0001 rvvAvr x Acv Arr Av'AVVA C A AC is vc v& v AA wrr I A'wvcr r"» c w rir~,c crom c o ~ww w C»WW»Accc'. f c;cr ' '4'vrr g'oc I»r'rcicw cc'c to c cowrp r c e- rr."~'cvvr * r'rv 'r V ~ vrr 'r 'VVA'«r rvvh~vvr r» ~ rr 'c rv rrv r'»r ' vsvvrrv vrc . rrr rw Vv vvcrvrrvvvVV~vv 'cvvr'»vAv rrcrvv -vr vr vvrVA»r~v vr vrr vr vr c v v'r gave yoli sv'vv stopysd io compose s well established Beauty Salon with o vbssp cut- Prios shop I Do just that sod you'l protect your hair tram being ruined by iooxpoviooss, sod inferior pro- docia Sicom or OU VI'svvs.... $5.00 Sommov's Natural ..., 36.60 Specially vscommsodsd for wbiio ond biosobod hair. Gftjendoljftt Beauty Shoppe (540 igsvioo Drive Phone I(Vest 117 St.Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2558 Marin Dr. FRIDAY--7:30 p.m., Devotions. 8:00 p.m., Confessions. (Children ) SATURDAY--7:30 p.m., Con- fessions (Adults). SUNDAY--8I45a.m., Holy Mass Sermon. I:30 p.m., Sunday School. 2:30 p.m., Devotiona WEEK DAYS--7:15 a.m., Hoh'ass. United Church Minister, E. A, Henry, DJ). Sunda!. June 5th, 1932. Sunday School meets at 10:00 a,m, Public Worship at 10 a.m. Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "Stir Up Your Gift." Public Worship at 7:15 p.m. Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "The Ear That Hears." The Young People's Associa- tion meet for Badminton on Monday evening. Ths Tennis Court Is on the way to comple- tion snd should be one of the best when the new clay top har- dens. Next )Vednesdsy, Dr. Henry will conclude the study of Stan- ky Jones'ook, "The Christ of the 5Iount.w )Ve meet from 8 to 9. The closing meeting for the season of the Women's Associa- tion will be on Tuesday after- noon st 2:16. The Session will meet on Mon- day evening at 8 o'lock at the residence of Dr. Henry. The closing service of Dr. Henry's pastorate vvill be on June 26th. His induction into the charge at Victoria will be on Thursday evening, June 30th. Arrangements for the induc- tion in this parish will be an- nounced very shortly. On Friday evening, June 10th, in our church auditorium, Miss Beatrice Hodgson will give a farewell recital before her de- parture for Europe. A native born daughter of B. C. s)fn hss;brought honor to West Vancouver by being a- warded the travelling scholar- ship in violin. Our church is in- vited to join with the rest of the community in giving Miss Hodgson a full house. The bowlers are on the wsr path. Sometimes they win and sometimes they do not but they are sll good sports. They invite the co-operation of sll interested in this ancient pastime. Four teams are going next Saturday to West Point Grey in one of the Lower Mainland Com- petitions. Thus friendships spread from our own lawn to Greater Vancouver. 'he June meeting of the United Church ihIissionsry Soci- ety will be of a very special character. In the first place it ?ril not be held in the Church Hall but at the home of EIrs. O'Donnell who hss very kindly oifered it for the purpose. Next it will not be on the regular date but n week earlier--June 14th, at 2:15 in the afternoon. Dr. Stobie, a returned missionary from 5(snchuris, will give an in- formal talk upon that most int- eresting country when she will appear in lifsnchurisn costume. Also she will have quite 0 num- ber of curios on display. There will be special music nnd refreshments nnd altogeth- er a most delightful time is an- ticipated. In connection with this meet- ing there will be s shower of bed snd table linen, towels, wash clothes, etc., to be given to mis- sionary schools, hospitals and so on in our own province. The shower last year was most gen- erous snd called forth the very grateful thanks of our mission- ary committee. It is hoped that this year's ej?ort will be equally great for the need is even great- er The convener of the Supply Committee would like to have sll the sewing finished and returned at this meeting. Work for roll call "Prayer." )V. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held at the home of jtIiss Philip, 23rd snd Belle- vue, on Thursday, June 9th, at 2:15 p. m. )Vifl all members en- lesvor to be present. this being the last meeting before the sum- mer vacation. Taught His Lesson Shet "Have you ever hsd 0 lesson by correspondencer'ei "You bet! I never write to women now." FREE Range Wiring North Shore Electric 1439 Marine Drive West 61 Estsbiisbsd on North Shove 20 Years. (Lsdy Asdtstsnt) HhRRON BROS. & bVILLIAMSON funeral 9rrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Nerjjjs Psbiishsd Every Pvidsy Psbiisbsv F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssissss ssd Editovisl Ogksi 17th siwl Idllriss Drive (Next to Hokybors P. O.) Phone West 363 Mail Addrossi P.O. Box Si, Hokybevn, ILC. 81.00 s year by sorriest 82.00 s yssr by maiL Don't forget the Swimming Club Dance. The matter of the sign on D. L. 582, Block "B,w parking pro- hibited by order of the Police, wss referred to the engineer. WEST VANCOUVER oYw Members of the Young Wom- en's Christian Temperance Union will hold their monthly business meeting next Tuesday, June 7th, at 8 p.m. at the home of Miss H. Green, 20th snd Marine Drive. There will be no regular busi- ness meetings during July and August. Will all members make a spec- ial effqrt to attend this meeting. THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CH(IRCH EDIFICE 20th ssd Eseoimsii, Houybova This Society is ~ Branch ot Tbo Moibsr Cbovsb Tho Pivot Church ot Christ, So!sot!st, In Boston, Msssscbosstis Sunday Services ii:80 o.m. snd 7:80 F.m. Sunday, June 5, 1932, Subject: "GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOIP'unday School at 10:00 am. Testimony Mooting Wednesday at 8iis p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 FIaywood Ave. Sunday, June 5th, 1932. 10 s.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class. 11 s.m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach at both services. topic, "The Challenge of Missions." Brief address to the children. ihIiss Gertrude Thompson will sing. The ordinance of the Lord' Supper will be observed. 7:36 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "The Harvest of Mis- sions." This service will be of special interest to all those interested in Missions. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.--Monthly meeting Women's Mission Circle Pastor will bring a message on Home Missions. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer nnd praise. We study the International B.S, Lesson for June 12HIr Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday, 8 p.m. -- Missionary Birthday Tea. Address by Rev. H. Knox snd Mrs. Boyer. Silver collection for support of native worker. A cordial invitation to all. The Baptist Church Women' Mission Circle will celebrate their Eighth Anniversary on Friday, June 10th, at 8 o'lock in the Church. A good program hss been arranged. Rev. Henry Knox of First Baptist Church, Vancouver, snd Mrs. Boyer will be the speakers. A silver collection will be taken towards support of Indian students, There will also be a display of White Cross work for India. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev J W Cuddeford Phone N 1107. Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sunday School, also Adult Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Church 1Vorship. Sermon subject, "The Evolu- tion of 0 Saint." A companion sermon to last week', "The Evolution of n Sinner." This sermon by request. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer meeting. Friday, 8 p.m. -- Choir Prac- tice at Mrs. 5fartyn's. N. Williamson applied to the council for 0 dance hall license for Hollyburn Pavilion. He was informed that the council was not in favor of granting 0 public dance hall license, but that, if he desired to appear before them they would bo pleased to hear any suggestions he had to ol?ei. Hollyburn Hall 14th and Duchess SUNDAY, JUNE 5th at 7:!IO p.m. Gi(LSPEI, ADDRESS Speaker: 51R. J. C. DUNS WEDNF&DAY, JUNE 8th, at 8 p.m l,ecture by hlR. ED)VIN J. THAR)', for 30 years missionary in Manchuria Subject: "51ANCHURIA AND THE CHINESE CRISIS" A hearty invitation to all St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, I.,S.T. 2nd Sunday after Trinity-- June 6th, 1932. 8 s.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m. -- ihfsin Division of Sunday School. 11:15 a.m. -- Primary Dept. of Sunday School. 11:15 s.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. The annual Flower Service is to be held at 10 a.m. on Sunday June 19th. The Scouts meet at 7 p.m. on Monday nights, the Senior Cubs on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and the Junior Pack on Wednesdays at 6:45. The Trail Rangers and Tuxis Groups on Fridays at 7:30 --all in the Parish Hall. The latter groups did very well in the recent National Athletic meet si, Brockton Point. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the A.Y.P.A. banquet last Monday. The toast list in- cluded the King, the Church, snd the A.Y.P.A. Speeches were made by J. Walker, of the Pro- vincial Council; Past President, S. Lettner; President Elect Miss P. Besvis; songs by Mrs. W. R. Clarke, N. Sewell, nnd G. McKill were sung during the program. Dancing snd games concluded an enjoyable evenmg. How about camp this year? You know there is no place )ust like Artsbsn. The Rev. G. And- rews of Honan, China, snd the Rev. A. H. Priest will be there July 11th to 18th. The Women's Guild of the Anglican Theological College is holdings its annual Garden Party on Wednesday, June 15th, from 8 to 6 p.m. on the College grounds. A silver tes will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Dickinson, 780 14th and Esquimslt, under the auspices of the Girls'ranch of St. Stephen's W. A„Wednes- day, June 8th, at 3:30 p.m. Proceeds toward the W. A. fund. G. N. Cave wrote the council rs water license. The water comptroller has been requested to oblige the council with the blueprint on which the decision wss based by them to grant s license to Mr. Sanders as there appears to be some difference of opinion as to the natural water- course of the stream in question. Circumstances Alter "I have known you so long, doctor," said the patient nt the end of his visit, wi do not intend to insult you by paying your bill. But I have arranged 0 handsome legacy for you in my wilL" "That's very kind," the doctor replied. wNow please allow me to look at that prescription a- gain. There is s slight alteration I would like to make in it." Juno 3, 1932 ! I 4 /sr.: Dr hfnrjory McCubbln DENTIST Hooch 0 ~ m tosym Soiovdsys'o ~ nl io I p la Evsoiogs ssd Ssiovdsy After nooss by appointment only. Royal Bank Bskdisg I'boss West tis ksoidvovo I'hoss West 22X DR. G. I). H. SSH LE, DENTIST Hoy Block, idib snd Marine Dv Draco Hours 0 io 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone Woot 72 NURSING HOME (Mis. Ill. E I,sChsocs, RJV.) 204 . 24th Sivsoi Pmsi North Vsocoovov Rssldoscs Phoooi North I250R I ROLLYBHkN Barber Shop isib e Msrihs EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor. I Banana Salad Cut bananas in half crosswise, roll in white of egg, then in fine- ly chopped walnuts. Serve with following dressing: 2/I cup milk, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 small tablespoons flour, I/2 cup vine- gar. After it is cooked, sdd 0 small lump of butter, IQ tea- spoon salt snd 8 wslnuts rolled fine. Chicken Croquet tes I/c pint cold chicken (cut fin) I tablespoon parsley (chopped fine) 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon buttter 2 tablespoons flour I/4 pint milk 1 egg Pepper and Salt. Bread crumbs. Mix the chicken with the parsley snd season with salt and pepper. Make a sauce with I table- spoon butter, 2 of flour, add the milk, also season to taste. Add the chicken mixture to this and make into rolls. Best the egg snd add 1 teaspoon water. Roll the croquettes in the egg, flour well snd roll in sifted bread- crumbs. Shape into cutlets for flattening with knife snd fry in hot lard. Ic ONSDAL NOW PLAYINO Marie Dressier Io "EM.VIAw SPECIAL MATINEE FRIDAY 2:20 I(INO OFI »IRIS'Ii I@ BIIITIII)AY Srhcoi Hoihisy (IUfl Children 10c-Adults 25c PAY NIOHT, I IODAY Nevi ircok "SH.LNOHAI EX I'RRILV'I YCIIFd, ssd HARIIY CO%I I;I&k "RA I NB(R'I'ILIII " Drosscrwsro Rishi Ysssdsy I'I«ioccw F&!low!os "WAX WIIO VSAVXO Olin" Oww»c A»II Qxs n»1I o wivll Iilo ii mcc c Ilw "NAVA UASA" irm.i. nivxss insiri.o wss' AiiAVXVO lisi'i»I "si"mlllllx srsiii" No Better Plsisroc Asywhsrs Barnum: "Too bad about that lion-tamer, isn't it?" Bailey: "How's that'!o Barnum: "He's so swelled up over his press notices that he~ can't get his head in the lion'~ mouth."