West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 May 1932, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS Msy 20, 1932. r t' ~ t rr~ t u !xt rt't tprr ~ sr 'truw'I or ~ o I .w»' t rt tw r cit rrg~ ~ t'rr rrrp ~ 'rr tk t'rr. r rr Itrit-- .r 'trrrvrr r wr rrwv rmr rtmr re ivr rrrtr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Why Pay More? SPECIAL JEFF ERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN ,J"-.uj Ambleside „'"'...'„.„„,"D(mdarave P~-7 ""'"24th sud Marina LUMBER. SASH B DOORSt For s 4-Room CottageSPECIALS: Fri., Sat. 8(. Monty May 20 21 & 23 KING i)SCAR SARDINES I&Iss ........ 3 ties 25c QliICK (IUAKER OATS l,imit 2 large pockets 16c I'RI.IX iilVGEk ALE I'iuts ................ ... . 6 fov 55c E C. SUGAR Limit 10 lim.. 10 lbs. I3c POTA'I'OES--Mcvrit Nctttd Gems.... 25 lbs. 25c BUTTER-- hlEADOWVAI.R S lbs. 59c GOLDEN MEADOW. 3 Ibtt 65c !)IURRAY'S MAltMALADE-- 40 os. jars ...... Szc 4 lb. tiu .......... ,..., ............... 4 ic GRAI'E RRUIT Imperial Valley.............. 5 for 25c LES)IONS, Cslilotuls ((good site) 6 for ISc J IF--Suop Flakes 'Suds in s jilfy'.....,Istgs pkL 16c MAKE YOUR OWN I.FDIONADE with Nabob (Xmccutrsttd Fruit Juices koch buttle makes 20 glasses; Sweetened -- just udd water ORANGE LE51OV ......................... boitlc 23c Li itE LIN»D INSIDB Price Delivered $ 200.00 HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS 4X IL)IPIRE Y)AY CAKESEach...., ... 25c CHltlSTIE'S ASSOkTED BIS- CUITS. I lb. box ......... 32c Rtd Jt White PEANUT BtrPYER 13 ox. Iov ....... 19c SWEET bllXED PICKLES Victory, 26 os. Iot............. 47c OLIVFS--Victory, Green 20 Im. lst ............ 25c ORANGES, Su tot Suukist 2 dmcu 49c I'Okli Jt BEANS, Aylmsr, Ss 2 ties 1st RELISH SPREAD, Best Foods 6 os. Isr ................,, 22c CHICKEV GIBLEr PASTEAylmct........., tiu sc BONELESS CHICKEN. Bolts hlsuot. )ltb pcr tiu........... 35c OVALTI)IE--smell si*o tiu.... 50c sltdium sixc tins ...75c Rcd R \)'hits LOBSTEk. )ts pcv tiu .......... - ........ ISc Rcd It White SOCKEI'E SALMON, iis, tiu................ 17c WAX I'APER 40 sheet pscksgc ......... 1st BOVRIL CORNED BEEF tiu .......................... .... .,.... ISc J ~ ') (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AihiBLESIDE STORE West 3 West 303 ~ ~ ~ CtET OUR I'l(ICES ON FENCING Sop(le Tnnks Cupboard Doors and Drawers Everything for the Building West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LihIITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, hisnsger, Residence I'hone: West 358L SERVICE Everything for ihe Building.AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD LU BER16th sud blsriuc DriveI'bouc West 199. After 6 P.m. ssk for Gcrry Deut Phone West 241k. SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamstco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board I Beaver Board -- Shingles 4~)t ~u-~E'J'tr'~& Sj~~~ never run away with another msn's wife. But I don't like to read criticisms of other forms of Christianity as I did the other dsy in 0 church magazine. Two of these came in for 0 regular dressing down in this periodical.. Any religion is entitled to the respect of those who follow other forms, if for no other rea- son than it represents some- thing real to its adherents. And, if unsound or evil, it will most certainly die 0 natural death without any knocks, which only serve to give it s new lease of life. The main fault of our Chris- tianity today is that there is so little charity towards each other displayed by its various divis- ions. THE BURiVING BUSH By Subadsr The Douks have been put in gaol by the hundred, snd msy be later by the thousand, be- cause they won't keep the law of the land. Their gravest of- fences are arson and bombings combined with 0 certain play- ful habit of indulging in the nude whenever the fit strikes them. Our fathers made the iirst mistake in importing them from Russia, where the Czar's government kissed them good- bye with considerable fervor. Now you cannot put a whole sec- tion of the community in gaol without tending to make lsw a laughing stock, and the obvious course would be to deport them back to Russia were it not for the fact that Russia would most certainly refuse to accept them, thank you, having hsd far too much of them already. The Sons of Freedom demand their freedom to break the lsw in any way which seems to be good to them, therefore why not ship them to 0 part of Canada where they csn do so without disturbing us unduly? Our Arc- tic barrens would be ideal for this purpose. Up there they would be too busy catching seals and fish to have time to burn schoolhouses and interfere with railway lines, and anyway there are neither of these civilized ne- cessit;es up north except the Hudson'6 Bay Railway, which might be just as well bombed for any apparent use it is likely to be. So fsr ss taking to the nude is concerned, I don't think even s Douk could be persuaded at the point of 0 gun to pull that stujf in the Arctic. In s certain village in France some husbands according to a B.U.P. despatch have been danc- ing and generally going on the razzia-dazzle. A local minister has recommended that their wives discipline them by spoil- ing the dinner, handing them top boots instead of their slip- pers, etc. It seems to me the worst advice possible, for such treatment, instead of keeping them at home, would most prob- ably result in their never coming home, which apparently they do now--in the early hours. Fur- ther, an angry Frenchman forc- ed to find his slippers might use them in an entirely unconven- tional way on his wife, which would be most astonishing to sn parties concerned. As a man I sm one of the medium goods, that is to ssy, I psy when I have the money, which is not ss often as I'd like. I have never got drunk without regretting it next dsy and have Phone West 190 All Government Inspected-NO.1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.OJl. Only ALL MEATS ARE FRESH---NO FROZEN MEATS No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter - 3 pounds 55c. Local Fresh Killed Boiling Fowl, 4lb to Slb.......... 16clb Cottage Rolls, no bone, no waste ~ 13c a lb. EGGS, Extras, F-m D-is Foui)if Rs«» 2'doz. 35c Highland Potatoes (grown lrom Ashcroft.seed) 100 lbs. 70c Local No. 1 Steer Beef FRESH KILLED Spring Lamb BolL»G BEEF 10lb. .........yeclais---- 'IBS (Breast on) 1 '2 ROUND BONE ROAST d P SAUSAGE ..................... 25c ~ 2 lbs. 81INCED STEAK ....... 25c I (no bone) ib 26C PRIME RIB ROAST 1 7 2 lbs. KIDNEYS................'. 25c RUMP ROAST 1)t Ibs. SLICED BACON . 25 Grain-Fed PORK jb ............................. 1 SC 2 lbs. STEYVING VEAL...... 25c LEGS (Fores) 2 lbs. CMTAGE CHEESE. 25e lb'------..--..--.--.. - ... 9C 10'~ C Local Fresh Killed 2 lbs. LAMB STEW ............ 25e 5 lbs. BEEF DRIPPING ... 25c 14 i VEAL 2 Ibtx CORiNED BEEF ......... 25c 'ORK SAUSA(,FS 25 lbs. PDTATDEs--- ----. 25c j 2 lbs........................... 30Ic I RDAsT, lb.... 1 Sc II( 20c Bologna Jellied Tongue Baked Hnm Roast Pork SPECIALS ) weiners Jellied,Veal Head Lettuce Green Onions tOr yOur paCnaC l Veal lmsf Hsm (jt Tongue Hol-house Tomatoes ID)dishes Iijoijed Hsm Corned ljeef Dutch Maid Salad Dressings Roberts'etter Meats BASEBALL )jest Vsn Drops First Senior Game to Lynn Valley Although allowing the Lynn Valley team to score five runs while they failed to registei the West Vsn boys showed they were in the game all the time. Five errors were chalked up a- gainst the local team which wss not bad for any team playing its first game of senior ball. Bill Dsvie pitched the first four in- nings for West Vancouver. Al- though he filled the'ases twice only allowed two runners to cross the plate. Don Armstrong who went in in the flfth hsd his Anger spht snd wss relieved by Grisedsle Harold Hudson held down the~ receiving job snd with 0 better peg to the bases should get by alright. The other West Van players were Cornish, Smith, Mc Lean, Price, Reid, Watson and Cripps. Stan tronge caught for Lynn Valley with Lucking pitching. As Ambleside Park will be in use by the hisy Day people next Monday the game against Native Sons will be postponed. The fol- lowing Monday Squamish Indi- ans will provide the opposition here snd it is expected a good crowd will be on hand again. I.E(tloiV W. A. The W. A. to the Canadian Legion are requested to as- semble at St. Stephen's Church at 7 o'lock on Sunday, hIsy 22, to attend Divine Service. The whist drive held st hire. Barnott'0 home last Saturday wss 0 very enjoyable event, The first ladies prize being won by Mrs. Doherty. The ladies conso- lation prize went to Mrs. Foot. hlr. Sherman won the gentle- man'0 jirut prize snd hire. Sister receivud the gentleman's conso- lation prize. Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE se- The Store with the Neon Sign