0001 rt rt.t r A rotrrrt &r 4A trr err r v l ~maotI'r.a ' 'o wlt .. it&t tp ~vtrtrinatorrt «!-t'rrrrt t t t't rc\ o t ~ ~"I tt t*r 'tt tt-"nr. c t,' tV r r r err ~~'prA.rrt t wrrr t.r vtr-rr. rrr'rrr rrrt r rrrtwr . ~ vrt r'~ rrrr rr r errcrt vrrr rrrrrrr~mn 4 SUMMER SERVICE BY MOTOR COACH Effectlve Saturday, June 25 North Vancouver West Vancouver Caulfeild Horseshoe Bav Both weekday ood Sunday schedules have been augmented for the season. Got ncw timetables from coach otmca&occ, agcnic aod buc PACIFIC STAGES LIEIITED EARLY ACTION ON BRIDGE IS HINTED "I believe an announcement will be made shortlr that Sec- on Narrows bridge is to be re- paired--I said that two months ago and I can still say it to- night " This was Reeve J. 81. Bryan's statement Tuesday night at North Vancouver District Coun- cil regarding bridge develop- ments "The bridge board has not met since the contract for re- pairing the structure was signed but the bridge directors have st all times been in close touch with the contractors," reclared the reeve. Reeve Bryan added that in carrying on negotiations, con- tractors have been up against many difficulties in depart- mental problems at Ottawa as well as the problem of financ- ing. Mayor E. H. Bridgman, re- ceiver of the bridge company, is doing all he can to expedite mat-te~ said. "The public has the bridge re- ceiver in the position now where if he were to take it into fufl confidence, there would very likely be no bridge at all," he continued, adding that he "held no brief for the bridge recgiver or any member of the bridge di- rectorate." "If the people have not suFi- cient confidence in their reeve and bridge directors to realize that if all were not well they would be informed, then it is too bad for the people of the dis- trict,o observed Reeve Bryan. "There are certain negotiations he added, "of which the public can not be given the details un- til completed; but I consider the chances of the bridge being re- paired are many times greater than a week ago." Replying to the rumor that the bridge receiver is receiv- ing 8 substantial salary for his services, Reeve Bryan stated that so far the receiver has not drawn a cent in salary and no stipend has been set. THEN THEY HATE HIM AB iho world loves 8 lover--except whoa hc ond hic sweetie orc holding op about forty ears behind &born. "Whenever I see you I think of Smith." "But I'm not 8 bit like Smith." "Yes, you are. You both owe me five pounds." HOLLYBURN PAVILIOV DANCING SATURDAY 8&30 p.m. Free Dancing Class snd practice 7 to 8:30 p.m, Saturdays Private Dancing Class 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays Expert Tuition THE WEST VAN NEWS Juno 24. I932. HOLLYBURN THEATRE I'RIDAY ood SATURDAY June 8&ih cod gsih O'OVER THE HILL" wiih SAI LI Icli PRS ood JAMES DI'NN MONDAY ood TUESDAY June giih oad gsih "THE TIP OFF" with Rpiiv qUii.i.,iN ~ i&UBEIIT ARMSTRONO (.'heese in Scallop Shells or Ramekina I cup milk 2 cups bread crumbs teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper I/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 cups grated Canadian cheese Pour milk over bread crumbs, add seasoning, half the cheese and mix well, fill greased scallop shells or rameklns; sprinkle with remainder of cheese and a few fresh bread crumbs and bake in moderate over 30 min- utes. Cream Pulfs I cup water I/» cup butter 1 cup flour 3 eggs Put the water in a granite saucepan to boil. When boiling add butter and stir, in the flour. Let cool. When cold, sdd the eggs well beaten. Best all thor- oughly and drop on to buttered tins. Bake 20 minutes in s quick oven. When cool, slit with sharp knife. These may be filled with the following fillin, but the whipped cream is much better. Filling 1 cup milk &4„cup sugar i egg '/z dessertspoon cornstarch. Boil milk, add sugar and corn- starch, lastly the well-beaten egg When cool flavor to taste. If liked, one may brush the tops with a little beaten egg and milk before putting in oven. When cold, open and fill with whipped cream or custard filling and dust tops with fine sugar. I&on s. C. ELECTRIC IE AID&NO CANAD&VE RECOVERY K C. Ben&id& coppon of io&ri mtcuhnmcn is of c mot& paaiai &on. ALL 'ct bcbbic cod solder, hll ia bc&a cod iron ccniogo ALL ia brick, ALL ia brooms tod brothe&, ALL ia ames&, ALL ia m&L ALL in diciofcc&coa, ALL ia &mrii gcc ac&as ALL ia gloccc, ALL ia nails, All in paving Mo&kz ALL ia pcio&iog. ALL in powo& bcaaicc, ALL in mogog pope&, ALB ia &opc, ALL in &obbo& mca. ALL in &hotch, ALL ia &cop, ALL ia noa cod ntpcoiioc, ALL c~ ucifons doch, All in wcac, ~od cg of many ada& scorn fmm B&khh Coiombic mtooft&oacrc py on ceo&. of tii BC Shack pc&chan ac made is Coo&dc tod yi pct ceo&. ac mode io B&irich Coiombic. The B. C PJcnric it c Bririth Cohoobit kmi&oaoo cod bo ficta in gitiog Bo&i&h Coiombic a&soften&ac p&cfnco&n BRITISI4 COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED FARKWEI L SOCIAI THE BURNING BUSH a nurses'ourse for the high AND I'RESENTATION TO lky Subadar school curriculum. This is just DR. AND MRS. HENRY wasted effort, because indica-tions point to 8 curtailment A very la&Re gathering was Everybody is discussinif econ- rather than sn increase in high held in the United Church Hall omics snd international finance. school appropriations. on Wednesday evening when the Up to 8 short time ago I had congregation of ihe United steadfastly refused to be drawn BIAY DAY COMEIITTEFt Church met in a farewell social into the fracas, but recently to Dr. and &Mrs. E. A. Henry. have had thearguersshnketheir The final meeting of the May The hall was beautifully decor- fists so often in my face that I Day Committee took place on ated and the several tea tables have been forced to hoe in and IVednes&lay evening In the coun- nicely arranged throughout. show my ignorance. Econom- cil chamber. Iteports were re- After a verv enjoyable musical ists seem to be very well in the c iv d and adoPted, and a programme arranged by A. J. class room, but very little use number of outstanding matters Addy choir leader Geo. Hay on outside for which reason I am settled in connection with the behalf of the congregation pre- not interested in them. This celebration. sentod Dr. and Mrs. Henry with may appear 8 bit strong, but, if Following the meeting the a pair of silver plated entree not true, why hss not an econ- members of the committee dishes suitably inscribed as a omist been put in like 8 receiv- were entertained by Reeve annd token of esteem from the con- er in bankruptcy at the head of Mrs J B. Lapland at their gregstion. Dr. Henry replied each power to salvage the ex- home in Altamont, when they thanking the members asd plosive remains of western clv- were shown some fine motion friends for their help and en- ilization? International finance pictures of the celebration tak- couragement in his three years has been wangled for years by a en by Mr. John Anderson of the ministry. He extended a hearty few experts in each country, but British Pacific Properties Ltd., welcome to any who should visit unfortunately has lately devel- ""d which he hsd given to the in Victoria where his future oped 8 certain precocity never pastorate will be. Mr. Porter even dreamed of, which with 8 spoke on behalf of the Literary machine age running away with MUST PAY EXPENSES Society, his speech being very us has, to quote my friend the much enjoyed and heartily ap- editor, "thrown the baby in the North Vancouver District plauded. Dr, Henry replied, pay- soup." However, with practical- Council decided Tuesday night ing a high compliment to hir. Iy every power going off the that any of its members whoat- Porter. He assured the aud- gold standard in some form or tend the annual convention of ience that the people of West another, we shall soon be going the Union of British Columbia Vancouver were very fortunate back to barter and exchange, fliunicipalities in Nelson will psy in having 8 man of such splen- which among other benefits will their own expenses. did ability as hfr. Porter living drive us back to the farm, 8 among them and contributing to place the majority should never An old countryman's wife had the community life of the dis- have left. Most of us should been very ill for some time, and trict. Refreshments were then be on the farm and a few of us he was asked how she was get- served by the W. A. and a most in the city, not most of us in the ting on. happy time spent by all. Dr. city and a few of us on the farm. "Oh, Ma'm," replied the old Taylor Henry of Vancouver was That, as it seems to me, is the man, sorrowfully, "doctor don' present. main trouble in Canada, more give us no hope either way." especially in B. C. Sufficient PARElv'T-TEACHERS food to eat, although possibly Pickled Beets ASSOCIATION not to sell, can be grown on Wash and boil six medium a few acres, but not on pave- sized beets until tender. Re- The last meeting of the P.-T. ments. move skins; slice or cut into A. was held in Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday evening, June I wonder how many people vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, /8 tea- 14. The members gathered have considered the daily men- sPoon PePPer and 1 tablesPoon around the tea tables in the ace to the world's peace con- lunch room which was prettily tained in the enforcement by decorated with flowers, and en- sea of the eighteenth amend such R row when Dc. Mayo woo&cd joved more or less informal dis- ment? We have a hfussolini in io operate on hcc husband ood hoc cussions on toPics of interestc the world and 8 JaPan intolerant cool particularly the question of text of interference. suppose, for Dono--Shc said chc didn't want books. It wss decided that a Instance, the "I'm Alone" had fulleveningbegventothissub- been an'It lian or 8 JaPanese 3 ~ Hello! Hello Do oo Ject in the fall. vessel, and the American coast with &o call a oombccit Reports on the May Day prize guard cutter crews appear to be Coiorc&RRMRR'c voice: "No, cah, Miss Committee were given by L. notably arrogant. Such an in- ah don't want no oumbch.h Brooks; on the p.-T. A Conven- cident plus s destroyer of one of »p: tThco don'c ploy tion by H. Davison; on the these nations ln the vicinity M 'Ah i I in mfo foot question "What to do with our would quite likely result in a Thc rcccivoh fell in dc sogch bowl boys when they leave school" by sunken cutter. And then the an"cc iickin'o cogch offco it." T. Russell. deluge! The American political A motion was passed that a parties woulddowelltoconsider letter of appreciation be written this at the present time. to Miss J. Castell for her work in the tea room on the evening We have had Mother's Day of the Oratorical Contest'nd Father's Day and now this Mrs. H. G. Selwood, president is Living Music Day. To the or- of the associaflon, wound uP the dinary individual music is di- evening with 8 brief address in vided into thro classes, music B.C. ELECTRIC BUYS her usual humorous sty e. that has lived far too iong, mu- sic that did not live long enough In honor of Miss Phyllis Da- and music that shouM never rim. bride of this month, a dw have lived. In the first class he lightful miscellaneous shower wouki include most of grand was g ven by hflss Vivian Arm- opera, in the second some ot the strong and Miss Dorothl E. Cor- oM Victorian songs, in the ia8t bett on Monday evening, the ll jm, and the majority of the 20th, at Miss Armstrong'8 home exercises-plus-8cale8 pieces of at 1185 Es&luimalt Ave. Iong-haired Furopean compos- T e evening wss sPent in ers. Of course to the HigMand- g mes and bridge, after which er the only music is the bagpipe, Mm. Armstrong Poured tea in which reminds me of a remark the dining room, from a table Des~ed to the miitor by 8 broth-tastefulll'ecorated with June officer: oit's no wonder ihe flowers. Highland regiments fight so Folio ring the luncheon the well. The bagpipes would make bride unpacked her many gifts ~ f from 8 daintily decorated bas- ket, toPPed with the traditional It was stated at the conven- white wedding bell. lion of the Canadian Nurses's- The invited guests included: 8&,ation that only three out of Miss Phyllis Device, Misses ei hmt people so sick 88 to re- Verns Batchelor, Glsdl s Mc- uire 8 nurse can afford to em- Nair, Phoebe Pescod, Ruth Hill, ploy one. The solution of the Ruth Jackson, Lucy James, robiem, of course, is for nurses Bonnie Armstrong, Vivian Arm" fige everyone else, to lower their strong, Dorothy Corbett, hire. fees, not to make nursing a pub- Davies, Mrs. Alan Bean, Mrs. Iic service and charge it up in Ken Robinson, Mrs. Roy Wood'axes, as was suggested. We Mm. Ha~ld 'oolstone, Mm. C,"~diana this last twenty'years Howard Hill, Mrs. Armstrong. h8ve got into the habit of r n- ning to the government for ve thin whglle our pioneerevery ing, i forefathers stood on their own Improvcmcoic most 8 Rooking; fact. It is one of the chief rea- A lever here, o ho&ion &I&ere-- sons for our high taxation. Nai.- New luxuries revealing. urslly here in B. C., where when Thc mmo style boby mb for years in doubt about anything we W. 6. MUBRIN, Pmtftm mal e of R 8 high school course. Whv noi pccomboisuws seek Thai simeon&co tree wbooiiogy sn effort is being made to evolve