West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Jun 1932, p. 6

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0001 'r ';.-r rhh«err rrcth h hh.N h he%'r hr hr hrr w h BUTTER-- luEADOWVALE........ 2 Lba 29c GOLDEN hlEADOW...2 Rzz 45c Combisziics-- 5 Ibhz E G Grzszlztcd Scgzc 18c with 2 Ibhz Fresh Acw Dates....... 15c (Limit 2 Deals) SARDIAES--Brunswick Brand 8 usz 254 PURE LARD, 1 lb. pkg ....... 8))c BACON, Sliced, )I Rz Cello package ............ sycc C(rfTAGE ROLLS. Rz .......... 14c Average 4 to 8 lbc. Cello wrapped NABOB TEA. Rz ..................... 25c CORN ED BEEF--Botril Bczzg 2 tins 25c HEDLUND'S MEAT BALLS I Rz iis ............... 26c Best Food MAYONAAISE, 8 oz. 1st ....................... 22c SHELLED WALNUTS. lb... 27c PEAS--Columbia sc, Bitte 5 2 iisz for 29c KADANA TEA. Rz .. 29c FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE, 29c SHREDDED WHEAT, pkg... 1st (Limit 2) Fice Roses WHEAT GRANUI.ES 8 lb. sack ............................ 154 CHRISTIE'S CHOCOLATES lb.............................................. 28c I'INEAPPLE--Sliced, 24, iiz.... 17c POTATOES--lier Bell Nciics Gems................ 25 lb. sack 25c Rcg a White TOMATOES--Large syz tins, hand pecked, 2 ilzz 22c Rcd a ivhnc TOILET TISSUE Fine Quality ............... 2 for 27c ORANGES--"Suzkizi," Medium Size, dos 25c; 2 dozen.... 49c GRAPE I'RUIT--Seedless 4 for 19c PINK SALMON--Wcciccz Flat tins ....................... 4 for 264 Smith's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES AmbleSide„""„'7 ""' SPECIALS: Friday & Saturday, June 10 & 11 THE WEST VAN NEWS Why Pay More? SPECIAL LUhlBER, SASH 4 DOORS For ~ 4-Room Cottage LINED INSIDE Price Delivered $ ZOO.OO GET OUR I'RICES ON FENCING Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drawers Everything for the Building AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD 18th zsd Mzcisc Drive Phone West 199. After 6 p.m. azk fcr Gcrrr Dent Phone West 241R. June 10, 1032. 3EEE ERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AS?BI,ESIDE STORE West 3 West 303 LU HER and Lumber Products -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Hulldlng Paper ~ Lamalco, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc. gEST VANCOUVER I.UMBER CO. LTD. Phone West 115 Res. I'hone )Vest 36SL 15th and Marine "Right Service Right Grades" t 9 't A t't' 'h r u ~:rt ~ I rcr'\'c't w 't h"t ~ 'trv ~rhht' ll~'rrr 3 icrrt,t 'vrrp C t h Mrrr wrrr rr hrrrr r, ~ WY rrch" mr r rrrrrrrwrrrrrrtrt rhrr-. r r r'r Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE ae. The Store with the Neon Sign Phone West 190 All Government Inspected-Nohl Grade Meat For Cash or C.OJ). Only ALL MEATS ARE, FRESH---NO FROZEN MEATS Broilers, fresh killed ................... 25c and 30c each No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter...,...3 lbs for 55c EGGS---Pullet Extras ....................... per dozen 15c No. 1 Steer Beef Grain-Fed PORK,', STEWING BEEF g 6S Il LEGS (Fores) 0 CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGE ghr Bl ADE RIB ROAST g 9 II 2 lbs. COTTAGE CHEEsE 25C ROUND BONE ROAST ) 5C BACON (by the piece) q g X RIB ROAST g e l g CHEESE lb.........=.-.-........... 3 u sH0ULDERs - ] 5 oNTARIo ib......CLIC36C RIP)IP ROAST 1 O Ii lb..................................... Clb.......--..---- u l2 RoLLED sHoULDER 26 SlC Vegetables(no bone) lb................ C I.EGS ghgb HEAD LETI'UCE lb...,......,.....,.„............ ilIIC .. 5c Local Fresh Killed GREEN oNloNs 2 for ..................................... ~ ROAST, lb. 1 SC & 20C These prices for ONE WEEK subiect to change in market prices Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Asparagus with Golden Sauce Cook asparagus until tender and put in the oven and bake with following sauce: 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 11+ cups milk I/4 teaspoon salt )h teaspoon pepper 2 egg yolks I teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar. Make sauce of first three in- gredients, salt and pepper. Beat cgg yolks slightly snd just be- fore serving add sauce and heat. Add lemon juice and serve at once. An Englishman was visiting this country for the first time, and as he was driving along the highway saw 8 sign: Drive Slow. This means YOU. The Englishman stopped in surprise and exclaimed, "My word, how did they know I was here?" "Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous." Lsbric: My friend, st about how much do you value the cow I saw yesterday? Farmer: Be you the tax as- sessor, or has shs been killed by the electric wires? Her Favorite Him The Sunday School teacher asked the children to write down the names of their favorite hymns. One little girl wrote down: "Willie Smith." Hc: tl'm groping for words. Shc: "Well, ycu dcs'I expect to Ssd them around my scclc, do youl" tDid that course In English help your bcp friend znr?t "Not z bit. Hc still ends every zcs- icncc with z pccpczltics." Ship's Oificer: 'There goes tight bells. You'l have to cxczzc mc, it' mr welch IN!icw Lady Pczzcsgcr: "Grzdcucl Docs your watch strike as loud as ihztl" Wedding Cake I lb, butter I lb. sugar 12 eggs I lb. flour 2 Icacpoons cinnamon «/I, teaspoon each nutmeg, all- spice, mace IA teaspoon cloves I/4 cup brandy 2 tablespoons lemon juice 3 lbs. raisins I lb. currants I lb. citron I lb. figs I lb. almonds Cream butter till very light, gradually add sugar and best it well together. Beat yolks of eggs tifl thick add to other mix ture, then the stif?Iy beaten whites, add sifted flour (less I/4 cup which is kept back to dredge fruit) now add spices, brandy snd lemon juice, then the blanched almonds, then fruit which has been dredged with Q cup flour. Butter and flour a large round pan, put in a layer of the mixture, dredge the cit ron with flour and lay half of it carefully over the batter, cover with remainder of mixture Isy rest of citron on top, cover the pan with 8 buttered paper, tying it down about the rim. Steam 3 hours then bake II/8 hours in 8 slow oven. Make 8 month or six weeks before required. Keep tightly covered and set away in stone jar or tub. Literafly Minded Teacher i "Tommy, why do~ you spell Bank with 8 large B?" Tommy: " 'Cause ps said that a bank wss no good unless it has s large capital." Captain: "All is lost I We can- not save the ship!" Moses: "Do you hear vat he says Jakie 7 The ship is going to sink I" Jakie: "Veil, 1st it sink. Vst do we careT Ve don't own it, do we?" h 4 IIctween Gleneagles and Fisherman's Cove