West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 May 1932, p. 5

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS J. I.OCTET I'ROTESTS SHIPS'ISCHAR(xLVG OIL INTO BAY The damage to the bathing beaches of West Vancouver and Howe Sound through deposits of heavy oil, apparently coming from the flushing of oil tanks by ships leaving Vancouver has been taken up with Attorney- (Mneral of the Province and the Dominion Minister of Marine, Hon. Alfred Duranleau, by Jack Loutet, hLL.A. In Europe ships are prohibited from cleaning their oil tanks in waters where the tide may bring the oil back to the shore and it is felt that similar regulations should be in force here. Last year there was this same trouble and at the beginning of the present month some of the best beaches in West, Vancouver were made unflt for the use of the public, Every effort will be made to get action so as to keep the beaches clean this summer. May 20, 1982. Final Sale ROGERS MANTEL RADIOS CLASSIFIED ADS RR massa ia 2 aaoaa por war& misimom baaiss toaolar aaaoosaa ak alaaal Tbo rale for ilaaaiiiad Adsoriiaa AS aooia. Exaopi is ibo casa of Sboao sada are parable strictly is adaasaa Ramombar Claaaifiada is the Wma FOII RENT--6'araiabad aad safors- iabad modern suites. Cheap rentals- Phone West SSYT. Vas Nowa eai immadiaio amoisa r ISAY I ) ROCKERT ami ALPINE PLANTS for sale, from large coiioctioa. C G. Barrow, corner 24ib asd Naiaoe. Pboso West 90L2. Ready for immediate delivery and using the New Peniade Tube..the laiesi devclopmeni in radio. Pricad wiib $4+PP Tenne:-- $6 down psr month $6 Don No. I INSIDE Fik, SSA0 por aosd, ~Iao good aiaba aad mill ros. Phono Biaira, West 298. FOR I LUSIBING REPAIRS -- Raa- idaaao Pbooa West 24IILof IIO ia, D kadD CALL ED BLACK for Feraiioro asd Baezaao Transfer. Daky io aed fmm aiiy. Phone West 88. HOUSE FOR kE:IT--Pariiy foasiob- od, medora, nice iocaiioo, Sasaza. Phone Wast 620L FOR SALE--By Owner, 6268 cash, Lot 90, iia, Bik. 10. D. L 1089, Koitb Road, Clear Title. 9 1346, Ladaar. FOR SALE--I.ioyd %is&or Baby Car- rkssa Cbaap Phono Wast iiiX CBIHNEY SWEEPIiiG -- Pbaoa K Palmer, North RIIR2. 1ANO Coop LTD. MILL, Agcni and Marine West 37 NEW ELFA:TkiCAL Self Troaimool for Nosritia. Rbamaasiam, Cotarsb. !ofioaexa, Asthma, Blood Praomlao, pioaiaia Tmebia, Debility, oic. Gsvoo apacml racozoltkm by Lmaao of NOIMsa Coenaii, Gosova 19.'%. Money tact searaatao. Write for free booklet. D. S. Ssuib, Ovorboak Rapsoaoetaiivo, ISIS Folios, Hoky- burn. ape distributed. Special partie whist drives and concerts are arranged periodically, and every thing possible done to bring as much cheer as can be to the re turned men, suffering there. This Chapter is affiliated with the League of Nations, and hss presented to the High Schoo Library the monthly magazine of the League. It is also affili- ated with the Family Welfare Bureau and hae 0 representative on the I.O.D.E. committee on Immigration. The Chapter desires to record ite appreciation of the assist- ance of the various orgamza- tions and citizens who so gener- ously assisted in raising sufi'ici- ent funds to allow a family of four to return to their farmer home in England. In order to carry on these var- ious activities the Chapter hss raised and dispensed during the year the sum of 81,377.89; this amount having been made pos- sible through the ca-operation of the public in the various dances, bridges, concerts, play and Alexandra Rose Day which the Chapter undertook. The elections at the Annual Meeting resulted in the follow- ing officers for the year 1932- 1933: Hon Regent--Mrs. A. A. Almas lbegent--hfrs. Bernard Hayes Hon 1st Vice Regent--Mrs. John Lawson 1st Vice Regent -- Mre. E. J. Pesrce Hon. 2nd Vice Regent Mrs. David Morgan 2nd Vice Regent -- AIrs. A. G. Eastman Secretary--Mrs. Gordon Gray Corres. Secretary -- Mrs. T. F. Dundas 'Awasurer--Mrs, W. B. Small Educational Sec.--Mrs. I. IVella Crawford Echoes Sec.--Mrs. F. N. Hirst Standard Bearer -- Mrs. Donald McTavish Councillors -- Mrs. J. B. Ley- land, Mrs. V. F. Johncox, Mrs. Robert Fiddes. FOR SALE--Oak Rafaisaraaor, iiawi white aaamai, family aim, good aoadiiioa, $ ia. Phone West 690RI. FOk RENT, Saic or Excbaaxo for West Vaaaouvar property -- Saran room aioaao besgaiow, doable Ioi, fully modaro, Danbar Haisbia Phone Bayviow 17I2. CANARIES -- Naia yoos poi aow. Famaias $2.00; males $5.00. Beauti- ful aoazaiars. Pboaa West 2'I71 WANTED Til BUY-- i2 or 14 foot second-band rowboat. Apply Box 17 West Van News. FOR SALE-84200JSS High Class Six room bassa. Iorso ioi, oxaoptkmal- iy good view. Jobe Lawsoo, West SS NORTH SHORE BASFBALL SCHEDULE League games will be played Wednesday and Friday evenings at Mahon Park snd Monday evenings at Ambleside Park. Fach team will visit the (Vest End once during the schedule which will run to July 20. At the conclusion of the schedule teams standing second and third will meet in a twa-aut-of-three series to qualify to meet the league leaders in the final three- out-of-fiv series for the champ- ionship and privilege of repre- senting this circuit in the pro- vincial senior B play-off series. The intermediate league con- sisting of Native Sons, Lynn Valley and West Vancouver, will open its season Thursday even- ing hfay 19. League fixtures will be played as usual on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. There will also be a post season series for this loop to decide the cham- pionship. Schedule will be sub- mitted at the next meeting of the league executive. The senior league schedule is as follows: May 11--Native Sons vs. Valley May 13--Squamish va. Smiths Airlines. May 16--W. Van. vs. Valley at West Vancouver AIsy 18--N. Sons vs. Squamish May 20--L. Valley vs. Smiths Airlines. iMay 23--IV. Van. vs. Nat Sons at Q'cst Vancouver Msy 25--Squsmish vs. L. Valley hiay 27--Smiths Airlines vs. Native Sons. May 30--W. Van. vs. Squamish at West Vancouver June I--Smiths Airlines vs. IV. Vancouver June 3--L. Valley vs. Nat. Sons June 7--Smiths Airlines vs. Squamish. June 8--L. Valley vs. (V, Van. June 10--Squamish vs. Nat Sons June 14--Smiths Airlines v8. L Valley. June 15--Squamish vs. W. Van. June 17--Native Sons vs, Lynn Valley. June 20--W, Van. vs. Smiths Airlines June 22--L. Valley vs. Squamish June 24--N. Sons vs. Smiths Airlines June 28--L. Valley vs. W. Van. Junewa9--Squamish vs. Smiths Airlines. July I--N. Sons vs. W. Van. July 4--L. Valley vs. Smiths Airlines, July 6 Smiths Airlines vs. W. Vancouver July 8--N. Sons vs. Squamish July IP N. Sons vs. IVest Van. July 13--Squamish vs. L. Valley July 15--Smiths Airlines vs. N. Sons. July 20--IV. Van. ve. Squamish HAVE YOU SEEN ibo New Sissi for Pipe Ssaokosa, H sot, aoo Aiac at the Ambiaaido Toa kamsa WELDII(G -- Waabiss hfaabiwsa, Lawn mowora, anything m moiaix. Folllaao toiaiisa, tar and gssvol roofing. Bersasd Sheet Mamt Works Phone North 84L FOR SALE-Noariy aaw 4- hole Em- pire Range, $30. 3279 hiariaa Drive 1430 ARGYLE AVENLE, To Rent-- Pari of house 8 doors from ferry wharf, madam. 7 rooms on firsa floor, low rent for entire season. Garage. Some furaitsra. Apply Owner on premises. FOR SALE -- Almost, new 7-Tebo Pbiico, $79.00; another at $69.00. Radios tested aod repaired, radio licenses iaaoad. North Shore Radio Electric, 14th aad Marine Drive. West 8I. FOUNDATION CKHENT TSORKr Landscaping and Lawns laid. Rock walla. drains, septic isska, fencing ssd iaild cloarmg cbusaays aad forssasw claaead aod ropairwL Phone T. Barnots, residence phma West 290R. LAWN BOWERS SHARPEhED- Experienced with ail makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW \Vast Vasoau var Machina Shop, 1449 Marina.FOR RENT --Six room bossaiow, boi walar heated, Clyde Avo. at 14th St. Rent $25. Apply 'I28 Seymour SS. LANDSCAPE asd Lawns, Lami Clear- ing, Cement Work, Sopiic Tanks, Fencing, oia., Gardening, Old Coun- try Gardener, Painting or anything. Ail work soaraetawL Prioaa raaa- oeabio. M. Hallmark, Phoae West 4&OL. PAINTING, KALSOMINING, PA- PERLhG. C. I Koaiasa, Wast 894B fOR RBNT--Hooao oa %asar(mrna. APPiy, Loylaml, West 83BL SHINGLLOIG asd Roof Repairs Laws mooara groosd. Sawfiimg N. R. Ekia, Pbosa lpost 184IL BOARD aad Rooms for Ladies aad Gentlemen. Good view. 1609 Docb- ass Avo. Phone West 433L. ONE ROOM COTTAGE for lwo adoISO with goad board, in lovely Water- front home. Phone West 322. TO RENT~ room modars booaa. Good garden. Number of goad trait trees. Convenient location, $20.OL Apply Jobs Lawsoe. West Sfa MARCELLB SHOP -- Mascoua Se casiss reset, 35a; fixzor wale, 76c. Phone Mra. King, Woes SSL NOTICE--hiy number is listed oadar "Bungalow Grocery," %Oat 24. hicCarisay. LOST--Spare tire aad rim. Siarma or Kaitb Road. Phone North 72IR2 BOARD AND RBSIDENCB -- 15ib asd Baiiavea, near ferry. Rates at- tractive. Phono %oat 458I FOR SAL~paaially low price for qaiak sale: the Sooth %Oat Corner of 17th and Heywood, 100 by 142; Vary choice Building site with Ioso. iy view, $660. Also a nice Iot on Kaitb Road overlooking the Nar- rows between 10th aad ilib, 3250. Owner, Phone 14L %B HAVE TEN OF THE CHEAP- EST LOTS in West Vaacoaaor- Some doaa ia. Sero mosey-makers in near faiara. Jobe Lawsos, Waaa 55. FOR SALB oa EXCHANGE -- Is the City, aoay 6 loom bsmsalow (valse $24001 summer basso, garage, fruit iraaa Full piembiss. 2 lots. Nioa location. Phoae Wast 66.Unpardonable The Doctor: And if he loses consciousness again, give him a teaspoonful of that brandy. The Patient's Wife: While he's unconscious? Oh, doctor, he'd never forgive mel Book Agent (to farmer): "You ought to buy an encyclo- pedia, now that your boys is go- ing to schooL" Farmer: "iVot on your life. Let him vralk, the same as I did." AIAY DAY COMAHTTEE The May Day Committee met last Saturday evening in the council chamber at 7 o'lock, when reports of committees were received and passed, and a considerable amount af detail work approved in. connection with the celebration. Representatives from the Old Taiio Casaaslo ~ adllao asd Boy Acreage is a place wiab a fsimo. Acsoazo ill good Iocaiiosaa from $50 ap. Apply Jobs Lawsos, West 6&. Corporation of the District of West Vancouver Sealed tenders are invited for the purchase af a house and lot situated on Kings Avenue be- tween 23rd and 24th Streets and known as D.L. 554. N.1V. pt. Block 9, Lot 10, iVo. o2842 Eing's Avenue. Tenders must be delivered to the undersigned by 12 o'lock noon on the 23rd of hiay, 1932. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WM. HERRIh Municipal Clerk. Alav 12, 1932. Timers'ommittee were present snd gave details of the arrange- ments they were mailing..':, It was decided to install loud Old Gentleman (in street car) "Has anyone here lost 0 roll of bills mrth an elastic around them 7" "Yes, I have," cried a dozen riders. Old Gentleman (calmly) I 'SVelL I just found the elastic." Airman Breaks Record Come-to-grief Airman -- "I was trying to make a record." Farmer: "IVell, you'e made -it, You be the first man in these parts who dimbed down a tree without having to climb up it firstiw speakers at Ambleside Park for the afternoon of the 24th. The dance in the evening will take place from 9:30 p.m. to I a.m., instead of from 9 to 12 midnight as previously arranged The Faith of Slogans Bim: "Do you think it right to buy an automobile on the in- stalment plan?" Bam: "Sure, 16,000,000 people can't be wrong," She: "Where ie your chival- ry?" He: "I turncal it in for 8 Buick." First Things First "My wife says if I don't chuck golf she'l leave me." "Hard luck, old chap." "Yes-I'l miss her." Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LVSL'RANCE isa& Marioo Drive Phoae %aai si or Saymooa Izee Eaaaieao Waoa 204X Talkers Eliminated "You say that you have driven a car for 10 years snd never had a backseat driver?" inquired the weakahinned gentleman." "Yeah," asserted the sad-fac- ed man, "I drive a hearse." OAR TOPS Fasoilasa UPHOLSTERING Cars N. R. ELLIS Res, Phone: West 184R 1427 hlarine Drive . ~ J. W. KELLY P G. GEM IVest 37 Cor. 14th af ANiVUAL REPORT OF sky as THE DUNCAN LAWSON & Chap, CHAPTER, I.O.D.E. wsias Following is a synopsis of the 12th Annual Report of the Dun- s op L% can Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E.. as read before thc Municipal Chapter in Vancouver. The off'icers for the year have la sha been: Iiall. Hon. Regent--Mrs, A. A. Al- kay mae. Regent--hfre. Bernard Hayes. Hon. 1st, Vice Regent -- Mrs. AY Wir ' +Iohn Lawson First Vice Regent--Mrs. E. J. ( 'earce celt Hon 2nd Vice Regent -- Mrs. hWIA 'avid Morgan 2nd Vice Regent--Mrs. A. G. Eastman Secretary--Mrs. P. T. Master- spaias man Asst. Secretary--Airs, Gordon Gray Treasurer--Mrs. W. B. Small Educational Sec.--Mrs. Jupp 'irst Echoes Sec.--Mrs. Hbst. ailsis Standard Bearer--AIrs. D. Mc- Cswa I . Tavish Councillors -- hire. Ogilvie, Mrs. Eatock, Mrs. Waite. Ten regular and four execu- tive meetings have been held, the attendance averaging 75% of the membership, showing the sustained interest of the mem- bere in the work. ii tpe During the year, the Chapter ghistly 'as assisted the Hospital Host; siDg 3 Imperial Veterans; Trophy for Sea Cadets; Old Contemptiblee; 0 dat?", . R.N.W.M.P.; Earl Haig Fund; League of Nations; Peace River Epidemic, and presented an In- 3yes f. atrument Table to the Columbia )psl al Coast Mission. e&ef." Locally the Chapter presented to the AIunicipality 8 much-need- ed inhalator, and took sn out- s standing part in Relief work in West Vancouver, through their Child IVelfare committee, cloth- ing, food, fuel, were supplied in large quantities to many needy families. Assistance was given to the Football and Basketball teams Ali and donation given to the School ~Band. Through the Educational committee two bursaries were donated--one to the pupil mak- ing the highest average marks in the Junior Matriculation ex- arne and one to the student rank- ing highest in the Entrance ex- aminations. Three other pupils were given books, snd 49 I.O.D. E. calendars were placed in the schools snd public buildings of West Vancouver. I' The Memorial Arch, always a delightful part of the Duncan Lawson Chapter's work, was 0- gain cared for during the year, and a Memorial Service arrang- ed for Armistice Dey, when the IOA clergy of West Vancouver, the~Chars? Society, the School Band,. 'Othe Girl Guides and Boy Scouts, I'f +, kindly assisted and which was attended by all the organizations and 0 large number of the citi- zens of West Vancouver. The Chapter have the honor s of sponsoring the Girl Guides of West Vancouver snd the com- I mlttee were pleased to assist i them in their Toy Shop, and die- tribution of toy-hampers at Xmas as well as their various activities. The Shaughnessy Hospital is another part of the Chapter's very important work. Regular visits are paid to the patients I~ when flowers, fruit, candy, cig- arettes, books and magazines, ~ ~ r r ~ ~ ' ~ ~ r «; r S r.er. i