West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Jun 1932, p. 1

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0001 A Weekly Newspaper Cgycfglatiy)ty in thc District of West Vancougycr-Amblesidc, Hollyburyy, lVcston, Dundarafyc 81.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytccliff, Etc. 6c per copy st newsstandrz IB, I) Uenriy ! eor) Rob. I, F. Jobs. Ion. 3, il by Iy Hr, aioii. oenwl re,R ineoz ,Hiss .T.A. D. A r Perl DooeH eeoiet. oeiety. loonsl er! Oi- I Syeo I,Hoy intbe ber el .were ial by'ote' of tbe y wbkb 7be i ol tM ,g wei ebl eo o rbk coo oui,by tw 4P gt foon g bblL t tbe(e ieoie . 6! A. r gl'Iws , o( ieb. lrsxb bey I FRIDAY, JUNE 10 1932 No. 3Vol. VII SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., CLEARING THE BEACHES OLD TIMERS TO SIGN ROLL Any who are qualified and who have not yet signed the OMTimers'oll at the munkipal hali are asked to do so not later than Wednesday, 15th June, after which date printed cards will be prepared to be presented to afl those whose names are on the roll. SCHOOL BOARD NOTES A letter wss read from the Chief of Police stating that he had been taking what measures were possible with the staff at his disposal for the protection of school buildings. A letter was read from W. R. Hamilton asking that permission be granted to hold the Annual Inter-School Track Meet on Thursday, June 2nd, and that the usual grant of 660.00 be made for this purpose. It was resolved that this request be granted. A letter was read from the Municipal Council in regard to work carried out on Inglewood School grounds. It was moved snd seconded that this letter be received and filed. Carried, Trus- tee Mr. Jackson dissenting. A letter wss read from F. P. Colpitts offering fifty cents for an old door in the Hoflyburn School no longer in use. It was resolved that this ofl'er be ac- cepted. It was resolved that fire insur- ance policies coming up for re- newal on June 7th and June 8th be renewed with F. C. Chapman and G. Gourlay, respectively. The Secretary reported that eleven night school students were entitled to certain refunds by virtue of a resolution of the Boarrj,~psseorl -in Nnvernhor last, whereby aB students having a perfect attendance after that date were to have a proportion of their fees returned.to them. It was resolved that these re- funds be made. It was resolved that four type- writers be purchased from the Remington Typewriter Co. at price of 390 each, payable st the rate of 65.00 per month for each machine, and that the present rented machines be returned. A start hss at last been made on the clearing of our beaches of the stones and old logs which up to now have made them so unattractive to holiday-makers both from our own municipality and Greater Vancouver. For several days now s number of the unemployed have been given the work of clearing a portion of the beach in front of Ambleside Park. For years this newspaper has been urging that this be done at different places along our shores, for there is nothing that will so attract visitors to our municipality and in addition, as we have repeatedly pointed out, It will result in a large increase in the number of passengers using our ferries. Mothers and families will come over in the summer months in the early morning ferries which are returning empty from the city after taking business people to their work, snd will go back in the evening on the empty boats which are going over to Vancouver to bring back our residents to their homes. The layer of stones on our beaches is very thin, and, once removed, will not return to spoil the sand underneath. Most of the logs have been rusticating there for years, and represent the accumulation of decades. The few which may drift in hereafter could be towed out into the current from time to time at the cost of very little time snd effort. It has always been a puzzle to us why this work was not done years ago, and our council are to be congratulated on having implemented their promise to make a start on it this year. Not only is it giving sadly needed work to our unem- t'oyed, but it is work of a kind that will pay dividends largely n excess of the small cost that may be incurred, in fact we do not know of anything that is likely to yield such returns for. the small outlay necessary. CHORAl SOCIETY TO GIVE PICNIC The West Vancouver Choral Society sre holding a picnic for members and their families on Saturday afternoon, June 25th, at )Vhytecflff Park. Games. sports, and swimming will be enjoyed, the day ending with singing round a bonfire on the beach. Further particulars will be announced later, but in the meantime members are asked to keep the day, June 25th, in mind. LEGION W. A. The W. A. to the Canadian Legion is holding a garden party on June 16th,at the home of Mrs. Barnott, 2303 Jefferson Avenue, starting at 2 o'lock. It is hoped sfl the members and their friends will make a special effort to attend as a very enjoy- able time will be had and aB the proceeds are going to the benev- olentfund. rrwr Th~gt r. membeiw are irieet ing at the Legion hfemorisl Hafl next Sunday afternoon at Ii30 o'lock snd from there are going to Capilano Cemetery to visit the soldiers'raves. For those. desirous of attending or bring- ing flowers, conveyances wiB be available at the halL PIANO RECITAL BY PUPILS OF MRS. CLARA WILSON A piano recital will be given by the pupils of Mrs. Clara Wilson next Wednesday, 15th instant, at 8.15 p.m. in the Women's Building, 752 Thurlow Street, Vancouver. The as- sisting artist will be Miss Hilda Wilson. Tickets, 36 cents. The following is the program: God Save the King MOKREJS .... - ..:.............."Dancing Daisy Fields"w Olive Robbins BACH ........................................................................'..... Musette Della Allen BURLEIGH ..:......:........................................................ "Fairies" Maisie Ray WILLIAMS .............................................................. "Juanita" Joan Allen ROHDE ................................................,. "Good Night" Joan Sharman GIESE ................................................................... "Joyfulness" Elsie Robbins CADMAN ....................................... "Dance of the Sunbeams" Catherine Hirst ............................................................... "Valse de Salon" Topsy Sharman SCARLATTI .................................................... "Tempo di Baflo" Betty Blair DVORAK,.......................................................... "Humoresque" Doreen Elgar IIAYDN .................................................... "Gipsy Rondo" Isn Rush KARGANOFF ..............................................,................ Valse e Frances Webb~ (a) GRIEG.........„.......„...... „,...,..........,...."Album Leaf" (b) GRIEG .................................................... "Patriotic Song" Josie Allan (a) MOZART ..................................... "Fantasia in D Minor" (b) SCHUBERT ...................................................."Impromptu" Margaret Dickinson MacDOWELL .............................................,...... "Shadow Dance" Jean Hill (a) BEETHOVEN ..................................."Andante fb Scherzo" (b) PALMGREN .. „,..............,.......................,... "Bird Song" Marjorie Hill (a) CHOPIN ......:........................... Waltz in C Sharp Minor (b) LEVITZKI ..............................................................Waltz Phyllis Watt SCHUMANN ........................... "Papiflons" (Opus 2) Hilda Wilson CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ST. JOHVr AhiBUI,ANCE SOCIETY ASSOCIATION Q "GOD THE PRESERVER OF The St. John Ambulance As-hIAN" will be the subject of the sociation is planning to hold Lesson-Sermon in Christian Sci- special Summer classes in First ence Society, West Vancouver, Aid in a number of residential on Sunday. districts in Vancouver, B. C. Re- One o! the Scriptural texts quests have been received from wlfl be from Psalms 36;6: "Thy Dunbar, Msrpole, Burnaby and righteousness is like the great West Vancouver. mountains; thy judgments sre Those desiring information in a great deep: 0 Lord, thou pre- connection with enrollment or servest man anil beast." other particulars connected with The Lesson-Sermon wifl also the organization of these classes include the following passage are asked to phone the Secretary from "Science and Health with Trinity 2227, orcafl at the Hesd- Key to the Scriptures" by Mary quarters, 195 Pender Street E. Baker Eddy: "The divine Mind Over 2,000 citizens have been that made man maintains His instructed in First Akl through own image and likeness" (page the St. John Ambulance Associ- 161). ation in the past year. CORRESPONDENCE Editor West Van. News. It Sire--)Vhen I came to West Vancouver last summer, it wor ried me to see so much fruit and so many vegetables going to waste in the gardens when a- cross the Narrows thousands were suffering from malnutri- tion caused by a lack of the nrw.- essary vitamins. Would it not be possibk to open up an exchange with an unemployed man in charge under the supervision of the re- lief committee, and sell ab pm- ducts donated. What remmned unsold could be distributed through one of the missions in Vancouver, The proceeds could form the nucleus of s clothing fund for the unemployed in West Vancou- ver next winter. Let West Vancouver lead the way in food distribution. EMhIA J. WALKER VOGT BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL TO GIVE PICNIC The West Vancouver Baptist Sunday School is holding an ex- cursion picnic to Keat's Island by No. 6 Ferry on Saturday, June 25th, leaving Ambleside wharf at 9:30 am. and returning at 8 p.m. from the Island. There is a large assembly hall on the island available in case of rain and also s covered dining room. Those taking advantage of the trip are asked to bring s basket with food for two meals, as tea and coffee will be provided. The return fare is 81, for children who are not members of the Sunday School, 60 cents, and tickets can be obtained at Jef- feries'eat Market, 14th Street at Ambleside, or at Granger's Grocery, 21st and Marine Drive. i ,i Bose landing at Kievr Beach LEGION NOTES Next Sunday, 12th June, being Decoration Dsy, it is hoped that ss many members as possible weB meetin the Legion Memonal Hall at I:30 p.m. that day in order to proceed to Capilano View cemetery, where Rev. F. A. Ramsey will conduct service at 2 p.m. snd flowers will be placed on the graves. An invitation is also extended to the ladies of the W.A. to attend. Cars are needed to transport those attending the cemetery and it wiB be greatly appreciat- ed if those members who have autos will kindly assist with them next Sunday. hIAY DAY COMhlITTEE The May Day Committee met in the councB chamber last Wed nesday at 8 p.m., when reports of the various committees were received and a number of ac- counts approved for payment. It was decided that a custodi- an be appointed to take care of the May Day properties, the matter being left in the hands of the chairman, Trustee T. E. W. Russell. The next meeting will be bekl in the council chamber at 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 22nd, when an audited statement of the ac- counts will be presented, and any matters left outstanding as re- gards this year's celebration finaBy disposed of." )b EST b A»COUVER hiUSICIAVS'LL B, The )Vest Vancouver hfusici-ans'lub beld the.final business meeting of the season last week when plans were made for the coming year. The recitals for next season wdff be confined to study of the lesser known old masters snd modern composers. The talks on these will be il- lustrated by vocal and instru- mental numbers from the works of each composer, The recitals, which will be held monthly, will be given at the homes of the members for the committee and their invited guests. hylqS BEATRICE HODGSON IV RECITAL TONIGHT Niss Beatrice Hodgson wiB give a violin recital tonight at 8:16 o'lock in the United Church, when she will be assist- ed by Miss Madge Farmer con- tralto gold medalist at this year's B. C. Musical Festival, and Nr. Alan hlclntyre, 'cellist. Miss Hodgson, who is a pupil of Miss hlargaret Moist&ww, is leaving shortly for England, where she will take up her studi- es at the Royal Coflege of Music in connection with tbe scholar- ship she won last year. Arrangements are being made for a lawn tea to be held Thurs- day June o~ on the Rectory grounds at St. Stephen's Church from 3 to 5 o'lock. Musical pro- gram, Competition and Candy Stall Proceqds for Sunday School sports. If raining will be held in Parish Hall I. O. D. E. The reguku monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter. I.O.D.E., will be held at the home of Nrs. A. E. Young, 14th and King', on hlonday, June 13th, at 2:15 p.m.