0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 30, 1932. A E~ Eydd RSI GW'W WR S~C 6',S SS SW y I 2'W6 6tp1~1 1x%66" '~2'Sto »'W 6' *6 ,6t' WT"vw Ore; r 2.Yr4 =1 TWWWr~EWW VW cr rWrWE W WT wbtwwwyw E'rw 'WEW rwvwmw w'OLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY aud SATURDAY July Iat aud Zud 'Merely Mary Ann'ith JANIrr OAVNOR CHAIII.RS FARRELL MONDAY aud TUESDAY July Cth Eud ath 'BORN TO LOVE'ith CON STAN('R BBNN trt"f Firewood Largest operating mill on the North Shore. Slabs and Edgings per cord ............... 84.25 Slabs (extra heavy) per cord ................ 8450 Inside Fir, per cord.... 86.00 PACIFIC GATEWAY LUSIBER CO. North 525 Foot of Bowser Avenue, North Vancouver Cruel "How delighted I am to see you again after all these years, dear Nrs. Smith. It's so nice to think you knew me at once. I begin to think I cannot have changed very much." SOh," replied Mrs. Smith, smiling sweetly, "I recognized your hat at once." Under the ausolcas of West Vancouver Welfare Associatlou Carnival Dance HOLLYBURN PA VILION WEDNESDAY, JULY 6th, '3X OESOoE 9 ts I. SEO101 111'EIE T.SIEGE OIIGWEST16 yulzss T NpvatTIas 'u ENTuaTAINass EESRESHIJEETS TICKETS Spu. v COOI COOKI NCi 8 OTPl.ATE HIS lugh grade 55thwsct SupcciprTHotplste wdl dp ypuc bothng fty ing, etc.,wirhout thc bocher of starting s scotching fice. Ideal for s summer camp --or boiling the afternoon tea henle coo. (I'Finished in grey or sun-tan baked enamel snd carries the Hydro Electric spprovsi and our guarantee. Sold com- plete with cord sc sli our stores for only ISE.49O. Terms of fipc down snd ypc SOc a Trtreebx s week can be arranged. (BC'CllllG APPLIANCE STORES Vosaworr - ¹rfb 65 IFrsf Varicordoor - Nno JVrfforirfffn dfbboaford - Cbi llitfydrcb - f(ooafoopc Vkfori a ~:I:I I I RI: Ee(SI figl .I: I y %1I tufi FHI(¹11 I Lvrl VEe(eg NOR3IAN COX Al'I'OINTED FINE EXHIBITION OF DOMINION DAY OLYSIPIC COACII MANUAL TRAINING Notsnan Cox, veteran Varsity A barge number of parents and F swimming mentor, has been others interested attended theerry Schedule named chief coach to prepare exhibition of the manual train- Lower Mainland Swimming ink work done by the pupils of League stars for the Olympic the West Vancouver schools, trials here on July 16 and in which wss held last Friday aft-llulf Hour Service Victoria July 18, following a ernoon and evening in the annex meeting last week of the lower of the Pauline Johnson SchooL mainland organization. It was It was one of the fines if not From Amblefiide: 6 a.m. to 11.30 p m. reported that $60 hsd been re- the finest exhibition that has altzed from the "Pre-Olympico ever been given, snd very con- From City: - 6.30 a.m. tO 12 midnight dance and this money wiil be sidcrablecreditisdue J.E.Con-used to psy the expenses of don and his pupils. A large num- training and supplying facilitico ber of articles were on display, at the pool. Jack Jacquest, Mar- all showing excellent workman- BUSES MEET ALL BOATS garet Lamb and Gordon Vance ship and finish, among them be- were appointed a committee to ing noticed a flat bottomed boat, take charge of the details. desks, bedroom tables, stools, HORTICUI.TURAL SOCIETY / Nrs. F.. W. Harrington; 2, Mrs. Th N I Cl b, hi h I cedar chests, book cases. hatHOLD SUCCESSFIJL I g IV. G. Barker. The era orna u, w ic s FESTIVA ~ Class 32, Canterbury Bells sponsoring the Canadian champ. stands, tea wagons, card tables, 1. E Bl k; o, M . G. Hod s ionships and Olympic tryouts pedestals, table lamps, photo The West Vancouver Horti- Class 33 pailsies or Vioiss -- here on July 16 is endeavor ng b mA d cultural Society held their ninth I, Nrs. G. Shepherd; 2, Mrs. A. I Ito enlist the support of swim- holders, ski all s, an floral festival last Saturdav in H. Albin. mere and clubs throughout the s she s. ideal weather, there being a Class 35, poppies -- 1, Nrs. S, city The events to be put on The ladies of the p.-T. A. I tt d d fi show Gisby; 2, Mrs. F. I efesux. include the 220-yards breast served refreshments during the large attendance and a ne s ow of exhibits. Rev. F. A. Ramsey Class 36, Carnatipns -- 1, Mrs. stroke for women, 100 yards free evening, performed the opening ceremon C. G. Barrow; 2, Mrs, E. 'Rhodes. style for women, and the men' ms in the afternoon, Reeve L y- Class 37, A'quilega -- ' birs and women s high diving ail NORTH SHORF AIJTOISTS 'l~d and K. A. R'y sp sling E. IV H~rhlgton; 2, N'm, P'. Canadiandampionships. 'ENEW1200 LICENRES briefly in the evening. Miss Mastermsn. The meet will be held at the Frame gave s number of piano Class 38, Sweet William -- 1, Kitsilano pool snd careful ar- More than 1200 motortsta solos. Mrs. C. (;risedale; 2, Mrs. S. rsngement regarding seating snd have taken advantage of facili- The following is a list of the Gisby. the general welfare of the spec- ties provided in North Vsncou- Decorative Section tstorsarebeingmade. TheNer- ver for renewal of drivers'ic- Qass 39, Bp» I of Roses -- 1, aloma committee is headed by enses, reports E. N. Copping. (',lass I (,"hurries--I, Nrs F. 51rs. p. XIason; 2, Mrs. D. Mc- Ivan Miller and Jack Swenson The city office will close June Lefesux 2 Mrs G Barlcer Tsvish. with IVally Hammond and 'Shep'0, and motorists who have not Class 2, (,"urrants, Black -- 1, Class 40, Bouquet Sweet Peas Shepherd in charge of tickets yet obtained new licenses must Mrs. G. Shepherd; '2, mrs. G. --1, Mrs. E. Rhodes; 2, Mrs. and Harold Merrilees is looking do so before that date or makeafter publicity. a trip to Vancouver. Class 8, Currents, Red -- 1, Class 41, Bouquet Flowers -- "Chuck" McLean is handling Mrs. Wm. McQusker; 2, Mrs. G. 1, Mrs. P. 51asterman; 2, Nrs. S arrangements with the Mainland So Unusual Hodgson. Gisby., Association, Jack NcDonald AUIDT Diner: Waiter I have Class 4, Currants, White -- 1, Class 42. Bowl of Nasturtium heads the financ committee and ask~ seven times fpt a glass pf Nrs. G. Hodgson; 2, D. McColl --I, Nrs. Wm. Tinney; 2, BIrs. Dune. Crux is legal advisor. Stitt. S. H. Trust Harold W. Holt, James Pollock, waIter:'ISorry, sir;Ithought Class 5, Gooseberries -- 1, J. Class 43, Flowering Plant -- Noel Jones, Arthur p. Dawe and Reid; 2, Nrs. W. Tinney. I, Nrs. D. Atwood; 2, Mrs. Wm W. Percy Nicholls sre also in- Class 7, Raspberries -- 1, G. Tinney. eluded on the committee. The Shepherd; 2, Mrs. Wm. McQuak- Class 44, Foliage Plant -- 1 actual program is in charge of Nrs. E. Rhodes. Charlie Thornber, Bob McMillan, Class 8, Strawberries -- I, J. Basket of Cut Flowers B. Wiles, John Munro, Capt. A. Reid; 2, D. Atwood. Class 45--1. Mrs. P Nester O. Clampitt and Vaughan Bry- Class 9,CollectionSmall Fruits man; 2. Mrs. S. Gisby; 8, Mrs. dpne+ack --I,Mrs. G. Hodgson. E. Rhodes. Vegetables BEACH GROVE SERVED Class 10, Rhubarb, 6 stalks -- Class 46, Bowl of Roses, 3 var- BY ELECTRICITY 1, J. Gillham; 2, Mrs. Wm. Mc- ieties -- 1, Mrs. G. Hodgson; 2, Quaker. '. H. T us't... Among recent light and power Class 11, Peas in Pod--1, N. Class 47, Annusls, 4 varieties ~xt~nsions made by the B C Raine; 2, J. Reid. --1, Mrs. Wm. McQuaker I 2'lectric Railway (Jompany is a Qass 12, Radish--I, Mrs. W. Mrs. D. McTsvish. service line just completed to Tnney. ' Class48,Perennial 1,M,. serve the Beach Grove area of Class 13, Lettuce I, Ed G. Hodgson; 2, Mm Wm. Nc the Delta municipality Theex Black; 2, D. Atwood. Quaker. tension which cost approximate- Roses Class 49, Collection Rock I 83 ppp brings the benefits of Qass 14, Shot Silk ( loyal Plants -- 1, Mrs. D. Atwood; 'lectricity to some 53 homes in Emblem) -- I, Ed. Black; 2, Mrs. H. P. Allen. this district. Mrs. G. Elgar. GIRLS'IVISION Class 15, Six Roses (Distinct Needlework Summer Pudding varieties) -- 1, Wm. J. ClifFord; Class 52, One Pair Hemmed 2, S. H. Trust. Towels -- 1, Jean McTavish. I quart belli Class 16, Six Roses (3 varie- Class 54, Girls'ash Dress-- 5 tablespoons (heaping) corn ties) -- 1, Wm. J. Clifford; 2, 1, Nuriel Stoneham; 2, Virginia hfrs. E. Cofiinson. Gamage. Va cup granulated sugar Class 17 Roses (8 Red) -- 1, Home - Cooking Gated rind and juice of 1 Nm. W E.Davies;2,K.A.Ray. Class 55, Whole Wheat Muf- I Class 18, Roses (3 Pink) -- 1, fins -- I, Marion Mastermsny 2, L t this stand while you beat Mrs. J. N. Cave; 2, Wm. J. Clif- Patricia Albin. the whites of 2 eggs stiff, and Class 56, Drop Cakes- Ch 19. Roses (3 White) -- PeggyBarker'2.patriclaAlbin at I, Wm. J. Clifford; 2, Mrs. H. Class 57, Plain Cookies -- 1, Now heat 3 cups milk in Rehb rger. Isabel Hodgson; 2, Patricia Al- double boiler until it boils, and CMs 20, Roses (3 Yellow) -- bin. ~ then add Ilz cup white 'sugar 2, Wm. J. Clifford. Class 58, Apple Pie -- 1, P the yolks of 2 eggs, I heaping Class 21, Roses (3 anY other ricia Albin; 2, Jean McTsvish. tablespoon cornstarch, 1 tea- variety) -- 1, Wm. J. Clifford; Class 59, Layer Cake (iced)-- 2, L. Burley. 1, Eileen Hodgson; 2, Virginia Let these 2 dishes stand until Class 22, Moss Rose Buds -- Gamsge. ice cold and serve putting part 1, L. Burley; 2, Nrs. H. Rabber- Class 60, Baking Powder Bis- cuits -- 16 Patricia Albin; 2, Vir- h rge spoonful of the custard Class 23, Collection Climbers ginia Gamage. gt --1, Mrs. E. Rhodes; 2, Mrs. C. 2 tH I SR --W.y.d ldy -- Ra tH.R Id„d, ClifFord. rison. 1st, Mrs. P, Mason, 98 points, Coitecti mi Cla s 62, Bird House by bo Reeve J. B. L ylsndTrophy;2nd Class 24, Annusls, 4 varieties under 13 years--1, Hughie Nas- N~rs H P Afien i5 pts ( p --I, Mrs. F. Lefeaux; 2, Nrs. E. terman. G. Elgsr, pair pictures; 3rd, R. Rhodes. Drawings Howieson, 67 points, Pasquill's Ch'M 25 Perennhlls 4.vari- Class64IDrawingsweet Peas R~s; 4'th, G. Burrows, 65 eties -- I, Mrs. A. H. Albin; 2, --I, Bernice Paton; 2, Peggy oint 5th Mis'N Fame 6th Mrs. F. Lefeaux. Barker. H. G. Barker; 7th, W. Tinney. Class 26, Display Rock Plants Class 65, Conventional Design --I, Mrs. S. H. Trust; 2, Mrs. P. --I, May Armstrong; 2, Bernice Utility Gardens Nastermsn. Pston. 1st, Geo. Shepherd, 95 points, Class 27, Delphiniums -- 1, FLOWER SECTION Royal Bank Trophy; 2nd, D. Mc- Boys and Girls Tavish, 90 points, Councillor L. Class 28, Iris -- I, Mrs. C. G. Bouquet of Flowers Garthorne Electric Clock; 3rd, Barrow; 2, D. Atwood. Class 66--I, Patricia Albln; C. Ray, 80 points, E. S, Gsmsge, Class 29, peonies -- I, Mrs. E. 2, Eileen Hodgson; 3, Billy Bar- Apple Trees; 3rd, J. Reid, 80 Rhodes; 2, Mrs. A. H. Albin. ker. points, E. S. Gamage, Apple Class 30, Antirrhiniums -- 1, Class 67, Wild Flowers -- I Trees; 4th, G. Gillham; 5th Geo. Mrs. F.Le(eaux; 2, Nrs. S. Gisby Virginia Gamage; 2, Jack Natu payne; 6th, Mr. Minions; 7th, T. Atwood; 8th, W. E. Sewell.