West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jun 1932, p. 2

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0001 I VVSV Y I kv krr Ave'mc Y v r I, VV V -V . S k' k vcrASS IMNL 'v ~~I'~ . SV ! ik ' NI Ir~ vp-swo vkrck Vk v v I Wk'vwv ' k 'k'ki k' 'VV *k wvvv" k 'I rv V ' ~ r NCFk'V IIr Ypvi ' vv V rv rr~ ~vrvvv'rv' ;VVkeVrV. kry VV VVY V 'V'rr ~ V vv vr VVVIcr THE WEST VAN NEWS United Church St. Stephen's ChurchWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. June 19th (4th Sunday after Trin(ty), 8 '.m.-- I loly Ccnnmunion. (corporate for W.A.). 10 a.m.--Flower Service. 11:16 s.m.--Primary SchooL 11:15 a.m.--Mattins snd Ser- mon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D, Sunday. June 19th, 1932 10 a.m.--Sunday SchooL 11:15 n.m.--Public worship. Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "The Call of Calvary," 7:15 p.ni.--Public worship. Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "Standing Alone for God." Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. teams from the Bowling Club of Central Park will play against teams of our Club, in the Lower D(ainlsnd Bowling Association'6 inter-club competitions. Church members snd friends are invited to this interesting afternoon around the church grounds. A very large and interested number of women were present on Tuesdav afternoon at the home of Mrs. O'Donnell, when the IV.M.S. held their closing meeting of the season. Mrs. Syobie, formerlv of hfsnchuria, and now of West Point Grey, gave an illuminating address on that land, illustrated with na- tive costumes and curios. Afternoon tea was served snd the function voted one of the best of the year. Have pou ever stopped io compovo a well csiobiisbcd Beauty Salon with a cheap cui- price shop I Do just that sud you'l protect roue hair from being ruined by iuoxpsrioncc, osd inferior pro- ductss. Siosm ov Oii Wskco .. $5.00 Sommcr's Nsiursl....... Sb.50 Spccisiiy vccommoudcd for white oud bicschcd hair. GffjeniiolyM Beauty Shoppc 1640 bisriuo Drivo Phone West 117 CHURCH EDIFICE 20th oud Poeuimstb Iiourburs Thi~ Society is a Broach of The D(other Church Tho First Church of Christ, Scivuiict, iu Boston, Msssschusotts Suudsr Sorvicos 11:20 a.m. Oud inso p.m. Sunday, June 19, 1932 Subject: "Is the Universe, Including DIan, Evolved by Atomic Forre2" On Thursday there will be s tea on the Church grounds on behalf of the Sport Activities of the Sunday School. An inter- esting program has been ar- ranged. There will be clock golf snd a candy stall. 3 to 6 pm If wet, will be held in Parish Hall. DIRS. O'NEII.I. PASSES IN LOS ANGELES infra Mary Jane O'eill, a former well-known old-time resi- dent of West Vancouver, passed away last 'ednesday in her 79th year at the home of her daughter, 14rs. Persons, in Los Angeles. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, four daughters, Mrs. Charles Hay, here; Mrs. Persons, BIrs. Mort- enson. and 51rs. Fowler, all of Los Angeles;; and three sons, John snd Ed in Iowa snd Fred in Alabama. She is bein buried in Los Angeles. Sunday Schooi at 10:00 ~.m. Tostimour Mcctiug Wednesday ~t sr16 p.m. Baptist Church There will be a meeting of the Sunday School sta(f at 8 p.m. Friday, June 24th. Service at St. Francis, Caul- feild, 3 p.m., Sunday. Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence; 1343 Heywood Ave. Sunday, June 19th 10 s.m.--Sunday School snd Adult Class, 11 s.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach st both ser- vices, topic, 'The Heart of the GospeL" Brief address to children. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "The Only Way to God.o A cordial invitation to sll. Presbyterian Mission Ornnge Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Phone N 1107. Next Wednesday evening, June 22nd, the congregation are invited to a social farewell to Dr. snd Mrs. Henry. Dr. Henry' new address will be 220 IDIoss St. Victoria. Services: 2:00 p.m.--AB departments of the Sunday School, also Adult Bible Class, 3:15 p.m.--Church worship. Sermon subject: "The Apostle's Creed." Its contribution to Christianity. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer meeting. Thought for the week: "Not everyone that ssyeth unto me, Lord, Lord--But he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven." Among those spending Sun- day at Kew Beach were: Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Dorchester, Jack Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Forster, Mrs. A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. James McIntyre, Allen For- ster, Charles Forster, Miss Bar- bara McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Leggall, Mr. and DIrs. J. Mc- Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ger- rard, Mrs. A. Edgley, from Van- couver, Miss Leila Gow, Carrol Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dis- Brisay and daughter, Mrs. H. J. Heron, Philip Murray, Miss I. Ford, Miss N. Smith, i31iss C. Fisher, J. McKfllican snd from North Vancouver, 51r. snd Mrs. J. G. Storey snd son, Dfr. and Mrs. G. Buckridge, Miss J W. L~cku, J G. Buckridge, cv G. Buckridge, Alex Bellman, Miss Betty Kirby, Philip Humphrey, Mr. snd Mrs. D. M. Kirby, Miss Eva Kirby, D. Broder. The 36th annual convention of Baptist Churches of British Co- lumbia will be held in the First Baptist Church, June 20th to June 24th. Saturday, June 25 -- Church snd Sunday School annual picnic to Keats Island. Boat leaves Ambleside Pier at 8:30. See advt. On Wednesday evening, June 29th, Rev. Hillis Wright «qll be inducted into this pastoral charge at 8 o'lock The Pres- bytery of Vancouver will be represented by Rev. Mr. Stott of North Vancouver; Rev. Dr. Dickie of St. Stephen'6 Church, Vancouver; Rev. LV)t 'u67"Mil- ler of Lynn Vrqey, secretary of Presbytery snd Rev. Mr. Perley of North Lonsdale. The public are cordially invited. Dr. Henry'6 furniturd Is being taken out on Tuesday, the 28th. His induction in Victoria is on Thursday evening, 30th inst. He leaves for his new home on Wednesday, 29th. Mrs. Henry wfll be staying in the Greater Vancouver district for s week or so, until the manse is prepared for her. St. Anthony's Church 31ISS BEATRICF. HODGSOV IN FINE RECITALPastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. FRIDAY--7 (30 p.m., Devotions. 8:00 p.m., Confessions. (Children) SATURDAY--7".30 p.m., Con- fessions (Adults). SUNDAY--8145a.m., Holy Mass Sermon. I:30 p.in., Sunday School. 2:30 p.m., Devotions. WEEK DAYS--7:15 a.m., Holy Mass. Thq ULdted Cjiurch, beautiful- ID decorated for the occasion with flowers, was crowded on Friday evening for the violin re- cital given by Mise Beatrice Hodgson, who is shortly leaving for England to continue her musical education under the scholarship she hss won at the Royal College of Musie. The talented young violinist charmed her audience with several num- bers, which she gave in a man- ner reilecting great credit on herself snd her teacher, Miss Margaret McIntyre. She showed s marked control of her instru- ment, and wss called upon for encores for each of her num- bers. As Reeve Leylsnd said in his brief address, West Vancou- ver will expect to hear great thing9 of her in the years to come. She wss the recipient of a deluge of bouquets and ba'0- kets of flowers. The two numbers given by s trio consisting of Miss Beatrice Hodgson, Miss Margaret McIn- tyre snd Mr. Alan hIcintyre were very well done indeed, snd were much enjoyed by all pres- ent. The fine contralto voice of Miss Madge Farmer, s pupil of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, was heard to great advantage in two groups of songs, for each of which the audience demanded sn encore. Miss Farmer will be 0 greet addition to West Vancou- ver's musical circle. During the interval both she and Miss Mc- Intyre weie presented with bou- quets. FREE Range Wiring North Shore Electric 1439 Msriue Drive West 61 MAKES GAI.LANT RESCUE The little 8-year-old daughter of Mrs. Pyne, 23rd and Bellevue, came within an ace of being drovrned last Monday afternoon 6 sa result of getting caught in the current while bathing at the foot of 23rd Street. She hsd gone down three timqp when Roberts Gillis, 2295 Fulton Ave. jumped in snd succeeded in bringing her safely ashore. Roberts is only 13 years of sge, and an effort is being made to obtain for her the Royal Hum- ane Society'0 medal in recogni- tion of her gallantry. She is a pupil of Pauline Johnson School. SHOWER In honor of Miss Phyllis Ds- vies, s June bride-elect, a bridge and linen shower combined was given by Miss Ruth Jackson, 20th and Bellevue, on Wed. eve- ning, the 15th. Lovely roses in pastel shades snd syringa dec- orated the living room. Mrs. Gordon Campbell snd Mrs. Vsl. Strsube of Vancouver, poured tea in the dining room at s daintily appointed table centred with a topaz crystal bowl filled with emily gray roses snd topaz candle holders with tall yellow tapers. After cards lunch wss served by the host. ess, the centre card table in the living room being decorated with a miniature bride and groom snd flower girl under 0 tiny arch of roses. At the con- clusion of lunch 0 knock wss heard at the front door, upon opening which there wss seen s messenger with a gsyly decor- ated pale green linen hsmIDer topped with yellow roses tied with a pale mauve tulle bow snd filled with gifts for the bride. The guests invited were Miss Phyllis Davies, Misses Gwen Clay, Dorothy Corbett, Lucy James, Marjorie Crickmay, Kathleen snd Eileen Hsmpson, Vivian Armstrong, Frances Bry- don Jack, Ethel Roberts, Jean Watson, Ruth Jackson, Mrs. Device, Mrs. Ken Robinson, Mrs. Stsinsby, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Straube, Mrs. Jackson. Don't forget the dance st Hollyburn Pavillon Saturday night. Esisbiisbcd on North Shore 20 Years. (Lodp Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSOiV fnneral QrrertorII North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 COOK ROOK AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH, FRENCH Copies of the new book, "Fish snd How to Cook It," which hss been issued by the Dominion Department of Fisheries, are now available in French or Eng- lish at a price of ten cents each. The booklet hss been prepared under the direction of 91rs. Eve- lene Spencer, specialist in fish cookery, who is now on the de- partment'6 stsif. It gives auth- oritative information snd is de- signed to meet the needs of the average Canadian household. Persons wishing to receive the booklet should write the Deputy Minister if Fisheries, Ottawa, enclosing ten cents for each copy required snd stating whether the English edition or the French edition is desired. THB West Van Nems POUUsecd Every Frssr Pubiishcr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Busiucso osd Editocisi Ogicor 11th sud Msriuo Drive (Next to Hoiiyboru P. O.) Phone West 363 Sail Addcossi P.O. Box 41. HoUrbura, EC. Cheese Sandwiches Use either Neufchstel (im- ported) or Canadian cream cheese. If the former is very hard you must moisten it s trifle with sweet milk or cream. Add just n dash of paprika to give it s taste and a little salt. Finally, to each cheese add a half a cup nutmeats ground in meat chopper, English walnuts are preferable. Almonds are flat in liavor. Spread mixture on thin slices of brown bread brushed with melted butter. North Vancouver Oifice: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 0L00 s your bp caivicri 0200 a year by maiL "How does your new cigarette lighter work 2" "Fine; I can light it with one match now." Junc 17 1032 Dr. Mnrjory McCubbitt DENTIST Hours: 0 ~ . m to 0 0 ux Ssturdsps: 10 a. m. to I p.m. Evenings and Ssiurdsy A(brr- uoous br sppoiutmsut only, Royal Bank Building Phoae West ~ 40 iicsidhsco Phoae Wool 20k DR. G. LL JL SEALE DENTIST Hsy Block, 14th uod Disriuo Dc. ~ Disco Hourc 0 io 4 p.m. Pluul~ Wosi 12 NURSING HOME (Dirc. M E I OCbosco ii N ) 244 ~ 24ih Sircsi Esci North Vuucouvok Rcoidoucc Phone: North 1264R IIDLLYUURN Barber Shop 16th A Marine EXPERT SERVICE E, DIARSH, Proprietor. Q B. C. EI.ECTRIC SHARES IN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT Working in co-operation with the City of Vancouver on 0 major scheme of highway im- provement along Kingsway be- tween Knight Road snd the city limits, the B. C. Electric Rail- way Company hss passed the half-way mark with its projects of relocating distribution power lines snd street railway tracks. With the widening of this sec- tor of the Pacilic Highway the old wooden poles are being re- placed by trim steel uprights bearing handsome street light- ing fixtures snd supporting trol- ley wires, while power distribu- tion circuits are being re-routed along back lanes and side streets The company'0 maintensnce- of- wsy department hss also been busily engaged with the improvement work. From Knight Road to Dumfries Street the highway is being widened on one side only so that the street csr tracks have hsd to be moved to the new center line along the improved stretch. Fishy A North-country schoolmaster wss taking the small boys in their Scripture class and deliv- ered to them the time-honored stories of Jonah's effort with the whale, also Daniel'6 tilt with the lions, both at great length. On asking for comments not s word wss said, the class look- ing as dourly glum as possible, so he picked out one boy, askini~ him if he hsd really understoo~ sll the points of these wonderful stories. The lsd replied 'None of us here believes story of Dsn'I int'ions'en, nsy, nor fish tale neither." Don t forget the dance at Hollyburn Pavilion Saturday night. ONSDAL NOW PLAY(NO Maurice Chevalier io "ONE HOUR WITH TOU" Dios., Toks., '(Vkd. Ncxl Wkckr GRETA GARBO v "IIATA i(ARI" Jgus t I