0001 lk 0 bg m at ( 9) I iia LII 3 I sf~ lcl June 17, 19!32. OPening DANCE '9 ia (2) " "THE VAQUEROS"--Argentine Tango Band iai a aa nl~ C li )covza ciicacx ~ I pca coUpLE CORRESI'ONDENCE ) 2 The Editor, West Van News. 'earSir--Within a few days many thousands of boys and girls in this country will gradu- ate from high schools, colleges and universities. For all of them this closes a period of ,hard work. For most of themt has meant considerable sacri-fice, their own or that of their families. Thus at great cost, not al- ways to be measured in money, these youngsters have been put through a period of prepara- tion for better and more valu- able service. They are eager to work, eager to start out in life, eager to give service that will justify the effarts of their par- ents and of the public. And what do they find? They find a world that will nat let them work; a world whcih preached to them in school about the dig- nity of labor, and now will not allow them to earn 8 living. Their young strength and en- thusiasm are pushed back, re- buife&l, left unused. Their train- ing goes for almost nothing, for they find equally well trained people with experience added, standing in the bread lines. The industrial world will not let them help to make it richer; it, just doesn't vrant them. So far as the economic organization of so- ciety is concerned, these young- sters can get oif the earth. Was ever such insane folly seen on such 8 scale before? The young man who cannot get 8 job is nat so crushed as the middle-aged or old man who has lost his jab. But there nre other things to consider. The young man denied work either gives up trying for it and be- comes a parasite; or he strikes back. The youth of Canada, in- cluding IVest Van., can be turned into the nation's greatest asset;! r into a focus of unrest and re- lit. With the third crop of raduates coming from school since bhe depression began; it is about time to consider our youth at the gate. Why not change our economic system to one that will give them a fair chance? Yours truly, TOM RUSSELL. UNITED CHURCH TENiVIS COURT OPENIVG On Saturday, June 18th, at 2:46 p.m., Dr. Henry will offici- ally open the United Church Tennis Court. During the last week the court has been re-sur- faced and a splendid court is naw completed. As ii, is hoped many young people will play during the summer all those int- erested are asked to attend. Refreshments and ice cream will be served and tennis will be played throughout the afternoon and evening. , INDIANS TAKE CLOSE GAME FROi51 IVEST VAN. With five new players on the lineup, West Van made 8 good showing against the league- leading Squamish Indians, the final count being 8 to 6. With the exception of the fourth in- ning when the local team tem- porarily blew up after a wrong call by the umpire and allowed six runners to cross the plate, the bays played good ball. Fred Condon pitched for West Van and except in the fourth, was never in trouble. Sid Walker did the receiving and Benny Trafford, who has returned from Ashcroft, played first On Monday West Van will be at home to Smith's Airlines, and Benny will be given the task of stopping the Old Timers. This will be the last game played Et Ambleside Park by the seniors and a good crowd is ex- pected to be on hand. Firewood Largest operating mill on the North Shore. Slabs and Edgings per cord ................ $4.25 Slabs (extra heavy) per cord .............„, $4.50 Inside Fir, per cord.... $6.00 PACIFIC GATEIVAY LUMBER CO. North 525 I"aot of Bowser Avenue, North VancouverDon't forget the dance atHollyburn I'avilion Saturday This Week's Special-. ROGERS MANTEL RADIO Using the New Peniade Tube. Very fine performance and good conc quality. Priced with Rogers Gucrcoiccd Tobm $3 8 OO 85 dc»a $I p r vcck J. W. KELLY PIANO Cocp LTD. West 37 G. GEIv(iv((LL, Agent 14th and Marine West 3? II CLIFF HOUSE - - WHYTECLIFF PARK ~ THF. WFST VAN NEWS THE BURiVING BUSH By Subudar Everybody nowadays is talk- ing ecanamiycs, and as 0 conse- quence one hears some pretty wild statements at times. Pos- sibly the economists, being only theorists, are responsible for 8 few of the wiMest. Since history however, only repeats itself, those best qualified to speak should be historians, who have maintained 0 discreet silence. I say "discreet," advisedly, be- cause they would have to state that the root of our troubles is in the main neither big nor little business but democracy, and that would not be nice, In fact it would be a cardinal sin. Yet the international Jew, realizing this truth several hundred years ago, helped our forefathers and ourselves to estabUsh govern- ment by the people, and--"Yoi l Yoi I vat you think"--helped himself to the control of the world. In proof of this it will be noted that in the autocratic Middle Ages the Jew was always the underdog, and the people genera(lly speaking had plenty to eat, Today under govern- ments elected by the people the people starve, and the Jew is top dog. Illusions are usually expensive luxuries, also one of the few expensive luxuries the Jew does not indulge in. Some hundreds of years ago a Mogul emperor, if my memory serves me, had the following in- scription carved on his palace in Delhi: "If there is a paradise on earth, it is this, it is this." You will observe the old gentleman, judging by the inscription, had some doubts about the earth santa(ning any such place, but the Indian monkeys, who accord- ing to a B.U.P. despatch, have lately swarmed into Delhi, have no doubts at all on the subject, for they refuse to be kept out of that city. The authorities have indeed carted them into the country in lorry loads, End a lorry load of monkeys would be far more interesting then the comic supplement, but they have all returned. It's a serious mat- ter, for you can't get rid of 8 plague of monkeys as easily as spiders. Imagine waking up in the early morning to find iwo or three monkeys perched on the back of the bed( It would sug- gest the worst kind of jimjams. The summer has come back, and so, I observe, have beach pyjamas, the 1932 vintage being distinguished from that of 1931 by having pronounced man-of- war ends. I met two young girls the other afternoon cruising down 8 city street arrayed in these latest, and straightway Euii'ered a brain wave. It is this. Why not tuck the ends into the socks round the ankle, and so become a Persian dancer. It would look so much neater, in fact quite stunning, and would make walking much easier. I recommend it to the arbiters of fashion free of charge and with my profoundest salaams. I'd like to kick 'eml A certain poetic eifusion which recently occurred--it's the prop- er word in this connection--in the Vancouver press gave me and doubtless many others a violent pain, though the latter was nothing ta what I would like to have given the party re- sponsible. It is generally ac- cepted that poets are born, not made, and yet we have to endure the objects of math who sling into irregular lines the contents apparently of several crossword puzzles, Then we have the other kind who take the biggest and least used words in a large dic- tionary, and convert them into inexplicable rhyme. The results attained by both are the same as if a person with a ragtime mind tried to compose HandeL Good poetrv, and poetry which Is not good Is not poetry, ls al- ways made up of great thoughts. simple words, and rhythm in keeping with the subject treated of. 1 CLASSIFIED ADS CALI,FBI LD -- For Rcci, Mcdcra Bungalow. Well faraichciL Bccxti- fui large grcoadc. Sox 22, West Vcn News. Exi ERIRNCED Hogsm(ESPER- Able ic take Cull charge, good with children. Apply Bcx 32, West Vcn News. CHIMNEYS Acd Fccacccc Cicaacd- AR brush work. Phone Wcci 48?R. To RENT--Mcdcra Scc rcom house, ocm Iy new, conveniently Icccicd. $26 on year's lease. John Lciccc, West 55. TO RFJIT--Four room hccac ccapiy new on Waterfront, $30 pcr month on a year's lease.. John Lcacam, West 66. FOR RENT~!x akc pcomc partly furnished, modern, good )ceca!ca, near ferry, garage, $20. Phase West 266X. SECOND NA RROIVS REPAIRS AGAIN DISCUSSED If federal authorities demand that a lift span be installed at Second Narrows bridge, the structure will not be ready for traffic for at least another year, declared Iiiayor Louis D. Taylor at Monday afternoon'8 'ity Council meeting. All that is required, said the mayor, is 0 span to replace the missing portion of the structure, and this could be put in place within five or six months. The bridge question was intro- duced by receipt of a letter from the bridge company receiver, Mayor E. H. Bridgman of North Vancouver. Mayor Bridgman denied sug- gestion of Aid, H. J. De Graves that the North Shore council was not anxious to expedite re- pair of the bridge as it wns de- riving handsome revenues from ferries. "Regardless of what Mayor Bridgman says," declared Aid. De Graves, "anyone can hear the same statements as I made if he will listen in the automobile lines waiting for the ferries. "I also notice,'he said, "that The Province had sn editorial recently on the bridge subject. I agree with it to some extent, but I don't see why the city should be singled out. Why not the federal members of Parlia- ment? I agree that Greater Vsn- cover is losing and that the city is the greatest section of the greater city and that if the city had devoted as much work to the Narrows bridge as to the Bur- rard bridge it vrould be repaired. Mayor Taylor declared that much of the delay has been Caus- ed by the fact that Parliament had first to pass a statute legal- izing the structure which had been outlawed by a Privy Coun- cil decision. "Vancouver can not be blamed for the delay," he said. SVe couldn't raise money for repairs or guarantee a loan for it." "Vancouver's pasition," said Aid. G. C. 5Iiller, "is that of a shareholder of a defunct comp- any which has defaulted or mql soon default on its bonds." CHRISTIAiV SCIENCE SOCIETY "IS THE UNIVERSE, IN- CLUDING SIAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE?" will be the subject of the Lesson~- mon in Christian Science Society IVest Vancouver, on Sunday. One of the Scnptural texts will be from Luke 8: 241 "And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, 'iliaster, Master, we perish.'hen he arose, and rebuked the wind snd the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." by Man Baker Eddy: 'The world would collapse without Mind. without the intelligence which holds the winds in its grasp." (page 209). 192E DODCE SEDAN Mcca cdL Niorih 914. L~DIES Wish ac Rc a R ac m near bxcak, Sccdcyc only, between West Vca. ferry aad Sandy Cove. Apply Scx 31, Wma Vcn Nccc. SAI.T SPRING ISLAND (V»»visa Bcy)--Five room furs)chad ccaicgc at candy beach. A delightful esca. $ 10 pcr week with facL Phase If. IL Harp!ace, West 404L FOR SAI.E--Large cixc Ekcicic Fca, $1R Apply Ambiccidc Tca Ra»ac. PAINTING ssd DECORATING Rccccccbic raacc. First Ciaac WorE phone West 360IL FOR RE.'IT--Ucdcrakbcd fear-rccm Saagckac, waterfront. modern. 1»o bedrooms, open Srcpiacc. Phase, Morgan, West 4. LOST--Tcccday, cm&L brindle cack dcg, part Boston Bull, pag m»c, long ac!i, aad wsaciag Uc collar «hca lost. Name, "Pcl," Reward. Jack Oil)morc, 2328 Bcncn», phone West 004Y. CHEVROLEf 1921 COACH -- Thi~ ic a real boy. North 914. HPLDQUARTEBS for AR the Pcp- Uiar Cigarettes, Tcbaccoc, aod Pish- iog Gadgets for Iccci wxicrc. Am- hiccidc Tca Rooms. Nc. I INSIDE FIR $iLOO pcr Cord, A!Eo good slabs and mm mn. For' limited time one cord of »cod will be givas free tc the person sending in most crdcav. Phoae Bicir'a. Wcci SNL SNiAP--Ncv Raagciic $39AO; Radio Licenses issued hare. North Sharc Radio-mcciric, f439 Marine Drive, Phone Norah 81. FOR PLU61BING REPAIRS -- Rcc- idcacc Phoae Wcaa 24UL FOR SALE--$4200.00 High Ciccc Sm room bcocc. Large Ioi cxccpiimcai- iy gccd view. John Lcwccc, West 65 FOR SALE--Oac of the mcca ccicca sites in West Vccccavcp, 204' 248'ust rigba fcc c superior home»iah c foUC aooitl house-chai-caiiki hc aced in the meantime, $260(k(EL Jchc Iaiccc. West 55. FOUNDATION CEMBNT WORK- Lccdcccpiag cad Lc»ac IaiiL Bock wc!ha drcuaa mptk tasks, fcacmg cad land ctccricg, chiicscyc cad faraaccc cleaned aod repair»L Phone T. Bcracat, ccxidcacc phoae West 290R. LAWN BOWERS SHARPENED- Expcricaccd with ER makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vcacoa- vcr Machine Shop, 1419 Mcriac. PAINTING. KALSOMLI INC. PA- PERLNG. C. L Koaiaga, Wcca 894R MARCELLR SHOP -- MacccBO, 50 ccctc: reset, 26C; Sager wave, vzc. Phone hire. King, West 204. BOARD AND RgsIDENCE -- 15th cad Bcucvoc, near ferry. Raicc at- tractive. Phoae West 468L Vi'E HAVE TEN OF THB CHBAP- EST LOTS in West Vcaccavcr- Some cioac in, Sure money-makers in near foiarc. John Laaccoaa Wcca 65. FOR SALE or EXCHANGB -- Ia ilac City. cosy 5 room bungalow (valse 4%00) axmmcr hcocc, garage, froia arcca Fon piambiag. 2 Ioax. Nice Icccaica. Phone West sk Take Ccrccgic'c advice sad Bar Accccgc ili a piscc wiih c fatiicc. Acreage ia good Icccucaa fccaa $60 Ep. Apply Jcha La»sea, West 65. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LVSL'RANCE 14015 !Ecciac ~ Drive Phoae ncaa 21 cc Scymccc 1200 Baca!age Wcca 204X CiORDON ROBSON Bcccicicc a Scnciicc WEST VANCOUVER- Ogicc Nc. 144?, Maciac Drive Phoae '\Vcci 405. VANCOUVER 11FFICB- Suuc 8 is; 510 Hcciicgc Sa. W. Phase. Scymcap 4190. The rcic fcr Ckccincd Adrcciiccmcaic k 2 ccaic pcr «ccd, mad»em 25 cccic. Except ix ihc casa cf abaca hcciag ccgcicr cccccaic, cn ciacci- Ecdc are psychic strictly La mivcacc. Ra»amber CiccciScdc ic the Wcat Vca Nave gci immmiicac rccana rl » rr r rr rrir rh rr r a ~ h Cl Y r I -r 3 i'a lc h Gh 'i 'r qhhhha hh r'V h hhhhh M " hhhh' hh '» *