West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 May 1932, p. 3

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0001 bin I May 27. 1932, THE WEST VAN NEWS t As e p I FOR SUPERIOR TAILORING AT MODERATE PRICFrS See WILLIAMS, the Tailor 1568 Marine Drive Exclusive Agent for REGENT and HYCRAFT Made-to- hiessure Clothes, 824 00 and up. Dry Cleaning and Pressing Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L L OGDEN COc YVest 146 4I? I 4, luta Pt'ence Rupert. The young man was fishing from a boat in Shawatlan Lake with George Kelsey when the boat capsized. Keleey managed to swim to shore but Mitchell sank before help could reach him. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell left for Prince Rupert on Mon- day evening. heaven if I left all to the Free )p Church '?" "I couldn't promise that," re- Cg tallied the minister, "but it's an F & Axperiment worth trying!" LTIB (I .'or Auto Repairs Gasp Oils RBd ',epete. AccessoTies See CHUCK CHAPihIAN DR. CARROTHERS ADDRESSES PUBLIC BODIFS IN NORTil VAN. Dr. W. A. Carrothers of the University of British Columbia, addressed a large public meet- ing Friday, May 20th, in the K. P. Hall, North Vancouver, his subject being "Education in the present economic crisis." 'Ihe meeting was held under the auspices of the North Shore Teachers'ssociation. whose president, J. R. Mitchell, wes in the chair. Dr. Cerrothers undertook to answer questions after his ad- dress. He began by saying that our sympathy goes out to all those in public positionu today, and that, while the need for economy is, real, we have brought it upon ourselvco by the mistakes of our governments and business men. He stressed the fact that economy was a neces- sary evil at this time, but, that there were two kinds, a false economy and a true one. The false economy was the cutting and slashing of all forms of pub- lic expenditure, the true, a re- duction in unnecessary expendi- ture and a safeguarding of all public services, one oT the most important of which was Educa- tion. Dr. Carrothers said he was making a plea for Education, not to benefit any one class, but for our children who can be fitted for life only through Education. Our own political system, that of Democracy, places a respons- ibility on every citizen. In any variety of a dictatorshiP only a limited education is necessary, but a Democracy demands an educated people, especially when clever orators can "put things over" an ignorant group The forces driving politics on are such that only by understanding them can the people direct then: properly. ie catch iih um larch t0 ,-'" a( el valm 040,000, 010,700. I ef lhe timateli aiahit aunde 8 0 lanlel slllpaNl at MARINE MOTORS K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and InsuranceifevtllW r. selt! he flehg BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEI. B. D. WHITE, Ngc. Dietic«tice Fuuecul Scvcice Lady Assistant 22S - srd Si. E, Phone North 626 DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY HOlilE blADE CANDY Ice Cecum uud Soft Drinks 26th uud Phoue Bellevue West 7 &KS ( C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and hiarine~ Expert Work I'Iioue IV«st 135 V. W. Odium wrote the coun- cil re access to Jolly Street along Duifcriu Ave. to Block 24, D. L. 430. The matter was referred to the engineer for his report ei'sg ut 4 Qtt ,'~~ r WEST VANCOUVER BASE BALL CLUB DANCE in the Hollyburo Pavilion Saturday, May 2.8th Iiom ase io H.se p.m. George Griiiio eod hie Admieeloo 7 PIEC E ORCHESTRA SOo hlEN'8 AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY ~ ouucch-Euib All wool PULI OVE+SV.Nock Shoo 22 to Zi, Color Fawn uod Blue SEE WINDOW One Day Special SATURDAY $ 1.00 Non-Committal W. J. MITCHFI.L'S A wealthy old Free Church- BROTHER I.OST LV man was visited on his death- DROWNING ACCIDENT bed by his minister, with whom he had cracked many a joke. W. J. iMitchell, vice-principal Speaking of his wealth, which ~f the high school, received he wss soon to leave, the old word on hlonday of the death by gentleman kaid, with the old drowning of his brother IVillism w~sggish twinkle in his eye: oDo aged 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. you think I would be sure of Jiihn R. Mitchell, pioneers in I'ersonal Samuel Johnson vcfcvtud to tho Auth«miry Local and ihe phyciclou'e cmd«As an Apothooucy wc are glad to be of ccccico to thc yhyelriouo, We ~cc equoBF willing to eevvo you, Whether yoii oust to kuow the time or ohot to do ln an ca&er- g«ocr oor phoae is West 27. We oin odvico yoo to the beet of oor ability. Gemmill's Drug Store Tho Stove of Sovvtcct Iee2 iso«iso Delve Wmt SV Emcrgcucy Plmoo Woot 221 (After 2 p.m.) A dead cow moose wss washed ashore last week on the West Beach, having apparently been carried down the Fraser River snd into English Bay from the Cariboo. Sanitary Inspector Gracey towed it out into the current. o Miss McLeod of Vancouver, has taken a cottage on the West Beach and has moved in. o Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacLean, 20th and Marine Drive, recently entertained the Racketeers'ad- minton Club at four tables of bridge. ~ ~ o The contract bridge tourna- ment at the Fortune Cup Inn was concluded on Wednesday, 18th instant. Mr. and Mrs. Homer hfathers and family, who have been liv- ing in the city for some time, have returned to 27th nsd Wat- erfront where they expect to take up permanent residence. c ~ o The gale on Monday and Tues- day at times reached a velocity of over thirty miles an honr. A launch, which was tied up to Hollyburn pier sunk in the gale early on Monday morning. ~ ~ Mrs. Chas. McIntyre with Mrm Alan hicIntyre and daugh- ter, returned on Saturday from s visit to Victoria. In spite of the storm a large number of visitors used the fer- ries on Tuesday, the total pas- senger list for the day being 4,208. Mrs. Blair M. Clerk gave a de- lightful bridge luncheon on Wed- nesday. 18th instant, at her home, 17th and hfsthers, in hon- or of Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie of &Vest Bay, who is leaving shortly for a visit to the Old Country. Cov- ers were laid for eighteen: th'e guests being Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie, Mrs. E. J. Pearce, Mrs. R. C. Mitten, Mrs. I. Wells Crawford, hire. J. Dodd Allan, Mrs. George Monk of Vancouver, Mrs. N. McLeod, Mrs. Stewart Brown, Mrs. S. Currie, hfrs. IV. D. Colvin, hire. E. Jupp, hfrs. M. Taylor, Mrs. Howard Leggstt, Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Mrs. Gor- don Robson, Mrs. A. E. Young, hire. C. D. Edwards. ~ ~ ~ A number of winter sports enthusiasts went up Hollyburn Ridge on 24th May. There sre still eight feet of snow at the ski camp, snow falling up there on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherriif gave a duplicate bridge party on Sat- urday evening at the Fortune Cup Inn to wind up the season. Mr. Robinson, the Vancouver bridge expert, was also present. ~ ~ The IVest Vancouver Baseball Club is playing the Squsmish team next hlonday night at 6:16 o'lock at Ambleside Park. It is hoped that the public will turn out and support the home team. c ~ c A delightful tea and travel shower was given by Mrs. E. IV. We«den at her home on Radcliife Ave., Thursday afternoon, in honor of Miss Beatrice Hodgson who is shortly leaving for Lon- don to study st the Royal Acad- emy of iMusic. The spacious rooms were tastefully decorated with spring flowers; and the tea table, which was bright with many colored tulips was grace- fully presided over by Mrs. Ford Breckinridge and hire. Devitt. Miss Hodgson received many lovely gifts. Music was render- ed by hire. Colin hiacLean, Mrs. Eric Allan, hiiss Julia Pvne, Miss Beatrice Hodgson, bliss Ernestine IV«eden snd little Pat- ty Weeden. Pictures of the May Day cele- brations taken by V. V. Vinson can be seen in the window of Cmorge Hay's cd?ice 14th ard Marine Drive o Mr. 57etcher has invited th« May Queen and her maids of honor also the former May Queen and her maids of honor, to be the guests of the Holly- burn Theatre at the perform- ance this Frida evening. He also extends the same Invitation to all winners of first prizes in the May Day sports and parade. c c ~ hfre. J. D. Allan gave a tes snd travel shower at her Spanish home "Lorna Vista" on Friday last. Her honor guest was Mrs. Robert Ogilvie, who was the re- cipient of many lovely gifts Mrs. Bernard Hayes and AIrs. Peale« presided at the beautiful- ly decorated tes table. ~ c c Mrs. Robert Ogilvie entertain- ed at eight tables of bridge on Tuesday, 17th Msy, at her home at IVest Bay. About thirty ladi- es were present, the winners be- ing: contract first prize, birs. Vase; contract second prize, Mrs. R. Sherriif; auction first prize, Mrs. A. E. Young; consol- ation prize, Mrs. Grifliths; tea prize, hire. Captain Edwards. o Miss Beatrice Hodgson, violin- iste, is giving s recital in the West Vancouver United Church at 8I15 p.m. Friday, 10th June. c ~ c Mrs. A. Taylor and Mrs. R. C. hiitten last Wednesday enter- tained at the latter's home, 2104 Bellevue Ave., in honor of hIrs. R. A. Ogilvie of West Bay, who is leaving shortly for a visit to England. Three tables of con- tract, one of whist, and one of, auction were in play. Mrs. E. H. Jupp won first prize at contract, Mrs. Gordon Robson the prixe for auction, and Mrs. Murison, a house guest of hIrs. Mitten, won the whist prize. The house was beautifully decorated through- out with blue and white Lupine and Aquilegia. During the aft- ernoon Mrs. Ogilvie was present- ed with a beautiful purse. ~ \ ~ The matter of a water connec- tion for East Beach; Ambleside Park, was referred by the coun- cil to the chairman of water- works with power to act. The BURRARD LAUNDRY For People Who Are Particular TRIED ST. ood ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Vaa. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Amblesifle Sheet Metalpgogics tauaig SPECK oprictoc 1446 Msrine Drive Phone West .78 FURNACES and SHEET hiETAL LVSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES All hmds of Tea Bread, Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Ecckm bakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 cllARLVE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will calL Engagement Rev. H. P. and Mrs. Humph- reys, 1343 Heywood Ave., an- nounce the engagement of their second daughter, Annie Dorothy Humphreys, R.N., to hIr. Ernest Granger of hiarine Drive and 21st Street, West Vancouver. The wedding to take place at the IVest Vancouver Baptist Church on Monday, June 6th, at 4 p.m. N. R. ELLIS Sedan decks, 58 - 510 Linoleum laid, 12+« yard. Upholstering. Res. Phone: West 184R hfrs. Hanbury of Kerrisdai moved today into a house at West Bay. West Vancouver of Tu.enty Years Ago. MotoriStS'rivers'icenses (Rooooclc Duly) OBTAINABLE FROM E. N. Copping 28 Lssshle Aee. North Vancouver h ~ . m.Ph 4'