0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Personal Your FILMSMr. Shepherd of Vancouver, hss purchased acreage in D.L. 783. Mrik W. D. Cume of Amble- side, is a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Davidson 2nd the Misses Noel and Jean Davidson, who have been travelling in Europe for some time, returned last Tuesday to Vancouver. They expect to shortly occupy their summer home in Caulfeild. ~ o ~ Mrs. W. J. Hilton, 1331 Clyde Ave., is confined to her home through sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Wismer and family, 17th and Waterfront, moved last week into a house on Capilano Road. ~ ~ Miss Green of Vancouver, has moved into s summer cottage at 24th and Heywood Ave.\ o ~ J. Errico of Kerrisdale, the little boy who a few weeks ago fell over s cliff on Eagle Island and fractured his skull, is fast recovering from his accident in the Vancouver General Hospital where he is a patient. ~ o ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hill of Shawnigan Lake, has rented 2 house at 2138 Bellevue Ave., and expects to move in shortly. ~ ~ In response to several requests the girls of Hooyburn and Paul- ine Johnson Schools who took part in the folk-dancing at the Vancouver Musical Festival, will repeat their dances st the tea which the Home Economics clas- ses are giving on Friday, June 17th, at Inglewood High School. The Grade 5 and 6 pupils will dance Goddesses, the dance pre- scribed for their class, and also the dances of their own choice, Winifred'2 Knot, and Newcastle. The pupils of Grade 7 and 8 will dance the prescribed dance, Epp- ing Forest, and also Dargason and The Old Mole. A group of 32 from the two schools will dance Rheinlander which was their entry in the open national dancing at the Festival. This program of dances will be given at 3:45 p.m. ~ ~ ~ Charles Chapman, who is now operating the Marine Motors, was the guest last Friday of the Vancouver Motor Dealers at,a luncheon held in the Hotel Van- couver. The occasion was the presentation of prizes to the leaders in the special aubi repair classes held in the Technical School last winter, which Mr. Chapman headed this year for the second time in succession, ~ ~ Captain C. A. McDonald of Vancouver, hss moved into his summer cottage at 26th and Ot- tawa Avenue. ~ ~ ~ Maw. R. A. Ogilvie of West Bay, left last week for 2 trip to the Old Country\ ~ ~ Mrs. and Miss Currie of Van- couver, have returned to their summer home at 24th and Pal- merston Avenue. o ~ ~ Miss Veeda Cooper entertain- ed on Wednesday, 1st instant, at the home of Mra. R. Allan, 31st and Waterfront, in honor of Miss Marjorie Kidd of Grand Forks. M. WILLIAMS The Hoayburn Public Librarywill have tickets on sale June 16th, good until 31st December, for $1.00. ~ \ o Mr. Price of 26th Street, had the misfortune to fall from the roof of G. Bulkley'2 house at 26th and Bellevue while engaged in staining the shingles. He suf- fered from shock snd was badly cut and bruised, but luckily es- caped broken bones. Miss Marjorie Kidd of Grand Forks, was the guest last week of Miss Veeds Cooper, 26th and Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ Mrs. Knight - Hedge, 1332 Duchess Ave., was csaed away suddenly on kionday to Cran- brooli, where her husband is ia with pneumonia in the hospital there. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. J. S. Yates, who has been visiting her son, H. S. Yates, 1075 Esplanade, has re- turned to her home in Victoria. o A daughter was born to Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Ramsey last Sat- urday in the North Vancouver General Hospitah ~ ~ The B. C. Scottish Country Dance, West Vancouver, held their regular meeting last Sat- urday evening in the Legion Memorial Hall, when they hsd as their guests several members of the Vancouver branch and a number of West Vancouver friends. Everyone had an enjoy- able evening, which was brought to a conclusion with the serving of refreshments. Mr. Smith was present at the council meeting in reference to the oiling of Eagle Harbor road. He was informed that his re- quest would be considered and that he would be advised of the result. Last hfonday thirty-two Bap- tist ministers and their wives sat down to lunch st the Red Mill, West Bay the occasion be- ing the annual picnic of the Bap- tist Ministerial Association. o o The infant son of Mrs. H. W. Moore, who has been a patient in the Haro Street Hospital for the past three weeks, has now sufficiently recovered to be brought back to his home on East Beach. \ ~ Among those spending Sun- day at Kew Beach were: Mrs. and Mrs. G. M. Hartley and Miss Betty Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kirkby, Miss Eva Kirkby, Mr. and Mrs. G. Buckridge, S. G. Buckridge, Miss J. W. Lambert, Mrs. E. Norman, aa of North Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs. IV. M. Gow, Mr. and bfrs. T. Camer- on, Miss Dot Gow, snd Hal Moore, aa of Vancouver. ~ o ~ Captain H. G. Ware wrote the council in reference to whter service to D.L. 654, Block 8 Ebb Lot 7. The matter was referred to the engineer. 1668 Marine Drive Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L Are developed and finished speedily here DAILY SERVICE %Vo L» OGDEN COo West 146 MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY Gemmill's Drag Store The Sioro of Sorvtoe. Inca Moiioo Drive Wooa gi Ihoorgoocr Phoae Wooi 221 IAfior 9 p.m.) Smart Neckwear 55c, 75c, $1.oo 1 1 TOM McINNES ADDRESSES LEGION AND LEGION W.A. Tom McInnes, the well known Vancouver journalist, gave an interesting address last Monday evening in the Legion Hall to the West Vancouver Legion members and the Legion W. A, taking as his subject "The Nationalist League of Canada." He stated that the fundamental principle of nationalism was that every nation should stand on its own feet. So far as Canada was concerned the Nationalist League after long investigation had con- cluded that the following was necessary to accomplish this: 1. The establishment of a Nat- ional Bank of Canada to is- sue notes, this privilege to be withdrawn from the char- tered banks. 2. National insurance to cover all branches of insurance. 3. One government at Ottawa with a commission for each province. He explained that under the system proposed no bond issues of any kind would be made, everything being met by pay- ment in legal tender of the Nat- ional Bank. Outstanding bond issues, held in Canada or abroad, would be paid in the same legal tender, which would be good all over Canada. This would result in the elimination of the inter- national banker or International Jew, who, he said, was the cause of our financial troubles, but not necessarily of banks, which could still perfdrm their proper function as receivers and lenders of money. The BURRARD LAUNDRYThe CheapestTrip of the Season West Vancouver Iiaptist Sunday School Ezcursion io Keat's Island by No. 6 Ferry Saturday, June 25th, 1932. Leaving Amblooido Wharf 9:20 a.md Returning from Kooi'o Island at 2 9 m Return fare 2199 Chlldron who are ooi members of Sunday School, neo, There io o large Aooombly Hall in oooo of rain; also cover- od Dining Room. Bring o largo basket oogloioot for 2 meals. Toe aod ooifoo will be provided. Tkkoio can be had at Mr. Jof- forioo'oba Market, 14th ood Marine, Amblooido, also at Mr. E, Oroogor'o, 21st aod Marino For People Whe Are Particular THIRD ST. ood ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. Wast Vaa. Rcpramentative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L AInbleside Sheet Metalworks Lanai 6 SPECK. Proprlolor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING 'I ,' salt into tact e in boil For Auto Repairs Gas, Oils, Accessories Soo CHUCK CHAPMAN at MARINE MOTORS K.W. Savory Siration'S BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES AU Kinds of Tea Bread, Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Eccles Cakes, Variety of Butter Idng Cakes Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will calL 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Iaaf Ihg vilb aaiad I 'I COUNCIL NOTES Arthur A. Ajeao wrote the council re the bad condition of 29th Street. He was informed that the council had this matter in mind and that an endeavor would be made to do something as soon as funds permitted. Wood, Gundy A Co. made an o!Ter to the council of a West Vancouver $1,000 bond due Oc- tober 1st, 1932. The council replied that they did not wish to take advantage of the oifer. Real Estate'inance and Insurance aia g I. onion N. R. ELLIS Sedan decks, $8 - $10 Linoleum laid, 12bbc yard. Upholstering. Res. Phone: West 184R ~ „, BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B, D. WHITE, Mgr. Dloiiooiivo Fooorol Sorvioo Lady Aooioiooi 229- ard Si. E, Phoae North 626 C. j. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and 5iarine Expert Work Phone West 135 ig )[I r! i Skipper: "Did'e get the pro- veesions, Angus?'ngus: "Aye, aye. A hauf loaf an'our bottles o'hiskey." Skipper: "An'hat in the wosrld will ye be doin'i'll that bread 2" DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY HOME MADE CANDY Ico Cream aod Soft Drinks 26th aod Phone Bollovuo West 7 McGregor, Creery A Farmer wrote the council re wtax Sale" sign, Lot I, Block 1, D.L. 772. The matter was referred to the engineer. Pat and Mike were hunting. Pat saw s duck far overhead, gave it both barrels, and to hts delight aaw the bird fall to the gi ouild. "Ye existed that powder, Pat," said klike, pityingly, "Oi got the boird, didn't Oil" "Yes; but the faa would a'ilthim." I. O. D. F The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Youngr 14th and King', on Monday, June 13th, at 2:16 p.m. Improve your complexion by having a FREE DRINK AY KEW BEACH MINERAL SPRINGI I j t 4 ) 51ISS BEATRICE HODGSON wia giveHollyburn Public Library Piano Recital' A VIOLIN RECITAL in the United Church at 8615 p.m. TO-Night - Friday by pupils of Mrs. Clara Wilson, Wednesday, June 15, at S.15 p.m. In ihe Women's Buading, Vancouver. Tickets on Sale June 15th good until December 31st, for $1.00 Tickets, 35 CentaTickets, 36 Cents I I12. June 10, 1932, TAILORING DRY CLEANING A PRESSING