West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jun 1932, p. 4

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 3, 1032 t~ w ro ..'tr cr 'scr roar 'rAtcr t, cr~~vwv rrl r rro wrc c'srtt«- c I 8 rsthr" v trrro ..cioi o,'c s . «ir ov rro 'cwc's ~-~ .~ ~ . r'herrv! '\". rh ~ rvc oYr vvr t r'rr'Vw'rr ro crr r c -rrrrrrrrr 'r'r vrrr» V 'rrr r 'rr rerrro rr r cc/r rr HOLLYBURN THEATREOn display 'till Monday, June 6 lzhndscape Architect Otchwt lo hws oci ~ u. ~ i C 4 otr4otoc. Msshoo Nsllowl hoot4covo Practically all of the annual flower plants may be started from seed in the spring and will provide satisfactory flower and foliage ei?sets the same season.'n the Pacific Coast the seeds may be sown outdoors, although earlier results will be obtained by starting the seeds in 0 cold frame a month or so earlier than they can be safely sown out- doors. Another advantage of starting the plants oif earlier is that they will have become bet- ter established before the real dry summer weather comes 0- long. The seed to be planted should be fresh, and, in order to be sure of this, it is best to purchase it from a reliable seed store. The seed of many of the annual plants may be sown where the plants are to be perm- anently located, although moat of them will be benefited by one or two transplantings as it devel- opes 0 much better root system. However, a very few do not stand transplanting well. Later on we will tell about them and their treatment. Seeds of annual plants should be sown in a well prepared light mellow soil in a location protect- ed from drying winds. If the soil is not mellow and fine some of the seeds will not be able to break through the top crust. Unlike mature plants, the seed FRIDAY ssd SATURDAY June Srd hsd 4th beds should be sprinkled light- ly rather than drenched. Those who sre not familiar with the appearance of the young plants and would have difficulty in telling them apart from weeds should ylant the seed In rows, removing all plants which come up between the rows. Each row of seed should be properly labeled showing the name, date of sowing, and the approximate germination period. The seeils of some plants germ- inate in three or four day», others take much longer, so by indicating on the label the ap- proximate germination period, you are not so likely to be disap- pointed if seeds requiring two weeks to germinate don't come up in three or four days. We have known friends to plant seeds requiring several months for germination to be very much disappointed and upset because the plants didn't make their ap- pearance in a few days. A little information on the subject, which they could have easily se- cured, would have saved them much disappointment. worn--vh wit iso~it ~ v4 ot C ~ cs Vowtios cooostolcc iho C C c lc this cotoscc. Vho Illlwilooc h 41 ho Al stood lo ih wic lo coco ol tho Qltw. Vho ~os co vill cWooc lc co whir lotos oc ii ~ v owl r vlv ls stool S ~ ~ to twl, wumvvte swi o 4wo chwhi ho occl srh Side Show Wiib WINNIE LIGIITNER ssd CHARLFB BUTTE R- W ORTII. The Snappy Caballero A rollicking rvmhstiv comody is mass i Scout color photo. Zvspbr wiib Benny Ruble. One of the Smiths A comedy wiib Cksriia Chase hsd Tbvima Todd. Movie Mad biucicsi Cartoon. Fox News DUROID ROOFS and Siding at 2458 Marine Drive DUNDARAVE New Colors New Designs We bsvo soi been showing 4 news reel for sometime be- cause we could sot obtain an early iccsc but we sow bsvv secured isno only three wvvkc old. This will be shows here every Friday ssd Saturday.SIDNEY ROOFING & PAPER CO., LTD. Applicator R. S. CRIPPS West 88R Representative FRANK FINDLAY West 458 L MONDAY and TUESDAY Jusv Sib asd 7th PAIDhlAN Oil TRAIN PURSUED 2,000 hlILES TO COhIPLETE AUSTRALIAN CALL CORRESPONDENCE JOAN CRAWFORD, ROB- ERT ARMSTRONG asd many other popular stars in a pic- ture which sot s better than usual rsiisx by sfl the critics. Dear Mr. Editor: In these times of stress and worry it seems to me that wel- fare and relief organizations have overlooked a simple but adequate method of relieving the needy. The elevators are full to overflowing with wheat, thousands of tons of skim milk are being thrown away, and yet these two articles of diet are all that are necessary, not only to sustain life, but with the addi- tion of vegetables, to furnish a well rounded meal for any fam- ily. Cooked whole wheat with muk make a dish yar excellence for adults and children, and with these abundant and cheap why should anyone go hungry? Instead of direct relief in money, may I suggest to the Reeve, that all who apply for help be oi?ered all the wheat and'kim milk (whole milk for the children) that they can use,-- and then he can retire at night feeling that at least an oppor- tunity has been given to the hungry to satisfy their immedi- ate need. Yours truly, ONE WHO EATS WHEAT AND DRINKS SKDI MILK A telephone call for Australia, placed by a man in Vancouver prior to his deyarture for the east, was completed after long- distance operators had pursued him 2,000 miles across Canada to Schreiber, Ontario. On Friday, February 26, R. W. G. hIacKay, of Sydney, Austra- lia, placed a call in Vancouver to his wife in Sydney. The Aus- tralian service is not available to this continent during week- ends. Consequently, hIr. Mac- Kay left Vancouver by train on Sunday without having talked to Australia, but as he was still anxious to go through with the call, his progress across the con- tinent wss followed by the long- distance service. It wss arrang- ed that he would talk from Fort William at 6:60 a.m., Wednes- day, but when this failed plans were made to reach him at Schreiber, Ontario. There, through the c~pera- tion of the C.P.R. and the Fort IVilliam Public Utilities, the call was finall put through. There is no regular telephone service between Schreiber and Fort Wil- liam, a distance of 133 miles, but the C.P.R. made use of a pair of its broadcast wires at Schrei- ber and a pair of test trunks be- tween the Fort William station and the Fort William telephone exch'ange, to establish the con- nection. At 11:04 a.m., IVednesday, just before the train arrived at Schreiber, New York was noti- fied. At 11:19 hir. MacKay came to the telephone in the chief despatcher's office, and at 11:24 commenced his conversation, which lasted for three minutes. He then re-boarded the train snd continued his journey. It was then Thursday in Australia, and hfrs. MacKay was sailing for Vancouver on the liner Aor- angi that afternoon. The transmission was very good, neither Mr. hiacKay nor his wife having to repeat any of their conversation. Voices on this call travelled about 16,000 miles. The call was routed via Fort William, Duluth, Chicago, and New Yorli, on this continent; by radio to London, England, and by a second radio circuit to Sydney, Australia. PRAISES LOCAL SERVICE Passing I'arade An industrious reporter for a Detroit newspaper wss getting his expense voucher cashed at the cashier's window in his of- fice. "Gosh!" he remarked to the cashier, "but I'm leg weary." "Leg weary," said the cashier contemptuously. "Why, report- ers these days don't know what it is to be leg weary. All you do is ride around on your assign- ments in automobiles. In the old days reporters had to walk and very often run." "You misunderstand me," re- plied the reporter. "When I said leg weary I didn't mean from standing on 'em. I meant from looking at 'em." Traffic Tangles Comedy. Moaarchs BI the Field Grasusnd Rice Sporulsbt. Movie Mad "I sm going back to England with a very high opinion of your telephone service," said H. G. L. Prynne, of hIitchell Grain, Ltd., London, England, during a rec- ent visit to Vancouver. During his stay in Vancouver Mr. Prynne telephoned to J. W. Mitchell of the same finn in connection with a business mat- ter. This call proved very satis- factory, he said. He also had oc- casion to place many other telephone calls while he was here, and he expressed himself as being highly delighted with the whole service. Musical Cartoon. All Around the Town Scenic with music ssd dia- logue. JUNE 10th and 11th- "BAD GIRL" with SALLY EILERS htsd JAdiES UUNNBASEBALL Indians Take Game from IVest Van. Playing before s large crowd at Ambleside Park the )Vest Van boys sui?ered their second set- back in as many starts when they lost to the league leading Squamish Iidians 8 to 6. It was a good game to watch with plenty of action and both teams fighting hard all the wsy. Mosher pitched for the braves while Ab Cripys who has been playing ball on the prairies the last couple of seasons, went the route for the local team. Abbie has a good assortment and keeps the hits confined to the infield. Although the boys lack the ex- perience of the other teams they are trying hard and it will take a few games before they adjust themselves to senior company. On Monday night 1Vest Van will be st home to the Native Sons. West Van Juniors Take First Game from Native Sons Playing good ball behind the pitching of Tommy Neill the West Van Juniors won the open- ing game of the Junior Division 7 to 4 last Tuesday at Mahon Park. B C. Electric Stores n O o cvhts NORTH SHORE POLICE FAIL TO EQUAL PAST SCORE Offer North Shore's entry in the Dominion championship revolver competition piled up a score of 1320 in the B.C. final shoot at Capilano Revolver Range Friday afternoon. This is twenty-seven points less than the team scoredin'he contest which won the provincial title for the North Shore. Individual scores in the sever- al competitions were: Sergt. G. Cauld, 276; Constable Jake Young, 292; Constable Walter Bowling, 263; Sergt. Charles Gurr, 216; Constable Charles Hailstone, 274. A s ttt tth D inion organization was on hand to supervise the shoot at the conclusion of which targets were forwarded to Montreal to be checked up with scores of cham- pionship teams of the other eight provinces of Canada. Free Wiring with all ELECTRIC RANGES installed before July 15 Now ic the time io adopt electric evok- ing for your home! 8 G Electric stores vlfer FREE WIRING with every electric vaszo cold between sow snd July Id. Tbic saving coupled with tba Iow prices ssd very easy terms el?or rou ~ cavisz that cbould soi be passed up. That Is, if ros want evok- ing comfort, for electric cooking I ~ the lash word is care-free, accurate cookins. Asa'iociriccooking ic clean--your uicnsuc stay be ssctd without ccniscttsg the vnxbtcci cmudev. Tblc viimisaics hn actonlcblss amount of ccrapmz ssd scouriss. Eiccivie caokinz ic vconosslcsI, ico. Vancouver's 7000 electric vanzv owners'iyc average Ic por meal Pcr Pvrcos. Go io your West vancouver B. C. Elec- tric aicvv ssd look over the sassy glcstslss, graceful stadols on display ssd cboocv ikc one fvr your home. Prices were never lower! The Easiest of Terms! 6 4 down, the balance in small monthly payments. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 0 Bhzed Trail Heavy Stranger (returning to theatre between the acts): "Did I tread on your toes as we went out?" Seated Man (grimly): "You did, sir." Heavy Stranger (to wife): 'That'0 right, Matilda, this is our place." Two. Edged Compliment "Mummy, isn't that monkey like grandpa?" "Hush, darling! You musn't say things like that." "But the monkey can't under- stand, can he, mummy?" Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies BRITIIH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD. GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTT, rrrrrrrrr srr 'rr rrr rr V'