0001 ln? bint ol I June 3, 1932 THE WEST VAN NEWS ant )lj Cg Bavka la gas ve vdlb Ig milk amag 0 nate , add a IA 1st. t iabad nt Fma) iib the salt Hnl I tabb. add the Ia, Add this aml tbn agg sr. Rail gg, ilaw I bread- tlala iai id fi? in Inml Ibat sallal aa I that bi the lian'$ ;ler IIt?k Bal Irta asf IIL'aa ncv 1 veer ~is&~+ ~ TAILORING DRY CLEANING aItb PRESSING Local and Personal Your Favorsc TOBACCOM. WILLIAMS Vice-Adnnral Caulfedd son of Francis Caulfeild, is expecfed pay a short visit here in AugusL He wss a visitor in West Vancou- ver about twenty-three years sgo. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Bnd hire. J. G. Fiddes and family have moved from 2317 King's Ave., into a house st 2257 lnglewood Ave. c c ~ A recital by the pupils of Mrs. Clara IVBson wiB be given at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday, 15th June, in the Women's Building, Van- couver. Miss Hilda Wilson will be the assisting artiste. ~ c \ Mrs. G. bL Sheffield, 1012 20th Street, has moved into her new home at 21st and Mathers Avenue. c hire. Smiley of the Queen Charlotte Islands, has purchased property on 26th and Ottawa Avenue. c c c hir. and birs. J. E. Harker, 22nd and Inglewood, have moved into the Burling house at 26th and bfathers Ave. The swimming tank has been brought round from Eagle Har- bor to Dundarave pier. c ~ George Archer 1084-11th St. has left with three other com- panions to engage in mming in the Cariboo. A bush fire occurred last Mon- day evening at 12th and Duch- ess Ave. The brigade turned out and put the fire out, no damage being done. hIr. and birs. Clement and two children, of Portland, Oregon, were the guests last week end of Mr. Clement's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bulkley, 26th and Bellevue Ave. Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold another of their popular card parties next Tuesday, J'une 7th, at 9 p.m. in the Masonic HalL The Home Economic classes of West Vancouver Schools will hold their Annual Display in the High School Auditorium on Fri- day June 17th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Ashort program will be given and tea will be served. All inter- ested are welcome. Silver collec- tion. The next regular meetmg of the L.O.L. will take place next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall. ~ v c Mr. and Mrs. Gilinore of Van- couver, have taken a cottage st 23rd snd Marine Drive. Mrs. Gilmore as Misa Swan is well known as a vocalist among radio fans. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson and friends of Vancouver, have rent- ed the Page home st 2460 Belle- vue Avenue. The municipal board of works have started this week to clear the beach of stumps at Amble- slile. ~ ~ ~ hfrs. H. G. Selwood, 23rd and NeLson Ave,, entertained last Friday afternoon in honor of Miss hiargaret P. McLeod, who recently secured her B.A. degree at the U.B.C. The Misses Joan and Betty Gourlay, nieces of the hostess, assisted in serving. ~ ~ ~ c George Baldwin, 1413 22nd Street, had the misfortune to fall while working on the United Church tennis court last Tues- day, sustaining injuries to his back snd head. ~ ~ Norman Rodgers, who has been a patient in Shaughnessy hfilitary Hospital, has returned to his home at 24th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ v An attempt to scale biount Cheam near Agassiz was made over the week end by three West Vancouver boys. Cyril Howarth, Clifford Groom and Charles Mc Gowsn, who composed the party, started from Popkim at the base of the mountain, but were forced to give up within three hundred feet of the top after climbing steadily for seven hours. The peak is almost impossible to climb at this season of the year owing to the soft snow, which lies at a very steep angle, the badness of the going rendering the use of ropes necessary prac- tically the whole way up. The boys, however, intend to make another attempt in July, when snow conditions will be better. hIount Chasm is approximately 8,000 feet above sea level. v ~'irebroke out last Sunday at a house at Copper Cove, but the flames had burst. through the roof before the conilagation was noticed by the occupants, who were on the beach. The fire bri- gade rushed out, but were un- able under the circumestsnces to save the building from becoming a total loss. ~ v v The name of hiorris Williams, the well known West Vancouver tailor, was inadvertently omitted by us last week from the list of Old Timers who signed the roll at the Municipal Hall. ~ ~ hir. Bnd hfrs. Parnham and family have moved from 24th and Ottawa Ave., into a house at 17th and Inglewood Ave. ~ ~ A lire occurred last Tuesday at noon at the home of Mr. Bnd hfrs. A, G. Fry, 2264 Inglewood Ave. The fire brigade made s quick run and saved the build- ing, some slight damage being done to the roof. ~ ~ Mrs. E. S. Pearce of Port Haney, who formerly resided in West Vancouver, is the guest of bIr. Bnd Mrs. J. NcEwan, 718 15th Street. ~ \ ~ hfr. Bnd Nrs. T, Herman and family, 2433 Bellevue Avenue, have moved to Vancouver. ~ v ~ Mr .and Mrs. C. F. Powell of Dundarave, have purchased the Culbard house at 22nd snd Hay- wood Avenue. 1568 Marine Drive Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L tn halF.Pound Ibvn ~t standard pvicea. Cemmill's Drug Store The Bta ~ aa Bcvvma Iaa2 Mcvtsa PHva West ZT F cvzc r Pa West 221 (After S P.va,) I.l..r . NEWS A very enjoyable evening was hsd by all who attended the I.L. P. Whist Drive in the Orange Hell last Friday, Nay 27th. Thomas Russell spoke for ten minutes after the cards, after which refreshments were served. The evening fmished with danc- ing. The prize winners were: Ladies first, Mrs. R. J. Morris; Ladies Sealed Number, Mrs. Jessop. Gentlemen's first, J. Tite; Gentlemen's Sealed Num- ber, T. Irwin. The draw prize was won by J. Tite, who kindly donated it to the I.L.P. Funds. The next I.L.P. Whist Drive will be held in the Orange Hall on Friday, June 10th. The usual prizes. Celery, Creole Style I cup diced celery, I tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion, 2 teaspoons finely chopped green pepper, 113 cup canned tomatoes. IJn cup boiling water, 1/3 teaspoon salt. Put celery in saucepan with boiling water and boil 10 min- utes or until tender. Melt butter mdu onion, salt and pepper, and~ ok slowly 6 minutes and stir m the tomatoes, sdd celery anil cook the entire mixture 10 to 15 minutes longer. Judge: "Speeding, eh? How many times have you been be- fore me?" Speeder: "Never, your Honor.I'e tried to pass you on the road once or twice, but my bus will do only 65." The BURRARD LAUNDRY For People Who Are Particuktr THIRD BT aad BT OAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Amblesigle Sheet MetalVVorks tAUBIE SPECK, Pcasvlctav 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING COCOS ISLAND TREASURE HUNT It is reported that the party on Cocos Island have obtained steady signals from the metalo- phone over an ares 18 feet by 12 feet, this area being situated in the bed of one of two branch- es of a rapid stream. It is sup- posed this may prove to be the location of the Devonshire treas- ure, indications above the spot pointing, it is said, to the fact that the stream had at some time previously been diverted into the other channel. A form- er expedition according to re- ports took bearings from the banks there and drove a tunnel missing the area in question by 9 feet. SUNDAY VISITORS'AY AT KEW BATHING BOATING FISHING Siration's BAKERY For Auto Repairs Gas, Oils, Accessories Bca CHUCK CHAPSIAN at BREAD -- CAKES All Kmds of Tea Bread. Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Eccles Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 bIARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery wiU calL MARINE MOTORS B.C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETYK.W. Savory A Provincial Council was formed to represent the differ- ent branches of the B. C. Scot- tish Country Dance Society, on Monday, May 30th, at the home of Mrs. Bingham, Vancouver. ~ Those elected to office were ss follows: President: Mrs. Thos. Bingham. Vice Pres.: Thos. D. Stark. Secretary: H. P. Wyness. Treasurer: Thos. Ralston. Committee: Geo. W. Grant, Thos Bingham, IVm. Fiddes, Donald Davidson, John Nylsnd. 1443 hiarine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 SWIhlhllNG CI,UB DANCE TOMORROW NIGHT The IVest Vancouver Swim- ming Club is giving a dance to- morrow (Saturday) evening in the Hollyburn Pavilion. Danc- ing will take place from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m., and the music vadil be supplied by George Griffin and his 7-piece orchastra. Ad- mission, 50 cents. N. R. ELLIS Sedan decks, 88 - 810 Linoleum laid, 121ac 27trd. Upholstering. Res. Phone: West 184RReal Estate Finance and Insurance A land girl called on a farmer in response to an advertisement for a shepherd, and oifered her 'ervices. "No, no, my lassie." said the old farmer, "I advertised for a shepherd not s shepherdemL" "I know that, but surely there is no reason why the work should not be undertaken by a woman'?" "Well. a woman once tried it, snd made a mess of it." "Who was shel" Bo-Peep! answered the farmer. NAY WEATHER BETTER Vancouver had less rainfall and more sunshine during May than usual, according to the monthly report issued by Nr. E. B. Shearman of the Dominion Meteorological Service of Can- Ii&l a. Bright sunshine during the month totalled 246 hours 18 minutes, as compared with the twenty-six year average of 231 hours. The rainfall was 1.34 inches as compared with 2.62. Total rainfall for the year to date is 31.16 inches, which is 6.65 above the average. The warmest day was on May 29 when the mercury touched 7'l.6, and the mean temperature was 66,1, nearly two degrees a- bove the average. blAY DAY I'RI7E CohlbilTTEE The Nay Day Prize Commit- tee regrets not having included the following donors in their lists previously published. V. Findlay of the Sidney Roof- ing Co. Ltd., makers of DuroiD Roofing--Balloons to the child- ren in the parade. F. J. hIoore, 22nd Street Store --Prize. The second in the race for 5 snd under was won by Jack Nac- Aulay and not Jack Bingham. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgv. Distinctive Funeral Service "a Lady Assistant 22a - are Bi. K. I'hone North 42S ~ DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Dont forget the Swunmmg Club Dance. HOME - MADE CANDY Ice Crena aad Bait Dclnaa satb cad Phase Raiicvue Want 7 WEST VANCOUVER SWIMMING CLUB it givbtg a Dance .""'""C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14ih and hiarlne Expert Work I'hone West 135 Christina Dowal wrote the council regarding the repair of a lane behind her property. She was advised that the council had at present no funds available for the opening of lanes. I, 6 HOLLYBURN PAVILION Dancing 8.)0 io I 1.)0 pm. George Gciflln' Lpace~a Admission Soc. %V. L. OGDEN Co bv'est746 MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY BOYS'LAYALLS and COVERALLS a lt Plain and Fancy Styles, for 3 io l0 years. SEE WINDOW 98c each & vvv ~ r »rr