0001 Sjjt I THE WFST VAN NEWS June 24, 1932. K V)KKKK I o~ .Ih mi- ~t"cy4:Nh. ~t'Kc mv r~h ~ '*~c IN I vVKV vv vcveqo v Cv ~ v ~ 'vv w C.IVVVV ~«vvr KV VVV) v rvvv v ~vvvvvvv, rvv ~ V VVhwvc vv«r mt.,r v vvqVrv.'vv v rvv vr Ivv'vv toK rVVtKKV r VKKKVVVrtrv vvII'VVV 'VVVV United ChurchAsk About Our Rec()nditioning Oil Permanent $500 bfinlster, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, June 26, 1932 Dr. Henry's I"arewell Services 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 7:15 p.m.--Public worship. Dr. Henry will deliver his farewell message, topic, "The Shadow of a Great Rock." The Lord's Table is an open one in our church. All who love Jesus and wish to show it are in- vited to be present with us at His table. At the evening ser- vice Miss Beatrice Hodgson will render a sacred selection on the violin. A number of local so- cieties have signified their in- tention of being present at this farewell--societies in which Dr. Henry has held ofl'ice or to whom be has preached. There will be special musical selections by the choir. As announced the induction of Rev. Hillis Wright will take place next Wednesday evening at 8 o'lock. The service will be conducted by the Presbytery of Vancouver represented by, it is expected, Rev. Stott of North Vancouver; Rev. Perley of Lons- dale, Dr. Dickie of the city, aml the Presbytery Clerk, Rev. J. Wesley Miller of Lynn Creek. After the induction the )V.A. will superintend a social recep- tion to Mr. and Mrs. )Vright. The tennis court was opened last Saturday. It is in fine shape. The YP.S. thank all who helped in any way to bring the court to its present state of per- fection. Thursday nights are set apart for open night for members snd friends of the congregation. West Vsn. visitors to Victoria will always find an open door and welcome at 220 Moss SI. The Bowling teams met de- feat last Saturday at the hands of Central Park, but the friend- ship and sport spirit were there. The greens are in the hest of shape and all interested in this fine recreation, whether men or women, are asked to join up and help the good cause. OLYMPIC CLUB FORMED A meeting was held on Wed- nesday evening at Jack Ward; law's studio in North Vancouver to organize 0 junior Olympic Club to be known ss "The Three Canyon Olympic Club." Mem- bers will be enrolled from the three North Shore municipali- ties. Officers were elected, the vice-president being George Wedley, Keith Block, 15th and Marine Drive. The first workout of the club will take place to- night (Friday) st 8 p.m., in Mshon Park. It is hoped that all those in West Vancouver who are interested in athletics will join the club. An invitation is extended to any such to turn out tonight at bfahon Park in shorts and running outfit. bh. Wedley will gladly give information to sny inquirers at any time. P. D . Mackenzie of Sandy Cove is spending a short holiday in Edmonton. William Ingram of Vancouver has moved into one of the Mac- kenzie cottages at Sandy Cove. It actually improves the con- dition of the hair. It you hcvo hod your hair wookcnmi hy ~ poor permanent ock about chic new ro-wovc system whkh ro- cioccc the heir to iic orisiooi choco cod beauty. Gwetym'olcott Beauty Shoppe 1640 Hccioo Drive Phone West 117 Among those spending Sun- day at Kew Beach were: F. S. Blake, Calgary, Alta.; bir. and Mrs. H. A. Stevenson, Miss Margaret Stevensno, bfr and Mrs. H. F. Langley, bIrs. E. I. Childe, Miss Peggie Childe, b'Iiss Eileen Langley, bfr. and birs. D. G. Kirby. BIiss Eva Kirby, biiss Betty Kirby, Alex Bellman, Miss Dora Kirby, Robt. Varwig, Miss M. Anderson, all of North Vancouver; bIr. and Mrs. A. W. Holt, bsss 31argaret McLeod, Miss bfary Elliott, bliss Dot Gow, liIiss Leila Gow, Carl Schmidt, Hal Moore, Bud bfoore, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Burnett, Miss V. Thomas, all of Vancouver. In honor of Miss Phyllis Da- vies, whose marriage took place on Wednesday, a surprise party was given by 0 group of office friends on Tuesday evening at her home at 860 17th St. A tray of fiatware was presented to the brid~lect. The evening was spent at cards and piano selec- tions were rendered by Master Douglas McDonald. Those pres- ent included Mrs. W. T. Dsvies, Mrs. W. McDonald, Mrs. D. Smith, bIrs. A. Dunk, bIiss Thel- ma Thomson, Miss Kathleen Clarke, Miss biona Wales, Miss Grace White, bliss Grace Cutj)- bert, Miss Dulcie Lofthouse, Miss Edna Herbrandson, Miss D. Campbell, bfiss Margaret Howe, Miss Audrey Underwood, Miss Phyllis BSITett, biiss Edith Robertson, Miss Eva Boss, Miss Edna Poole, bfiss Phyllis Mar- getson, Miss Ella Walters, Miss Lena Huddleston, Miss Jeanne Carlaw, Miss Irene Stevens, bfiss Edna Lovatt, Miss V. Ssllis and bIiss Phoebe Adsmson. Case Adjourned A Scotsman and 0 Jew were run in for being drunk. The magistrate adjourned the case for the attendance of the third man l Eciohiichcd on North Shore 20 Years. (Lody Accicicot) HARRON BROS. SI WILLIAMSOI)I funeral Qrrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 'EB West VaII 1Vexvs Pohiicacd Every Pridoy PehBchcr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bociocoo ood Editorial Ogkoi 11ih csd Mcriao Drive (Nest io HoRyhora P. O.) Phone West 363 Hall Address: P. O. Boa 01, HoByhoia, ILC. North,Vancouver Office I 123 Lonsdale Ave. SIAM ~ yocc hy cotrioci 62.00 ~ yccf hy wall I CARD OF THANKS The Mcy Dcy Committee wick io ocpcccc )holy sco)ofol thookc to oii those who in any woy occictcd io wckiox the 1922 colohcoiioo such an un- l qooBiicd coccocc Three of c Kiad Shc woc telling an ocqooioicnco shoot hcr girl friends. "Yoc," clio said, "wy fr)cod S(cod is only twooty-fico, hot chc' been married three times. Aod oS hor hechoedc have hcco oomod Wiiiioio." "Yoo don't coy!" rcpBcd ho. "Why ~ho must ho ~ regular BIII coRocion 'EST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th oad Boqoimcii, HoRyhuia This Society ic o Brooch ot Tho Mother Church The First Church of Chrlsh Sciooiici, in Bocioa, Hcccochuccitc Soodoy Services 11:SO c.w. osd 1:60 p.w. Sunday, June 26, 1932 Subject: "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE o Sunday School at 10)00 ~.w Testimony Sicoiios Wednesday ~1 O)16 p.w. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H, P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Hsywood Ave. Sunday June 26th 10 S.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Topic, KA Lesson and a For- tune." 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "The Sweetness of God' Word." A cordial invitation to all. Saturday, June 25th --Sunday School Picnic to Keats Island. Boat leaves Ambleside pier 9:30 a.m. Fare, adults 31.00 return. Returning from Keats Island 8 p.m. Tea and coffee will be pro- vided. Bring your basket suf- ficient for two meals. Part of the West Vancouver School Band under the leadership of Mr. Condon has promised to at- tend. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2668 Marine Dr. FRIDAY--7:30 p.m., Devotions. 8:00 p.m., Confessions. (Children) SATURDAY--7130 p.m., Con- fessions (Adults). SUNDAY--8:45s.m., Holy Mass Sermon. 1:30 p.m., Sunday SchooL 2:30 p.m„Devotions. WEEK DAYS--7:15 a.m., Holy Mass. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall M)n)ster. Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Phone N. 1107. Services: 2 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. Also the Adult Bible Class. 3115 p.m.--Church Worship. Religious Liberty. )Vednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting at the home of Mr. Col- lison. Please note the change of day. Wednesday instead of Thursday. Thought for the week--Char- acter is the only thing we can make in this world, and take in- to the next. Good Output A man hsd just bought 0 car. He took his wife on 0 few ex- peditions, duwng which she did not hesitate to criticise her hus- band's efforts at driving, "Hallos, old man," said the next door neighbor one evening. "I see you'e got s little two- seater. What do you get out of her 7" "About forty thousand words to the gallon," answered the other sadly. Her IA)fty ideal oWhat I want," murmured Phyllis, "is one who thinks loft- ily, who is head snd shoulders above his fellow creatures, who will strain neck snd muscle to get what he wants.o"I'm oif," replied the diminu- tive suitor. "What you want is a giraffe." St. Stephen's Church Df.Marjory bICCDbbfn DENTIST Hoerc) 9 o. m. Io 0 p. w. Soiotdoyc'0 o )a io I 'p w Evoniosc ood Saturday A(Wc. noose hy cppoioimcoi oaiy. Royci Book Bc)id)os I'hooo Wcci iid Rooidcoco I'hooo Wcci SOL Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. June 26th (6th Sunday after Trinity). 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Main department of Sunday SchooL 11:16 a.m.--Primary School. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. Preacher, Rev. E. M. Searles, St. Agnes. North Vsn. Wednesday, June 29th--St. Peter's Day. Holy Communion 10 a,m. DR. G. D. 0. SEAL&,gy DENTIST Hoy Block, Iiih cqd Mocloo Dr. Oiiico Hours 9 io 0 p.w. Evooioxc hy oppoioimooh Phoae Woci 12Tuesday--Font Roll Tes in Parish Hall. commencing at 2:30. Mrs. Bryce-Brown, dioce- san secretary, will be resent. biission boxes may be brought in if desired. Caulfeild -- Service at St. Francis, 9:45 S.m. on Sunday. NURSING HOME (Mrc. M. E LcChcocc, R,N.) 204 Siih Sircci East North Vcocooroi Rccldooco Phone: Norih ISSOR A garden party and sale of home cooking will be held next Wednesday from 3 to 6 p.m. at the lovely home of Mr. Snd Mrs. H. A. Stone at Caulfeild in aid of the Women's Guild of St. Francis-in-the-Woods. WEDDING OF bHSS PHYLLIS DAV ES A pretty mornmg weddmg was that of Phyllis Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. Snd Mrs. W. Davies, and Mr. Frederick W. Harrington, eldest son of Mr. and birs. F. W. Harrington of North Vancouver, solemnized )Vednesday at 9:30 in St. Stephen's Church, Rev. F. A. Ramsey officisting. A profusion of summer flowers in pastel shades formed a beautiful .set- ting for the ceremony, and the nuptial music was played by Mrs. E. J. Davies. During the signing of the reg)ster Mrs. K. Robertson sang "I Love You Truly," very effectively. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father, Mr. W. Dsvies, and looked charming in her dress in sun-tan shade fpsh- ioned on long close fitting hnes. Her hat, shoes snd other acces- sories of contrasting shades of brown. Her bouquet was of brid- al roses with a little white heather. Miss Vivisn Armstrong attending the bride, wore 0 pretty dress of two shades of yellow, dark close-fitting hat snd carried 0 bouquet of delicate pink carnations. The charming little flower girl Kathleen, youngest sister of the bride, wore a white embroidered voile dress, large white hat, and carried 0 lovely basket of del- phiniums and pink roses. Mr. C. Fane supported the groom. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents when Mrs. Device and Mrs. Harrington as- sisted the bridal couple in re- ceiving the guests. The table was tastefully decorated with roses in sdver vases and pink tapers in silver holders; in the centre being the three-tier wed- ding cake. Mr. Snd Mrs. Ha)T)ngton left later for the noon boat to Vic- toria. On their return they will hve in Vancouver. CHINESE VROVERILh) "The greater the number of laws, the more thieves there will be." oA diamond with 0 fisw Is preferable to s common stone with none." Jonah: Revised Version Jonah felt fairly certain that the story of his famous adven- ture would not wash with Mrs Jonah, so before returning home he sent the following postcard. "My dear, I hope to be back home in 0 day or two, after a most disastrous voyage on which I wss thoroughly taken in by one of those fishy gent)omen whose motto is, Small prophets and quick returns." HOLLYBU IIN Barber Shop 16th a Morioo ExPERT BEIivlcE E. MARSH, Proprietor. John's Latch Key This is the story of an inci- ilent that occurred 0 few days ago in )Vharfcdale, but which, it was said at the time, must on no account be allowed to get into print. A lodger had returned to his digs without.his latch key. He was late--naturally. He felt in every pocket, but not 0 trace of the blessed thing could he find. In the hope of slipping in without arousing the household he tried the windows. They were all securely fastened. The down-spout offered posslbilitiec, but his action might be miscon- strued, and besides, he had not been feasting on lemon squash. There was nothing for it but to arouse the landlady snd risk her displeasure.. So he knocked, timidly at flrst, then louder, until a head appeared st the window above. "Is it you, Jack7" It was. "Well, I noticed you had left your key behind, so I did not fasten the door." Poor Johnl Florida Native: "These are the quick-sands." Visitor: "Oh, Ic this where they hold the speed ccr icctct" Misunderstood Wife (announcing husband'0 decision to give up his profes- sion): oYes, my husband' burnt his bridges behind him." Visitor: oHow very unfortun- ate! I do hope they weren'r, hi best pair lo ONSDAL -- Now Picyics- The CONAN DOYLE'3 Favorite Shcriock Holmes etc)i The Speckled Band A Oood Bootery 1'cro SL')i)F.IN.ENOI ')ND.-- NE)VS OAIITOON COMEDY (Oil) Oh O) FISHERMAN'S FARAD)SK A Oooo Fich Story NEXT WEEK Moc. "STREET" Thee. SCENE" ')Vcd. mchloto mc )toot "HELL DIVERS" Thoto. Fri. sct. o I) the, )mt Extra Matinee Fri. July 1st, 2)30 4l.~ (~ dr Co Tl sc oi 91 e( ll i. ) I I Ci