West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jun 1932, p. 5

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0001 IRRR a AY LXRR ro I!8 Chaw He a C lhl m 'aaa owha ROR. Clasp 4 IX. 'han ririaa el4 !jj I iia- l axaw dldri'5 Iht isi m7 gj 13. wt OW ile ~ d,ta C. Ew twalias June 8, 1982. MAY QUFI N CORONATIO}( ' Acclaimed by three thousand loyal subjects who thronged Ambleside Park, Miss Jean IVarner, daughter of Mr. and hire. C. L. Warner and 8 pupil of Hollyburn School, was crowned the second Msy Queen of West Vancouver. The crowning ceremony clim- axed a program of many events that commenced early in the day and continued late into the night. May Queen Peggy Bar- ker, who had so endeared her- '.If to her many loyal subjectsJring the past year, seated in 8 charming old time Victoria drawn by a beautiful pair of dappled grays and accompanied by her maids of honor, Miss Msy Armstrong and Miss Jean Hill, entered the Park. Very impos- ing did the petite May Queen look in her regal robes of white as escorted by Reeve J. B. Ley- land, the Royal Party proceeded to the Throne. The Maids of Honor were in dresses of white with delicate pink capes. Lead- ing the royal party was a wee gentleman, Master Norman Jackson, wearing 8 yellow satin suit of Louis XIV period and srrying the Key of the Muni- iality on a yellow satin pillow. carcely had the Royal Party reached the Throne when the bugles announced the arrival of the May Queen Elect, hiiss Jean Warner, and attendants. This time the party were riding in a veritable fairyland of loveliness, a bower of pink petaM surround- ing them entirely and meeting overhead. May Queen Elect Jean, gowned in 8 charming robe of white surmounted by 8 white cape with Ermine collar, looked every inch a queen as escorted 'by Mr. T. E. W. Russell, chair- man of the May Dsy Committee, she slowly approached the Throne of May Queen Peggy. Preceding her were four of the most delightful flower girls, Joyce Coney, Trudie Price, Mari- on Dundas and Betty Brewis, in darling Kate Greenway costumes in shades of pink, green, mauve and yellow with their colonial bouquets of rose buds, the wee Crown Bearer, Clare Beatty, in a blue Kate Greenway costume bearing the Crown on a white satin pillow. The Maids of Hon- or, Miss Bubbles Bernard and Miss Jessie Ritz in white with green capes, immediately follow- ed the May Queen Elect and her escort. Completing this charm- ing entourage, six Guards of Honor, Miss Mary Thompson, hiiss Margaret Bill, and Miss Margaret Fence, pupils of Hol- lyburn School, and Miss Joan Parker, Miss Sheila Edwards snd Mise Doreen Bernard, pupils of Pauline Johnson School, look- ed particularly lovely in theirI inty white ensembles withlie hair bands in pastel shades with rose buds and wearing ros- ettes of their respective school colors, formed a horseshoe a- round the party. The entire suite carried gorgeous colonial bou- quets. The coronation platform was beautifully decorated with greenery and 8 profusion of spring fiowers and the Throne and canopy completed a setting of loveliness. In these surround- ings hiay Queen Peggy gave her farewell address in which she thanked her loyal subjects for their loyalty and bespoke the same fidelity for her successor, n Reeve J. B. Leyland she re- irned the Key of the Municipal- ity, which had been entrusted to her care during her reign, then welcoming to the throne her Buc- cessor, she placed the royal wreath on the brow of May Queen Jean. Then followed the National Anthem and 3 huge rocket was sent into the sky as a salute to IVest Vancouver'8 second May Queen. 61ay Queen Joan thanked her loyal subjects for their gracious words and .hearty acclaim and accepted the token of sovereignty. Reeve J. B. Leyland conferred upon the rnyal party the fredom of the hIunicipality and presented to the new sovereign the golden THE WEST VAN NEWS key symbolic of the occasion. Mr. T. E. W. Russell presented liay Queen Jean with a silver brace!et suitably inscribed on be- half nf the citirens of )Vest Van- couver as a memento of the oc- casion. Always an interesting part of the ceremony is the signing of the parchment roll. This is 8 record of the May Day Festival and is signed by all participants, also contains pictures covering the proceedings of the day. The school children paid their homage to the May Queen in the form of delightful dances, some eighty children takin8 part in Maypole and folk dane»g, while the Schools Band provided ev- cellent music during the cere- mony. One of the first duties of May Queen Jean was to present prizes to the mothers of the little tots who had won awards in the "Better Baby Contest." This was followed by the presenting of prizes to the winners in the numerous sections of the splen- did parade and to the winners of the events which had been held during the morning. Nay Queen Jean then inspected the Band, Guides and Cube, starting the first race from a balcony where the Royal Party enjoyed an hour watching the sport events. At this juncture the Msy Queen party from North Vancouver arrived to convey greetings to the members of the West Van- couver royal party. Greetings were conveyed and received by hiayor E. H. Bridgman and Reeve J. B, Leyland, Reeve J. M. Bryan of North Vancouver Dis- trict, also brieiiy addressed the gathering. At four o'lock Msy Queen Jean placed flowers on the Mem- orial Arch, after which the Royal Party were guests at tea at the home of Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Leyland. The Royal Party toured the Municipality and at 6:80 o'lock were entertained at Cliil'ouse at the May Day sup- per. This marked the celebration of the 20th birthday of West Vancouver. Some one hundred and ten guests enjoyed this de- lightful innovation. May Queen Jean presented Bowers at this time to loyal subjects in appreci- ation, these being Mrs. George Hay, Mrs. J, B. Leyland, Mrs. John Lawson, Mrs. T. E.W. Rus- sell, Mrs. Colin MacLean, Miss hiargaret McIntyre and hIiss Buddy Hodgson. At 9;80 o'lock May Queen Jean and her court led the grand march at the May Day dance which Reeve J. B. Leyland oil'icially declared open on behalf of her Majesty. A de- lightful throne room was ar- ranged in the Pavilion and May Queen Jean reigned in all her glary. This event brought the day'8 activities to a close. Mr. A. P. Kerley in the ab- sence of Mr. J. R. Mitchell acted as Nester of Ceremonies. For the children it is the one day in the year, everything being done to make the event 8 success for them. They take part in all the phases of this celebration and the May Queen Committee mem- bers feel amply repaid for their weeks of eifort by the spontane- ous enjoyment displayed by the youngsters of all ages. May Queen Committee--Con- vener, Mrs. W. B. SmalL Decorated Car -- Mrs. J. F. Jackson, Mrs. Frank Hirst, Mrs. Gordon Gray, Mrs. Frank Dun- das, Mi88 Ruth Jackson, hire. S. L, Jagger, Mrs. C. T. Kendrick, Mrs. A. H. Prentice, Mrs. P. E. Trussell, Mrs. E. lV, Weeden, St. Stephen'8 Junior W. A., Mr. Jim Jackson, Mr. Bert Thompson and Mr, S. A. G. Curry. Sewing--Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Mrs. J. B. Leyland, hire. Robert Fiddes, Mrs. F. Hirst, Mrs. V, F. Johncox, Mrs. Howard I.eggatt, Mrs. K. B. Forstel', Mrs. James Mclntyre. Flower Girls and Page--Mrs. H. O. Eccleston and hire. Ber- nard Hayes. Guards of Honor--Mise Jean IVatson, Miss Joan Curtis, Mrs. Continued on Page 6) THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar Some time ago I was criticlzed for stating my belief that the Hindenburg of today wss the Hindenburg of the War, that he was only playing a part. A U.P. despatch of Tuesday to the a!feet that he had asked Franz Von Papen of all people to suc- ceed Bruening confirms this, and it is not comforting news. It will be remembered that Von Papen, when (iermsn military attache to the U.S. in the early days of the War, wss summarily kicked out of that country by President Wilson for organizin" military activities against Canada on the part of German residents in the States and German-Americans. In other words he was organiz- ing and abetting piracy, for the U.S. had not at that time entered the struggle. Yet this is the kind of man who has the approv- al of the old chancellor, and whom the latter is satisfied will appeal to the German people. The old saw that "a leopard can- not change his spots" applies to the human animal as well as leopards, From now on we shall probably see Germany as she is, and she will be found to be more likely than not, the old Germany of 1914. The fact that the Federal in- dictment against Von Papen in the U.S. has been quashed does not alter facts. It only proves that the German-Americans sre still functioning there. oslo ic 2 ccats ycr wold, miaimom tccicg logciar accooclc, OU dccci- Vac Novo gcl ImmwUalo lccoka The rclo for Ciccdacd Adcollicom 25 caela. ExcoyC ic lto caco oe italo Sade alo ycyotio oackaly Ic cdrccco. Romomtor Clacoiaado ia lto West FOR SALE--Ttlcc Scl toilcm tociia Ayyiy Oliver, 16lt ccd Waterfront. WANTED TO RIUCT -- Picao (ol Jciy ccd Acgxol. Goad calo lctoc of same. Apply Box 7, West Vcc News.TO RENT -- Pcrcictod tcdroom for lwo over Honytclc Post Ogicc. Mocil arranged. Phone West 3781 WANTED -- Ttacc loom Icaariotcd models coffcgo near tocct, Joly ccd Aogocl, Iwck $30. Pkocc High. 1170R after 8:30. FOR SALE--Rhode Iaiacd Rcd Pel- lets, R.O.P. Clock, IO weeks. Pckis Dockc, 3 weeks. N. Rodgolc, 24lt cod Marine Drive. HEADGUARTERS for AR the Poy- slcr Cigclcffoc, Totcccoc, acd Fmt- isg Gadgets for local wclclc. Am- tiocido Tca Rooml. 50 FOOT LOT--15lt acd IcgiowowL Ctccy for cash. Mcloc'c Tlomdcr, 1438 Bcnovac. Phone West 178. No. I LNSIDE FIR 8600 ycc Card. Aiao good slabs cad null rcs. For Uaiilod ffcw olw cold id wood wii1 be gives free lo lto yomos sending ix wwcl orders. Phone Blair'a, West 290. CHIMNEYS acd Fcrcccco Clccxod- AU tmlt wOrk. Phone West 4871k WANTED--Three or four loom mod- ern coffcgo, some fcrcilcro, reason- able reel lo permanent Coaxal. Ap- ply Box 9, West Vcc News. FOL'ND--Oc Icgicwood tclwccc 22mi acd 23rd Streets yciv CI glasses m Black csee. Ptoso West 2581kLOST--Ctcmoic glove. Phoae Weel 187Y. SNAP--Ncw Racgcllo 530JWI Bcdio Licenses issued here. North Stole Radio-EIcclril, 1439 iÃadco Drive. Phone North 81. FORD, 1980 COACH--I.caving town, must sell. No good oKer refused. North 914. FOR RENT--Fico rooms yarliy Icr- mltod, modern, Srcyiccc, ako Iocc- lion scar tocck, $17 00 Phone West 265X. 1430 ARGYLE AVENUE, To Rmaa- Part CI houlc 8 doors from larry wharf, modern, 7 rooms on alai Soon Iow rent for entire ccccoa. Garage Some Iovcilcrc Ayyiy Owner ox premises. CHIMNEY SIVEEPING -- Ptoco ILPalmer, North 811R2. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Raaw kioaco Phono Weal ZIIK SHO)VER The forthcoming marriage of Miss Dorothy Humphreys to Mr. Ernest Granger wss the raison d'tre for a charmingly-arrang- ed miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. George H. Faulknor at her home on Gordon Avenue in honor of the bridewlect, Wed- nesday afternoon last. To the strains of Lohengrin's "Wedding March," played by Mrs. Harry Johnson, the guest of honor entered the living-room attired for the occasion in lovely old, mid-Victorian wedding fin- ery. Her dainty bonnet, trim- med with pink rosebuds and fast- ened beneath the chin by 8 large bow of ribbon in matching hue, was worn by another bride some 90 years ago; and she carried an old-fashioned bouquet of rose- buds fragrant with reminiscin- ces of another day and age. Es- corted by the "groom" (acted in particularly realistic manner by the hostess) who was resplend- ent in tall silk hat and swallow tail coat, the bride was seated in the place of honor while the pretty ceremony of presenting the gifts was enacted. A grocery wagon, bearing a decorated box containing the many gifts and driven by two daintily-frocked little girls -- Beverley Jean Brown and Lorraine Hibberd- was slowly drawn into the room by Masters David Wintle and Lawrence ProvenciaL After the gifts were opened and displayed, Mrs. George Brea- ley rendered a pleasing vocal solo, while Mrs. Skirton enter- tained the guests with a delight- fully animated recitation. A humorous, original reading by Nrs. F. Ritz was also a much ap- preciated diversion. A silver basket of talL pink carnstions mirrored in a Veneti- an centrepiece, decorated the daintily-appointed tea table on which also reposed a lovely pink and white bridal cake. Mrs. H. P Humphrevs and Mnz J A. Davis presided at the tea urns, snd acting as serviteurs were, Miss Alice Humphreys, ihirs. John Blair, hire, Charles Wintle and Mrs. I'rovenciaL About forty-six friends were present. REFINED GIRL, 18, dcoiroc ycditm in store, mind ctiid or light tooxo- work. dood lcfelcaccc. Ayyiy Box 17, West Vcs News.While not 8 B.-I. member or ever likely to become one, I must confess I do not like to read the ridicule that is being poured by some on their theories. To laugh, for instance, at their statement that the Russians mounted on horses will invade Palestine is simply ridiculing the Bible, where one of the old pro- phets--I forget which--distinct- ly writes of that very event, and we know that history so far has no records of any such in- vasion. IVhile not much of a Christian, I have a very great respect for the Word of God, which is either the Word of God or most outrageous blasphemy. Incidentally, horse transport, I might inform those who do not know, is the only kind possible over the Lebanon mountains, which are impassable to motor vehicles. If you don't believe this, ask the British Wsr Of- fice, RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN clcdc work by dcy or hour or calo Ior children ovonmgc Please ytoao Well 642X. FOR SALE--$4200.00 Higt Class Six room house. Large Iol, cxccylioaai- Iy good view. John Lawaoc, West 56 WELDING -- Waxticg Mcdricwa Lcwc xwwctx, cayltlag is laclciix. Fcrccco mycilc, Ccl csd gravel roofing. Barrcvd Sheet Mclci Works Ptoco North 34K FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Lcsdaccyisg cad Lawns Icid. Rect wana. dlcisc, septic tanks, fcacixg csd land dealing, ckkcoeyc cad Iarccccc cicccod aod rcyckmk Phono T. Bclsoll, rcxidcaco phone West 2901k LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Exycviccccd criit OU makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." WOCC Vcncoc- vor Machine Stay, 1449 Mcliac. PAINTING, KALSOMLa(ING. PA- PERING. C. L Kosiagc, West 304R TO RENT-6 rome models tocoo. Good garden. Number of good Inril Clooa Convenient iocclioc, $2IL00. Apply Jota Lcwloa. Weel 65. It is most sincerely to be hoped that the subject of emi- gration will be mast thoroughly thrashed out st the coming Eco- nomic Conference in Ottavla. Nothing has caused us more grief than our emigration policy in the past, which has saddled us with the Oriental snd Douka- bor problems amongst others. Long ago we should have estab- lished the principle that none should be admitted of races with whom marriage is unthinkable. This is nothing against such races, but even mother nature appears to be opposed, for in- stance, unions between the Nor- dic peoples and the Chinese A United Press correspondent has at last given to the world the truth about that little French girl, "The Maid of Arm- entiers," who was so celebrated in song. She was the bravest of us all, it appears, for she slap- ped a real general's face right in front of his stafF. None of us ever thought of committing such sacrilege anywhere, but I much regret; I lvas not on his staiI at the time, for there is move satis- faction in forcibly concealed laughter than any other in view of the laugh one can indulge in afterwards. 61ARCELLB SHOP -- Maaccna 50 caela; reset, 354; anger wave, '164. Phone klla. King, Wall 804. BOARD AND RESIDS ICE -- 15it csd Bcncvcc, cccl (cavy. Rclca cl Clxclicc. Phone West 468L WE EAVE TEN OF THB CHEAP- EST LOTS in Weal Vaccocvcc- Some cioac in. Sure money-makers in near Iclovo. John Lawaoa, West Ma FOR SALE ol EXCHANGB -- Ia lto City, cosy 6 room bccgciow (cclco $2400) lccuccc tocac, garage, frail Clooc. Full plumbing. I lola. Nico Iocclioa. Phoae Weal 66. Tate Carccgic'o advice cwe Bcy Acreage in c vices with c Iclcva Acacogo is goad Ioccliosa from $50 cy. Apply John Lcwxon, Wccl 5K Geo. Hay iNOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LVSURANCE Iaao klanco Ddco Pkoco 'Ieaol \I or Scymocl 1340 Elasixga lVOCC 304X Johnny, ten years old, applied for a job as grocery boy for the summer. The grocer wanted a serious-minded youth, so he put Johnny to a little test. "IVCIL my boy, what would you do with a million dollars1" he asked. OOh, gee, I don't know--I was not expecting so much at the start." GORDON ROBSON Barrister A Soikksl IVFST VANCOUVER- OSICO No. 1447, tiadco Dctw phone lvocc aat VANCYIUVER OFFICE-- Suite 8 isa 610 Hcllicga Sl. W. Ptonc, Soymocv 4190. Don t forget the Swim»»g Club Dance. The matter of the fioat at Eagle Island was laid over by the council for reply from 81rs. Stalker, the clerk to communi- cate with Mr. Fitch ro repairs. Don't forget the Swimming Club Dance. CLASSIFIED ADS