West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 May 1932, p. 2

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0001 44». m 4rrww A 4't Atxrrtv » r» 4 xrrr 4L r ~ ee 44 4» et sv ~ 4 4»t 4 ate 4 nt4»t» t trvt»4'l 4».~le.t»'. Lv 4 ~,'4 trrx»:w44'4»4 4»4'r Vx 44 ~ ~ '4 44 ~ V» tlt»i ' ~ lt 4'er .4:ttr lr vrrg 4 rr rr r rt rrr 1:~ 4 »'v VVVr vrrr 'r.-Vrrrrr rt rrr'rrrrr. ~tirw. ~ '4 r rvrr ~rwr 'rrrrr rr rrrrr rrr. tv 4 Have yau ax»t a(apped ta xalapaxa ~ wail aaiabi itilad Reasty Salon with a cheap cat- ptiaa abept Da feat that aad you'l protect your hair from being ruined by iaaxpariaaaa, axd Inferior pro- liotix Steam or Oil Waxaa . 05.00 Sammtt'4 Naiatai ... I6.50 Specially recommended for white axd bleached hair. Gu,en"olyl Beauty Shoppe 1640 Matixa Dtira Phone West ll7 I'OLICE RBVOLVER TEA51 IiV DO6IIN ION CHASIPIONSHII'y virtue of hsadng won the revolver shooting championship of this province with a score of 1347, the North Shore entry in the Dominion Chief Constables'ssociationrevolver competition will enter the linal for the cham- pionship of Canada. Notification of having won the provincial title was received at North Van- couver city police headquarters Saturday. Vancouver police force was second with a score of 1300. The North Shore team will make its appearance in the fina this afternoon at 2 p.m. at Csp- ilano revolver range, Cspilano pipe line road. A representative of the Dominion organization will be on hand to supervise the shoot. North Shore team comprises Constable Jake Young, Sergt. George Gau!d, Constable Walter Bowling, Sergt. Charles Gurr and Constable Charles Hailstone The council approved the for- warding of letters to the follow- ingi Hon. R. IV. Bruhn re out- side labor on Marine Drive; P. Philip re agreement No. 73 re- vised. Unemployment Relief Act FREE Range lVirijng North Shore Electric 1439 Mar(ax Otiva West 61 GORDON ROBSON Barrister gt Solicitor )VEST VANCOUVER- Oifica Na. 1441, hiatiaa Drive Phone (Vaat 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 81st 610 Hastings St. W. Phone. Seymour 4199. Eaiabbahad aa Natih Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. S( iVILLIAMSON jfIIHeral Uirrrtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 West Van Nems Pabiiaaad Every Pa(day PabUahat F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Beaiaat» aad Editorial Ogiaa: 11th aad Matiaa Drive , (Next ia Haiiybxta P. O.) Phone West 363 Mail Add taaa: P.O. Bax 61, Haiiybaxa, ilC. 61.00 4 yaat by aattiarx 62.00 ~ year by mall. THE WEST VAN NEWS United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, Msy 29th. 1932. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Dr. Henry will conduct Public IVorship, sermon topic, "Life's Great Venture." 7:16 p.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Henry will preach, sermon topic. "The New Social Order snd the Individual." Next Sunday is hiission Sun- day in the Sunday SchooL Scholars are asked to use the envelope issued last Sunday. The Young People meet for Badminton Monday evening and ask all who csn to assist in pre- paring the Tennis Court for summer use. The usual meeting for prayer snd study on Wednesday wfII continue the "Christ of the Mount." Two more meetings will finish this most stimulating book. The S.O.S. "Golden Rules" in behalf of the "Save the Children Fund," have been given to the Sunday School. Dr. Henry has still a few. Any who wish to help in the IVorid'0 Child Prob- lem may secure from him a Rule. An inch of ten cent pieces will feed a child for two weeks. Saturday afternoon, hlay 28th from 2:30 till 5 in Crosby Gym- nasium is being held the an- nounced rally of Juniors and Ex- plorers. A fine program has been made with Exhibit work, Worship snd Play periods and an Initiation Ceremony with s pageant. Our Explorers meet st the 1:30 ferry. This afternoon (Friday) the women are meeting for the an- nual May Tea st the Social Ser- vice Redemptive Home in Burn- aby, on Sussex Avenue. Organ- ized in 1913 at Chslmer's Manse this Home.hss been 0 refuge spot and place of renewal for scores of young women. The An- nual Msy Tea helps to stock the larder for the coming winter. The Bowling Lawn is in full swing and is proving an attrac- tive spot for s number that is growing. The grass is in good shape for play. Every Saturday afternoon the bowlers chip in some sandwiches or cake, etc» and have afternoon tes. The membership is open to the community, for the old West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club hss been revived and the pres- ent greens are available for sll players. It not only gives ex- ercise but creates friendships snd is one of the finest of out- door sports, Hints for Girls Another way for s girl to keep her youth is not to introduce him ,to her girl friends. CARD OF THANKS Mra. J. Fixatiy axda Miss Mabel Du(ton with io thank their many ftianda for axptaa- aioaa of aympatby and beautiful iiatai tributes on the aaaaaiaa of the paaaiag of their father, the fata J. J. Duttoa. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th aad Raeximaii, iiaUybata This Satiety ia ~ Branch of The Mother Church The Fitat Cbutah of Christ, Saiaauat, ia Baataa, Maaaacbuaaua Sunday Satvicaa 11:30 a.m. and 1:60 p.aL Sunday, Msy 29th, Subject: "Ancient nnd 51 o d e r n Necromancy, alias Mes- merism and Hypnotisnt. Denounced." Sunday Schuai at 10:00 ~.sx. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 0:16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev H P Humphreys Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. Sunday, Msy 29th, 10 s.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Topic "The Loyalty of 0 Grateful Love." Anthem. Short talk to children. 7130 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, ",The Marriage Supper of the Lamb." Continuing the study of Revelation. A cordial invitation to sll. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer (k praise with study of the Inter- national Lesson. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Presbytenan Mission Orange Hall Minister: l Rev. J. WL Cwddeford. Phone N 1107. Services: 2 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. Also Adult Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Church worship. Sermon subject: "The Evolu- tion of s Sinner." Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer meeting. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice Welcome to all services. Thought for the week: "Think of the Holy Ghost as the early Church thought of Him, and not as later metsphysicians have de- fined Him. Think of spirit, not in terms of "wind" or vague "influence," but in terms of Per- sonality." ENTO5IOI.OGIST TO SPEAK ON INSECT PESTS Mr. Gkndenning, entomologist at Agassiz, is giving an address on esrwigs and other garden in- sect pasta next Wednesday, 1st June, st 8 p.m. in Dundarave Hall. He will speak under the auspices of the West Vancouver Horticultural Society. All inter- ested in gardens are asked to attend. Admission free. St. Stephen's t,"hurch Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. St. Stephens Church May 29 -- 1st Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.--iloly Communion. 10 a.m.--slain Sunday School I I:16 a.'m.--Primary Depart- ment Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. The colors of St. Stephen's Pack Wolf Cuba present(ll by I.O.D.E., will be dedicated at the morning service Sunday, which will also be attended by the Girl Guides and 1st and 2nd W. V. Troop of Scouts. The closing banquet of the A. Y.P.A. will be held on bionday evening at 6:30 in the Parish Hall. The study meeting of the W. A. will be held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. FLther Carey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. FRIDAY--7:30 p.m» Devotions. 8:00 p.m., Confessions. (Children) SATURDAY--7:30 p,m., Con- fessions (Adults). SUNDAY--8:45a.m., Holy Mass Sermon. I:30 p.m., Sunday School. 2:30 p.m., Devotions. IVEEK DAYS--7:15 s.m., Holy hisas. Hl(tH SCHOOL RELAY TEA5IS IVIN--GIRLS SET NEW RECORD xblondsy afternoon teachers and students attended the an- nual Inter-High School sports at Hastings Park. The local stu- dents made 0 good showing and reflected much credft upon the school snd their coaches, Miss McSweyn and Mr. Sinclair. All who hsd survived the keen com- petition of the preliminaries won places in Monday's events. Betty Vickery in Junior Girls'igh jump took 2nd pince, and Marjorie Pston, 3rd in the Inter- mediate girls'0 yard dash. The girls'elay team, Jean Garrett, May Cripps, Pearl Rob- ertson, Mildred Lettner, Muriel Dawson, Betty Vickery, Pat Davidson and Marjorie Paton ran 0 splendid race to win the small schools relay event and set a new record of 56 7/10 seconds. Distance 1/q mile. The boys'elay team, Jim Murray, IVilfred Thomson, Tom Lightly, Len Curtis, Wingett Irish, Bob Fiddes, Ted Russell and Jack Watt won the small schools relay for boys. This was 0 keen struggle with s sensa- tional finis by Jack Watt. Time 1 min., 36 415 sec. for the (ttz mile. The West Vancouver High School team collected a total of 21 points. BUY DODDSMADE IN CANADA na l aim;9:'.tm9 all" amzl"l en ~t'tultwaa ~ x I'mila la~ 1 - .4 ! s~.~ 'IVest Vancouver's First Schm&l Clnxses. Mav 27, 1932. Df.Marjory 1(lcCubbin DENTIST Hours: 9 a.m. (as p.sL Satatdaitat 10 a xxL ta 1 p. ax. Evasinga axd Saturday'lter- aaaaa by appaintmaat only. Royal Bank Building 1'haaa Waai 44ii kaaidaaxa Vhaaa Weal Ssn NURSING HOME (Mta M. 1L LaChaaca, 1LN.) 244 ~ tuih Street Eaai Natih Vaaaaatax ~ kaaidaaxa 1'basal North 1360R 5 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th a Marine EXPEI(T SEI(VICE E, bfARS((, Ptaptiatat. ii n, ADVERSE W()RLD COVDITION9 REFI.ECTED IN SIARCH FISHERIES Canada's ses fisherie opera- tions in March resulted, in brief as follows:-- In British Columbia the catch of salmon for the month was almost the same as in March of last year, but March salmon fishing is never on an extensive scale and the landings for the month just past amounted only to some 337,000 pounds, Landed value, of course decreased. Hali- but landings, nearly 1,251,000 pounds, were 540,000 larger than a year sgo but landed value a little more than $49,000, showed a decrease of $ 18,700. The herring catch of 9,266,0N) pounds, in round figures, wss substantially less than in March, 1931, a condition due to market conditions as the fish were abun- dant. Altogether, the month's land- ings from the fisheries of the province were approximately 12,986,000 pounds, as against more than 15,600,000 pounds in the 1931 month. Total landed value wss $117,970 as compared with $ 178,210. Needed Inventions Jinks: Jones made s fortune on his new stock ticker. High: How does it work i Jinks: As soon as the ticker drops 30 points it automatically converts itself into s tincup snd~ s bunch of pencils. ONSDAL NOW PLAYING DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ia Ai(OUN() THR irniii.D ia SO Af(NU)TRS Ai»4 Laurel -. Hardy tielater Next Weak: -- Aiaa., Taax, Wad.-- AVilf Rogers en(xnixnaaa aad 1'i,iiAnuiir." -- That., Ftl, 04L- Marle Dressier "EMMA" Pauewlaa 'irttk; niiAxliii(ii Vxi'iinxs aad "iiAixix&1'ir TiiILii" r NKW I.O(V PRICE.'v A I ) Ui I,'I', 254 CHIl.likl'.N 1st DR. G. D. H. SEtf LE ~ 1 l DENTIST Hay niaak, 14th aad biatiaa Dt, Oiiiea Hours 9 ia 0 p.m. Evaaiaga by appaiaimant. Phone Waat 12