0001 ihlay 20, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS I ii Ih be tx,) Iaipn 1'Q Op cg i )0, fia)Nibs sn Bada htian a( Nn Brit. taken in h catch al ,Tga-bai (act that ilia barf English :k ta the Wbm abel, the ! tba cam , laba)let feting. ba eigbib o lat ua the Nbg cn'3 lap i ia ana al Igaat Iaa fl dl~ j)tP' Local and Personal FREEAIR PLANE RIDE Your purchases here en- title you to votes. The person bringing in the most votes by June 15th will be awarded a Free Airplane ride over Vancouver City. See us about it. WEST VAII PIhRMACY Thu Sauce uf Scvvtce. Iaa2 Muviuu Drive Wcca sf Bmcvgcucy Phuuu West 321 s p.m) The Canadian Iiegion is pu'.- ting on its fourth whist drive and dance in aid of the unem- ployed ex-service men, tomorrow (Saturday) at 8 p.m. sharp in the Legion HalL Tickets msy be obtained from any Iiegion member or admission at tlie door. ~ ~ c A deer last Monday jumped into the water from the shore at Altamont and proceeded to swim in the direction of Point Grey. A party on s small yacht suc- ceeded in turning it to the shore, where it ran into the thick scrub. ~ ~ ~ William Errico aged 7, of Magee suffered a fractured skull )ast Sunday, when he fell over a twenty-foot cliff on Eagle Is- land. He was taken to the Van- couver General Hospital, where he recovered consciousness Wed- nesday morning. His condition is still considered criticaL \ Rev. Pascoe Guard, who has recently returned from England, gave a radio address last Sun- day afternoon during the Brit- ish-Israel hour. He reviewed present conditions in England and Europe generally, and stat- ed that the world was turning to the Bible in a way it had never done before. He also gave details of the great progress which was being made by the B.-I. movement. ~ u ~ Rev. John Archibald of Grand Forks, was the guest this week of hIr. and Nrs. J. W. Cooper, 25th and Bellevue Avenue. u hire. A. Webb, 25th and Mar- ine Drive, received news this week of the death in Greenwich, England, of her brother Captain Inch, who won international fame in 1913 by his handling of his ship "the Volturno," which was burnt at sea. He waa visit- ing Mr. Bnd hfrs. Webb here a- bout four years ago. v Mrs. Osborne has arrived from Scotland to join her husband, who recently rented the Crow- ther house at 31st and Water- front. J. J. Dutton, 22nd and Belle- vue, passed away at 9 o'c)ock last night in St. Paul's HospitaL Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced. * ~ Gemmill's Drug Store will be open every evening, starting 23rd Nay, up to 10 p.m. ~ c The Legion W. A. and hIrs. Rut)edge are providing refresh- ments free for the folk dancers on 51ay Day. Mrs. H. Stokes and daughter of Fort William, are the guests of hfrs. Stokes'arents, hfr. and Mrs. T. E. Batchelor, 1374 Gor- don Avenue, and expect to be with them for the summer. ~ v u O. Ryall, George Dixon, Dune. Williams, and another Vancou- ver player'ill play exhibition games at 2 p.m. next Sunday at the West Vancouver Tennis Club Any interested in tennis will be welcome to vfatch these games. ~ v ~ Sunday is visitors'ay at Kew Beach. Ideal for bathing, boat- ing, and fishing. c ~ v In regard to income tax de- ductions from relief payroll the council decided that the amount claimed be paid under protest. The West iVhncouver Quur- tette, consisting of Messrs. A. J, Addy, R. Froud, J. Holt and J. G. Fiddes came second in the quar- tette competition at the B. C. Musical Festival, securing 83 marks. There were four quar- tettes contesting. c v ~ The West Vancouver Teach- ers, playing last Friday on the Pauline Johnson School grounds, defeated the baseball team of Grade 11, West Vancouver High School, by a score of 11 to 10. v ~ A special ferry bus will leave Amblesi'de wharf at 7:30 o'lock tonight for the benefit of those attending the lecture to be given by Professor Carrothcrs in the K.P. Hall, North Vancouver, under the auspices of the North Shore Teachers'ssociation. ~ ~ Mrs. Go)die of Vancouver, has rented thc Ray cottage at 14th and Bellevue Ave., and has tak- en possession. ~ ~ J. Cornish of the Roya) Bank staff here is on his holidays, and J. H. Allan of the main office in Vancouver is relieving during his absence. c c ~ Miss Alexander of Vancouver, has taken the Beck cottage on West Beach for the summer. ~ ~ ~ Miss Wh)te, 23rd and King'3 Ave., left here on Wednesday for Pender Harbor, where she ex- pects to reside in future. ~ ~ ~ 'Mrs. F. J. Moore returned on Thursday, 12th instant, from North Vancouver General Hos- pital to her home at 22nd and Jefferson Ave., bringing with her her new baby boy. Nrs. Thornton and family of Vancouver, have moved into theh summer home at 23rd and Haywood Ave. for the season. c Mrs. Marsden, 24th snd Hey- wood Ave., has purchased the IVh)te property at 23rd and King's Ave. ~ u ~ The christening of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pochin, 19th and hfarine Drive, took place on Sunday, 8th Nay, at St. Stephen's Church, the baby receiving the names of Kathleen Marie. The godparents were Mr. Philip Plemins and Miss Kathleen Yates. t c W. hlcL. Cooper has returned to his home at 21st and ihIarine Drive from Shaughnessy Mili- tary Hospital, where he recent- ly underwent a successful opera- tion. The members of I.he West Vancouver and North Vancou- ver L.O.L. last Friday evening put on a concert in the Loyal Protestant Home in New West- minster for the children there, a number of young people from West Vancouver United Church paying the children a visit ut the same time. Those taking part in the program ivere. Mrs Evans, Miss Holly, Jack hfelville from CKihIO, h)iss Kinloch, hiisn G. Lightly, J. hfcEwan, J. Bon- ney, R. Cornish and H. Holly. A most enjoyable evening was spent by both the chili',ren urd their hosts. ~ ~ ~ The chief of police was re- quested by the counci) to in- struct the constables that, if they sce anything in the nature of signs, posts, or other erec- tions on public boulevards, they take necessary steps to have them removed at once. The matter of advertisements painted on rocks was left to the attention of the engineer, ~ ~ Nay Z.1th -- ('hildren's Day. Hend your donations io one of prize committee or West Van News. Wc Lc OGDEN COc bvest )4(i MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCI.USIVELY Bathing SuitS ct1SO New Style, Black or Blue, All Sizes BASEBALL DANCE liIOST FNJOYABLE The dance given by the West Vancouver Baseball Club last Friday evening in the llollyburn Pavilion was much enjoyed by all those who attended. The Pavilion, which has just been en- larged and renovated through- out, formed a very pretty set- ting, which was much enhanced by the new colored lamps recent- ly installed and the orchestra was all that could be desired. l. O. D. E. The BURRARD LAUNDRY Thc regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., was held at the home of hIrs. Gordon Gray on Monday May 9th, with the regent, Mrs. Ifayes, in the chair, After the opening formalities the minutes were read and adop- ted and the correspondence dealt with. It was moved and seconded that the Chapter give the St. Stephen's Wolf Cub Pack a Union Jack and pole. It was also moved and second- ed that the Chapter give the same prizes as last year to the pupils of the highest standing in the Entrance and the highest average in the Matriculation Exams. A very successful telephone bridge was held by the members of the Chapter to raise funds for the beautifying of the Memorial Arch. The report of the Land of Nod was given and a very substan- tial sum of money was realized. A request was announced from Lady Bessborough through Mrs. Fordham Johnson asking all British subjects to use only Em- pire products on Empire Day. It was moved and seconded that the Chapter hold Rose Day again this year. Mrs. R..I. Sprott of Vancou- ver, who was our delegate to the annual Provincial Conven- tion at Victoria in April, was the tea guest of the Chapter and gave a most interesting account of the convention. Mrs. IV. B Small has been ap- pointed a Provincial Councillor. Tea was served by the host- esses and after the closing cere- mony the meeting adjourned The members are reminded to attend evening service in St. Stephen's Church on May 22nd. For People Whu Are Particular THIRD ST. uud ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. Wast Van. Espresso(at)ve F. RIVERS Phone West 410L J The council requested the presence of a representative of the West Vancouver Swimming Club at the next regular meet- ing of the council in connection with the building on Dundarave wharf. Amblesigle SheetMetalWorks lAURIE SPECK, Pvupvlciuv 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET IIIETAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING SUNDAY VISITORS'AY AT KEW BATHING BOATING FISHING ILW.Savory Siration'S BAKERY1443 hlarine DriveAmbleaide BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Bread, Asuorted Pastries Almond b aneties Banbury or Eccles Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 h)ARLVE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will ealL Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance I'AULliVE JOHNSON WINS FOLK DANCING SHIELD Grades 5 and 6 of the Pauline Johnson School won the folk- dancing shield at the B. C. Mus- ical Festival with 173 marks, Hollyburn being a close second with 172 marks. The Pauline Johnson scholars of grades 7 and 8 came second in their competition, being a- warded 172 marks. In the open national dancing competition a group from the a- bove two schools was placed second with 91 marks among nine entries, their competitors being all from professional clas- ses. BURRARD FUNERALCHAVEI. B, D. WHITE, Mgv. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 32n - nvd SI. K, Phone Novi h 62S The 24th of Map is A DoyMNiox HOLIDAY." DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY That b. for cvcvyuuc hui ihu an- fortunate cur owner, uhu huu Iu stay home or stop on the road 'Iu vupulv uv udiuct ccrtuiu parte that meed attention. Be uuvu of u perfect holiday. Scc Chuck Chupumu ut iiOIIIE . MADB CANDY icu Cream uud Soft Dviuhu 26th uud Phone Bellevue West 7 MARINE MOTORS for your cuv vcpuivc. guu uud uiiThe council instructed the engineer to see that such floats as are usually necessary for summer sports be placed in posi- tion and that the Swimming Club be advised to attend to the mooring, etc., of that at the Dun- darave wharf. The council communicated with P. Philip, public works de- partment, stating that, though they had made application for work to be carried out on the hlarine Drive to the extent oi'pproximately$ 11,000, it was noted In the paper a short time ago that 68,000 only exclusive of repairs to bridges had been allocated for thc entire North Shore, and that, if this report was correct, they would bo glad to be informed how much of this amount hsd been allocated to the municipality of West Vancouver. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14ih and lilarine Expert Work Phone 1Vest 135 The West Vancouver branch of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society held a meeting at the home of Nrs. Hastings on Thursday, hlay 12th. Mr. Luttie was a guest from the Vancouver branch and instructed the mem- bers in several new steps. Re- freshments u.ere servNN) and the evenmg proved very en)oyab)e. May Day Photo Contest Special and Individual Attention to Competition Prints. C. J. BRODERICK MotoriStS'rivers'icenses IReuuuuiv Only) OBTAINABLE FROM E. N. Copping ta Lasagale Ava. North VancouverI'hoto I'inlsher 1436 Marine Drive FOR SUPERIOR TAH ORING AT MODERATE PRICES See VVILLIAMS, the Tailor 1568 Menue Dove Exclusive Agent for REGENT and HYCRAFT Made-to- Messure Clothes, $2400 and up. Dry Cleaning and Pressing Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L