0001 r :r VVL rmor 4V r" I 4vrrr 4vr v 4r r o V4~ .44 vo441* -V two r, I&no '4~V Jf)'v'w 4 ~4w IerIWop-4 'P'roo44 CMWI414'rr IC4 44IO4~ rv.r. rr'rr I r.rrr 'r4 VVIVV~rrKVOV Vo,wvrrrrvV"4vvr rrovrVo'vrrrr hvV rrrr rrrrrr wEsT YANcoUYER St. Stephen's ChurchAsk About Our Reconditioning Oil Permanent $500 Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S,T. July 3rd--6th Sunday after Trinity. 8 s.m.--Holy Communion. 10 s.m.--Main School. 11:15 a.m.--Primary Depart- ment snd Sunday School. 11:15 s.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd Ser. Cion. Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE Seik xod Eoeuimoin HoBybora It actually improves ibo con- dition of ibe hair. If yoo have bod your hair weakened by o poor permanent, aok about tbix new ro-wove system wblcb ro- ~ioroo the hair io no orig!oaf xbooa ood beauty. Tbix Society is ~ Branch of The Moibor Cborcb Tbo First Church of Cbrioi, Sciooiiot, in Booioa, Moooocbooetto Sunday Sorviceo 11420 a.m. oad 1420 p.m. Sunday, July 3, 1932 Subject 1 GILeyfdolyI Beauty Shoppg Next week is a week of picnics and yarties. hlonday the Trail i(angers. Tuxis Boys will go on a picnic. Tuesday the A.Y P. A. will entertain St. John's snd St. Agnes A.Y.P.A. at 0 Beach Party. 1Vednesday the Cuba will hold their closing Rally and on Thursday the Greater Vancou- ver Council of the A.Y.P.A. will meet in St. Stephen'0 Hall which leaves the end of the week for several young people to do their packing for Camp Artaban on the following Monday. Service st St. Francis, 8 p.m. Sunday. 1$40 Sforioo Drive Phof)e hVest 117 "LESS ACCIDENTS" CAhfPAIGN BY B. C. ELECTRIC RAlL)VA YCO. Motormen snd conductors of the B. C. Electric Street Railway system in Vancouver have just ccmpleted the first lsp of 0 great drive for less accidents which started January I this year. The entire force of 880 men was divided into six teams, each cap- tained by 0 senior msn snd working in contact with the one of the company'0 traffic inspec- tors. The first period, of four months'uration, ended recently with Team No. 4, captain Con- ductor 1V. Robinson, gaining highest honors in the campaign. Each week during the cam- paign, the team captains held their "courts" and go over the accident reports, deciding to what extent the men have been blsmesble. In accordance with the findings of these courts, de- merit marks are imposted. Any class of accident msy draw s maximum of 20 demerit marks but the number msy be less if it is decided that the cir- cumstances of the accident do not warrant the full penalty. If invevstigstion proves that the accident wss unavoidable snd the street railway man not at fault then no demerit marks are charged. To promote the success of the campaign, instruction classes snd meetings are held from time to time for the discussion of ac- cident prevention methods. The second series started Msy I snd will end August 31. It is interesting to note that of the 864 employees comprising the six teams, 548 men or 63 per cent passed through the first period without 0 demerit mark against them for accidents. "GOD Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. 1V. Cuddeford Organist--hfrs. Holden Choir Leader--Mrs. 4Martyn Serrices: 2:p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School under suyer- intendency of hIr. Loucks. Also Adult Bible Class by the minis- ter. 3:15 p.m.--Church 1Vorship. Sermon by the minister: 'The Angel that Blocks the 1Vsy.o Thought for the week: "If you are going to do s tgood thing, do it now; if a mean thing, think it over." Sunday School at 10:00 ~ .m. Testimony biootieg Wednesday at 0;1$ p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev H P Humphreys Residence: 1343 Hsywood Ave. 10 s.m.--Sunday School snd Adult Class. 11 s.m.--hIorning Worship, Pastor will preach, topic: VHis Dominion." 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic. "The Just Shall Live by Faith." Short song service before ser- vice. A cordial invitation to all. Wednesday, 8 y.m. -- Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. OPEN LETTER TO THE hlUNICIPAL COUNC)L Corporation of the District of 1Vest Vancouver, Dear Sirs:-- At 0 meeting of 120 members of the 1Vest Vancouver Unem- ployed Association held st Legi- on Hall, Tuesday, June 28th, 1932, it wss unanimously resolv- ed that s vote of censure be passed upon the Municipal Coun- cil for their neglect in not hav- ing a representative at the Union of B. C. Municipalities Conven- tion held at Nelson, B. C., on the 27th and 28th instant. This negligence is emphasized in view of the important results disclosed in the reports of this Convention. Yours respectfully, WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYED ASSN. C D Edwards President J. E. Moore, Secretary. BURRARD LAUNDRY The Burrsrd Laundry, situat- ed at 3rd Street snd St. David's in North Vancouver, hss been serving the people of the three North Shore municipalities since 1926. It is 0 first class modern plant, snd sll kinds of laundry work are carefully done in the most up-to-dste manner. In these days of change it is 0 re- markable thing that with few exceptions the same help is still employed as when the plant first started. The management have hsd many years of experience, snd patrons can be assured of satisfactory work snd courteous service. The West Vancouver representative is F. Rivers, II W I 4144. St. Anthony's Church Pastor. Rev. Father Csrey Res. 2658 Marine Dr. Summer Schedule SUNDAY-- 8:30 a.m.--Holy Mass, In- struction. 10:00 s.m.--Holy Mass, Sermon 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School. 3:00p.m.--Afternoon Devo- tions. 1VEEK DAYS-- 7:30 s.m.--Holy Mass. FRIDAY-- 7:30 p.m.--Devotions, Confes- sions. SATURDAY-- 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. SEEKING BODY OF NURSE 1VARBURTON Rangers in the mountain area on the North Shore controlled by the Greater Vancouver Water District have been instructed to watch for the body of Miss hIsry Wsrburton, 60-yearold nurse, who lost her life during 0 snowstorm on the divide be- tween Indian River snd Sey- mour Creek in October last year. Melting snows are expected to disclose the remains. She started to hike over 'tire'ountainsfrom Squsmish to North Vancouver on October 19 snd the last word from her wss 0 note found in s cabin dated three days later which declared that she wss sll right. Three search parties combed the mountains last fall in search of the missing woman snd con- tinued their activities until Nov- ember 21 without avail. The cabin in which the note wss left wss one day's walk from Squsm- ish. The trail left by the missing woman indicated that she hsd started in the direction of Indian River. Signs of her camp were found by sesrchers on their first trip, but heavy snowfslls hsd obliterated these when the sec- ond search occurred. Persons familiar with the area in which the woman wss lost de- clared st the time there she could not survive. She carried only s silk tent snd two weeks'rovisionsin concentrated form. hfiss 1Vsrburton hsd s terri- fying experience in 1926 which her friends thought would dis- courage her periodic hikes. She wss lost in hills in the vicinity of Princeton for six weeks snd rescued by "Podunk" Davis, well-known prosfSector in that district. Undaunted, however, she started out again in August, 1928, on sn extensive walking tour of the Hope-Princeton country and arrived at her dest- ination safely. 1'IANO RECITAL BY PUPILS OF 11RS. CHAS. BURBRIDGE The seriior pupils of Mrs. C. Burbridge were heard in 0 very successful piano recital which wss given at her home, 2309 Marine Drive, in the sfternoou of Friday, June 24th, before a large snd appreciative gathering of parents snd friends. It wss s fitting local counterpart to "Liv- ing Music Dsy" in the city, with its special setting of fiowers in full bloom both inside and out- side the house. The pupils taking part includ- ed: Barbara Sparrowe, Patricia Albin, Joyce Burbridge, Jean McKnight, Betty Gourlsy, Anne Sparrows, Joan Gourlsy, Oliver snd Ralph Burbridge. The program as carried out, showed the care snd thorough- ness with which their musical talents hsd been developed by their teacher, Mrs. Burbridge, snd the comysny did not fail to show its warm approval. Much pleasure wss given by the as- sisting artistes, Mrs. Hamilton- Smith, who gave musical mono- logues, snd Mrs. W. R. Clark, who rendered vocal solos. Refreshments were served at the close by the hostess, with her pupils assisting A msn recently offered to psy his income tsx with pheasants. 1Ve pay ours with 0 grouse. A committee is 0 device for dividing responsibility snd post- poning action. Established on Norik Shore ! 20 Years. (Lody Assistant) HARRON BROS. S( WVILL I AM SON gI)nerailjIhrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 )Vest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Nems Pebnosod Every FrMoy Pabnobor F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone Went 363 Beoioooo ood Editorial Ogico: Ifik ood Marino Drive (Next io Hoiiybora P. O.) Phone Went 363 Mail Addrooof P. O. Box SI, HoBybora, B. C. North Vancouver Ogicet 123 Lonsdsle Avs. $1»N s year by carrier: $2.00 ~ yoe by moiL cARD op THANKS F. J. Troogbtoo announces that bio ogioe. 2440 Marine Drive, will be cioood after today ood be iokoo the opporiunny of tbookiog oil ibooo wluf whom bo boo bod booioooo oooocio\iooo during the psst twenty-ooo years. 40k 'v)I f.~. II ~AS 'n onI : n» A Calamity Dora: "Gladys has a position ss detective in one of the big department stores. Cora: "Well, I don't envy her. Imagine being known as 0 plain- clothes woman,o Beach at )Vest Bay THE WFST VAN NE)VS United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis 1Vright Sundn&, July .'lrd, 1932. 10 a.m.--Sundsv School, 11:15 a.m.--Public worship. Rev. Hillis 1Vright will preach, toyic, "Paul's Determination." 7:16 p.m.--Public worship. Rev. Hillis 1Vright will preach. fifrs. D. A. Chisholm, 1697 Inglewood Ave., will be hostess at a garden party Thursday aft- ernoon, July 7th, under the aus- pices of the W.A. of the United Church. There will be s small admission charge. June 30, 1932 DI.Marjory McCubbin SS ENTIST Hooro: 0 ~.m. Io 0 p.m. Soiurdoyo 10 ~ m io I p m. Evoaiogo ood Sotordoy After. noose by oppoiatmoat only, Royal Bank Bending I'boos Root 440 Rooidcoco I'booo West SslL DR. G. O. H SEALE nENTXST i ~ Hoy Block 141k ood kiorioo Dr Ofnco Hours 0 Io 0 p. m, Evooiogo by oppoioimoot. Phono West 12 NURSING HOME (Sire. SL Ik LoCbonco, R.N.) 204 - 24ib Sirooi F»oi North Yoecoovof Roofdooco Pboeo: North 12$4R I HOI I YBURN Barber Shop Isib B Marino EKPERT BERvicE E. MARSH, Proprietor. 44 Logsiia(E NOW PLAYIIIG SPECIAL Holiday Attraction Wallace noory Clark Cokie Sg(S Ix "HELL DIVERS" 18 „„,'he I@ "..-", 4 MATINEE 144444 IItwo 0 Im Frkloy )4 Ixkt COME EARLY REMEMBER oow Low oowwxo ~ eIooo Cha4IIoo leo. Aliens 200 Axl'11in Cow(os Nolll Wook: rhf I RACi I', !ll AN n "AMATEUR DADDY" wom o ELOCUTION Chf)dren'0 Class Saturday July 2nd at 10 o.m. Private Tuition Arranged REV. DAVID A. ALI.AN 1494 Inglewood Avenue 'Ihe Choirs Revenge The Vicar made 0 bsd break the other dsy. At the close of the anthem he rose to preach, snd tactlessly chose his text, "Now when the noise has ceased--" But the choir got their own back. At the end of the long and prosy sermon they rose snd spontaneously burst into the an- them, "And when we awoke from our sleep Msn at Tottenhsm: I want a policeman to warn a woman not to annoy me. Magistrate. 1Vhy not keep out of the woman's wsyf Msn: I csn't; she is my wife. Good Example "Surely you'e not going to marry again, Mrs. Binks, so soon after the Lord's taken Bfnksr'Oh, yes, I sm," replied Mrs. Binks. "So long ss the Lotx) takes them, so will L" 1$ I