West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 May 1932, p. 6

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0001 v mr hr c ~rrtrr raw 1 rCvs tr hvoavt~~™~ I m ~ . ~ rr' vrt ta c ~ ~ 4 rt r, 4 t ~."r ~ r I r I t'i r;1'r m. -t't ~ 't' 't~rr t)t"'rt t i" i vrr rrr . ~',,r Vt rr ~vrgrr rtr'awvrt ph ' 'r'rt'tvrrrrwrr crrt'rvt rw r rrrrt'rr rvr ~t r 'vrr vvrtv'r.r~ wrVrrr. rrrrc vr 4'HE WEST VAN NEWS hiay 27 1932 1 Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Why Pay More? SPECIAL JEFFERIES'UPERlOR MEATSDundarave,',",„-„',w"„'.,',„", Ambleside„" SPECIALS: Friday & Saturday, May 27 & 28 LU)(BER, SASH a DOORS, For a 4-Room Cottage Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN (JNED 1NSlDB Price Delivered $ 2 OO.OO 1'AC(F(C RED SALMON Tall tins ................... 19c Rrd (k Wbi(c TOMATO JUICE Tall tins............. 2 ((as lec FRF9H DATFJL.............S )ha lsc Royal City BABY CARROTS Large Sy) iia ............. 19c Royal Ctoa'a LYE Flaked ..................... 2 tins 1st 1'EhRL WH(TE N4PTHA SOAP 5 bars 19c RENN(E'S BlnD SEED 1 )R package ................. )zc Royal Crown OAT)(EAL TOILET SOAl', 5 bat carton, .......... 19c Hcdlaad'a SANDWICH PASTE New aiso iia .... 2 for lsc Ay)met GOOSEBERRY JAM 49 oa. 1st....,.......,......... 29c SLlCED BACON--Nta 1 V) (R pkgs..... 2 for 1st Csliforaia )'R(:NFE Large siss .............. „2 lbs. 1st Gtimblo's hlALT VINEGAR, English, 25 oa. bo((lc ...., .. )sc Ready Ca( JIACARONI. S lbs. 19c Gold Beds( ST((AWBERRY JAhl 4 lb. (io ........ . ..., ............ S(c 1'OLIFLO(( WAX, aa( tins .. 19c Merci(( POTATOES Nc((cd Gems........18 lb. sack 1st Califotaia GRA('E FRU)T (maga...............,. 4 for 19c Saakis( ORANGES hlcd. size, pcr dozes........... 23c ~ ~ ~ (Two Stores for your service) HOLI YBURN STORE ASIB).FVIDE STOEP. West 3 )Vest 303GFT OLIR I'RICES ON I'ENCING Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors snd Drawers Everything for the Building West Vancouver Lumber Co.BUTTER- MEADO(i'VALE, Ra .... 19c GOLDEN 5(EADOW....Z lbs. 95c Limi( S ibm t B.C. Gtaaala(cd SUGAR, 4 lbs. 19c Limit 5 lbs. AUSTRALJAV LUNCH TONGUE H)s.................................. )ec BEST F(N)DS SALAD DRESS(NiG 12 os. )at......... 19c 4X SP1('ED FRU(T BUtiS pcc doasa .............................. 19c 15th and Marine LIMITED I'hone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residenco Phone( )Vest 3681. SERVICE Everything for the Building.AMBLFSIDE LUMBER)"„'p,.'TD. LU BE R SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER 15th aad Mr~.n Drive Phoae ')Vast 199. After 5 p.m. ask for Getty Dent Phoae West 241(L -- I'lazier Board -- Shingles liASEBAI,I. DANCE TO5IORROVV NIGHT Lamatco -- Gyproc Beaver Board I.YN51OUR WALKING lilARATHON Entries sre coming in fast for the Walk staged for June 1st, starting Lynmour Post Office at 2:30 p.m. There is no doubt that the "Marathon Walk" will sur- pass last year's in many ways. Class C men, and Class D, ladies, are the only two classes to walk the full distance of 16 miles. A number of good walk- ers from the Inter-City Club, have entered in both these clas- ses. The Junior classes A and B Shop at Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE The Store with the Neon Sign The West Vancouver Baseball: Club is giving a dance in the Hollyburn Pavilion tomorrow . (Saturday) evening. Dancing will take place from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. and George Griffin and his seven-piece orchestra will be in attendance. An enjoy- able time is assured to all who attend. Admission, 60 cents.Phone West 190 I. O. D. E.'he Vancouver Chapter of the I.O.D.E. is holding a donationand the Veterans'lass E will do the same walk five and three- tenth miles from Lynmour P.O. along Marine Drive, to Lonsdale Avenue, three blocks up the Avenue and back on Third St. to Lynmour P.O. Mr. Fowler of Lynmour, age 24 years, heads the list of veter- an walkers. tea st the Vancouver Preventori- i'm,21st snd Slocan Street, on Wednesday, 1st June, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Members of the Dun- 1 ' can Lawson Chapter and any 'nterestedfriends are cordially mvited to attend. J. J. DUTTON PASSES West Vancouver suffered a severe loss in the death of Mr. ', J. J. Dutton which occurred i': Thursday, May 19th. Mr. Dutton wss at native of Ontario, born in that province in 1854. He conducted a general store in Toronto for s number of years. Then he became identi- fied with the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, in which he held Grand Lodge office until his death. About 25 years ago he moved to the Pacific Coast where he resided continuously until his death, with the excep, tion of two years spent in t+ Orient. Mr. Dutton has resided in 'estVancouver from 1914 when he was closely associated with the formation of St. Anth- ofly's parish He was one of the original trustees of this parish while it was still in the mission- ary stage. He was a member of the West Vancouver Liberal As- sociation, and unsuccessfully contested a seat for the council on two occasions, Mr. Dutton'9 greatest interest however, was the Knights of Coluinbus, he being a charter member of Council 1081, Van- I aj couver. He was s past Grand 9'nightsnd just s month before-',,') his death was made one o( twjta Lm . life members, the qualificstidns of which are st ksst 26 years', membership and 26 years of age.'r.Dutton's wife, prs&eceae- 9 ed him twenty-flve years ago, snd leaves two daughters, Slice, sisbel Dutton, R.N., and Mrs. Finsrty of Vancouver, and one son, Hilary G. of New York city. His cheery personality will be missed in public circles and „ greatly In his private capacity. The statement that he wss s "goad citizen" epitomizes his memory. BETTER BABY CONTEST The Better Baby Contest ar- ranged by the Girl Guides tusk place st the High School on Sat- urday morning, May 21st. Two Doctors, one a Baby Specialist, did the judging snd remarked on the general excellence of babies entered. The Doctor spoke to the mothers and stressed the necessity of cod liver oil snd fruit juices, the former especial- ly during the months when sun- shine was lacking. The nurses assisting were: Mrs. 5iyles, Mrs. A. W. Kruger snd Miss K. Ystes and the committee in charge, Mrs. I. Wells Crawford, Mrs. H. Glacd snd Mrs. C. J. Marshall. The committee wish to s(ate that this was a Baby Contest. not a clinic and that it is quite impossible in such a short time for the doctors to give advice which so many mothers would like. It is hoped in the near future to have a Baby Ciinic in West Vancouver. The awards are as follows; Class I--1st pmze, David brit- Local Fresh Kille VEAL Il( 2 lbs. COTTAGE CHEESE.. 2 c V )2a 2 lbs. STEWING LA5IB ....,. 25c 2 5 lbs BEEF DRIPPING 25c ..35C 25 lbs. POTATOES................ 25c lb. I.0 IN S lb...... PORK SAUSAGES 2 lbs. ton; 2nd, Allan Knowles. Class 2--1st prize, Eugenic Short; 2nd, Margaret hiarsh. Class 3--1st prize, Robert Bell 2nd, Pearl Brown. Class 4 -- 1st prize, Coralie Holt; 2nd, Betty Bartlett. The prizes were presented by Msy Queen Jean immediately following the Crowning cere- mony at Ambleside Park. I,EGION W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Iagion will be held in the Legion Memorial Hall on Monday, 80th instant, at 2:15. Every member should make a special elfort to attend. 18C II 20cOVENROAST, Ib These prices for ONE WEEK subject to change in market prices Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver All Government Inspected-Not1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH---NO FROZEN MEATS No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter - 3 pounds 55c. Local Fresh Killed Fowl, 4 lb to 51b ....,....... 16c Ib Cottage Rolls, no bone, no waste - 13c a lb. EGGS, EXtraS, F D-'p-i)ry Hao b. 2 dOZ. 35C Highland Potatoes (grown from Ashcroft seed) 100 lbs. 70c No. 1 Steer Beef Local FRESH KILLED e BQILING BEEF g II Spring Lamb . ....... 5 Vc ,„, SpecIals ROUND BoiNE ROAST ~ r RIBS (Breast on) lb=........................... I elC lb.....................„..l Oc 3 lbs. CA5IBRIDGE PRISIE RIB RGAsT R0LLED sH0ULDER die sAUsAGE ..., .. 25c lb."...'...'."..".'......'........ 18C ( bo e) b.---.r...........26C ~ 2 ibs MINCED STEAK 25c LEGS . C il.................... 30C 2 i» STEWING BFEF 25clb........„„....... ~ 9 18 Grain Fed PORK 2 lbs. KIDNEYS ........ 25c LEGS (Fores) OI lb ...,...,...„. 0 2C 2 lbs. STEIVING VEAL..... 25c (I