0001 w o Rtr rrc«ht tr ««rrvc. o sro oc«o«« I c c o t ctr cv'-crcw'- tCvv"l«hr ~v ttvrrvr '~' cvA'vv' v"v rvo~rvo" rvvvrtr~ v rrrrrvr THE WEST VAN NEWS i it. lot. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Why Pay More? SPECIAL LUHBEIL SASH A DOORS, For a 4-Room Cottoge LINED INSIDE Pt ice Delivered S 2,00.00 Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETC.SPECIALS: Friday & Saturday, June 17 & 18 CERTO. bottle .........,, 29s RUBBFR RINGS Rod A White, doasu .......... sc I'ARAWAX, 4-cake carton....., ISa 0't.'EDAR OIL. 4 oa. bottle ..... 2$o 12 os. hillis ......................... 44c CANDY Sl'BCIALS Pure Crystal Candy Lasso Bags, S Ssvovli................ 10c Golf Raus New Great Big Suckov' Flavor Candies........... 6c CAT AND DOG FOI)D- Dr. Banavd'a, tall ties....g fov 29c ! ROYAL CROIVN SOAP--"The ideal laundry soap" 6-bur cav- tou .................................. 20c FRESH FRUITS 6: VEGEfABI.ES I doaou SUNKIST ORANGES 25c 4 Nice I.avgo Canfovula GRAPEFRUIT ................ Ipc 10 Ibth Guad DIIY BEI.T POTATOES .................. 19c 63c I SPECIAL PRICE FOR ALL 3 59c KELIAIGG'S BRAN FLAKES sud RICB KRISPIES....... Iec Rod A White KrfCHUP ..... 14c TEA--"Kedaus." lb .............. 29c COFFEE--Fvoahb ground to ovdor, Its..................... 294 PORK A BEANS--Arbuev 18 oa. tiu................ 2 for 15c PR LI N ES--Frosh htodium idao ............. 2 lbs. 15c PASTRY FLOUR--Ronablo Blend I lb. sock 234 BERRY SUGAR.....'I nh pkg. 15c BUTTER--Hoodowvals ...3 lbs. 59» Rcd A White PEACHES, tall tiua No. I also ............. 2 for 29c Rcd A White GOLDEN CORN No. 2 aiao tiu.......... 2 for 29c Rod A trhito FANCY PEAS SmalL tcudor, Ss..... 2 for 29c CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Fiji lslsud, large tins 21'I.. 20c BLACK CURRANT JAht Nabob, 4 lb. tiu............... 45s FANCY YELLOW SUGAR 2 lbs. 9c Rod A White COFFEE......... $9» COOKED 51EATS OF AI L KINDS DELICATESSEN ~ ~ ~ Two Stores for your service HOLLYBURN TORE ASIB ESIDB STORE 1Vent 3 West 303GET OUR I'RICES ON FENCING Sepl.lc Tanks Cupboard Doors snd Drawers Everything for the Building LU BER'nd Lumber Products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building paper Lamatco, Gyproe, Beaver Board, Shingles, Elc.AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD 16th aud htavluo Drive Phoae West 199. After 6 p.m. aak for Gavvp Dent Phoae West 241R. 1'hone 1Vest 115 Res. Phone West 36SL 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTT, Landscape Architect 0 s& t lo Lowls«Stoa u. sl C As vivos School sl Lose coro Atchlmcto ~ ss Oot4oslss. moahcc Slstht«I tso&c vc S«vlcc. and walking on it, or a piece of board, say, five or six jncheu wide by eight or nine long ms be used, It will be more conven- ent to use if a small piece of board is nailed on one side eo as to form a sort of handle. This will be found to be the most con- venient for hotbed or cold frame use. If you wish to sow the seeds in flats it is s simple matter lo make three out of sn apple box. Use s rip ssw and rip the box lengthwise in three parts. The top part will make one flat snd the bottom part another The thirty'ox is made by nailing a bottom on the outer part of the apple box. If you haven't a rip suw, an ordinary hand-saw will do the work, more slowly to be sure, but usually one shouldn' feel too rushed in such a pleas- ant task as gardening. Phone %Vest 1 90 Many gardeners believe that slight variations in temperature will benefit rather than hinder germination of most seeds. Ex- periments have indicated that the germination of grass seed is greater when the temperature varies 3 few degrees, than it is where an even temperature is maintained. In planting seeds outdoors the temperature varia- tion is secured naturally. The soil warms up during the dsy and cools oif during the night. The outdoor temperature, of course,'annot be controlled whereas it can be in s green- house, hotbed or cold frame. For the prompt snd proper germination of seeds the condi- tions should be such that the seeds sre able to take up mois- ture readily snd at the same time have s temperature that will produce the greatest germ- ination. The soil is the medium through which the seeds obtain the necessary hest snd moisture. It is therefore essential that the soil be firmly tamped down on the seeds. This msy be done by placing s board over the row All Government Inspected-Nool Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH---NO FROZEN MEATS Announce a New Feature Cube Minute Steaks Tasty - Juicy ~ Tender The New, Sclentific Way to Serve Steak Requires one minute only to cook each side of CUBE STEAK. NO POUNDING -Cube Steak is cul, and requires no pounding, This means that the Juice Celk of the steak are left whole and intact. Hence none of the natural juices are lost, but are sealed into the steak, producing that wonderful fisvor that only CUBE STEAK can produce. Buy and try this wonderful new steak today. SPECIAL-Each 10 cents I, No. 1 Alberta Sutter ~ 3lbs 55c NOTE--The rlt vul c« la tO Soc or so«tlo«« ls this lss s. SS Ou m«ld ~ 4& ccs to« ~o ol u ~ colt «o vat sss«c Is «c«lr I«oo II ~ swosssl r slv I ~ eccl oa ~ ctsswol, ~ u-o44 cocos os bso chosl4 I oscbocJ.COTTAGE ROLIcS 1 3Clb. CAi&1BRIDGE SAUSAGE 3 lbs. PoRK sAUsAGEs 35 ! 2 lbs. ............................... KIDNEY „......„.. „......, 25C No. 1 Steer Beef STEWING BEEF g di I MINCED STEAK I4 gS I! 801LING BEEF 1 0Clb. PGT RoAsT 1 1 C Grain-Fell PORK'HORE WHITE MASS OF HERRING EGG+ Herring runs to venous arebjtr'n Northern British Columbia sre apparently on the increase according to reports made to the Dominion Department of Fisher- ies from Pacific coast offjeers. The run of herring to Pearl Harbour and adjacent territory for instance was exceptionally heavy this year and when spawning was at its height 0 few weeks ago the beaches a- long some parts of the coast showed almost white st low Ude, so great wss the maes of eggs adhering to the seaweed. The spawning wss very heav along the bar from Pearl Ha our to Digby Island, and this was trt~ also at Stephens, Dundss, Pr cott and Porcher Islands. mon trollers who have fished in these localities for years past are quoted as having stated that they had never before seen such a heavy spawning of herring over so wide an area. Ice Cream Cake I cup sugar I/2 cup butter I/2 cup milk 13/4 cups flour I teaspoon baking powder 3 eggs I/2 teaspoon vanilla Cream the sugar with the butter. Add milk, then the flour sifted with the baking powder. Beat well and fold in white of eggs. Add vanilla. Bake in 2 tins from 20 to 30 minutes. Frost with yolks of eggs snd white sugar Buttermilk Cake 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 3 cups buttermilk 5 cups flour I lb. raisins 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon I nutmeg Pinch of salt. Cream the butter snd sugar sdd spices and salt. Then ad the buttermilk with the soda dis- solved in it. Lastly, add the flour mixed with raisins. Bake in moderate oven I hour. Other fruits and spices can be added to taste. Don t forget the dance at Hollyburn Pavilion Saturday night. LEGS (Fores) 9lb lbBUTE'OINS 15c lb....,.. BLADE RIB ROAST q IS I! ROUND BONE ROAST 1 5lb ..„.........„...,......„........ OABT 16Clb. RUMP ROAST 1 0 IJ LOCAL 3 lbs.COTI'AGE CHEESE,. LilC BACON (by lhe piece) 1 5lb...................................„. CHEESE ONTARIo 'b...... 20C Vegetables GREEN ONIONS 3 for ..................................aC cAULIF01vER 1 5 II 20 LARGE GRAPE FRUIT 5 for ..................................,.LilC Spring Lamb LEGs 2a lb........ .. ..... ... . ... . 9 C Local Fresh Killed VEAL ! ! Boiling Fowl IS ~d ZOc lb. sTEwiNG 1 21' ROAST, lb.... 18C II( 20C j I I 3 bunches for.................,..10C Ihoso prices for ONE WEEK subioct to change in markot prices OVEN 'ARROTS opat, was there ever anything more wonderful than s camel go- ing through the e e of a needle 1" "Yes, yer R verence, there was. Ol've seen me two hundred pound ould woman go through me pants pockets, time an'gin', bedad. t.Roberts'etter Meats Delivery to all West VancouverPhone West 190 Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE ee- The Store with the Neon Sign