West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1932, p. 6

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0001 THE )VEST VAN NEWS June 24, 1932. rre:N ~ rrt«rscr Neo« arr "Nw r.« '. NeereN Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,', .'"„'" Ambleside„'"' "„.„.." SPECIALS: Friday & Saturday, June 24 & 2S 2 tins SARDIN ES, Btuus- witk 4 dossu GINGER SNAPS, fresh made . I tis TOMATOES. Naboih No. 2 tiu .. ROYAL CROWN LYR. tia Red a White PEACHES, No. 2 sixs liu 4 pkgs. Red R lvhits JELLY POWDERS, assorted CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, Fiji la!aud, large tins SKI........... SIALT VINEGAR--Lstge 24 os. battle, Gtimbls's Euglish "BEST FOODS" MAYON- N A IS~N»x. Iat .................. 2 rolls Red Jt Wluto TOILET TISSUE 4 Iba JAI'ANESE RICE..... SHRIMPS--Tall Hus, wst or dty HEDLI ND'S I-Ra tiu QUICK DIN N ER ssd 1 f1el tie SANDWICH PASTE, an for I IK CHRI9STIFJS CHOCO- LATE ECLAIRS................ 2 tins TUNA Fli»H, Nabob. I/» 29t 9e 4 doses RUBIIER RINGS-- lied It White.............. Ssc I bottle CERTO--Fot lama sud jeniea ..................... Sst QUAKER BIIAND CORN- Fl ARES, 4 packages........... 29» (Limit: Four packages) I nh fleshly Xtouud COFFEE 19c asd I large tiu BORDEN'SAIILK ................ Spc Ie Lbs. B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR ... . ... ....... 29c (With every pound of Real R White Tss) ................„..... Ssc (Limit» One deal) 1st Red (t White FANCY QUAI ITY PEAS. sicee 4l 4 tins.... 49c ORANGES--Nits medium sixs 1st Cslifotui~ fruit, 2 dos.. 49c NE)V STRAWBERRY JAhl is 19c here! PL'RE JASI: full of whole berries, Nabab brand, 4-lb. tis............................'9c 29c I Rs KANADA 'I'EA asd I lb. IL C. Lump SUGAR........,..... 39c 29c (Sets the Coupons) Why Pay More? SPECIAL LUMBER, SASH a DOORS For ~ 4-Room Cottage LINED INSIDE Price Delivered $ 2,00.00 ~ ~ ~ GET OUR PRICKS ON FEiN CING Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors ~ snd Drawers Everything for the Building AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD 16A aud Sistine Drive Phone 'Wast 199. After 6 p.m. ssk for Getty Deut Phoae West 2411L Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE THE STORE WITH THE NEON SIGN JEFF ERlES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF AI L K1NDS, DELICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AYIBLESIDE STORE West 3 West 303 LU BER nnd Lumber Products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building Paper Lamatco, Gyproc, Beaver Bonrd, Shingles, Etc. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD 1'hone West 115 Res. Phone West 368L 16th snd Marine III ! "Right Service -- Right Grades" GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTT, Landscape Architect G «Iwto la Lass«sloe u. Ol C„A«»NO xchoal I La«bess A»col«coo lwl catseal t. m assoc Natleasl Ls 4 cato So»el» . 's. s s ~ ~p'o t oaa bio 2 s. t'«rtewe co' a s tc o ties I ~s r 'I 't'etro'v V V'r I rrrp. rre V VVr'rvvrr« rrrrwr 'vr rrrv.*rvr rvvv N v vw r rvr vr Phone %Vest 1 90 All Government Inspected-Noel Grade Meat For Cash or C.O3L Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH--NO FROZEN MEATS CUBE MINUTE STEAKS ! BOILED HAM 10c each ~ 35c a pound YOUNG LOCAL MUTTON Shoulders, llc lb Ribs, breast on, llc lb, Legs, 17c lb. Loin, 18c lb. BOLOGNA ! COTTAGE ROLLS N.'m 15c a lb. 13c lb. Grain-Fed poRKI No. 1 steer Beef coTTAGE cH«sE 25c2 lbs..................................... LEGS (Fores) O BOILING BEEF 1 pC BACON (by the piece) 1 5 BUTIB ! STEWING BEEF ""'"...,......................... 25clb...... 11c 2 I)hu. for .............. 25c LO1NS 1 2 ! ~ IINCED STEAK SIC~ 2 lb. fo....................„....lb cPOT OAS lb. BLADE RIB ROAsT 12 1 Local Fresh Killed 2 lbs PORK sAUSAGEs 252 lbs. I CAMBRIDGE sAUSAGE 253 lbs. CAULIFLOWER for..... .............................. I U C 10 515(Large). Each . HOT HOUSE TOMATOES, lb.............. 1 Tc VEAL ib......................... i X RJB ROAST No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter 31bs. SSc Boiling Fowl 18 and 20c lb. RHUBARB 1 55 lbs. NElv PoTAToEs 258 lbs. Extra Special No. 1 ALBERTA BUTTER Blbs - 49cSaturday Only,,.„„,„...„.„. „„„...„,„„,,„... Roberts'etter Meats Delivery to all West VancouverPhone 1Vest 190 Like young perennial plants, the seedlings of annuals should be transplanted as soon as the first true leaves appear. The first transplanting, if they are to be moved more than once, should allow one to four inches between plants so that they will have su(ficient room for proper development, depending upon the size of the plant Several hours before starting to transplant, the soil both around the plants and also where they are to be newly set out should be thoroughly wet- ted down. The first is particu- larly important so that when lifting out the plants the soil will adhere to the roots. A small stick sharpened at one end may be used for making the holes in which to place the plant. A six- inch pot label is also quite good. The usual practice followed in digging the plants is to dig with the right hand, lift the plant out with the left and press the AGRICULTURAL REPRE- SENTATIVE APPOINTED BY B. C. ELECTRIC CO. Sydney J. Bowman hss joined the light and power sales staif of the B. C. Electric Railway Company as agricultural repre- sentative. Mr. Bowman is well known throughout the Frsser Valley having been associated with the Vancouver Milling and Grain Company Limited, and served as fieldman for the Can- adian Ayrshire Breeders Associ- ation in British Columbia. He is s native son of B. C. End spec- ialized at the provincial univer- sity in animal husbandry and dairy production. In the service of the B. C. Electric he will be primarily interested in problems connected with farm electrific- atio. A Coolisg Dose Two Jews, fsthst sud sos, went fot s stroll one sweltering day. As they passed s vendor of ics cream the boy turned to his father sud said. longiugly: "I tish you'4 puy mo some ica ctssm, fsdst. I do fssl hot.a His father gsxsd at him for s few ~scouds In mild surprise. Then be exclaimed ONo, uo, Ikey, my poy'ut I toil you vot I vill do. I'l tell you some ghost stories eot'll msko your blood tuu coldla "I'l usest forget ths sight you pro posed, you acted like s fmh out of wstot, OYss I wss ~ sucker all sigh(."-- Then tjto gong sounded fot the Asst touud. soil firmly about the roots with the right hand. After the plant has been set out in its new lo- cation, it should be watered thoroughly snd if during hot sunny weather some shade should be provided. Shingles are good for this purpose. If the weather is dark and cloudy the shading may be dispensed with. Water well until growth starts. Such sturdy plants as the cas- tor oil bean should have the seeds planted where they are to be permanently located as they don't stand transplsnting well. Most other plants are benefited by transplanting. lt makes them sturdy snd permits the develop- ment of a good healthy root sys- tem. NoTE--Th wit« «ul comm» ll ~ su«a ~ to aac w a «Noae cwcwalas Ihe sa ~ ~ ls this cela The sac»tow cheats IN 44 ecs«l lo tho arltec I ca ~ ol Iho mutw. Tho ~sorer Sl sswt I~ aa It uses ec lf ~ «scowl ~ Slt lo 4«Icos ~ s««S«h ~ou essco I oa lem oh NI4 IN saohNoIL No Superlicial Sotto« Shs wss a rather elderly woman of dusky hus of the Rind who looks upon sll members of the white tees iu s friendly coufideutisl wsy. Aud shs was arrayed in deepest moutniug from head to fooL Also the look upon hsr tace wss sutitsly in keepiu with het melancholy stray. It ~ce tsiuly seemed that shs wss dts up within the last inch of hst mourn- ful feelings. But such, slssi was uot the case. Fot Snaily shs halted be- fore the counter shs wss seeking- the underwear counter. Aud this Is tho conversation that suausd: "Honey," shs addressed the yousg woman clerk, "is you got any black underwear I" ONo suotls a replied the sales- girl, shut I hats some very nice white ones. Won't they do I" ONo, honey," replied the woman with Just s touch ot sorrow. "No, they don't do. When I mourne. I moutus clean down to ds skin." Memory ta. Costiguity "Ob, George," shs gurgled ss shs cuddled closet. "I wander how any one could ssy that obssucs wakes As heart grow foudet1" OI guess," replied Gsotgs, "that must mass the absesco of s thltd party." VERNON FEED STORE A. C. BEARLE Phono Wssl 9 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies S."