ja er; 2,--, P ul Jagger; 2, recently appeared in the press: I cup butter GORDON ROBSON Julian Ajello; 3, Elsie Partridge. "We are all coming to realize I teaspoon soda Division 4 that the chief end of education Iifiz cups sugar Grade 7B--1, Brenda Wicking; today is not to teach the three tfik cup molasses W EST VANCOUVER-- 2, William Barker; 3, Sheila Ed- R'9, but rather to enlarge the 3 eggs Office Nc. 1447. Marine Drive individua)'s capacity for adap- I cup raisins tion to circumstances." Would 1 cup currants Grade 7A--I, Verschoyle Mar- the nT[tcr kindly explain how 1 teaspoon cloves tin; 2, Kathleen Jagger; 3, Ken- the taxpayer is going to adapt I teaspoon ginger neth Davison himself to the resultant school 1 teaspoon cinnamon Grade 8B--I, Stanley Patter- taxes, for "There's the rub." I 1 teaspppn allspice Among those spending the Richards. son; 2, Thomas Robson; 8, Ian doubt if even the redoubtable Flour toro[) softascsnbecut. week endatKe Be hw ac were r. Nr. Jones can answer that ques- These snaps will keep several and sira. Louis Ajello, Julian Di~ision 2 tion with all his experience. Yet months when properly made -- Ajello, Erie Aje[)fib hir. and Mrs, Grade 8A--1, Patricia Blbbs; it hns gpt to be answered, or we and safely hidden. 2, Geo[frey Bradley; 3, Betty shall very soon have to go back to the much despised three R's, A soldier went to his colonel Ajello, Peter Ajello, John George Dl»suln I which nevertheless have produc- and asked for leave to go home hiiss Yvonne Lawrence, all of Grade 8A--I, Jack McLe«'d some of the greatest men in snd help his wife with her West Vancouver: Miss A. E. 2, »hn Bradley 1 S «nice Tur- the world. I have met many edu- spring cleaning. Gladvrin, San Diego. Calif.; Miss vey. rated fools and many uneducat- "I don't like to refuse you," Yvonne Gow, San Diego, Calif.; ed wise men, for it is the brain said the colonel, "but I'e just 6[r, and Mra Harry F. Longley. which chielly counts and not the received a letter from your wife Miss Eileen [.ongley. Mr, and learning. Remember that the saying that you are of no use hire. Edwinih[ijjer. D.Humphrey boy who really wants the higher around the house." Nr. and Mrs. R. G. Kirkby, Nr. education, and whom, therefore, The soldier saluted and turn- and Nra Tom Tothill, R. V. the higher education will really ed to go. At the door he stop- Kirkby, Miss A. E. Price, all of benefit, always gets it, as wit- ped, turned and remarked: North Vancouver: Nrs, T. F ness the Scotch students who "Colonel, there are two persons Richardson, 61iss Haxel Richard- used to )ive on herring and oat- in this regiment lvho handle the spn, hiiss jjiarjorie Richardson, meal to earn their unhersity de- truth loosely, and I'm one of 6[isa Roberts Richardson, Frank gross. They earned them alright them, I'm not married." Taylor. Burr Richardson, Eddie also a training in character, Richardson, R. P. Roberts. F. E. which was worth more and stood Heard in a Country Post Ogice R. Rawlings. '[V It. Worth, Nrs. them in better stead in the battle Girl Clerk (who has just fin- V. Wilson, T. C. Lay(on. Nrs. of life than any thing they ab- ished a ten-minute conversation IIICKewn, Niss Blanch hicFet- sorbcd from thefir studies lvith another girl): "And can I ridge, Stan Fdgecomb, Nr. aml do anything for you?" Nrs. A. Corkum. Mr. and Nrs. Woman in Croydon court: I Man: ")Veil, I came for a S- A, EV. Holt, Budd hjppre, Hal went out ip ipok for something. cent stamp, but I think I had sloore, M,!Horgan, Nr. and Nrs. Magistrate: What was it? better get an old ago pension ap- H. A. Burnett, Miss B. Thomas, )Vpmsnl hiy husband, sir. plication form as welL" all of Vancouver B C r'errr ~ - ~ -I h ~hi '