West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1932, p. 5

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0001 ilce clat llop ckk )lag, lose, tla chcr- )sick ihacy with tla eiiec. ek cecci- eaten taaie. h tbe ;g a54 I with fillhg pic. I June 24, 1932. Radio Bargain Sale Many Pine Bocgoiox In this Mooch-end Saic. Eocy terms. Reg. Now 19N MAJFSTIC 8 92,00 872.00 1N2 MAJESTIC MANTEL 71.00 45A0 1932 ROGERS N.N $5.00 1982 DE FOREST CROSLEY 129.60 99.00 1932 VICTOR 119.50 99.00 J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD. West 37 G. GE)v)M)LL, Agape 14th and Marine West 37 CHRISTIAN SCI ENCF. EXACT RRIDGE SOCIETY STATUS ASKED "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" will Requevt that Mayor E H be the subject of the Lessonmer- Bridgman of North Vancouver, mon in Christian Science So- receiver of the Second Narrows ciety, West Vancouver on Sun- Bridge, inform the Vancouver day. City Council of the exact status One of the Scriptural texts of the bridge situation was con- will be from Isaiah 29:18: "And tained in a resolution adopted in that day shall the deaf hear by aldermen Monday afternoon. the words of the book. Bcul the The receiver will also be asked eyes of the blind shall see out tp send to Mayor Louis D. Tay- of obscurity, and out of dark )or copies of any agreement be- ness. tween the receiver snd Stuart The LeesonNermon will also Cccmeron Sc Co., contractors, re- include the followins passag gacding replacement. The city from "Science and Health with alsp desires any other informa- &ey to the Scriptures," by M ry (ion regarding replacement of laker Eddy: "The jaime f, the missing span. de endent of doctrines and time The mayor stated that two re-thinkers has come. th, in- honored systems, knmks at the had criticized the cit snd otherportal of humanity," (pref. vii.) districts fmor Iac)c of action on bridge repairs. He explained EXHIBITION OF that no information on the pres- MANUAL TRAINING ent situation has been given out by the receiver to civic authori- Parents and any interested ties, who have no data on pres- are reminded of the exhibition ent conditions. of manual training work b)r the ~is bridge,o said the mayor pupils of the schools, which "is an intermunicipal utility, takes place this afternoon and and every step tslcen by receiv- again this evening from 7 t ers should be reported to muni- 9:30 in the manual training an- cipslities nex of Pauline Johnson School. ""It 'w'ill require only about The West Vancouver P.-T. A four months to replace the will Serve refreshments this eve- span," he Bald, "but I b lieve ning and a large attendance is the receiver is going into the anticipated. question of raising 6800,000 for a lift span." NEW I.OOP ADDED The mayor then produced the ON SUBURBAN resolution which was later STREET CAR LINE passeed by the council. "Does the receiver obtain any A new loop costing approxi- remuneration?" asked Aid. H. J. mately 612,000 to complete is be- DeGraves. "It is alleged he is ing opened by the B. C. Electric paid 6)0 8 day." Raihvay Company on its Kerris- "I don't know where the dale street car line st Forty-first money would come from," re- Avenue and East Boulevard, and plied the mayor. the Shaughneeey or No. 6 care are running to this point. This The Thoughtful Guest addition will benefit the rapidly Dumb; ")Ve're going to give growing area by a five-minu the bride 8 shower." day. Hitherto 8 ten minute ser- vice hss been 1n operation with ring t e soap 8 single rail running from Forty first avenue and Boulevard to ~ox""'c'." FIYSWOOdline. I A man "wanted" in Bristol, Largest operating mill on was spotted by a new policeman the North Shore. n duty at the railway station. The policeman telephoned to Slabs and Edgings the police station saying, "The per cord ................ 64.25 man you want is on the ten S)abs (extra heavy)o'lock express for London. Shall per cprd 54 50 I enter the train and shadow him or wait for the cheap excursipn Inside Fir, per cord.... 36.00 tomorrow?" PACIFIC GATEIVAY "Norman admires everything about LUSIBER CO. mc--my voice, my oyee, my figure, North 525 "Aod whet do you admire move Foot of Bowser Avenue, about him 1o North Vancouver "Hi~ good taste." THE WEST VAN NEWS COUNCIL NOTES Miss Alice E. Newman wrote the council re building on Lot 4, Block 46, D. L. 430. The council expressed their regret that they could not agree to her request regarding the uee of this building, as to do so would contravene regulations. The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Timber sidewalk on Duch- ess Avenue between 12th snd 14th Streets. That owing to bad condition this sidewalk should be removed. The work was approved. 2. Mr. Griifith's verbal appli- cation for clearance of beach at 25th Street. No action. 8. F. Smifh's application, ver- bal, re oiling Eagle Harbor Road. That the cost of this work would be 371. Approved. 4. Keith Road bridge over Capilano River and signs contig- uous thereto. The clerk wss instructed to forward a copy of this report to the council of the District of North Vancouver. 5. Dilapidated culverts. That the total cost of repairing the culverts as listed would be 333,- 707.75. Referred back to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer for further report. 6. Cutting of windfalls and snags, D.L. 658 Wc/g. That per- mission had been granted to E. Hansen. Filed. 7. W. R. Sutton's application re Altamont Park. That this matter Is now in order. 8. H. G. Ware's complaint re water supply. That to remedy the condition would cost 655. The work was ordered done. 9. Sign in D.L. 582, Block 12. That 8 pointer be placed on the sign lettered "Public Beach." Suggestion approved. May McDonsld wrote the coun- cil re exchange of lot 10 for 6 B-2-555. Referred to the engineer for his report. Mrs. Jessie Dalgleish wrote the council regarding trees on municipal property, Royal Ave. Referred to the engineer with power to act. R. Elworthy made application to the council for the opening of Lswson Avenue between 23rd and 24th Streets, as also did R. B. Grieve snd eleven other resi- dents. It was decided that this work be done under the relief scheme. Mrs. M. B. Small wrote the council regarding the formation of 8 central organization for wel- fare work. It was resolved that Reeve Leylsnd represent the council at the meeting scheduled for 16th June. Maggie Benson, the daughter of the archbishop, was possessed of rather unusual philosophical grasp ss regards questions of re- ligion. It is interesting there- fore to read the counsel which she gave to a friend who had got into waters too deep for comfort. oI want you to do two things only at present, snd they are not very difi'icult. You don't believe perhaps enough to pray~0 I want you instead of that to take two or three minutes in the morning to think about the day what you feel would be most worth while doing among the ordinary things of daily life... And the second thing is to read daily also one of the gos- pels . for a certain set time a quarter of an hour perhaps with attention If you don't be- lieve the historical facts, it does not matter--it is the teach- ing which I want you to thinkof... I want you to keep to them quite rigidly for a month" That advice was given more than forty years ago; but ic msy be useful even now. FOUND--Piece of Jewcncvy icci Saturday. Phone West. 98R2. FOR SAL~co Ooh Rcfvigcr- ocor, lined whico eoomci, good fom- iiy cixc; cpicodid condition. Phono West 09liR1. LOST~ Socovdoy, Rcd C.C.M. Bi- cycle, ~ ixe zx RewonL Phone West 151X 1. CAULFEiLD -- Yov Rcoi, Mogcva Bungalow. Well Cocnicbcd. Boooai- fui large gvoeoso. Box $$, Wert Vaa News. EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER-- Able Co coke Cull charge, good with chUdcvn. Ayyiy Box $2, West Voa News CHIMNEYS oa4 Fovooceo Cicoaeg- AU brash work. Phone West 4871L TO RENT--Moricro svc roon hococ'. nearly new, conveniently located, 825 on ycov'c ieoce. Jobe Loweoa, Woet 66. TO RENT--Poor room hocve nearly new on Waiccfvoni, 830 pcv month an o'ear's lease. John Laweoo, West 65. 1928 DODGB SEDAN -- Mast selL North 914. LADlES Wick co Rcoa Recco or Shock near beach, Sundays only, between West Vos. forcy aod Seedy Core Apply Box $1 West Voo hews SALT SPRCNG ISLAND (Vcowvico Boy)--Fire nxco fomicbed cottage at sandy beach. A Beiightfai oyoe. $10 pcv wack with Cuci Phone B 1L Hovviam, West 404L FOR SALE--Cmrgc oixc Eeccavec Foa, 816. Apply Ambiecido Tco Boomo. PAINTLeeG cad DECORAT(NG Reasonable rates. Fivrt Cioco Wort Phono West SNiL FOR Rfkwy--Uofonuohcg fooc-coom Bungalow, wcecvfnmt, modcna two bedrooms. open Seapiece. Phoae, Movgoa, West 4. CJ)ST Tocllsoy, colon, bvboUc cocle dog, part Boston Bull, pog nose, long Coii aas wearing ao coi1ov when CocL Nome, "Poi," RcwsnL Jack Giiimom, 2828 Bencvoe, yhoao %1'cct 884 Y. CHEVROLEi'927 COACH is o real imy. North 914.FOR RENT--Six nice rooms. ycviiy furnished, modern. good iocotioo, aeor ferry, gavage, 820. Phoae West 255X. HEADGUARTERS for Aii ihc Poy- cioc O'Igoccccco Toimccoo, oas Fexb ixg Gadgets for local waters Am- biccidc Tco Roomx.HALIBUT LIVERS RICH IN VITAMINE CONTENT Found rich in vitamine A and vitamins D, halibut livers are being collected this year on part of the Nova Scotia coast for use in the preparation of medicinal oil. Col)ection of livers for the same purpose was begun at Prince Rupert„British Columbia, last year, following scientific re- search which showed that hali- but liver oil, like the oil of the cod liver, has valuable health- making properties, and now an additional source of supply is be- ing developed on the Atlantic coast. The practice followed in hand- ling the livers collected in Nova Scotia, according to a report made to the Dominion Depart- ment of Fisheries by one of its inspectors in the province, is to place them in gallon containers as soon as they are removed from the fish, ice them, and ship them in the sealed cans to the plant of the Canadian company engaged in the manufacture of medicinal preparations. At Prince Rupert last year the liv- ers were subjected to dehydra- tion snd freezing and then were shipped to laboratories eles- where for the extraction of the oil. Dehydration was accomp- lished by steaming the cleaned livers and then spreading them on drying racks. Of course, it is not only in the livers of cod and halibut that vitamines occur in Canadian fisheries prodocta Research may show that the livers of other fish are also rich in these elements, which are essential to human health, but, in any case, science has already established that the body oils of various fish have valuable vitacnine content. so that people may obtain need- ed vitamine supplies by eating fish regularly. Ncx 1 1NiSIDE FIR SSN pcv Card, Also goad slabs ood mui ran. Fm ~ limital time one cord of wood mii be given free Co the person sending in moca orders. Phoae Bioiv'c, Weve 298. SNAP--New Raogeaac Ns.ee; Radio Licenses ixcood here. North Shore Radio-ECmtnc, 148S Marin Drive, Phone North 81. FOR PLUSIBCNG REPACRS -- Rco- Meocc Phone West zeeeL FOR SALE-44200.00 High Class Six room bouse. Large ioc, cxccpcioaai- iy good view. John Lowvoo, West 56 FOR SAI E--Oac oi the moot select vitae in West Voeeoovov, zaer» Joet right fov o oopcrior home wiah c foer room hocve Chat cooed be used in cbo mococimc, SLN0.00. John Lcwvox, West 66. FOUNDATION IMENT WORK- Lcodvcaping oad Lawns laid. Boot walls. drains, ocpiic Conte, fencing aod land deoriag, chimavyo oas furnaces cieoae4 ood vepowmL Phoae T. Bocaoet, residence phono West 290R LAWN MOWERS SHARPSUCED- Experienced with oii makes, WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Voaeos- vec Machine Shop, 1449 Mense. PAINTINiG, KALSOMINING, PA- PERING. C. L. Koaioga. Vveca 894K MARCELLB SHOP -- Mcvccna N eeoic; covet, Sac: finger wave. '16e. Phone Mcx. King, West zoh BOARD A.iD RES(DENCB -- iacb oad Bciievec, neat fccvy. Roice at- Cccceive. Phone Woea 458L WE H.hVE TEÃ OP THB CHBAP- EST LOTS ia West Vcocoovov- Some eiocc ic. Sure mosey-motccv in near future. John Lowooa, 15'cct 66. FOR SALB or EXCHANGE -- Io the City, cosy 6 coom baxgoiow (cacao SvN00) coxucor hoxvo, gavage, ferne trove. Fou plumbing. 2 ioia. Nice iocaaioa. Phoae Wove 66. Take Cocxegic'o advice orna Boy Acreage m c piece wcch ~ fccoco. Accoogll ia good iocoecocm fecal $50 ap. Apply John La»coo, West SS.FRc(NCHISE FOR FERRY SOUGHT BY LYNNXIOUR Owing to lack of bridge con- nection with the south shore, residents of the east end of North Vancouver district are in dire need of some means of con- nection with Vancouver, accord- ing to reports to District Coun- cil Tuesday night. An official of the Lynnmour Progressive Association declared that every- thing possible is being done to obtain 8 franchise for operation of a ferry between St. Danie Ave. Bnd Windermere Street, Vancouver. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 bioviao Drive Phone ivcot 21 ov Soymoov 1N0 Evvcecq Wma 2NX GORDON RORSON Borvivicv a Sonciem '(VEST VANCOUVER- Ogrco Xo. 1441, biocioo Drive Phone hrcca 40S. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hcceexgo Sa. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. His Quest Rustic (buying engagement ring): "I likes the diamond one at five bob, but 'aven't yer got any imitation 'une cheaper like?" CLASSIFIED ADS Tbc rate for Ciacciacs Asvevuccmcaco io 2 cooco pcv woes, miaimom 2S coaea Except ia Cbe coco oC those boviag vcgaiov occocaio. BB docoi- boso are yoyabie oeviceiy ia mivoocc. Remombev Ciomiscso ia the West Voa News gca immcsicio veociia r rr~rrr c rv" W o» i v ~ 'h» ~ 'r orr