0001 Juno 30, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS i It ik ! c .~ bfctdt oac of coach, text, hts og and o and the an. awoke I want a tan aot ocp tait lfwlk cdng to fo nota ginkav'd Ilia. ieIznd I clone i(AS p I,'8 iig TAILORING DRY CLEANING A PRESSING M. WlLLIAMS 1668 Marine Drive Phone: IVest 20 Residence Phone: West 286L Op@EN CO\ Vves MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY All %Pool Bathing Suits Color Black and Royal Blw + g 50 sizes 28 io 42 CHORAL SOCIETY'S PICNIC The IVest Vancouver Choral Society gave their annual picnic last Saturday, going by special municipal bus to Whytecliil Park, where a very enjoyable time was spent. The sfternocn was devoted to a program of sports, which was taken part in by both the members and their children. Following supper the picnickers repaired to the beach where s large bonfire was light- ed and community singing in- dulged in until 9 p.m., when au boarded the bus for home. The following is the sports'rogramwith the names of the winners: 50 yds. Flat, boys, under 10 years--I, David Clarke; 2, Gor- don Greenway. 50 yards Flat, girls under 10 years--I, Olive Robbins; 2, Val- erie Smith. 75 yards Flat, boys under 13 years--I, Douglas Watt; 2, Clif- ford Hill. 75 yards, Girls under 13 years --I, Olive Robbins; 2, Dona Cave 100 yards, Boys'pen -- 1, Ross Gleam; 2, Frank Smith. 50 yards, 3-legged Race, boys under 16 years--I, Ross Gleam and Stanley Green; 2, Douglas Watt and Clilford Hill, 50 yards Flat, Men's Open-- I, A. J. Addy; 2, J. H. Smith. 100 yards, Flat, bIother and Daughter -- I, Mrs. G. Gray and Betty Gray; 2, Mrs. A. J. Addy and Doreen Addy. Tug of War for Adults (SUver Cup) -- H. B. Steven's team. 200 yards, Flat, Father and Son -- I, J. H. Smith and Frank Smith; 2, W. H. Green and Stan- ley Green. 50 yards, Flat, Ladies Open-- I, Maisie Busst; 2, Evelyn Smith 200 yards Relay, Mixed -- 1, A. Clarke and blrs. Gray; 2, Jack Young snd Miss Buckingham. Tug of War for Boys -- Frank Smith's team. 200 yards, Relay, blixed -- I, A. H. Prentice and Mrs. Green; 2, J. H. Smith and Miss Smuck. Improve your complexion by having a FREE DRINK aT KEW BEACH MINERAI. SPRING c ! For Auto Repairs Gas, Oils, Accessories I MARINE MOTORS DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY HOME . MADE CANDY Ico Cream ood Boft Drinks 25th ond Phono Bellevue West 7 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone IVest 340 Evenings, kvest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEI. B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Dioiiociivo Funeral Scvvi«o 4 --- Lady Assistant 220- avd Si. E, Phone North 42S CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in West Vancouver Christian Science Society on Sunday will be "GOD." One of the Scriptural texts will be from Job 11: 7: "Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?" The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 465 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "God is incorporeal, divine, sup- reme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love." SUMMER SERVICE MOTOR COACH Effective Saturday, June 25 Norih Vancouver West Vancouver 0 Caulfeild Horseshoe Bay Both wookdoy aod Sunday ~chodoioo have hcoo augmented fov the oooooa. Got new Clmotohtoo from coach operators, agents ood hoo terminals. Jei?: "Any kind of money looks good now but you'd admire the kind I'm wishin'or." Parson: okVhat particular kind is it?" Jei?; "A snappy currency that would flip back to your pocket after the hill was paid." PACIFIC STAGES i.inlITED EXPERT SAW F I L IN G Cross-cut Saws 10c foot Grinding Knives, Scissors, Lawn-mowers Ground, all makes N. It. ELLIS, 1427 blarine Res. Phone, West 184RI C. J. Overington PIOiVEER BARBER 14th and Marino Expert Work Phone West 135 Local and Personal Prescriptions Miss Phyllis Nesle of the local staff of the B.C. Telephone Co., is on her annual vacation.\ o ~ David McLelland has moved from the city and has taken up residence at 2317 King's Ave. ~ o ~ L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold their regular meeting next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall. ~ ~ ~ The L.O.B.A. will meet next Thursday evening at 8 o'lock in the Orange Hall. o o ~ On Dominion Day the muni- cipal ferries will maintain a half-hourly service. The first fer- ry will leave Ambleside dock at 6 a.m and the last at 11'30 pm. The first ferry from the city»iu start at 6 f30 a.m„ the last boat leaving the Vancouver dock at 12 midnight. Buses will meet au boats. o In celebration of her birthday, Betty Hodgson was the guest of honor at a surprise party given at the home of birn. Walter Gourlay on Saturday evening. A number of her friends had decorated the room with a pro- fusion of fiowers and crepe paper making an attractive setting for a jolly evening of games, compe- titions and music. Those invited were Betty Hodgson, Doreen Bernard, Patricia Wallace, Dor- een Todd, Audrey Todd, Peggy Barker, Eileen Smauwood, biary Murray, Kathleen Hodgson, Bub- bles Bernard, Jean NcKnight, Phyllis Howard, Elsie Partridge, Stella Bruce, Joan Gourlay and Betty Gourlay. o Miss Simpson and bliss Har- rop of IVest Bay are leaving for a trip east on Saturday, Miss Simpson going to Peterboro, Ontario and Miss Harrop to Calgary. Their house during their absence will be occupied by Mr. and bfrs. H. A biifian. o ~ The general delivery wicket at Houyburn Post Office will be open from 8 to 9 a.m. on Domin- ion Day. Mr. and bfrs. F. E. Brine and Phil Brine have been spending a few days at Bowen Island. ~ o Mr. and Nrs. R. IV. Froud, 12th and Marine, leave this week to spend a holiday on Salt Spring Island. \ Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry left on Wednesday for his new charge in Victoria. Mrs. Henry is re- maining a few days in West Vancouver, the guest of bir. and Nrs. A. E. Baker, 22nd and Bel- levue. Mrs. D, IV. Graham and fam- ily, 21st and Bellevue, left on Wednesday night for Prince Rupert where they expect to re- main a month. They will join Captain Graham there.\ o ~ The Ridley blilk gc Ice Co., 22nd and Marine, anounce that ice is half price at their plant from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For de- livery service phone West 456. Receive the attention of ex- perienced Gradute Pharm- scists at this store at all times. This is a worth while point to remember C. S. Forrest of Brandon, father of W. A. Forrest, who hss visited his son here on a num- ber of occasions. is now in spite of his 80 odd years on a tour of Scotland. He is at present in Glasgow. Mrs. W. A. Anderson of Van- couver, is spending the summer at Caulfeild. o ~ F. J. Lettner, 2130 Argyle Ave., left on Saturday for a short trip to thc Peace River. ' o F. C. Coleman who hss been residing at 2094 Nelson Ave., has moved into a house at 2540 Bellevue Ave. ~ \ ~ Rev. and Mrs. Hobden and family of Vancouver, moved to- day into a house at 25th and Nelson Ave. Mrs. John Bell, 12th and Duchess Ave., left here on Sat- urday for a trip to Scotland. o \ ~ P. S. Ward of North Vancou- ver, has moved into a house at 1296 Haywood Ave. Mr. Watson is having a house built at the corner of 23rd and Marine Drive. ~ o ~ R. Blaney of West Bay, has moved into a house at 3396 Mar- ine Drive. ~ o birs. A. DePencier of Vancou- ver, is now occupying her sum- mer home at 23rd and Marine Drive for the season. o o v J. J. Berry has moved from the city into a house at Horse- shoe Bay for the summer. Mr. snd Mrs. Oscar Whittaker 1143 Esquimalt Ave., have left for a holiday at Galiano island. o bIrs. A. M. O'Donnell and fam- ily, have moved from 2503 Hey- wood Ave., into a house at 2987 Marine Drive. ~ o 1 Mrs. C. M. Ross of Vancouver, has moved to Whyteclii?. o ~ A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vyvyan of East Beach last Saturday at the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. R. A. Ridley, 1381 biarine Drive, has moved into a house at 1051 Marine Drive. o o bliss A. W. Lindsay of Van- couver, has moved to Cypress Park for the summer. Rev. Father Carey of St.. An- thony's Church, left on Tuesday for a vacation at Half Moon Bay. ~ o c Nr. Bryan of Innisfail, Alber- ta, has purchased the house of A. L. Grout at 612 16th Street. o Mrs. M. O. R. Jarvis, 1669 Duchess Ave, is h.aving as her guest over the week end, Mrs, Aemilius Jarvis of Toronton. ~ \ ~ Rcv. Hillis IVright has moved into the house of Mrs. A. bL O'Donneu at 2503 Heywood Ave.I o ~ Rev. David A. Allan's elocu- tion class for men has just term- inated. The pupils expressed ap- preciation of tuition received and hope to renew studies in September. ~ ~ Miss Naomi McNuuen, Miss Peggy Roaf, Miss Virginia Le- furgey, bliss biargaret Stephen- son and bliss Gwenneth Gyles, all of Vancouver, spent the nwek end at Caulfeild. ~ ~ ~ Nrs. Jack Paish and daugh- ter, Selinda, are returning to 'IVest Vancouver this week after spending six weeks on Vancou- ver Island. They will reside at hlrs. B. N. Grady's, 24th and Bellevue Ave. tlefutuill's Drug Store The Sfoco of Sovvtco. ias2 Morioo Drive Went 27 Bcoovgcocy Phoae Wcoa 221 (Afiov 2 p.M.) The BURRARD LAUNDRY For People Who Are Particular TEIBD ST. ood ST. DAY IDS North Vancouver Phone North IS10. West Van. Rcprcwentatlvs P. RIVERS Phone West 410L Amblesigle Sheet MetalWorks IAURIE 5PEOc PvopvlHov 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBLVG Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES AU Kinds of Tea Bread, Assorted Pastries Almond V arceties Banbury or Eccles Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 bIARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will caU IIOLLk BURxc SCHOOL High school entrance pupils recommended for admission to high school: Aldred, Harry Armstrong, bfav Babcock Bernice Brine, Richard D. Burns, Nary E. Clegg, Anne E. L. Corbett, Frederick G. Elgar, Doreen B. Harper, John H. Jenvey, Frances K. Leth-Paulsen, Hertha A. Love, Kathleen F. biacAulay, Alex. MacLeod, Albert A. blcCartney, Robert S. Mason, James A. Morris, Robert J. Paton, Bernice R. Patterson, Erane Schuberg, Ray G. IViuiams, Ruth E. IVilhngton, Leslie R. IVoods, Joyce bL LEGION NOTES The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion will hold their regular meeting next Mon- day, 4th July, at, 8 p.nL Every member is requested to be pres- ent. HOLLY BURiV PA VI LION Dominion Day Dance July 1st -- 9 to 12 p.m. CARNIVAL DANCE--Saturday, July 2nd Novelties, Prison, etc. Orchestra -- GEORGE GRIFFIN AND HIS 7 BOYS