West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 May 1932, p. 2

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0001 4»»4 W'sr 6'»t I '» ,tVO ti»L t 6 ~Iv rut.t tit 'If~'rta ' IA rit6 tvt. 6»r 6 rt~~ .O.- S '0' 'tvv IU6 rr.(rr r'r . ~ vr I*"r rr 6'r'. irr vt'rvtvrrv LrrrrrrArrvv vvrrrvrrrrA WAVy-rrrr r~ . ~ vvrrvbrrvv6'6 "rrr. v 'vvvv&vr trrtvrr t rvt vvvrv rrvvrrrrAt 6rvr v lvrrv United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, May 22nd, 1932 10 S.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "The Extra." 7:16 p.m.--Public Worsh(p. Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "The Divine Intensity." The 'various societies have no inside meetings during the sum- mer. The Young People's Associa- tion meet for Badminton snd Tennis; the C. G, I. T. are hav- ing talks on Astronomy by hir. Porter and Mr. Selwood; the Trail Rangers are devoted to baseball. In each case other meetings are at the call of the leaders. ,Lfako your Appoi n tmrut Early for your Holiday Permanent Slaam or OR Waves .. $5.00 Bommat'0 Natural.... $6.50 Toaommaadod for Fary Sna, whko or bleached hair Call aad aak hiiaa Clay about UUT up-io-(ho-miauta method. t 2Uenflolyn Beffuly ShoPPe 1640 Matiaa Drive Phone West 117 DOROTHY hIORTON, 14, DIES Dorothy Vivian hIorton, abed 14, of 2446 Haywood Ave., died on Sunday at her home. The deceased was a native of Alberta and had resided in West Vancou- ver nine years. Besides her mother, she is survived by three sisters and four brothers. Fun- eral services were held at 3 p.m. Tuesday in Harron Bros. (k Wil- liamson'8 chapel. Mr. B. R. Scott officiated and burial took place in Capilano View Cemetery On Wednesday at 8 o'lock the study of Stanley Jones'Christ of the hIount,» continues at the devotional gathering. The girls of the C.G.I.T. are co-operating in the selling of May Day buttons. Our own group hope the members will patronize them in their pur- chases. Dr. Henry is securing a num- ber of "Golden Rules" for use in the S.O.S. call of the "Save the Children" fund. The golden rule is a foot long. A ten cent piece for each inch will feed a child for 2 weeks. The people are reminded of the Pageant under the auspices of the Young People's Union of the United Church in Kitsilsno High School on Friday and Sat- urday at 8:15 p.m. Its object is the promotion of the Peace sentiment by showing the de- moralizing effects of war on the race and on the civilized arts and cultures of today. There is a cast of 280 people, an 18 piece orchestra, and the Wesley Children's Choir all as- sisting, along with tableaux, folk dancing, negro spirituelles, and solos. On Saturday, May 28th, from 2:30 till 5 p.m., in Crosby Church Gym» (2nd and Larch), a rally of Explorers and Juniors is being arranged with a fine program dealing with play, wor- ship and praise and a pageant by the Boy Explorers of Crosby entitled "On the Tail of Korean Kite." An Irishman who canaidarad him- aaif 0 very cooaciantiooa workman, desired a raise in aaiary. Ha waa employed by a shrewd Dutchman who appraciaiad Pat's mrvkoa, but did oat believe in paying more than ho had to. Pat entered tha Udiao one morxing aad told the proprietor ha thought ha waa entitled io 0 Taiaa. »PEL,U said the Doiehmaa, "if you are worth it, I will give it to you; but listen, Pat, you know that there are 366 days in the yoar?U "Yoa," OOM Pat. »Now, you sleep Eight hours each doy, that oqaaia 122 days you sleep. Figures don't iia, Pat. Take that Uff 366 days and you have left only Si8 days. »Yaa," said Pai. »Now, Pat, you have eight hours for recreation aad devotion. That is equally 122 days. Now take (hot Ud 243 days aad yoa have 121 days left. Then aubatraai 62 for the 62 Soadaya in the year, for you don't work on Sundays, aad that leaves yoo 89 days. Then, baaidaa, don't 1 give yau 14 daya vacation 00th yaarta "Yoa," said Pai. "That leaves 66 daya. Now Pat, there are 62 Soiarday balf-holidays ia the year; you know yoo don't work on Satorday afternoons. Thai makes 2S daya. Taking that od leaves yoa 29 days. Now, Pat, yaa have aboai Lwo hours for meals oath day." »Yoa," aaid Pat. »That equals 28 days. If you take that Oif, yao have only one day left, Now, Pai, yau know I alwaya give yoo Si. Pairiak' doy. Well,--I want 10 aak yoa, do yau think you are worth a Taiaa?» "Holy Sachs!" said Pai, "What the heck have I been doing aii ihia Limo 7" CADET LNSPECTION The annual inspection of the school cadets took place on Thursday afternoon the 12th in- stant on the Hollyburn School grounds. Captain McBrayne of Victoria, who conducted the in- spection, expressed himself as entirely satisfie with their work. He was assisted by, G. W. Brandreth, director of physical instruction in the Vancouver schools. The First Guess "Darling, I won a medal at 3 cookery school." "WonderfuL But tell me, what is this I am eating?" "Guess." "Your miklal.» '" FREE Range %Viewing North Shore Electric 1439 Marine DE(00 West 61 GORDON ROBSOIN Barrister A Soiitiiat WEST VANCOUVER- Odica NU. 1447, Marina Drive phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 81st 610 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. Established on North Sbora 20 Yoatm (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON jfIIneral QiIestarS North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nems Pabiiahad Every Friday Pabnahar F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Baaiaom aod Fditot(al Odkoi 17th aad Mariao Drito (Naat io Honybarn P. O.) Phone West 363 Mall Address: V.O. Box 61. Hanybara, ILC. 61.00 a paar by «ataiaai 62.00 a year by maiL "What is the best thiiig to do when the brakes of one's car give out'l" asks 8 motoring cor- respondent. Hit something cheap. THE WEST VAN NEWS wEsT YANcoUvER St. Stephen's Church Chriatian SCienCe Rev F A. Ramsey L,S,T. Society Nay 22nd--Trinity Sunday, CHURCH ED(FICE 8 S.m.--Holy Communion. 20th 0"4 F»qa(maih Hauybma 10 S.m.--Na[n Sunday School. Thia Sociaty i~ ~ Branch of 11:15 a.m.--Primary Dept. of 'i ho Mother Church Sunday Tho First Church of Chtiai, Sclaatkh ia BOOTEE, Maaaachaaoiia mon. Sunday SOT01000 11 80 am a~ 7 16 pm Evensong slid ser 7,30 P.mi ' mOn, Sunday, Nay 22nd, Evensong will be sn EmpireDsy service and will be attended Subject: by the LO.D.E„Canadian Legl- »SOUL AND BODY- on and Legion W. A. At the Cub meeting on Tues- Suaday Sahaai 01 10iee ~ Is day hire W HayeS On behalf Taatiraa"y Maaii"8 Wad"Oadoy of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E» presented St. Stephen's Pack with a Union Jack. ThisBaptiSt ChurCh color will be dedicated st the Pastor: Scout-Cub and Guide Empire Rev. H. P. HLImphreys service on Sunday, Nay 29th, St Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Sunday, Nay 22nd. Nominations for officers wasthe chief business at the A.Y.P. Adult Class. 10 S.m.sunday School snd A. m ting on Monday last. Of-. mee 'ng on on ay as. flcers elected by acclamation 11 a.m.--Morning womhiP. were psst president, S. Le(Incr; The Pastor will Preach, toPic, pr Ni p Beavis Vice pres'ee: Miss K. Hampson. Other officials will be voted for at Topic, "Why the Heavenly 0 e " mpire ig Robes are White." Twenty of our boys will t keContinuing the series on Rev- part in the National Athletic contest at Brockton Point on Saturday afternoon. The meet is under the auspicei of the Boys "We stud'y the Sunday School Work Board of the R.E.C. SPecial invitation to Sunday feild'Sunday at 9 45 a.m'. School teachers. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prsc- St.'Anthony's Church West Vancouver needs Christ. Pastor: Rev. Father Carey We preach Christ and Him cruel- Res. 2558 Marine Dr. fied. Come and join in our ser- vices and so strengthen our wit- FRIDAY--7:30 p.m., Devotions.8:00 p.m., Confessions. (Children) SATURDAY--7:30 p.m., Con- Presbyterian Mission fessions (Adults) . Orange Hall SUNDAY--8:45a.m., Holy Mass Minister: Sermon. Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. 1130 p.m» Sunday School. Phone N 1107. 2:30 p.m., Devotions.WEEK DAYS--7:15 a.m., Holy Services: Mass. Sunday, 2 p.m.-- All depart- ments of the Sabbath School WEST VANCOUVER Bible Class. CHORAL SOCIETY 3:15 p.m. -- Church worship. Sermon subject: "Making Chris- At the annual general meeting tians Christian.» of the West Vancouver Choral Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer'ociety the following officers for meeting. the 1932-33 season were elect- Friday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac- ed: tice at the home of the leader, Hon. President: Reeve J. B. Mrs. Martyn. Leyland. All are welcome to our ser- President: Aubrey Clarke vices. Vice President: Gordon Gray. Treasurer J E Harker DUNDARAVE LADIES CHOIR Secretary: Margaret M. Wil- son. A very interesting season the Librarian: H. G. Mason. chief feature of which was their Accompanist: Miss Margaret Gilbert snd Sullivan concert, McIntyre. was brought to 8 close last Conductor: J. Haydn Young. Tuesday when the Dundsrave Executive: Mrs, J. C. Young, Ladies Choir held their annual Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, Mrs. G. genera! meeting and sociaL The M. heffield, Miss E. Harrop, Mr. results of the elections of offlc- R. Froud, Mrs. S. Bruce, Mrs. G. ers were ss follows: Faulkner, Mr. W. Green. President: Nrs. Gordon Gray. Music Committee: J. Haydn Vice President: Nrs. C. Hemp- Young, Miss Margaret Mcintyre hiiss Dorothy Gillhsm, Mrs, Col- Secretary: Mrs. D. Gillham. in MacLean snd J. H. Smith. Treasurer: Mrs. H. B. Stevens Mr. J. Haydn Young was pre- Librsrian: Mrs. T. B. Turner. sented with 8 de luxe edition of Executive: Mrs. W. R. Clark, colored plates, reproductions of Mrs. W. Hsrker, Mrs. R. Froud, famous works of art, and Miss Mrs. T. Gray, Mrs. A. J. Gleam, Margaret McIntyre with a beau- Mrs. J. C. Young, Mrs. J. G. tiful Moorkraft vase. Farmer, Mrs. W. Tinney. A musical program followed The council have appointed J. the meeting the performers be- S. Yatesas fire prevention officer ing Miss J. Durbin snd Mr. W. in addition to the chief of police Knight, Mr. Norman Sewell, snd members of the police force, Nrs. Gray, Miss J. Purchase and and the forest ranger has been Miss B. Gray. During the even- advised accordingly. ing tokens of appreciation from the Choir in the shape of baskets Benjamin If. Bowles wrote the with plants were presented to council re oi)ing of Esquimalt Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, conductor, Ave, between 20th and 21st and Mrs. J. Durbin, accompanist, Streets. by hiiss Marguerite Powelh He was informed that owing Refreshments were served to lack of I'unds It was extreme- and the evening ended with ly unlikely that any roads would dancing. The prizes for 8 corn- be oiled this season, but that, if petition were won by Mrs. T. any should be done, his request (tray and Mrs. W. Knight. would be considered. hiav 20 19'l2 Dt. Marjory McCubbin DENTIST Hours: 9 ~ . m. Lo S p.m. Saiutdayai 10 a. m. Lo 1 p.m. Erahiaga aad Saiuniay After- oohaa by appoinimooi oaiy. Royal Bank Bviidiag I hose West 448 kaohiaato 1 hone WOOL 398 DR. G. D. H. SEA LE t DENTIST Hay 810th. 14ih aad Marioo DT Odica Huuta 9 io 8 p. m. Stoa(ago by Eppoiainlooi Phaaa Waoi 72 ~ „I,1 NURSING HOME (MTO. M. E LaCbaa«0, R.N.) 264 24Th Sitaa\ Eaai Notib Vaaaoatoa koaidooco 1'baaai North 1364k F iiOLLYB(IRN Barber Shop 16th th Marina EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Ptopriaior. CANNED SHRlhll'DDED TO CANADA'S PRODUCTS Canada's long list of fisheries products has recently been made still longer by the addition of canned shrimp meat from Brit- ish Columbia. Hitherto the shrimps taken in British Columbia waters, the only waters of the Dominion where these shellfish occur, haye sll been marketed in the fresh form but now canning is being tried by some operators in the Fraser river district. Operst- tions have so far been on a small scale only--the total catch of shrimps is not very large--but reports are to the effect that very satisfactory results hsv'e been achieved. Shrimps caught in English bsy are carried by truck to the cannery where they are cleaned and shelled. The meat is next hand-packed in quarter-pound tins which are then put through the cooking process. When cooking hss been finished, the lids are clamped on the cans which are then tested, labelled, and packaged for marketing. »Bob told me I was the eighth wonder of the world." "What did you say? "I told him not to let me catch him with any of the other seven." 51ay 24th -- Children's Day. Send your donutlons to one of prize committee or %est Van News. E ONSDAL NOW PLAVINO LV IUEOL FAIRLT FII,Toss Wallaao 004 taohl ~ 800M Oooaot -- la . 'THE CHAMP'awa Siiw sawatvilla Oamaoy NOTE NEw Low EUU»aa FOIUEI E0ULTE mt. Ualw»t TotTlt» 0»00»»0 ., T»a„wta "TARZAN iha APS MAN" 1@ Thar.. FtL, 00L U I aaavao TU ~ woaLO UI 00 U»IUTEO Wah U»U»t 6 »000m FITTI'aaa FULLUWUIU; ~UU U ~ ~ ~Iaat»6, 00, OI, I ~»»0" ttt» ~, s ~ Adults - - 25c ) Children, 10c OUTTINE TIE It».