West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jun 1932, p. 4

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0001 A m «»a r»t..r«I ' "» &» «ru»»r 4 t r~w »»e ~ » re!t. tter ~m el 4~Ir rr ~'«t mr we ~r'trs+ »wr I't tr"rrtr4mits r»r', r'wr rr. ~ rtm tt t'r '« t r- t'r'tt«'* rt»iA *'r» ttrr» ' dkr rr «r 4.r» i err»'re «'r»r 'rrr 'r«:«r«I» .«rr v» t «r 'r«rr'.«rr« rri rrrr«« rr«r r» FLORAL FESTIVAL Prize List Prizes--1st nnd 2nd Unless otherwise Mentioned. SSIAI.L FRUITS {Mature Fl'Uits orllii) Class 1st 1. Cherries, I plate..................,........................$ .VS 2. Currents, Blaclr, I plato ......................................V6 3. Currant, Red, I plate, shown on stems ................V6 4. Currents, White, I plate, shown on stems.........qii L Gooseberries, I plate .................t..............., ......'16 6. Loganberries, I plate ..., .... x.......76 V. Raspberries, I plato .................«............„„.76 8. Strawberries. I plate ..................'.............., ....,...n 9. Collection of Small Fruits. six varieties (First Prise, Box Chocolates) VEGETABLES 10. Rhubarb. 6 stalks....................................... 11. Peas in Pod (12 Podz) . 12. Radixk i2 1$. Lettuce, 2 beads ROSES All Roses to be shown in bowls or vases. 14. Shot Silk "Floral Emblem" (one bloom only)............ First Prise--Special. Second Prize--SpeciaL IL Six Roses, distinct varieties ............„, First Prize--Donated by J. J. Hanna. Second Prize--Special. 18. Six Roses, S varieties ....................... First Prize--3 Rose bushes, value $ 1.50, donated by Layrits Nurseries Second Prize--Special. 17. Roses, 3 Red, in vsse with own foliage............„... 1.00 18. Roses. 3 Pink ........................................„„., 1.00 19. Roses, 3 White ....................................... 1.00 20. Roses, 3 Yellow .......................... '.... 1.00 Yellow color predominating. 21. Roses, S any other variety .......-........................... 1.00 22. Hoss Rose Buds, S buds in vase, own foliage............ 1.00 2L Collection CIImbena S varieties . First Prize-I Standard Rose, value SLOO, donated by Layritx Nurseries. Best Rase in Show--Special Prise. (This to be picked by Judges from any competi- tive Exhibit.) 24. Annuals, 4 varieties First Prise--2 Apple Trees, donated by E. S. Gamage. 26. Perennials, 4 varieties First Prise--2 Apple Trees, donated by E. S. Carnage. 26. Display of Rack Plants (not more than 3 ft. space) First Prhe--Trophy, donated by J. Haydn Young. Second Prize--Donated by Mr. C. Barrow. 27. Delphiniums, 6 spikes .............................,........... 1.00 23. Iris, 8 spikes ............................................ 1.00 29. Peonies, 8 bloom, any color .......,....=..........I.. 1.00 80. Antirrbinum, 6 spikes ...............................V6 31. Campanulas, 6 spikes .................,..........V5 82. Canterbury Bells, 6 spikes ..........'l6 SS. Pansies or Violas, 8 blooms ..... .76 S4. Pyrethums, 6 blooms .'15 $5. Poppies, 6 blaoms ........................V5 36. Carnations, 8 blooms .76 S7. Aquilegia, 12 spikes ........................75 SS. Sweet William. 6 blooms .75 DECORATIVE SECTION 39. Bowl of Roses, arranged for effect .............. First Prize--Special 40. Bouquet Sweet Peas, own foliage ......................... First Prize--Special 41. Bonquet of Flowers, other than Roses Jt Sweet Peas First Prixe--Speciak 42. Best Arranged Bowl of Nasturtlums, any foliage.... First Prize--Donated by Gemmill Drug Co. 43. Flowering Plant, I ......................... First Prixe--Donated by Ifrs. D. SfcTavish. 44. Foliage P)ant„1 .... First Prixe--Box Stationery, donated by Vancou- ver PaciSc Paper Co. 46. Basket of Cut Flowers, lightly arranged with any cut foliage, ferns or grasses. Ribbon can be used. First Prize--Donated by Hrs. K. A.. Ray, value $2. Second Prize--'ISc. Third Prixe--Soc. NOVICE CLASS For competitors who have not previously won a Brize. 46. Bowl of Roses. 8 varieties .. First Prize--3 Rose Bushes, value $1.60, donated by Layritz Nurseries. 47. Annualz, 4 varieties First Prixe--Shampoo S Marcel, donated by hire. King, Marcel Shop. 46. Perennials ............. First Prixe--SpeciaL 49. Collection Bock Plants ....................... First Prixe-- t{t dox. Rock Plants, donated by Mrs. C. Barrow. Gardens awarded First Prize for two consecutive years debarred from competition for one year. (Competitor can only enter in one class.) (Members only.) 50. Flower Garden--Neatness, Arrangement and Origin- ality to count 33 I/3 per cent. Not less than three entries-- First Prixe--Reeve's Trophy, donated by Reeve J. B. Leyland. Second Prixe--Pictures, donated by Councillor G. Elgar. Third Prize--Bash Roses, valued $2.60, donated by Pasquill's Rose Narxerice. Sl. Utility Garden (not less than three entries)-- First Prixe--Silver Cup donated by Royal Bank of Canada. Second Prixe--Electric Clock donated by Councillor L Garthorne. Third Prus--2 Apple Trees donated by E. S. Gamage. .60 :so .60 .60 .60 76 .60 V6 .60 'l6 .60 75 .50 .60 $0 .60 .60 .50 .50 .15 .'15 .76 .'16 .60 .50 .60 .50 .60 .60 .60 .60 .50 .75 .50 .60 .60 .60 .50 BOYS'ND GIRLS'ECTION FOR JUNIOR SHOWS Class A--pupils of West Vancouver Pablic Schools. Class B-- Residents of West Vancouver, between the ages of 13 and 18 Drawings must be certi6ed by teacher.GIRLS'IVISION N EEDI.EWORK (Sass A--Twelve Years sad Uader Class SK One Pair Hemmed Towels ..........,.......... First Prize--Donated by Mrs. W, K. Woodcock. Class B--Under Sixteen Years. 6$, Pyjamas (Sleeping) First Prize--Donated by Mrs. W. K. Woodcock. HIGH SCHOOL Fifteen to Soveatoea Years 64. Girls Wash Dress First Prize--Donated by Mra W. IL Woodcock. 1st 2nd .50 Inclusive. AH exhibits must be grown, raised or mode by the person exhibiting the same, THE IVEST VAN NEWS ROSIE COOKINO Under Sistren Years SL Beet Whole tvheat Mulflns (8) .. SL Drop {'akes (8) Ii7. Plain Cookies (6) 68. Apple Pie 69. Layer Cake (iced) 80. Baling Powder Biscuits First Prise--Donated by Mrs. Wm. McQuaksr. BOYS'IVISION 81. Bird House made by boy under 18 years.................. 1.50 82. Bird House made by boy under 1$ years First Prise--Donated by Yinlayson's Drug Co. HIGH SUB{X)L ex Model of First Narrows Bridge ... First Prize-- Donated by Sir. Ivm. Blair, DR A W I N(tS (For I'ubllc School only) 84. Drawing of Sweet Peas .. First Prise--Special becond Prize--SpeclaL 86. Conventional Dosign First Prize-- Donated by Mrs. J. T. Watt. Second Prise--Special FLOWER SYXTION Class A--Bo&e and Girls Under 18 Years of Age 88. Bouquet of Flowers, other than Roses and Sweet peas-- First Prizo--J. M. Larnie, Silver Cup snd Box of Chocolates (Cup to be held for one year). Second Prize--Special. Third Prize--Box of Choco)ates, donated by Hra Buszt. 67 W ild I lowers Number of Variotios, 60%; quaiity, 25%; ar. rangement, 26%. First Prize--SpeciaL Second Prize--Soc. JIS 'l5 15 June 17, 1922 HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY and qATURDAY June 17th and 16th BUSTI"R KEATOti ln Sidewalks of New York MONDAY and TUESDAY June 90th and Sls\ NOliklA SHEARElt ie , "Strangers i?fay Kiss" "Mr.'trong." said the flim director, "iu this next scene there is 0 real thrill. A lion will pursue you for 600 feet" "Five hundred feet'!" inter- rupted the famous sinr. "Yes, nod no more than that --understnnd?o The hero nodded Ye8 I understand. but does the lion?" HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Monday afternoon the ntu- dents were nddrc86ed by Percy R. Bengough, vice-president Trades nnd Labor Congress of Cnnndn, who told in 0 very int- eresting manner of some of his experiences at the recent Inter- national Labor Convention at Geneva. Mr. Bcngough was one of the Cnnndinn roprescniotivo6 at this convention. The speaker wns iutmduccd by Trustee T, E. W. Russell. Senior Matriculation exnminn- tions began IVednesday, June 15th, at the Ingkwood Schooi, West Vancouver. High Schooi hnO twonty-two candidates writ- ing these papers. Mrs. Gemmiii is supervising. Junior Matriculation exnmiun- tions begin on Tuesday, June 21st. The local school hnO forty cnndidaten writing. Final grading examinations begin on Friday the 17th nnd will occupy 8 week. School ro-opens for the fall term on Tuezdny. September 6, 1922. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Yhone West 9 Feriiiizerg, 1Vood, Coal Builders'upplies See Refrigerator Demonstrations At your B.C. Electric Store We are pleased to announce that Monday, Juno 20th, there will be an interesting series of demon- strations on modern electric refrigeration. These demonstrations will be conducted by Miss Doris Short of B.C. Electric Home Service Depart- ment. Miss Short will show you the many lovely summertime dishes that esn be prepared with the sid of an electric refrigerstor. Cool, appetizing des serts, drinks and dainties will be created right before your eyes, and you are cordially invited to come and taste the results o! her handiwork. Modern refrigeration methods are sn impmtant factor in economical housekeeping and enable thous- ands of families who own them to save from 660 to $160 a year. These savings largely result from the saving on food spoilage snd the ability to save on quantity buying. Come ldonday and see Miss Short demonstrate these marvelous aids to household economy. West Vancouver B.C.E,lectric. APPLIANCE STORE Low Priced Mileage Firestone Tires Ford Ford Chevrolet Chevrolet Ford Ford Chevrolet Whippet Plymouth Chrysler Erskine Whippet Plymouth Pontiac Every COSIVARE THESE LO1V I'RICES Keep in Mind The High FIRESTONE Standards of (iunlity Prices of Firestone Tires Size of . Prie Sentinel Oidileld Make of Csr Tire 64 20 66,gS Buick Size of Tire $0xSII ex o! Firestone Tires ntmel Old6eld Chandler Chrysler De Soto Dodge Durant 8.70 V.OO 7.86 4«to/21 4.60/20 4.60/21 6.30 8.16 8.25 6 00/19 8 26Essex 9.60 4 76/19 710 Graham-Paige Nash Pontiac Roosevelt W dlys-Knight 4 76/20 7 90 Essex Oidstnobfle l Loo/20 6.40 9.70 Nash OTHER SIZES VROI'ORTIONATELY LOW Fires(one Tire Cnrrien 8 I.ifeiime (tunrnniee un Materials nnd Workmnnship. +EST QfkNCOUVER MOTORS General Repairs Greasing BILL GROUT, Ruybesios Lining Veedoi Oil 1451 Marine Drive - Phone West 2,68 We specialize iu pleasing the customer ia, ~ I