West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1932, p. 3

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0001 )'h June 24. I9:12. THE WEST VAN NEWS Phone: West 20 1568 Marine Drive Residence Phone: West 286L 'I ik N CO. West 146 ISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY %V. L. OGDE MEN'S AND BOYS'URN Boys'overalls and Play Suits 98c and $ 1 2S6 brand new lines io choose fr2 to IO ye Ite tet, felt he iehl The ilei eh. hnt eng he .be Inei Filling No. 2 To 2 tablespoons melted but- ter add I tablespoonful and a half of flour with half a pint of milk. Cook to a thick paste. Re- move from fire and add salt and paprika to taste, also his tea- spoon French mustard. Work into this filling a large cup grat- ed cheese. This will keep for a week. I Fish Sandwiches ('~~' Fish used for filling should be pounded to a paste snd then mixed with suificient salad dressing to give it thc proper consistency for spreading easdy. The same filling as for meat and sandwiches can be used. Fresh or salt. fish may be used: roe, salmon, sardines, lobster, shrimp etc. His Trouble Billy: "I wish I'd lived before William the Conqueror." Mother: "Why, deart" Billy: "Because I shouldn' have had so much history to learn." Phyllis. "Your husband is simply wild about you, isn't het" Luiei "Yes, he even eaves about me in hie sleep, but the poor absent minded buy nearly uiways cutis me by the wrong name." Improve your complexion by having a FREE DRINK aT KEW BEACH MINERAL SPRING 2ilu ,ihei safe eiep htnife him" For Auto Repairs DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Gaa, Oils, Accessories See CHUCK CHAPMAN at MARINE MOTORS HOhIB - MADB CANDY Ice Cream sud Suit Deiuhs 26th aud Phone Bellevue West 1 'l5 IL 1. Savory 144$ Marine Drive Ambleside Phone 1Vest 340 Evenings, 1Vest 143 t ' II Real Estate Finance and Insurance HUBBARD I"UNERAL CIIAPEL B. D. WHITE, hige. Distinctive puuurai Seeeta Lady Assistant nzn ~ zed St. p. I'hone Nurih S29 NACI'ENZIV OSBOIINE The wedding of Mrs. Blanche Osborne and Mr. Murdock Al- exander Mackenzie took place last Wednesday, June 22nd in St. Stephen's Church, Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating. The spell of dry weather which had lasted from June 6th was broken just after midnight on Sunday, the 19th. By 8 o'lock the next morning .71 inch of rain had falkn; and 1.3 inches fell in the next 24 hours. Another tenth of an inch fell be. tween 8 a.m. Tuesday and the same hour Wednesday. It will be interesting to learn the effect of the downpour on the Horti- cultural Exhibition's items of display tomorrow. RFCITAI, BY PUPILS OF MISS McINTYRE An enjoyable recital was held by the violin and piano pupils of Miss Margaret McIntyre last Saturday afternoon at her home 20th and Gordon Ave., the pro- gram being given by students selected from the elementary, junior and senior classes. Those taking part were: The Misses Beatrice Hodgson, Mary Mur- ray, Patty Weeden, Dorothy Harrop, Jessie Device, Hazel Brealey, Ruth 1Viuiams, Mar- garet Harrison, Brenda Wick- ing, Ernest Harrison, Peggy Glen. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the program. IVEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY The Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry, honorary chaplain of the above society, has extended a cordial invitation to au members of the Society to be present at his fare- well sermon to be given in the United Church Sunday evening, June 26th, at 7:15 p.m. SIORTGAGES liNTEREST RELIEF URGED Present economic conditions do not permit of paying of in- terest on residence mortgages, and the Moratorium Act does not meet requirements, declared district unemployed in a letter to North Vancouver District Council Tuesday night. They re- quested that the council take up with U. B. C. M. the question of a moratorium on interest pay- ments. This will be discussed at the coming convention, it was stated. PUPII 8 OF NRS. CI.ARA WILSON AND MISS HILDA WILSON IN RECITAI. Those attending the recital given by pupils of Nrs. Clara Wilson and Miss Hilda WUson at the IVomen's Building Wed- nesday evening, June 15, had an enjoyable evening.'he performers re f I ected credit on themselves and on their teachers. Those taking part were: Olive and Elsle Rob- bine, Joan and Dells Allen, hiai- sie Ray, hfargaret IVhite, Topsy «nd Joan Sharman, Catherine Hirst, Betty Blair, Doreen El-I',ar, Isn Rush, Margaret Dick-nson, Jean and Marjorie Hill, Phyllis Watt hfiss Hilda Wilson, assisting pianist, gave great pleasure to the audience. TAILORING DRY CLEANING 8t PRESSING M. WILLIAMS Local and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Page, 2450 Bellevue Ave., have left for White Horse, Y.T., where they expect to spend the summer. ~ ~ ~ WUllam Hill of Port Moody, has moved into a house at 2138 Bellevue Ave. u ~ ~ NIss M. Roberts and party of Vancouver have moved Into a house st 668 16th Street. W. F. Rae has moved from 1254 Duchess Ave., into one of the suites in the Hay Block, corner of 14th and Marine Drive. ~ u ~ C. G. Nason of Vancouver has rented the Page house at 2450 Bellevue Ave., and has taken possession. e A. R. Street of Vancouver has moved into the Clubb house at Caulfeild. ~ u Nrs. E. I. Irvine has moved from Vancouver into a house at 19th and Bellevue Ave. ~ ~ \ G. S. Sinclair of North Van- couvevr has moved into a house on Eagle Island.\ e ~ F. J. Marshall of Vancouver has returned to his summer home at Cypress Park for the season. u e e J. D. Morish, who has been occupying a house at 2678 Bel- levue Ave., has moved to 2156 Bellevue Ave. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. Knight- Hodge have returned from the interior to their home at 1332 Duchess Ave., where the form- er is convalescing satisfactorily from his recent illness. ~ ~ Nrs. N. Seiburth has moved from the city into a house st 2156 Argyle Ave. ~ e ~ Mrs. J. H, Moncrieif and her son have returned to their home at 2138 Argyle Ave., after spending a number of months in Ashcroft, B.C. ~ ~ Dr. J. Vaughan Leonard, who has been the guest over the week-end of his sisters, Mrs. W. Moore Jackson and Miss G. Vaughan Leonard, 22nd snd Palmerston, left by the C. P. R. boat on Sunday for his home in San Francisco. He was here on his way from Montreal, where he had attended the graduation of his son, Dr. Maurice Leonard at McGifi University. e ~ e Fire broke out in the early hours of Sunday morning in a house at 15th and Bellevue Ave. belonging to J. M. Stratton. It was unoccupied at the time, and the flames were bursting through the roof before they were noticed, rendering it im- possible for the fire brigade to save the building. Indications point to the fire being of incen- diary origin. ~ e ~ Miss Margaret McIntyre and Mrs, Blair Edwards were joint hostesses at a delightful tea last Tuesday afternoon at the home of the former, 20th and Gordon Ave., in honor of Miss Beatrice Hodgson. During the after- noon hire. Haydn Young on be- half of those present presented Miss Hodgson with a beautiful wrist watch. Among the guests were: Miss Beatrice Hodgson, Mrs. Hugh Hodgeon Mise N Jack, ikIrs. Alan McIntyre, Mrs. James McIntyre, Mrs. WUlough- by, Nrs. E. W. iveeden, Nrs. T. E. Snelgrove, Mrs. C. Marshall, Nrs, A. Edgley, Nrs. G. Bain, Mrs, A. Hampton, Mrs. Glen, mrs, J. Haydn Young. hfrs. J. E. Harker, hire. R. W. Froud, Miss Barbara McIntyre, Miss 1Venona Young, Miss Joan Durbin, Miss Margaret Rankin, Miss Madge Farmer, Nrs. Blair Edwards, Miss Margaret hicIntyre. PerSOna1 g Phone West 37 rrr w h 4J I I for your DRUGS DeIIvered L. C. Reid, president of the W e 9 t Vancouver Swimming Club, is starting lite-saving classes next Sunday morning, at West Bay. ~ e u Mrs. Charles Smith, 22nd and Ottawa, has left to spend the week-end on a visit to her son and his famfiy in Seal.tie. ~ ~ ~ hiiss Nancy Rudolph, 29th snd Mathers Ave., has left for a visit to the Old Country. u The West Vancouver Swim- ming club have the float lined up in its old position on the east side of Dundarave pier. e e ~ i%r. a and dau are the parents, son. 22n Mr. an and Ingl spend th Alberta. Nr. former residen Ksmloop their so Horse S W. Sla a patien tery H B. R resident his ga noon in ninth tion's E situate Street, i Franc from col his vac Dr. and Marine tfetuiihill's Drug Store The Store uf Servka I492 Huriuu Dries Wal zt Emuegeuey Phew Wat Zzi (Atter 9 p, m.) The BURRARD LAUNDRY nd Mrs. W. J. Pitman Llmlewc ghter of Prince George guests of Mrs Pitman's For People Who Are Mr. and Mrs. John Law- Partkular d and Bellevue Ave. THIRD IH'. umi M. DA VIDE ewood Ave., have left to North Vancouver e summer at Vermillion, Phone North 1S10 ~ e ~ and Mrs. J. Rodgers, well known Whytecliif ts, but who now live in s are the guests of n, Howard Rodgers of hoe Bay. ~ e ~ AIISleside ter, 1066 Keith Road, is She+SMCORI~OCkSt in Shaughnessy Mili- ospital. IAURIE spzcx, prupreeuw ~ u \ 1446 hiarine Drive Harrison invites Phone West 78 s of the district to visit rden on Saturday after- FURNACES and SHEET connection with the METAL INSTALLED Horticultural Assoma- and REPAIRED xhibition The garden at Kings Ave. and 26th s well worth a visit..\ ~ legs in Toronto tp spend Stratton'S BREAD -- CAKES AU Kinds of Tea Bread uhssorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Eccles Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening Birthday and Wedding Cakes nlade st 1468 MARI&E DRIVE Phone West 27 '4, and Delivery will ealL R. ELLlb Sedan decks, 88 - $10 Linokum laid, 12'ard. Upholstering. Res. Phone: West 184R C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 To Itlatch "But, my dear, whatever do you want with another coatr'A new hat, darling." r + NOTICE "I w ~" CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER m+4 West Yan. Reprewentative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L LEGION W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion will be held next ikfon- day, June 27th, at the home of Mrs. Chisholm, 1597 Inglewood Ave. The meeting being the last of the season will be fol- lowed by a tea and social and every member should make a special eifort to attend. The garden party at Nrs. Bar nott's last Thursday was very enjoyable, being favored with perfect weather on the spac- ious grounds. Quite a number played bridge, the first bridge prize being won by Mrs. D. hfontgomery and the second by Mrs. W. B. Small, the consola- tion prize going to Nrs. Ley- land. Mrs. Barnott won the whist prize and the prize for the guessing contest was won by Nrs. Gordon Grey. Tea was afterwards served on the lawn. Nrs. Leyland and Mrs. Hayes, regent of the I.O.D.E., pouring tea. During tea solos were sung by Mrs. Gleam, 51rs. W. R. Clark Mrs. Lovegrove and Nrs. Jack Mrs. Jack Young, which were very much enjoyed and appre- ciated by everhuene. RATEPAYERS are hereby reminded that the Non-Penalty period for the payment of Taxes expires on June Soth, and THAT THE MUNICIPALITY 18 COhlPFLLED BY LAW to add Ten per cent (10~& ) thereto on July 1st, if the Current Taxes are not then paid.