West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 May 1932, p. 5

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0001 1882 bga, &800 Psgy "sha aha '188 h er ayiy 47 ru oru 227, 701 asd xvr, ) s thy i ihh 8 154a or as44 1 the )1 tbe 4 ihs h va ~ Pri. Ihh ~ Ray haor s asr 4the plue 1o04 uthe ss0& THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar Charges have been levelled in England that the late Lord Eg- mont, formerly 0 rancher in Al- berta, wss the victim of studied snobbery on the part of the Hampshire county familks. Doubtless he was snubbed--he would be--by those who NOW OWN estates in that county, but they are not the Hampshire aristocracy. The old English aristocratic families have for generations been gradually wiped out in fighting England' civil and other wars, and the Great War practically finished them. They were ss a class, great gentlemen, to whom snob- bery of any kind was abhorent. In their place has sprung up a crowd of titled wsr profiteers and carpet knights who have money and little else to recom- mend them, and they are snobs par excellence. The old order was feud+sand looked after those dep .nt on them. The new order'P&n the place occu- pied by th old by beating the other fellow to it, and, even if the rancher earl was 0 trilie rough in his ways, he was still of the old order in mind snd out- look, and as such to be bullied in an age when the law makes it physically safe try do so. In the words of the American merch- ant to his son, "You can't make s silk purse out of 8 sow's ear. The average Canadian citizen after years of apathy on the subject, has suddenly sst up and become politically m i n d e d . Formerly he was not particular- ly interested if a cabinet min- ister of any political persuasion lifted a few hundred thousand in graft, beyond probably re- marking that the said minister would have been a fool not to have annexed that sum when he had the chance. "The world went very well then," referring to past years, and an odd quart- er million or so in graft appeared to be of little consequence in the general scheme of things. But the world depression has chang- ed all that, and the present vot- ers are beginning to take an in- telligent interest in government. Hence a few new "isms" while the old parties carry on. I do not know what will come out of all this turmoil, but one thing is certain, that a reputation for old-fashioned honesty will carry a candidate over the top against all the platforms and political machinery that can be brought to bear against him. And the greatest difficulty of all will not be so much to find these men as to persuade them to enter poli- tics. Nav 27, 1982 CLASSIFIED ADSFinal Sale ROGERS MANTEL RADIOSa LOST--Tuesday vrrmsg, isdyh Mse plated skirt. Rewsni Finder please phone West 479L Ready for immediare delivery and wing the New Peniode Tube-the latest developmeni in radio. ...."'., $4+00 Tersr: 66 r?sws 66 $01 Bsstk POR RE.'iT-- Modern Cottage uav beach, ferry. Ssaavv ov year. Phone 'West 257R ROCKERI ssd ALPINE PLAÃTS for sale, rroa large unectrea C, G. Barrow, corner 24th asd Neises. Phone West 99L2. FOR RENT--PITc ruas ps&try ier sished, aarers, Arepiua nice loca-tiu near beach, $ 17.00. Phone West 255X. ROOM AND BOABD--Nru srupisg porch, for iwe sduR4, Waterfront. Phone West 222. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rsi- ideeu Pbue Wut 2411k RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN uab& wak by day or hoar or care for children evenings. Fruu prau West 042X. J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD. WANTED--Modern Psrsishai Cot-tage in West Vancouver assr beach. Accoaaodate six; Jose or Jsiy. Phone CarL 1289L2. 14th and Marine West 37 liIAY DAY I'ARTY AT FRAMAR MONTESSORI SCHOO1. The annual May Day party of the Framar Montessori School under the direction of Mrs. W. D. Fraser, which took place last Saturday afternoon on the grounds of her residence at 18th and Esquimalt Ave., was much enjoyed by the many guests who attended.. It was a very charming scene as the little May Queen, Sheila Weir, and her at- tendants came down the steps and took their places on the throne, which had been erected on the lawn. Little Jessie Device, a pupil of Miss Margaret Mclntyre, was the first on the program with a well-rendered violin solo The boys sang a sail- or song, Norman Jackson and Philip. Skeets dancing a horn- pipe. Reid Mitchell gave 8 well executed tap dance, snd Bdddie Jupp sang a song. This was fol- lowed by a number of folk danc- es, also the swan dance as well as maypole dancing by the senior dancing class of boys and girls, which were heartily ap- plauded by those present. Three-year old Helen Jackson danced the balloon dance very prettily, and was twice called upon to repeat her number. Dor- othy Greenwood, 8 pupil of Mrs. Colin MacLean, delighted the guests with a vocal solo, the test piece at the B.C. Musical Festi- val in the class in which she had competed. Miss Marjorie Crick- may acted as accompanist. Following the program the children sat down to a dainty repast in the school room, while the guests were served with aft- ernoon tea on the lawn, Mrs. M. Taylor and Mrs. E. J. Pearce presiding at the urns. During the tea hour Mrs. F. F. Love- grove gave a vocal solo accomp- anied by BIrs. James McIntyre. West 37 G. GEMMILL, Agvor WATFR TUNNFI. I4ORE COMPLFTED Four hundred feet below the bottom of First Narrows, while shippmg plied overhead, the last shot was Ared Saturday morning in the boring of the new 61,000,- 000 tunnel which will carry water from North Shore streams in Vancouver mains. Oiflcers of Norther77 Con- struction Company, contractors fur the work, stated thai, at noon ? $ r 0 small hole was pierced through he muck which separated the NEW ELECTRICAL Self Trutaur ror Nev&Riv, Rraauusm. Catarrh. rnssensa Asihas, Blood Preusra Prostate Trouble, Dvbibty, vta Given special rveognitiu by Luau Ilr Na'ilo&a Collug Geuvs 1980. Mouy back guaranies. Write for free bukrek D. S. Saith, Overbeck R pausrstrva 1612 Fsn'au Heny- burn. WANTED--Large view ra or acreage Best iar usru Apply Box 21, Weei Van News. 1.AWNS. Lssdscspiaa, AS Crauu or Ga&denieg. Rockcriu, Cement Work Old Country gardener. Work guar- anteed, reasonable. Phoae Mack Hallmark, West 86X. FOR SALE--Usderwud Typewriter, excellent condition, Sissdsrd, $50. Phone West 64L FOR SALE--$4200.00 High Ctsu Sixrua ha&u. Large lsh ezcep?iaar- iy goad view. John Lswsos, West 66 FOR SALE--14 loot towboat, 515.001 aiu boy's bicycia Pho&a West 169R2. REPINED GIRL, 18, desiru puRioa in store, mind child or light hease- work. Good &vrerucu. Apply Box 17, West Vas News. HAVE YOU SEEN ihe New Steat ror pipe saakera ir not, see Mu ~1 ibe ambi«side Tu Ruaa ( $t& .. tunnel face from the northernshaft, which lies 3100 feet from the shaft on the Stanley Park shore Shafts and tunnel form a gigantic "U" under First Nar- nows. The work started lest September, It was expected that the WELDLNG -- Wsshisg Mubbaa Lawn aowers, seyiiung a naisis. Farnsce repairs, isr ssd gravel rurisg. Bsrrsrd Sheet Met«i Works'honeNorth $45.No. 1 LNS1DE FIR, ssde per cord, also good slabs sar mill run. Phone Bisirs, West 298. FOUNDATION CEMENT 'WORK-- Landscaping asd Lama iai& Rock walls, drains, uptic tasks, rescag sed . land cturing, chiaseys ssd furnaces creased sod rspsiraL Phoae T. Baraoit, residence phase West 2908. CHIMNEY SVi'EEPING Phaa E. Palmer, North 811R2. muck would be cleared back suf- ficiently to allow the passage of workmen by tonight. With the eight-foot bore completed, the «ork of cleaning up will start at once. In three weeks contrac- tors will begin laying reinforced pipe in the tunnel, backing it with concrete. It is expected that the work of piping the tunnel will toke five or six months. Meantin:e laying of new mains for hooking up ends of the tunnel with the North Shore water supply and l'F 'ity mains has been carried on. 1430 ARGYLE AVENUE, To Rut- Part or hauu 8 doors from ferry whsrr, modern. 7 rooms on Srst 8oor, low rut for entire muon. Garage. Some furniture. Apply Owner on premises. LAVi'N BOWERS SHARPBNED- Experruud with an mates. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW. 75evt Vancou- ver Muhiu Slap, 1449 Marine. FOR SALE -- Almost eew 7-Tsbe Phiico, $79.00; another at $59.00. Radios tested sad rerahvd, radio Rcenses issued. North Shore Radio Electric, 14th ssd Mariee Drrva West 61. PAINTL4G. KALSOlRINL40. PA- PERiNG. C. L Kosisgs, West 894B SHINGLING sad Boer Repave Lawn &uwas ground. Sawmisg. N. R. Ellis, Phoae West 184R. BOARD and Rooms for Ladies sed Gentlemen. Good view. 1689 Duch- ess Ave. Phone West 4821 TO REIT--5 rooa aedera busa Goad garden. Neaber of goad rrsii trees. Coavesieai recstioa, $20.00. Apply John Lawun. West shTRY BROWN TROUT IN PACIFIC COAST AREAS The tunnel bore was carried from the south shore, only fifty feet being drifted into the rock from the north shaft. Sinking the north shaft was slow owing to dill'icult boulder formation. luARCELLE SHOP -- Ms&vena 50 cents; reset. 86c; finger wave. 76c. Pbou Mrs. King, West $04.Brown Trout are not native to British Columbia but the Fish Culture Branch of the Dominion Department of Fisheries pro- poses to find out whether or not they can be satisfactorily intro- duced into the waters of the province and the angling re- sources of the Pacific Coast thus enlarged. Undertaking this experiment, which will probably extend over three or four years. the Fish Culture Branch brought over 300,000 Brown Trout fry from Wisconsin a short time ago and placed them in its hatchery at Cowichan Lake, pending their distribution in two selected streams of Vancouver Island during the present spring. Should the fish prove desirable newcomers, other distributions will be made in other British Columbia streams in subsequent seasons so that the Brown Trout possibilities of the province may be thoroughly tested out. The experiment has the approval of the provincial authorities. and it will be watched with interest not only by experts interested in Ash culture but by British Columbia anglers who have been familiar with Brown Trout else&vhere and have been asking that steps be taken to introduce this fissh into Pacific Coast areas. This year's distribution will be made in one large stream and one small, where diiferent nat- ural conditions obtain. By choosing streams of different size and characteristics in which io plant the fry it may not only be ascertained whether or not Brown Trout will thrive in Van- couver Island waters but what conditions are best suited to their development. In this work the Fish Culture Branch has the c~peration of scientists of the Pacilic stall of the Biological Board of Canada, who are select- ing the streams for this year' distribution. BOARD AXD RESIDENCB -- 15th asd Benevea sear iavy. Rates at. tractive. Phone West 458LTHE BROWNIES The Brownies held their usual meeting in the United Church hall yesterday afternoon. Miss Butler of Vancouver, the Eagle Owl, came over and practised with the children to prepare them for the rally on Saturday at Bruckton Point, in which every Guide company and Brow- nie pack from all over Vancouver will take part. Miss Butler con- cluded by telling the little ones- a story, after which taps wereI&unded and the meeting closedith the serving of refresh- ments. There was a wonderful gJ turn-out of mothers and friends. WB HAVB TEN OF THE CHEAP- EST LOTS in West Vsncosvss- Some cross in. Sure money-makers in near rotura John Lawman, Wut 56. FOR SALB or EXCHANGE -- is the City, cosy 6 room taagalow (vsha $2400) sllaavr baaa gsrsga fruit trees. Full plumbing. 2 lots. Nice locaHoa. Phau West 5LA number of interested play- ers and residents were present at the courts of the West Van- couver Tennis Club last Sunday to view the exhibition matches put on by Vancouver experts. D. Williams defeated O. Ryall 6-2, 2-6, and 7-6, Ryall and Dixon be- ing successful in the doubles over Williams and Golsing by 3-6, 6-3, 6-2. Tata Csrnvgigs sdviu aal Bsy'erageys ~ phas %&tb s istera Acreage is goad rocaSaa iras $60 up. Apply John Lswus, West 65. I think that the account of the wild applause which recently Vireeted in Paris the making of a new record in beer-drinking is quite the most disgusting thing I have read for many years. It is hardly necessary to say that the winner was 8 Heidelberg student. And, in passing, I might remark I have sampled a great many of the various sorts of drinks which a kind world has oifered me for money or love. The engulfing of them, however, after the Jnsnner of this record-makingstudentwould disgrace savages, who after all only go to excess in both eating and drinking because it is with them 8 case of a feast or a fam- ine all the time. Geo. HayA little girl attending sn Episcopal Church for the fipst time was amazed to see all kneel suddenly. She asked her mother what they were going to do, Her mother replied, "Hush, they'e going to say their prayers." "What, &71th all their clothes on '?" ?VOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Frank J. Moore wrote the council re access to D.L. 1068, S.W.V4 Lot 10. He was informed that he had the permission to instal a cul- vert at his own expense subject to the approval of the engineer. 4406 biariav Drive Phuv Wut 21 or Seyasu 1200 Evesisgv Wut 204X No Drlfrculty Expected Parent: "You must under- stand, my boy. that I want my daughter io have as good a home after marriage as before." Su.'iori "Well, vou're noi go- ing io break up housekeeping. are your" Addressing the big gathering he said boldly: "Gentlemen, I have been born an Englishman, I have lived an Englishman, and I hope I may die an English- man." A Scotsman in the audience retorted: "Man, hae ye nae am- bit!on T'SVell, Sandy, how did you like the discourse on Sunday?" 'SVell, Sir, the Doctor was tine, and he had as his text Sod- om and Gomorrah. I did learn something; they are cities: I always thought they were man and wife." lan 1 the Beadel a wag. Dauvlt ." "'iVhat makes ye think that?" "He telt me on Sabbath that he hasna buried a livin'oul for sax months." A venerable old Scot purchas- ed a little radio set, aad a few days later his friends a&ed him how he liked it. "Well, it's aw richt to listen to," he replied. " but those bulbs are nae so gud to read by." Caulfeild Prat Or?ice I.'rected by F, W. Caulfeild 30 years ago. One of the landmarks of the District. r 4 The rate la Cisssuied Advalluauts is 2 usia pvr ward. aisiasa 25 vesta Exupt is tra uu er those hsrisg remdsv acossta an crsur- Sars are payable strictly is sdvssce. Reaearar Cruvi0ars is ibe Wvet Vas Neve get ra&udisie reseRa